After receiving the mission, the two lava toad kings have been sleeping in this special space. They did not wake up until the entrant entered the magma lake area. Many years have passed during this period. After all, Gu Zheng entered The fifth entrant to this space world.

None of the first four entrants triggered the special existence of the lava frog, so naturally they couldn't enter the special space where the lava toad king was.

The lava toad didn't lie about the mission that Gu Zheng said, they did have two choices, and these two choices, one is humble and the other is arrogance.

Actively choosing to help is naturally the humble kind. The Lava Toad King, who has been trapped in this special space for so many years, naturally wants to be proud rather than humble when he has a choice! What's more, the owner of the fairy-level space fairy artifact also told them that the entrant would not be their opponent. As for how to complete the agreement, it depends entirely on their intentions. After entering this space world, the Lava Toad King naturally wanted to kill him.

The appearance of the lava tadpole ashes armor made the lava toad kings understand that things have changed, and the possibility of them wanting to kill Gu Zheng is almost zero, so they want to choose again! Although the masters of the fairy-level space artifacts didn't say anything about re-selection, they all had a clear understanding in their hearts, that is, the end of re-selection is not good, and they are just able to survive.

However, after hearing Gu Zheng say his purpose of entering this place, the lava toad kings who were originally daring to be angry with the original owner of the fairy-level space artifact finally broke out! Because they feel they are in a dead end! If the original owner of the fairy-level space artifact did not say that the entrants were definitely not their opponents, then the lava toad kings would definitely be more cautious in choosing between humbleness and arrogance. Moreover, when the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy artifact told the Lava Toad King about the entrants, it gave the Lava Toad King the feeling that the entrants came to kill them! A person who is not their opponent but wants to kill them, the Lava Toad King will naturally not be polite.

It's a pity, but the fact is that Gu Zheng entered this space just wanting their inner alchemy and eyes, and as unusual monsters, if they donated their inner alchemy and eyes at the beginning, not only would they not die, but the consequences would be It can't be too bad! Because the inner alchemy and eyes, which are very important to ordinary monsters, are nothing to them, and their lives can be repeated backwards! In other words, if they really gave the inner alchemy and eyes to Gu Zheng, they would enter a special life-changing state to heal their injuries in a seriously injured state. This state would make them degenerate into lava toads, and then degenerate from lava toads into Lava monsters degenerate from lava monsters into lava tadpoles. When they grow from lava tadpoles to lava toad kings again, their lost alchemy and eyes will also grow back.

But now, for the lava toad king, what can be done at most by wasting some reincarnation time has become impossible in a short time, because the female lava toad has launched a mental attack on Gu Zheng, and in Under the premise of launching a mental attack, they cannot lose the inner alchemy within a day, and if they lose it, they will only die!

"Is there really no other way?"

After scolding and scolding, the calm male Lava Toad King asked Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng shook his head, and he started to dive without saying anything more. Anyway, he has already understood what he should know, and he has already guessed some of what he didn't directly understand from the crazy roar of the lava toad kings, so let's say more There is no need for anything. As for the chance that the male lava toad king said, he didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, chance is very erratic. Even if the lava toad king is giving it to him now, he may not be able to catch it. Can live.

"In that case, let's fight!"

The male Lava Toad King roared, raised his claws and slashed towards Gu Zheng. The sharp wind of his claws tore through the air, as if he wanted to tear Gu Zheng's body apart. However, the speed of Gu Zheng with Flame Wings was very fast, and its claws did not fall on Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng has already fought with the Lava Toad King. The two forelimbs of the Lava Toad King are extremely hard. They can not only be used to attack during the battle, but also can be used to resist the sharp sword of Gu Zheng, which makes the "ping ping pong pong" 'The voice kept ringing.

Through the ancient battle, it was discovered that the male lava toad king is now dominating the body. As for the female lava toad king, she seems to have no other means of attack except mental attacks.

The speed of Gu Zheng cannot be suppressed, this is a very fatal thing, and the lava tadpole bone ashes armor on Gu Zheng is also very resistant to the attack of the lava toad king, which makes it difficult to fight against Gu Zheng in this battle. Among them, Lava Toad King is at a disadvantage.

The situation of the battle was foreseen by the Lava Toad King before. If it wasn't like this, they wouldn't want that chance to start over.


