The gold control formula was activated, and the golden light that originally flew towards Gu Zheng paused in the air, and then flew back towards the Qilin puppet.

The unicorn puppet has a weakness, and this weakness is under its neck, where there is an entrance and exit, and the two soul dogs entered the interior of the unicorn puppet from there.

Under the control of Gu Zheng, the golden light shot towards the neck of the unicorn puppet, and the two unicorn puppets lowered their heads at the same time, while using their heads to defend their weak spots, their purple eyes also shot towards Gu Zheng.

The purple line of sight did not hit Gu Zheng, there was no shadow of Gu Zheng in place, he had already appeared above the unicorn puppet where the gun soul dog was, the so-called gravity field could not restrain his teleportation, nor could he Yukong.

The golden light spot was just a trick to lure the enemy. Gu Zheng knew that if he let the golden light spot attack the unicorn puppet's neck, then the unicorn puppet would definitely lower its head to protect.

The cultivation base has reached the current state of the ancient battle. For him, the weakness of the puppet unicorn is not limited to the neck. In his eyes, many places are weaknesses. He does not necessarily have to attack the weakest position of the puppet unicorn.

It was too late, and then it was too late, the golden light was condensed into a huge golden light blade in the air under the control of the ancient martial arts.


Gu Zheng manipulated it from a distance, and the golden light blade slashed towards the neck of the puppet Qilin.

The body of the unicorn puppet is like a hill, and one can imagine how thick its neck is.

The golden light blade is very sharp, but it can't cut off the neck of the unicorn puppet at once. It feels like a kitchen knife cutting a radish. a little slower.


The gun soul dog who controls the unicorn puppet cursed. Although the unicorn puppet's head has not been cut off, but because the neck itself is the key point, the cutting of the light blade has prevented some of the unicorn puppet's supernatural powers from being activated. He can only dispatch them. The dispatched energy instantly made the unicorn puppet's neck harder, trying to prevent the light blade from continuing to cut in.

Naturally, Sword Soul Dog will not just watch the companion puppet's head being cut off. The unicorn puppet he controls raises its claws and sweeps towards Gu Zheng in the air. Gu Zheng felt the increase of gravity again.

Although the gravity is increased, it does not affect the instantaneous movement. Gu Zheng easily disappeared from the claws of the unicorn puppet. The light blade played a spell.

The original golden light blade suddenly turned red, and illusory flames swirled around it. This is the performance of Gu Zheng's integration of fire attribute magic into the metal light blade, and it is also a relatively difficult fairy skill. It is the fusion of the five elements commonly used in his Noumenon era.

The power of the light blade fused with the five elements is extraordinary. The speed that was originally slowed down due to being blocked instantly increased a lot. The scene of cutting down is extremely spectacular. The metal that makes up the unicorn puppet is melted, and the splashed purple molten metal is surrounded by flames. It fell to the ground like a torrential rain.


Gun Soul Dog yelled in the unicorn puppet. Once the head of the unicorn puppet was cut off, the whole unicorn puppet would become a dead thing to be slaughtered.

Just like the barking of the Gun Soul Dog, the whole scene is indeed desperate. Watching the unicorn puppet controlled by the Gun Soul Dog have its head cut off, but the Sword Soul Dog can't do any effective damage to Gu Zheng. The gap sealed the tragedy.

After cutting off the head of the unicorn puppet controlled by the gun soul dog, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to clean up the gun soul dog trapped in the puppet's remnant body, he flew above the unicorn puppet controlled by the sword soul dog.

If it is said that when Gu Zheng cut off the head of the gun soul dog unicorn puppet, the sword soul dog had already felt desperate, then the sword soul dog at this moment is already desperate.

For ordinary people, the top of the unicorn puppet's neck cannot be regarded as a weak point, and almost no one specifically attacks there. Those who want to attack the weak point of the unicorn puppet usually attack its lower neck, or its stomach, so the unicorn puppet is very sensitive to the neck. The above defense means are relatively weak.

Before the sword soul dog watched Gu Zheng cut off the head of the gun soul dog unicorn puppet, now he watched Gu Zheng use the same method to cut off the head of the unicorn puppet he controlled.

The original two aggressive unicorn puppets, which were as big as a hill, have lost their heads and are lying on the ground without moving. There is no existence in this space that can threaten Gu Zheng.

If there are no two soul dogs in the unicorn puppets, Gu Zheng does not want to completely destroy the two unicorn puppets without heads. Inside, he didn't want to leave any trouble for himself.

The gold control art was launched, and the two huge unicorn puppets were quickly deformed as if being kneaded by two pairs of invisible big hands. The two soul dogs inside were naturally squeezed into meat paste, and Gu Zheng's Therefore, the key reason for being able to do this step with the Gold Control Art is that the headless unicorn puppet has been damaged and is no longer as strong as before.

It didn't take much time for Gu Zheng to solve the two soul dogs. When Gu Zheng found a way to get out of trouble and finally appeared in the passage of the cave again, the time had passed since he was trapped in the previous space, and even five minutes had passed. less than.

Although the elapsed time was less than five minutes, since Daohungou had entered the space behind the stone gate and the stone gate was closed again, it would also take time for Gu Zheng to break the restriction on the gate.

At this moment, the knife soul dog behind the stone gate is attacking the void. He uses all means to attack a point in the void. That point is the weak point of the Fox Immortal Territory in the outer space. All attacks are directed at that point. All disappeared.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Daohungou is very anxious. Although he can no longer see whether Gu Zheng is out of trouble through the light curtain, he can know that Gunhungou and Jianhungou are dead, and the time left for him is really running out. The only way he can All you do is race against time.

