The so-called winning or losing with one move does not mean killing or injuring a person within one move, but that after this move, the person who is at a disadvantage loses.

When proposing a move to determine the winner, the elder of Aojianzong had already thought about which move to use to deal with Gu Zheng.

The move that the Great Elder of Aojianzong is going to use is not a dirty trick, he dare not play tricks against an opponent like Gu Zheng, unless Gu Zheng is at a disadvantage under his trick.

The two confronted each other on the martial arts arena, with a long distance between them. The Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect held a sword in his hand, and the mountain wind rattled his clothes.

"Since winning or losing is determined by one move, if you like it, let's talk about it first. Immortal Domain is a means that cannot be used."

The Great Elder of Aojianzong looked at Gu Zheng and said such a thing, and he did not mean to play tricks when he said this. Who makes the fairyland a special supernatural power? If the fairyland is not banned, unless the attacking party can be together Immortal Realm is banned within the move and the defending side is injured, otherwise the defending side will remain invincible! After all, if you encounter an attack that you can't avoid, just launch the fairyland and enter it. Unless that blow can directly destroy the fairyland, otherwise it is impossible to be injured.

"This is natural." Gu Zheng nodded.

The Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect didn't say anything more about the rules. He made a tactic with one hand, and pointed the sword at the sky with the other, and at the same time shouted: "Lead the thunder!"

Following the shout of the Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect, the vision of heaven and earth suddenly appeared, the wind blew up on the top of the mountain, flying sand and rocks, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the originally clear sky, and the dark clouds quickly condensed, and lightning flashed in them.


The long sword of the Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect also gave birth to a thunderbolt, which looked as thick as a thumb, twisting and rising towards the sky.


There was a thunder in the clouds, and the falling lightning connected with the thunder on the long sword of the Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect. The sky became dark at this moment, so that the thunder that connected the sky and the earth looked particularly glaring .

Since winning or losing is determined by one move, the Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect naturally wanted to use a big move, and the brewing of this big move didn't take much time.


The big move has been prepared, and with a roar, the Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect raised his sword and slashed towards the distant Guzheng. The momentum generated by this sword was extremely huge, and a sword energy like a huge wave was wrapped around it like a dragon. Wherever the electric glow passed, a deep gully appeared on the hard ground of the martial arts arena.

When the Great Elder of Aojianzong was contemplating his big move, Gu Zheng didn't do nothing, but what he did was too ordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, and he just created a shield of immortal power on his body. However, Gu Zheng's celestial power shield looks ordinary, but in fact it is not ordinary at all. This is not an ordinary celestial power shield. After understanding, the improved defensive supernatural power was developed. This kind of supernatural power is not very practical in battle under normal circumstances, because it also needs to be brewed! This is like the sword slashed by the Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect, it is a big move that needs to be brewed before it can be launched, but the big move of the Great Elder of the Proud Sword Sect is attack, and his big move is to defend as an attack.

Facing the incoming sword energy, Gu Zheng not only didn't dodge, but closed his eyes, but at the moment he closed his eyes, a sudden growth appeared on his body protected by the shield of immortal power. A layer of gray mist made him look like he was in a smoke bubble.

It was too late and then soon, the shocking sword energy slashed on Gu Zheng's shield, and the dragon's thunder light on it immediately wrapped Gu Zheng's shield, but it was strange, so The powerful blow made no sound! According to the normal situation, even if Gu Zheng's shield was not broken by this blow, there should be a sound.

Originally, they were a little curious, and everyone's eyes widened in an instant. Because the sword light and thunder light of the shocking sword were too strong, everyone couldn't see what mystery was on Gu Zheng's shield, and neither did they. Hearing any sound, but at this time the sword light and Leimang were a little dim, and everyone saw clearly that the sword energy of the shocking sword had 'intruded' into Gu Zheng's shield! In other words, "invasion" is not appropriate to describe this unbelievable situation, it should be devoured! Because the sword light disappeared when it entered the shield, it did not cause any damage to the ancient dispute at all, not only the sword light, but also the dragon Xing Leimang that was originally wrapped around the ancient dispute shield.

