Gu Zheng understands that even if he is swept by the soles of Lava Toad King's feet, the weird power belonging to the soles of Lava Toad King's feet will be transmitted to his body at an extremely fast speed, giving up the time it takes for the flame barrier The longer it is, the more weird energy enters his body.

It has to be said that Gu Zheng's abandonment of the flame barrier was very timely, but there was still a strange force that made his natal energy tremble and entered his body along with the flame barrier, making him feel a little uncomfortable. However, this discomfort is nothing to Gu Zheng, it belongs to the category he can bear. On the other hand, Lava Toad King is not so lucky. Gu Zheng's flame barrier is transformed by his natal energy. The loss of natal energy is something that Gu Zheng attaches great importance to, and the things transformed by natal energy often have some miraculous effects, so After Gu Zheng threw away the flame barrier, the seemingly thin flame barrier flew towards the lava toad king's ribs.


With a soft sound, the flame barrier hit the lava toad king's ribs. This impact did not cause any damage to the lava toad king, but the flame barrier that hit it turned into flames and surrounded it in an instant.

The flame also does not have a particularly high temperature. Its only miraculous effect is that it will blind the enemy for a short time!

The long sword in Gu Zheng's hand made a sound of piercing the wind. It stabbed at the lava toad king from a tricky angle, and avoided the lava toad king's palm during the process.


A ball of light spewed out from the lava toad king's mouth at a critical moment, and after hitting Gu Zheng's long sword, the weird force immediately spread from the long sword to Gu Zheng's body, causing the natal energy in Gu Zheng's body to vibrate, like blood flowing from the corner of his mouth Some overflowed. Moreover, because this light sphere appeared at the right time, Gu Zheng failed to hit the Lava Toad King with his sword that was supposed to hit even though his natal energy was damaged.

Gu Zheng, who suffered a loss, immediately chose to distance himself from the Lava Toad King, and the Lava Toad King did not chase Gu Zheng, and he didn't want to continue to be blind, so he tried to restore his sight to normal.

Although the Lava Toad King didn't go after Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng still couldn't relax, because the attacks of those flowers and trees still didn't stop, but most of them could ignore the attacks of these flowers and trees.


Gu Zheng let out a roar, and a very thick and long tree was cut open by the long sword in his hand. After falling on the ground, it would not fly up again. So far, there were no trees among the flowers, plants and trees that attacked Gu Zheng in the air, and as long as there were no trees For things that are relatively large, and those that are smaller, Gu Zheng can do a good job of protecting them with his own armor.

"Is this the only thing you can do? Is this what you said one by one?"

Gu Zheng sneered, only now did he have time to wipe off the blood that spilled from the corners of his mouth.

What the Lava Toad King said before was that the female Lava Toad King fought Gu Zheng first, but when they were both blind and Gu Zheng was about to stab them with a sword, the one who spit out a ball of light and injured Gu Zheng belonged to the male The head of the Lava Toad King.

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, it is naturally impossible for him to believe the nonsense of the lava toad king before the battle. It is precisely because he does not believe it that he is very careful to guard the head of the male lava toad king during the battle. If it is not because of his careful guard, Then the head of the male lava toad king, the chance of injuring him is not the only one just now.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yes! You don't believe us?"

The lava toad king looked very angry, and each of his two heads said something.

"Why should I believe you? The facts are there!" Gu Zheng still smiled contemptuously.

"If it weren't for special circumstances, it would be impossible for me to make a move!"

"Are you really stupid? Although we are talking about coming one by one, we share the same body after all. When you treat this body,"

"Okay, don't need to say anything to him, just kill him quickly!"

The lava toad king's speaking style has always been one-headed, but this time the female lava toad king was interrupted by the male lava toad before she finished speaking. It seems that the male lava toad king is preventing the female lava toad king from telling some secrets.

"Could it be that the place I stabbed with the long sword before belongs to the vital point of the lava toad king, so the male lava toad king will make a move? However, there is nothing special about the lava toad king's ribs, maybe it is Did the two cunning lava toad kings do it on purpose? No! It shouldn't be on purpose, if it was on purpose, the situation would be a bit deep!"

Everything is a gamble, Gu Zheng decided to gamble once, he bet that the lava toad king's ribs are its key points.

It took only a moment for the idea to arise in Gu Zheng's mind, and the lava toad king had already shot Gu Zheng. The lava toad king waved his hands wildly, and the whole space seemed to be shaking.

"not good!"

Gu Zheng secretly said, what he fears most now is this kind of black magic that he has no resistance at all, such as the spiritual attack that the Lava Toad King is currently performing. When facing this kind of magic, he will Appears very passive.

Gu Zheng couldn't help being a little impatient. This kind of mental attack by the Lava Toad King made his body weak and his consciousness depressed. Consciousness, these are all very fatal crises.


