Gu Zheng quickly realized what the lava skulls used to cause headaches, because a ray of light was emitted from the bodies of these lava skulls, and these rays were all connected in series, obviously good at combining attacks. It's just that the joint attack technique is a collective term for group techniques, and Gu Zheng still doesn't know whether the combined attack technique of the lava skeletons is offensive, defensive, or both offensive and defensive.

"Let's take a look at their strength first, and also see their combined attacks!!"

As soon as Gu Zheng thought about it, the lava horse sensed his intention and rushed forward immediately.

The speed of the lava horse is faster than that of Gu Zheng, even if it is teleportation, it is faster than Gu Zheng. When the lava horse rushed towards the lava skeleton, a huge fireball was also brewed in the hands of Gu Zheng. Throwing towards a lava skeleton.


There was a sound, and the fireball landed on the lava skull. The lava skull was blown away, and its body was covered in flames, but they saw the connected light flash brightly, and the blazing flames that were originally on its body disappeared. Immediately dimmed.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded, and those lava skeletons holding long swords had already launched an attack on Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also waved the long sword in his hand to fight against them.


Gu Zheng gave an order to the lava horse, and the lava horse immediately ran towards the way it came.

Through the hit of the fireball just now, Gu Zheng understood that before the lava skeletons' combined attack technique was broken, the number of attacks he needed to kill a lava skeleton was almost three times. However, when he attacked the lava skeletons, the lava skeletons didn't just stand there stupidly. Those lava skeletons with long swords wanted to attack him. As for those lava skeletons with axes, they pointed their axes at him. He threw it over, but due to the faster speed of the lava horse, none of the lava skeletons' attacks landed on him.

I have to admit that Gu Zheng got the mount of the lava horse. If he entered this passage for the first time, it would undoubtedly be an impossible task to kill all the lava skeletons. After all, he doesn't have Xuanyue, and he doesn't have the Heart Demon Orb.

Gu Zheng retreated on his lava horse, and the lava skeletons attacked. The one with the long sword rushed forward, and the one with the ax followed behind the lava skeleton with the long sword. The axes were thrown out again and again, and the axes in their hands seemed to be endless. After throwing one, there was another.

In fact, for Gu Zheng, what is difficult to deal with is not the lava skeletons who hide behind and can throw axes, but those lava skeletons who dare to fight in melee and hold long swords. When fighting these lava skeletons before, Gu Zheng discovered that these lava skeletons with long swords not only have stronger attack power, but also receive more blessings from the joint attack technique. To a certain extent, it is very difficult to kill them.

In a very short period of time, Gu Zheng has already formulated a strategy with the lava horse through divine sense, so the lava horse turned around and rushed back. Now they must concentrate on destroying a lava skeleton first. One of the groups will not cause the entire group to collapse, but it can also weaken the power of the joint attack technique. If you want to destroy a lava skeleton first, the one that was concentrated by the ancient fireball is undoubtedly the first choice.

However, it is not easy for Gu Zheng to destroy the lava skull he hit before, because the joint attack technique is originally a formation. to a position close to the core. Moreover, if Gu Zheng does not attack this lava skeleton, but chooses to attack the lava skeleton outside the current circle, then unless the attacked lava skeleton can be beheaded, it will be replaced to a relatively safe position.

Despite the danger, Gu Zheng still wanted to attack the lava skeleton that he had attacked before, and he couldn't give these lava skeletons time to switch back and forth.

Staring at the intensive ax attacks, Gu Zheng waved the flame whip in his hand to provide a safe way forward for the lava horse. When he approached the appropriate distance, the body of the lava horse suddenly disappeared.

The disappearance of the lava warhorse is naturally a teleportation. Originally, its understanding of the way of space is not enough to carry people to activate this magical power, but now Gu Zheng is its master, and it is not necessary to use the master to launch the way of space. It will consume more power of Tao.

The lava horse disappeared, and the lava skeletons suddenly seemed a little confused. When it reappeared with Gu Zheng on its back, it was already at a place relatively close to the core of the lava skeleton's overall formation, that is, the place that was attacked by Gu Zheng before. Next to the lava skull.

The lava horse suddenly appeared with Gu Zheng, and the lava skeleton was naturally caught off guard, and was directly chopped on the neck by Gu Zheng's sword.

Due to the blessing of the joint strike technique, although Gu Zheng's sword did not cut off the lava skull's neck, it was considered a serious injury to the lava skull. After all, according to the original estimate, the lava skeleton holding the ax can basically withstand his three blows. However, Gu Zheng was not fighting alone. When he slashed at the lava skull's neck with a sword, the lava horse also rushed forward, and directly flew the severely injured lava skull out. He hit the cave wall heavily.

The blow from the lava horse was considered a make-up. Although the lava skeleton that was pushed up by it didn't break into pieces, it collapsed on the ground as if it was dead, motionless. Moreover, after flying the lava skeleton, the lava horse hardly stopped. It carried Gu Zheng and rushed to another lava skeleton holding an axe. When it rushed to the front, Gu Zheng waved his long sword at the target. With a single sword strike, the lava warhorse launched a supplemental knife again, flying the lava skull injured by Gu Zhan.