Everything just happened in an instant, from the moment when the sword light struck Gu Zheng's shield, to when everyone could see clearly, and then when everyone could see clearly, the time it took for all of this was only two breaths.


Gu Zheng yelled, and the unbroken shield exploded automatically. The gray mist that existed in the shield instantly filled and became as thick as dark clouds, completely covering the sight of everyone in the martial arts arena. rush out.


"How is this going?"

"Isn't this the sword that the Great Elder slashed?"

There were bursts of exclamations on the top of the mountain, and everyone couldn't calm down, because the sword energy that rushed out of the mist and struck at the Great Elder was also wrapped with dragon-shaped electric lights, which looked like the sword energy that the Great Elder had struck at Gu Zheng before. That sword is exactly the same.

The face of the great elder changed. He didn't think it was Gu Zheng playing some kind of trick. He could feel that the sword that was slashing at him was the same one that he just slashed at Gu Zheng. As for how Gu Zheng did it? This kind of method like changing the stars, this is not something he can understand.

There was cold sweat on the elder's forehead. This was the big move he used to attack Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng could easily defuse this move, but he couldn't. If he wanted to take this move, he wouldn't be hurt. It is simply impossible! However, this impossibility is not absolute. If he uses the Immortal Domain to avoid, then he will not be injured. But before the battle, he told Gu Zheng not to use the Immortal Domain. Although the rule seems to be only for Gu Zheng, But if he uses it, it is inevitable that he will be ridiculed.

One is to get hurt a bit harder, and the other is to ignore other people's eyes and use the fairyland to avoid it. Neither of the two solutions is good.

The Great Elder gritted his teeth, his final choice was to activate the Immortal Realm, regardless of whether he lost face or not, at least he would not be injured this way, besides, Gu Zheng had already shattered all his little thoughts with this move, and now he did not realize that he was defeated by Gu Zheng. What an embarrassing thing to contend with.

The body of the Great Elder disappeared, and he perfectly avoided the shocking sword after using the Immortal Domain, and it was not surprising to Gu Zheng that he would use the Immortal Domain as a countermeasure.

Without waiting for the great elder to come out of the fairyland, Gu Zheng just smiled and flew directly down the mountain.

The people watching from the top of the mountain didn't feel the deep and thrilling feeling like the Great Elder did, but they had already deeply felt the horror of the ancient battle from the fact that the Great Elder entered the fairyland to avoid face.

No one dared to stop Gu Zheng, the way he left the Proud Sword Sect was very smooth, as for what kind of words the people of the Proud Sword Sect would say to save some face after he left, that was not something he should consider up.

Having obtained the heart of lava, Gu Zheng didn't waste any more time. He flew where he should fly, and used the teleportation array where he should use the teleportation array. He returned to his cave as quickly as possible, and At this time, there are still seven days left before the time mentioned by the lava horse.

Gu Zheng touched the lava heart to the mark of the lava horse on his arm, and the lava heart disappeared immediately. Then he called the lava horse with his heart, and his vision changed accordingly. The cave in the space world.

Even though he knew in advance that the Lava Warhorse used special means to send him out in order to make up for the mistakes it made, and that he would inevitably suffer certain injuries, but when he actually saw the Lava Warhorse, Gu Zheng couldn't help but be surprised.

The lava horse used to look fat and strong, but now it looks "skinny", completely without the prestige of Gu Zheng when we first saw it. If Gu Zheng doesn't come back in seven days, It's really going to hang on to that.

"are you OK?"

Gu Zheng looked at the Lava Warhorse, with some concerns in his voice. Now that the matter has come out, and the Lava Warhorse is his mount in this space world, he doesn't want to keep a cold face to the Lava Warhorse, he can also understand the meaning of the Lava Warhorse. remorse.

"Master, I'm fine, I'm using the lava core to perceive the location of the Fire Demon King."