The Lava Toad King screamed in pain, Gu Zheng's long sword finally seized the opportunity to stab the Lava Toad King's ribs, which is where he thought it was the weakness of the Lava Toad King.

Since the battle, it is not the first time that Gu Zheng's long sword has stabbed the lava toad king, but never like this time, the lava toad king will utter such a loud cry of pain, which makes him feel that the lava toad king's ribs are Its key is undoubtedly.

The key point was attacked, the lava toad king seemed very panicked, and the effect it caused appeared quickly. The eyes of the female lava toad king slowly closed, as if unable to restrain sleepiness, while the female lava toad After the king's eyes were closed, the lava toad king's overall combat effectiveness dropped a lot, and it was even less of an opponent of Gu Zheng.

"A pointless struggle!"

The male Lava Toad King escaped the ancient dispute and stabbed at its long sword again. Although the voice was roaring, it was full of emotion.

"Since you are powerless to fight, then this opportunity will be given to you!"

The male lava toad king suddenly smiled at Gu Zheng, and then a dazzling light shone from its eyes.

After the light in the eyes of the male lava toad king dimmed, Gu Zheng was no longer in the space, and the male lava toad king also fell to the ground.

The male lava toad king sent out its so-called chance, which is a supernatural power that it cannot easily activate, because this supernatural power has no lethality, and it only has a sleepy effect on the entrant. If it is an agreement with the entrant, then It doesn't matter if you use this supernatural power, because the entrants in the agreement will definitely not embarrass them. However, if there is no agreement with the entrant, then the consequences of activating this magical power will be very serious, because after activating this magical power, the Lava Toad King will enter a deep sleep for a long time, long enough for the entrant to learn from its magical power. Once the entrant escapes from his supernatural powers, it is no different from fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Is this the chance that the Lava Toad King said?"

Gu Zheng looked at the world in front of him and muttered to himself.

This is a brand new world, Gu Zheng felt that he entered as if he had entered a magma lake, but the only difference was that the magma no longer had the temperature that could hurt him, and it also lost that viscous feeling, just It's like water.

"This is the magma river in the space where the Lava Toad King is!"

After swimming in the magma for a while, Gu Zheng was sure that because he had swam very close to the 'water surface', he could see the outside scene through the water surface, so he was sure that this special space was the magma river, at least According to the appearance of the interior of the magma river, a special space is transformed.

"What is the so-called chance?"

Gu Zheng asked himself, since the magma river no longer has the scalding temperature, and he can't let him leave, he has already determined that the so-called opportunity must be in this magma river, but how to find it still requires some thought on his part.

The magma river seemed to be very deep, and there was no special discovery in the shallow layer, so it dived down to the depth.

Gu Zheng, who dived into the depths, found that the magma river was not empty. There were many strange-shaped things in the depths of the magma river. It's shrimp, and some look like crabs.

Gu Zheng carefully observed these aquatic creatures, but found nothing special, and time passed by little by little.

Gu Zheng was a little impatient. He knew that the lava frog didn't have much time left for him without losing himself. If he couldn't get out of this special space as soon as possible, then the space crack opened by the lava frog would be closed. If you find a chance later, you should also be trapped in the space where the lava toad king is, and will eventually be assimilated by the law power of that space, becoming the next lava toad king waiting for the entrant!

Gu Zheng didn't want to become an ugly thing like the Lava Toad King, so if he wanted to go out, he could only find the so-called opportunity as soon as possible.

What is the so-called chance? Gu Zheng is not without guesses in his mind. He feels that in such a special environment, chance cannot lead to enlightenment like a real chance. This kind of chance can only be related to his current body. Things related to the body, such as breaking through oneself, or comprehending what magical powers belong to this body. And when Gu Zheng was looking for the so-called opportunity, he was not simply just observing carefully. It should be said that he was using his control over the fairy-level space fairy to sense, and if he couldn't find it by this means If there is an opportunity, then this will really be a dead end for him.

The impatience is gone, but Gu Zheng is still continuously sensing everything around him, and the depth of his dive is also increasing, so that it seems that he has entered deep water, and the brightness of the surroundings also changes with the depth of his dive. dark.


Gu Zheng's heart moved, this so-called magma river was not infinitely deep, he had already sunk to the bottom of the river, and when he just sank to the bottom of the river, he felt a special attraction.