Relying on a relatively fast speed, the lava horse carried Gu Zheng and slammed left and right in the formation of lava skeletons. Although several lava skeletons flew up one after another, it was inevitable that he would suffer some damage. After all, lava skeletons will also launch attacks, and they will not just watch Gu Zheng and lava horses do whatever they want.

Gu Zheng and the lava horse retreated temporarily, and the lava skeletons had already tightened their positions, so it would be a bit uneconomical to continue fighting.

Although in the previous wave of battles, the lava horse and Gu Zheng were both attacked by the lava skeleton, but they retreated in time, so their injuries were relatively minor.

Lead the lava skeleton to go deeper into the passage. When the formation of the lava skeleton spread out a little more, the lava horse carried the ancient battle and launched a teleportation again, approaching another lava skeleton that they had attacked before.

Gu Zheng slashed fiercely at the lava skull's neck with his sword. According to Gu Zheng's estimate, this lava skull, which had been attacked by him and the lava horse, had to be cut off by his sword this time. No neck. However, the neck of the lava skull was not broken by Gu Zheng's sword, which surprised Gu Zheng, and the lava horses originally rushed towards the other lava skull, but it seems that this one should have been killed by Gu Zheng. The lava skull that was fighting to cut off its neck was still standing there, and kicked it flying with a kick of its hind legs.

A kick from the lava horse's hind legs is much more powerful than hitting it with its head. Gu Zheng thought that the lava skeleton might fall apart this time. on the stone wall. However, this lava skeleton was the same as the lava skeleton that was selected by Gu Zheng as the first target in the first wave. Although it didn't fall apart, it couldn't move. It looked dead but not like it, which gave Gu Zheng a very strange feeling.

The battle is still going on. Due to the bottom of the first wave of attacks, this time Gu Zheng and the lava horse beat five lava skeletons into a half-dead state.

Two waves of attacks were launched in succession, and the third wave of attacks on Gu Zheng and Lava Horse still did not stop, and it was still advancing with teleportation.

The teleportation of the lava horse can be activated four times in a short period of time. According to Gu Zheng's budget, after the four teleportation of the lava horse is used, the overall situation must be settled.

In fact, the so-called overall situation has changed significantly in the third wave of attacks launched by the ancient battle and the lava horse. Since six lava skeletons have already become half-dead, the remaining lava skeletons' joint strikes have already been completed. It was greatly affected, which also led to the fact that the lava skeletons that originally needed to be attacked by Gu Zheng three times to be half-dead would become half-dead after being attacked twice, and their destructive power was relatively weakened. It can be seen that the joint strike technique of the lava skull is the kind that combines both offense and defense.

The third wave of attacks also ended soon. This time, seven lava skeletons became half-dead, and there were only three remaining lava skeletons that could throw axes.

Three waves of attacks were launched in succession. It was inevitable that Gu Zheng and Lava Warhorse were injured. Their original minor injuries also became minor injuries. However, according to Gu Zheng's estimation, if there are no changes, the minor injury is already the final injury for them to pass through this passage.

The lava horse launched the fourth teleportation, once again appearing in the ancient battle at the core of the lava skeleton formation, and again slashed a sword on the neck of a lava skeleton, and this lava skeleton was due to the previous wave of attacks. , has been severely beheaded by Gu Zheng, so this blow from Gu Zheng directly turned it into a half-dead state.


The second lava skeleton that can only throw an ax was knocked into the air by the lava horse. This lava skeleton was also hit hard by Gu Zheng in the last wave of attacks, so this blow from the lava horse also made it half dead.

Dodging the oncoming axe, the flame whip in Gu Zheng's hand was like a spirit snake and wrapped around the neck of the last lava skull that could throw an axe. While the flame whip burned its neck, it also Like a meteor hammer, Gu Zheng wanted to see if this kind of lava skeleton, which seemed to be only half dead, could be broken apart.

Without the lava skeletons that can throw axes, the remaining lava skeletons holding long swords will not have much bonus from the joint attack. With a wave, one by one was smashed and flew out.

If it wasn't for worrying about other variables, Gu Zheng really wanted to say that the 'Meteor Hammer' is so easy to use, no matter how much it hits those lava skeletons, it won't fall apart, and those who were hit The lava skeletons fell to the ground one after another half dead.

The lava skeletons holding the long sword fell one after another. The lava horse led Gu Zheng to slam left and right, and Gu Zheng waved the 'Meteor Hammer' and the long sword to release the lava skeletons one after another. fall.

A loud horse cry sounded, and the lava warhorse stood up with his whole body burning with flames, and the rock-like Gu Zheng on his back also looked so majestic.

The thirty-six lava skeletons had all been brought down, and the lava warhorse's honking was naturally due to excitement.

Although the lava skulls were all brought down by Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng didn't know where the special item belonging to this passage was.

The passage was very deep. When the lava horses ran to the passage with the ancient battle on their backs and turned back again without finding any special items, they found that the lava skeletons who had fallen to the ground stood up again, and listed the formation .