The Lava Warhorse was so moved that he was about to cry. It was already his highest expectation that Gu Zheng didn't blame him. As for the meaning of concern, he really didn't dare to think about it before.

"Are you really okay? If you need to take a proper rest, then take a rest."

Gu Zheng also had to look away. Although he really wanted to rescue Xuanyue immediately, he also knew that it would not be an easy task, and there must be a place for the help of the lava horse. If the lava horse is 'tired' now Yes, it is undoubtedly killing the chicken and picking the egg. Moreover, the master-recognition relationship in this space world is not like that in the prehistoric world, so Gu Zheng can't sense whether the lava horse is really all right based on the induction of the master-slave relationship.

"Master, how about I rest for five hours?"

Now that Gu Zheng has said so, the voice of the lava warhorse also looks pitiful. It said it was fine before, but it was really trying to hold on.

"Since you call me master, you don't need to be overly polite with me. Next, I'm looking for Xuanyue. There must be something that needs your help. I can't perceive your own situation, so if you have any needs, just tell me." Say." Gu Zhengyu said earnestly.

"Master, I understand, then let me rest for eight hours!" The lava horse said seriously.

"Okay!" Gu Zheng nodded.

The lava horse lay down on the ground after finishing speaking, and when it lay down, its four legs were trembling, which also showed that the previous strength was pretended.

The lava horse started to be repaired, the flames flickered on it, and Gu Zheng didn't think about it any more. Anyway, he had already thought about the things he should think about when he left the space world. It's better for him to practice now. Although it was only a short period of eight hours.

The eight hours passed very quickly during the practice, and after Gu Zheng opened his eyes after finishing the practice, the lava horse stood up from the ground very quickly.

"Master, I fixed it."

Lava Warhorse communicates with Gu Zheng.

"Why do you look thinner than before?"

After eight hours of recuperation, the spirit of the lava warhorse looked much better, but it was indeed thinner than before, as if it would fall to the ground when a gust of wind blows.

"Master, this emaciation is only temporary. After an hour, I can find the location of the Fire Demon King, and then my body shape and strength can be restored." The lava warhorse said.

"Can the strength be recovered?"

Gu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, he knew that the lava warhorse sent him out of the space world this time was a lot of wear and tear, he didn't expect the lava warhorse's strength to recover so quickly.

"Could it be that the heart of lava is not only the medium for you to find the Fire Demon King, but also your tonic?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Master, that's right." The lava horse said.

"Okay, then hurry up!" Gu Zheng said.

The lava heart is with the lava warhorse, and Gu Zheng doesn't know how it is going to use the lava heart.

I saw that the lava horse spit out the lava heart from its mouth. The dark red lava heart that was originally like a heart seemed to be ignited, and the flame was still beating on it.

The lava warhorse is refining the lava core, and this process is not quiet. It is almost non-stop circling around the lava core suspended in the air, and the deeper flames emanating from its body are like The light generally forms a pattern connecting the lava core that is becoming more and more transparent.

An hour passed quickly, and the lava heart, which was originally dim in color, now seemed to be carved out of ruby. After it was sucked into the mouth of the lava horse again, the lava horse immediately burst into flames three feet high.

Originally closed his eyes, Gu Zheng opened his eyes. He has not been idle during the time when the lava warhorse was refining the lava heart. Its refinement also brought his strength to the level equivalent to the initial stage of returning to the void.

At this moment, the flames on the lava horse's body were dazzling, but Gu Zheng could see through the flames that the lava horse's emaciated body was becoming plump. After the flame faded, the lava horse had returned to what Gu Zheng first saw Wuwei's appearance and momentum were even stronger than at that time.

"Master, I'm ready!" the lava horse said.

"Where is the Fire Demon King?" Gu Zheng asked.

The lava horse didn't return, it let Gu Zheng see what it saw directly through faith.

"It turned out to be there!"