Gu Zheng mobilized the original energy, and used the method of backlash to give himself a short-term increase in pain. With this method, he temporarily regained the control of his body, and slashed at the lava toad king fiercely. Very powerful, and even brought out the sword energy that Gu Zheng had never used against the enemy before. However, facing the incoming sword energy, the female Lava Toad King still controlled their common body and waved their forelimbs, while the male Lava Toad King, who didn't count, spit out his long tongue like a soft whip Dispersed the sword energy in the air.

The sword energy of Gu Zhengli's sword was scattered in the air, and the lava toad king also paid some price for it. Its tongue was broken, and its blood flowed from the tongue. Even when it flicked its tongue to destroy the sword energy, Some of the thrown blood flew towards Gu Zheng.

In the feeling of Gu Zheng, everything seemed to be slowed down. This feeling started from the blood thrown by the lava toad king flying towards him. The reason was that he had a special feeling for the blood of the lava toad king. .

Gu Zheng has a special feeling for anything in this space world, often because of his control over the entire fairy-level space fairy artifact, and the special feeling this time is still no exception.

The special feeling produced by Gu Zheng at a special time is undoubtedly a life-saving medicine for him, because this special feeling comes from the control of the entire fairy-level space fairy weapon, and the consciousness was originally lost because of the female lava toad king's continuous practice He became energetic again in an instant, and it was precisely because at this critical moment that Gu regained control of his consciousness, everything slowed down in his eyes! And this kind of slowing down is not slowing down in the real sense, but because his thinking is highly active, he feels that the progress of external things is slowing down.

The blood gave Gu Zheng a special feeling, and this special feeling made Gu Zheng realize something in an instant, which was related to the ashes of lava tadpoles.

There must be a reason for existence, this is Gu Zheng's cognition of some things that exist in this space world, and in this special space world, there are three kinds of lava monsters that Gu Zheng experienced before, lava toad, lava tadpole, Lava Monster.

After the ashes of the lava toad are transformed into armor, it can be lower than the self-explosion of lava monsters and lava tadpoles, but the protection against normal damage is average.

After the ashes of the lava monster turned into armor, it helped Gu Zheng cross the magma river, and the protection power is also the strongest among the three types of ashes armor, so Gu Zheng is still wearing the armor transformed from the ashes of the lava monster.

The ashes of lava tadpoles can also transform into armor, but the armor it transforms is the most useless of the ashes armor of the three lava monsters, so Gu Zheng used it to try to cross the lava river, and there was no such thing after that. Used it again.

Although it is useless, Gu Zheng always feels that this uselessness is not really useless, but that he has not discovered its real use.

The appearance of the lava toad king's blood gave Gu Zheng the realization that the original useless lava tadpole ashes armor was really useful at this time. Since this feeling is very vague, but since it is a special feeling born of the control over the entire fairy-level space fairy, then this feeling must be realized by Gu Zheng, and it must be firmly grasped!

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the ashes of the lava tadpoles that were originally hidden in his body flew out, and instantly turned into armor on his body surface, and the blood that had fallen on Gu Zheng's body without any special reaction, fell on the body at this time. When Gu Zheng was on him, the effect was different.

Although it is bone ashes armor, the color of the armor is red, and it is a complete one, unlike the body of the lava monster, which presents the appearance of cracked rock. And after the lava toad king's blood fell on Gu Zheng's ashes armor, the ashes armor that had no cracks was instantly covered with cracks!

The dense cracks seem to be bad, but it actually made Gu Zheng happy, because at the moment when the cracks appeared on the ashes armor, a special force was generated from the ashes armor. The spiritual attack lost its effect, allowing Gu Zheng to completely control his body and consciousness.

Everything happened in an instant, and more than one drop of blood fell on Gu Zheng's ashes armor, so soon a second drop of blood fell on Gu Zheng's ashes armor. There is a mutation! Because of the first drop of blood, the cracks in the ashes armor were like a ditch filled with water at the moment, but what filled the ditch was not water, but the blood from the same source as the Lava Toad King! The appearance of this mutation gave Gu Zheng the immediate feeling that the air-forbidden power that had been acting on him had disappeared.


Gu Zheng couldn't help applauding, the change of things was beyond imagination, he didn't expect such a variable to appear at the critical moment, and once the power of forbidden space doesn't work on him, then he can use the wings of flame, relying on Its supernatural speed beheaded the Lava Toad King! As for whether the lava toad king can fly, this is not within the scope of Gu Zheng's consideration. Anyway, Gu Zheng is sure that even if it can fly, it will not be faster than him. If it has a faster speed, then Gu Zheng was already a dead man.

The Lava Toad King was stunned. First, the mental attack didn't work, which made them confused. Then, the disappearance of the air-forbidden power acting on Gu Zheng shocked them. They really didn't understand why a battle with a certain chance of winning, After their blood splashed onto the armor transformed from the ashes of their children, such a change occurred. This is something they can't figure out! It wasn't until the magnificent wings of flame spread out from behind Gu Zheng that the Lava Toad King, who was in a state of confusion, finally came to his senses.