Gu Zheng thought this was a new variable, but never thought that those lava skeletons would kneel down on one knee to him like soldiers, and then collectively opened their mouths and spit out a light spot from their mouths.

The light spots spit out by the thirty-six lava horses condensed in the air, and finally turned into a wine glass.

In the channel where he subdued the lava horse, the special item that Gu Zheng got was the wine glass, and this time it was still the wine glass.

In the first passage of the cross passage, Gu Zheng harvested the mount lava horse. In the second passage of the cross passage, Gu Zheng harvested thirty-six lava skeletons. These thirty-six lava skeletons did not look like The lava warhorse recognized him like that, but the special feeling made Gu Zheng understand that these thirty-six lava skeletons will follow him to fight in this space world!

Harvesting thirty-six lava skeletons undoubtedly gave Gu Zheng more confidence to face the next two passages. However, Gu Zheng did not immediately enter the third passage. Both he and the lava horse were slightly injured, and the lava horse's Dao power had not recovered, so it needed to stay in this passage for a day to adjust.

One day passed quickly, and Gu Zheng was not idle during this period of time. He has been studying the sculpture of Aotianzhou that he got before. He always feels that the sculpture of Aotianzhou is not only for him to enter the immortal level again After the Space Immortal Artifact, it will no longer be as simple as being forced into the more difficult space world, so he will study the sculptures of Aotianzhou when he has time, but it seems that he wants to understand the secrets of Aotianzhou sculptures. Easy thing, he still feels the same about Ao Tianzhou now as before.

Since he didn't find anything out of the Aotianzhou sculpture, Gu Zheng rode a lava horse and took thirty-six lava skeletons to the third passage.

After passing the test of the passage of the lava skull, Gu Zheng already had a special feeling for the remaining two passages. He knew which passage he was going to go through would be easier to pass, so he didn't hesitate at all.

Already accustomed to the seemingly uniform environment of the passage, Gu Zheng did not expect that when he entered the passage on the third day, his eyes would shine brightly, because this passage is very different from the ones he encountered before. Covered with spider silk.

Normal spider silk is white, but the spider silk here is red, looking like strips of light that are about to dim.

Although it looks like light, since it is called spider silk, it naturally has the characteristics of stickiness and toughness.

Lava Skulls did not recognize Gu Zheng, and they would not communicate with Gu Zheng. They acted according to their own strategies willfully. Push forward like a lava steed.

The wayward lava skeletons are advancing, and Gu Zheng can only ride behind them on a lava horse. Now these lava skeletons are his private property, and he will feel distressed if he loses one.

Following behind the wayward lava skull, Gu Zheng held in his hand some spider silk that he had torn from the cave wall with great effort when he first entered the cave.

The spider silk is constantly being twisted in Gu Zheng's hands. It's not that he has nothing to do, but he always feels that the spider silk seems to give it a special reminder, but what is this special reminder about? He couldn't remember for a while.

"I see!"

Gu Zheng didn't let Gu Zheng think about it for too long, and his control over the fairy-level space artifact made him quickly understand what the special reminder that the spider silk gave him was pointing to.

Gu Zheng was still walking forward behind the lava skull. There was no sound in front of him, but the monster belonging to the third passage had appeared silently.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that they appear, they just reveal a spider's head in the criss-crossing spider web.

Like the lava monsters I've seen before, the spider monster's head also looks like a cracked rock, with the red light of lava shining through it.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

There was a sound of breaking wind, and the lava skeletons took the lead in attacking. They threw the axes in their hands towards the spider's head in the spider web.

However, it is different from the previous time when dealing with the ancient battle and the lava horse. When the lava skeleton dealt with the ancient battle and the lava horse, both types of lava skeletons attacked, but when dealing with the lava spider, the lava skeleton that launched the attack Only the one with an axe, as for those lava skeletons with long swords, they guarded the lava skeletons with axes with their swords, looking cautious.

The lava spiders seemed to be very afraid of the lava skull's axes. When those axes flew past, they all retracted their heads to avoid them temporarily. However, there are a lot of lava spiders, about sixty or seventy of them. It is impossible for lava skeletons to frighten the heads of those lava spiders back with a wave of ax attacks. As for those lava spiders that have not been frightened back, naturally It was at this time that the attack was launched, and all of their attacks were aimed at the ancient battle and the lava horse.

The speed of the lava horse was very fast. It carried Gu Zheng and came to a lava spider in an instant. Gu Zheng also stabbed at the lava spider with a sword that he had prepared for a long time.

Gu Zheng's sword hit the lava spider's head, but failed to pierce the lava spider's head, and this sword also let him know that if piercing the lava spider's head can kill the lava spider, then With his current strength, to kill a lava spider, he needs to stab the lava spider four times.

Gu Zheng was not greedy to attack, he retreated with one blow, so a large amount of spider silk had been sprayed towards him, and because he had touched these spider threads before, he knew that the flaming long sword in his hand was harmful to these spider silks. Spider silk doesn't work.

Gu Zheng's other hand shook, and the flame whip in his hand stretched like a spirit snake. He wanted to use the flame whip to deal with these spider threads.

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