Through the image transmitted by the lava horse, what Gu Zheng saw was the second tallest volcano he had seen after entering this space world. Moreover, in the picture transmitted by the lava horse, Gu Zheng saw Xuan Yue, who was trapped in a cave by the Fire Demon King, and seemed to be fine, and Gu Zheng also saw the Heart Demon Orb, which It is being taken away by the Fire Demon King to play with.

"Although the Fire Demon King is there now, will it move its nest?" Gu Zheng asked.

Gu Zheng didn't know when he could walk out of the cross passage, how long it would take to get to the second highest volcano after walking out of the cross passage.

"Master, don't worry, I have merged with the lava heart now, and I am not afraid of the Fire Demon King moving away. As long as I want to see where it is, I can see it with every thought. Moreover, because Xuanyue and Zhuzhu are both the Fire Demon King Taken from the master, I think it is easy to see them." The lava warhorse said.


Gu Zheng applauded, the lava horse can know the movements of the Fire Demon King at any time, and can also see Xuanyue's situation, which is something to be happy about for him.

"Then can we leave this passage now?" Gu Zheng asked.


The lava horse opened its mouth again, and this time it spit out something in the shape of a wine glass.

"Master, if you want to leave the cross passage, you need four things in total, and this wine glass belongs to one of them." The lava warhorse said.

Gu Zheng accepted the wine glass, and then asked the lava horse: "How much do you know about the other three passages?"

"Master, I don't know much about the other three passages. I just know that the passage I'm in is the least difficult. Master can only pass through the other three passages if he passes through this passage first and makes me his mount. However, one of the other three passages is extremely difficult. If the owner chooses that passage by accident in the next selection, then even with the help of my mount, we want to pass through the possibility Also low."

The lava horse is very worried, and his worry is the same as the special feeling before Gu Zheng. There is a passage in the cross passage that is extremely difficult, and the other three passages are not at the same level as it.

"Don't worry! I won't be so unlucky and choose the channel with the highest difficulty."

Gu Zheng smiled, and took the lead to walk out of the passage. He is not blindly confident. After all, he already had a special feeling before, so he was lucky to choose the passage where the lava horse is located. After subduing the lava horse, he The special feeling for the cross passage increased again, and he already knew which passage he was going to go to next.

"Master said so, I am relieved, and please mount the horse!" The lava horse said.

Gu Zheng got on his horse, and riding the lava horse, he left the passage majestically.

However, riding a lava horse is not just about looking at the majesty. At the moment of riding the lava horse, Gu Zheng felt that his strength had improved a little, and this kind of improvement is a special improvement. It seems that only when riding a lava horse. It will be like this.

There were still three passages to choose, and without hesitation, Gu Zheng directly entered the passage that was directly opposite the original passage.

The passage is still the same, after Gu Zheng rode into it on a lava horse, a barrier was born to block Gu Zheng's retreat.

I didn't let the lava horse go too fast, it's better to be careful in this strange environment.

After walking forward for a certain distance, Gu Zheng found that this passage looked similar to the passage where the lava horse was located before, but it was not the same. At least it was very deep, and it had reached the level it is now. People can't see the end at a glance.

"Master, prepare to fight."

The voice of the lava horse suddenly sounded.

"Where is the enemy?"

Gu Zheng was shocked. He hadn't found the enemy yet, but the lava horse had already reminded him, which meant that the lava horse's perception was stronger than his.

"It's in the cave."

The lava warhorse stopped while speaking, which made Gu Zheng a little speechless. They were in this cave, and the lava warhorse's words were undoubtedly very general. However, without waiting for Gu Zheng to ask again, the enemy who had been hiding had already appeared. From the bottom, wall and roof of the cave, there were more than 30 human-shaped lava skeletons jumping out of the rock in an instant. These lava skeletons Either holding an ax or a long sword in his hand.

The location where the lava horse stopped was very clever. If it hadn't stopped in time, and Gu Zheng couldn't find out in advance, they would definitely walk into the ambush of these lava skeletons.

Although the lava skulls are only the size of a normal person, Gu Zheng dare not despise them at all. Since these guys can stay in the cross passage, they must have their troublesome means.

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