Gu Zheng was somewhat excited. The attraction of the special feeling was not limited to everything. When facing some common 'aquatic creatures' such as non-fish, shrimp and crabs, the attraction of the special feeling had also appeared before. It was just the feeling of attraction. It is not strong, and there is no result after Gu Zheng sensed it. However, this time the feeling is different, this time it is not because of any special 'aquatic creatures' nearby, which made Gu Zheng feel attracted, this time Gu Zheng didn't see any special things nearby at all. The feeling of 'aquatic life' comes from a relatively far away place, and what is the thing that emits this attraction, Gu Zheng also knows it.

With excitement and curiosity, Gu Zheng swam towards the source of attraction, and he saw a hole, but the size of this hole was not big enough for him to enter, and the source of attraction was in that hole.

For people like Gu Zheng who have experienced countless mysterious realms, there is a special attraction, and there is also a hole that the body cannot pass through. This hole is definitely a scene, and it is the key to people's comprehension. When he has ample time, Gu Zheng should spend his time researching this hole, and maybe he can comprehend the magical power of making the body swell or shrink. However, the current situation is unusual, and there is not much time for Gu Zheng to waste. Gu Zheng can only focus on the important ones first.

Although the size of the hole cannot allow Gu Zheng to pass through, Gu Zheng can feel that the hole is not very deep, and without entering the hole, he also has a way to find out what is in the hole first.

The original energy was circulating in the body, and the flame whip had already appeared in Gu Zheng's hands, and he used the flame whip to probe into the hole.

While exploring the cave with a long flame whip, Gu Zheng naturally had some guesses about the existence of the cave. He felt that the things that existed in this cave should also be a special kind of 'aquatic creature', but this special ' What exactly is the aquatic creature, because he hasn't seen it yet, he can't guess the specifics.

However, looking at the flame whip that was exploring the cave like a living thing, Gu Zheng had a thought in his heart. He thought that the unknown existence in this cave was something like an octopus? The biggest reason for Gu Zheng's guess is that the flame whip that is currently exploring the cave is distorted like an octopus' tentacles.

Gu Zheng was taken aback. When there was a special 'aquatic creature' that might be like an octopus in Gu Zheng's cave, the flame whip, which hadn't detected anything, suddenly touched a soft thing. And that thing entangled the flame whip, and the next moment several tentacles that were really like octopuses crawled out of the cave along Gu Zheng's flame whip.

Gu Zheng was a little panicked, because he felt a terrifying power from the octopus' tentacles. He thought that he could not be the opponent of the octopus in the cave, so he wanted to give up the flame whip, but he found that the flame whip was killed by the octopus. The entanglement of the octopus tentacles is no longer something he can give up if he wants to give up, and the speed of the octopus tentacles is very fast. In such a split second, the octopus tentacles have already clung to his arms along the flame whip .

The arm was entangled by the octopus tentacles, and suddenly a tight pain was produced. This kind of pain made Gu Zheng feel that his arm would soon be shattered by the octopus tentacles!

The pain made Gu Zheng sober, Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he stopped panicking and laughed in his heart. He felt that he had found the so-called opportunity, so he gave up resisting, and instead enjoyed the usual subtlety. He felt the pain that the octopus tentacles brought him.

The ancient struggle in the mysterious realm has experienced too much, but the mysterious realm itself is very mysterious. Even if you have a lot of experience in the mysterious realm, sometimes you will still be blinded by the scenes in the mysterious realm, just like the ancient struggle. There are guesses generated in the hole, which is a matter with a very different meaning.

Finding the cave means finding an opportunity, but this kind of opportunity is special, it is like a fantasy born from the heart, it needs to be formed and completed through Gu Zheng's fantasy of it.

Gu Zheng fantasized about the existence in the cave because of the shape of the flame whip. He imagined that the existence in the cave was an octopus, and then the octopus tentacles appeared from the cave.

The appearance of the octopus tentacles carried terrifying power, which made Gu Zheng panic, but he was awake in this mysterious realm after all, and he had too many experiences in the mysterious realm, so he quickly understood In the mysterious realm, there are not so many coincidences, the attraction of special feelings, plus whatever comes to mind, so the so-called chance is on the octopus tentacles.