"You lied to us! You lied to us to be free!"

"Why? Why do you want to plant this kind of restraint on us that even we don't know?"

"We have been waiting here for so many years, so many years!"

The heads of the Lava Toad King roared. They had already figured out what they couldn't understand at first. At this moment, they were mad and regretful, and their thinking became extremely active at the critical moment.


Seeing Gu Zheng swooping down with his sword, the male lava toad king hastily opened his mouth.

Gu Zheng stopped. This kind of talking lava monsters are not simple, and they just made such a roar, which makes Gu Zheng also want to hear what they will say at this time.

The stopped Gu Zheng didn't speak, just looked at the lava toad king quietly.

The male Lava Toad King spoke, but his voice has become very flattering: "Enter, how about giving us another choice?"

"Give you a choice?"

Gu Zheng frowned secretly: "What choices did you make before?"


The male lava toad king hesitated for a moment, exchanged glances with the female lava toad king, and then said again: "For the entrant, we actually have two options, one is to give the entrant a chance, don't embarrass him, The other is to kill him! Now we want to change our choice, we will give you a chance, how about you let us go?"

"Let go?"

Gu Zheng was touched in his heart. He just untied the air restriction, and now he has an armor that can resist the mental attack of the female lava toad king. He doesn't understand why the male lava toad king, who has not really seen his strength, wants make such a decision.

"Could it be because of this armor?"

Gu Zheng murmured in his heart that this was the only thing he could think of that contributed to the current situation. Although the armor was worn on his body, he didn't know whether the armor had any unknown uses, and the armor was made of lava toad king The ashes of the descendants of the lava toad king, and after being exposed to the ashes of the male lava toad king, with the current variables, it is not necessarily true that the lava toad kings know more about this armor than him.

"What made you want to choose again? Because of this armor?" Gu Zheng asked.


The male lava toad king paused, as if he had made a difficult decision, he nodded and said, "Yes!"

"I want to know, what chance are you going to give me?" Gu Zheng asked.

Gu Zheng heard the word "chance" not only from the lava toad king, but also from the lava frog before. He felt that there must be a chance in this special space.

"The chance comes from one of my abilities, but I can't let you see this ability before you promise me!" the male lava toad said kingly.

"If I say I promise you, have you fulfilled your duties, or haven't you?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If you promise us, then naturally we have fulfilled our duty." The male lava toad said kingly.

"Then after completing your duties, can you still get your so-called freedom?" Gu Zheng asked again.


The lava toad seemed to be asking rhetorically, and also seemed to be asking himself, then looked at the female lava toad king, and then smiled wryly: "There is no so-called freedom, it's just lingering, if you agree to us, we have fulfilled the agreement , but it is impossible to go to the so-called free land, I can only live here for the rest of my life."

"If you didn't choose to kill me at the beginning, then you might still be able to spend the rest of your life here, but since you chose to kill me at the beginning, then you should not have this chance!" Gu Zheng shook his head.


"What do you mean by that?"

The two heads of the Lava Toad King each asked a question.

"I came to this place with a mission, do you know what my mission is?" Gu Zheng asked.

"have no idea."

The two heads of the Lava Toad King shook their heads together.

"I'm here to take your alchemy, including your eyes!"

Before entering this space, Gu Zheng didn't know that the Lava Toad King had two heads, but it didn't matter. Since the Lava Toad King has two heads, then take away their eyes.

, when Gu Zheng didn't come into contact with the Lava Toad King, he thought that the Lava Toad King would die without eyes and inner alchemy, but in the conversation with the Lava Toad King, he found that maybe the Lava Toad King chose not to target at the beginning. His way, then the lava toad king who lost his eyes and inner alchemy would not necessarily die! After all, monsters with selective missions like the Lava Toad King are rare in this special space world, and this specialness may also be displayed in other places.

Sure enough, after hearing what Gu Zheng said, both heads of Lava Toad King's eyes widened, and then the male Lava Toad King urgently asked Gu Zheng: "One day, how about we give you inner alchemy and eyes after one day?"

Hearing what the lava toad king said, Gu Zheng let out a wry smile. It seems that things are just as he guessed, the lava toad king who lost his inner alchemy and eyes will not die! And he smiled wryly, not to say that during the moment of talking with the lava toad king, he had already established any friendship with the lava toad king, he was just lamenting the setting of the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy that cannot make mistakes.

"I don't have a day for you, not even half a day, because the guy who gave me the task didn't give me much time!"

Gu Zheng shook his head. The lava frog didn't give him so much time. If the lava frog gave him so much time, he wouldn't mind leaving the lava toad kings a way out and using relatively peaceful means. Solve the problem.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the lava toad king's two heads were stunned for a moment, and then they all roared out.

"Bastard! Are you playing us?"

"Why are you doing this to us?"

The heads of the two lava toad kings were roaring towards the sky. They were not cursing Gu Zheng, but the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy weapon.

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