Relaxed Gu Zheng felt the strength of the octopus' tentacles, and a special feeling from his body also emerged. This feeling is not pain, but the original energy of his body is surging. In this special situation of surging, Gu Zheng has experienced it more than once, so he understands that he has really grasped the so-called opportunity. Because of this opportunity, he will awaken a new supernatural power belonging to the current body, and this supernatural power must be related to the octopus tentacles.

Not long after, after awakening the supernatural powers belonging to this body, the mysterious realm ended, and Gu Zheng reappeared in the special space.

The Lava Toad King was still asleep on the ground, so Gu Zheng seized the time to take its inner alchemy and eyes. Although many things happened in this special space, there was still enough time for Gu Zheng to return to the space crack in the passage .

Still using the ashes of the lava monster to transform into armor, Gu Zheng used the protection of the armor to cross the magma river. When he came outside the passage, the colorless barrier that had prevented him from retreating was no longer there.

After entering the cave, after Gu Zheng left through the unstable space crack, the first thing he saw was the big eyes of the lava frog.

"Enter, congratulations, you got what I need!" said the lava frog.

"What do you need?"

Gu Zheng's words, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, made the lava frog stunned: "Of course it is the inner alchemy and eyes of the lava toad king. The inner alchemy is used to heal your subordinates, and the eyes belong to me. Your reward for doing these things!"

"Then do you want the eyes of the male lava toad king, or the female lava toad king's eyes?" Gu Zheng still smiled.

"What do you mean by that?" Lava Toad King asked in a puzzled voice.

According to Gu Zheng's understanding, the Lava Toad King belongs to the kind of monster with a mission. Since it wants Gu Zheng to go to a special space to get him the inner alchemy and eyes of the Lava Toad King, then he should have a certain understanding of the Lava Toad King. Some understand it, but it didn't tell Gu Zheng that the Lava Toad King had two heads before. After all, two heads have four eyes, and the eyes belonging to the agreed item should be clearly explained, so Gu Zheng only asked this question at this time.

However, after questioning the lava frog, Gu Zheng feels that the lava frog probably doesn't know much about the lava toad king. It doesn't know that the lava toad has two heads and four eyes, so that is to say, it needs the eyes of the lava toad king. , it may be just a gimmick in the setting, and it is enough to give it two of the four eyes.

Gu Zheng also observed the two pairs of eyes of the Lava Toad King after he obtained them. Among them, the eyes of the male Lava Toad King Gu Zheng felt that they were the most special. It was more of a special feeling to let Gu Zheng enter the mysterious realm with his eyes, and it was because of this that Gu Zheng had such a dialogue with the lava frog after he came out.

Since the lava frog only needs a pair of eyes, and it is not known that the lava toad king is male and female, Gu Zheng gave it a pair of eyes from the female lava toad king.

After the lava frog got what it wanted, it swallowed the inner alchemy of the lava toad king, and then its stomach began to expand and contract repeatedly. This process lasted for a full cup of tea, and then put The open-mouthed lava frog makes a loud 'croak'.

With the 'croaking' sound of the lava frog, a large puff of red mist was spit out. This red mist surrounded the thirty-six lava skeletons, so that it was difficult for the sight to see exactly what the red mist was doing to the lava skeletons. What effect did it bring.

After the red mist disappeared, Gu Zheng found that the lava skeletons had returned to normal, and their bones changed from the original state similar to a red-hot iron pillar to their original appearance.

The lava frog has disappeared. It jumped into the magma lake after emitting red mist. Gu Zheng didn't say much about it. Anyway, he knew that the lava frog had completed its mission.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to get on the road. Too many things happened in the past hour. Now that the lava skeletons are safe now, he wanted to adjust on the spot for the time being.

It took two hours to adjust, and after the adjustment, Gu Zheng took out two things and looked at them again and again. These two things were the sculpture of Aotianzhou and the eyes of the male Lava Toad King.

The Aotianzhou sculpture is the key to make Gu Zheng no longer be forced into the difficult space world after entering the fairy-level space fairy artifact again, but Gu Zheng feels that its use is not limited to this, but what is the use of it? , since the ancient struggle got it, he studied it whenever he had time, and he still hasn't studied it until now.

Gu Zheng also felt that the eyes of the male lava toad king had a special purpose, but this feeling was stronger, especially after this observation, he had a faint feeling that he might be able to use this thing in a short time .

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