However, Gu Zheng didn't give Daohungou too much time. Since the last cracking of the ban on the door was interrupted, when he cracked the ban on the door again this time, the step of investigation and deduction was omitted.

When Gu Zheng opened the Shimen, Daohungou was still working hard to break the fox's fairyland.

After seeing Daohungou, Gu Zheng slapped him.

Before the palm wind reached his body, Daohungou's figure suddenly disappeared, but this kind of disappearance was not an instant movement, but a kind of invisible escape.

Gu Zheng slapped again, and the palm wind locked on the invisible sword soul dog, forcing him to show up and slash with a knife to disintegrate Gu Zheng's palm wind.

The difference in strength caused Daohungou's sword to cut Gu Zheng's palm, but he also retreated involuntarily with the sword.

"I'm fighting with you!"

The knife soul dog roared, and he launched his fairyland towards Gu Zheng.

The scenery in Dao Soul Dog Fairyland is beautiful, and the strange mountain topography is a completely different style from Honghuang.

The sword soul dog in the fairyland has shown its original shape. With a dog head and a human body, he stands on all fours like a dog. His body has become very large, and he bites towards Gu Zheng with one bite. The momentum he brings out is also very strong amazing.

Gu Zheng frowned, and the energy of the fairyland was dispatched by him instead. The teeth of the knife soul dog Bai Sensen seemed to be very close to him, but there was no way to move forward at all.


From Daohungou's wide-open mouth, a yellow smoke spewed out like a wild dragon, but under the action of Gu Zheng's dispatch of the energy of the fairyland, the cloud of smoke seemed to have encountered a colorless barrier, unable to spread forward. It can be spread upward and downward.

Daohungou is very desperate, this is something he knew from the beginning, he knows that facing an opponent like Gu Zheng, Xianyu cannot be used as a trump card to turn the tide, because of how high Gu Zheng's cultivation is and how powerful his divine sense is These are all things he has seen before. It is expected that the energy of the fairyland will be reversed when launching the fairyland against such an opponent.

"I won't kill you either, let the fox decide your life or death!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and under his control, the energy of the Immortal Realm turned into a huge fist and hit Daohungou on the head.

"Don't think about it!"

Daohungou roared, he would rather die than fall into the hands of the fox, death is not terrible, what is terrible is being tortured by the enemy in every possible way.

Although most of the energy in the fairyland can be dispatched by Gu Zheng, the fairyland is still the fairyland of the knife soul dog, and he still has some energy in it that can be dispatched, so he dispatches the energy he can dispatch, and the confrontation begins. The phantom of the fist that he smashed off his head, in order to buy time for his self-destruct.

Contempt appeared at the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth. Self-destruction is a powerful technique, but this kind of technique has no effect at all in front of the immortal cultivator who has mastered the way of time.

Ripples appeared in the air, and Gu Zheng used the way of time on Daohungou, so the violent self-explosive energy in Daohungou's body was calmed down.


Daohungou screamed in despair. He didn't expect Gu Zheng to still grasp the way of time, and the energy of self-explosion returned to calm under the effect of time reversal, and he also seemed to have collapsed, losing control of the energy in the fairyland .

Daohungou lost its control over the energy of the fairyland, so naturally it was unable to fight against the falling fist phantom.


With a loud noise, the phantom of the falling fist hit Daohungou's dog's head, and his huge body fell straight to the ground. He was knocked out by Gu Zheng's punch.

Daohungou, who fainted, shrank rapidly from its huge size, and the scene in the fairyland began to crack and shatter like ice in front of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng, who planted a restraint on the unconscious Daohungou and started to rescue the fox, couldn't help but sigh.

The fox is really unlucky, not to mention being tricked into the Hidden Trace Realm, now he is in the Immortal Realm, if Gu Zheng wants to save him, he has to break his Immortal Realm by force, and he will suffer serious backlash because of this, I guess It takes a few days of recuperation to recover afterwards.

Thinking that the sooner the fox can be rescued, the better, so Gu Zheng didn't use ordinary fairy arts to attack the weak points of the fairyland. He directly took out the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, wrote a big shining character in the air, and then Print towards the weak point of Xianyu.

The fox's fairyland is really strong, but also because of this, after his fairyland is broken, the backlash he needs to bear is greater than that of ordinary people.

Even though the sword soul dog had attacked the weak point of the fairyland before, Gu Zheng still printed two words on the weak point of the fairyland, and the fox's fairyland was broken by Gu Zheng from the outside.


Like the sound of breaking ice, after a flash of light in the space, the fox and the beautiful spider demon all appeared in the place where they disappeared before.

It can be said that it is relatively timely for Gu Zheng to save the fox, because the beautiful spider demon has indeed awakened in the fox's fairyland, but because of the special reason of the fairyland, the awakened beautiful spider demon moves very slowly, if Gu Zheng is a minute later Break through the fairyland, then the fox may have been killed by the beautiful spider demon.

The fox was already in a coma state when he appeared, and the beautiful spider demon just froze and launched a spider silk attack on Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was thinking about the situation of the fox, he was not entangled with the beautiful spider demon, and immediately launched the fairyland on him.

Although the beautiful spider demon is strong, it is for the fox. Compared with Gu Zheng, there is still a lot of difference in strength between her and Gu Zheng, let alone being taken into the fairyland by Gu Zheng.

The beautiful spider demon, who was able to fight back in the fox fairyland, was no different from the fish on the chopping board in Gu Zheng's fairyland, and she was quickly beheaded by Gu Zheng.

After beheading the beautiful spider demon, Gu Zheng immediately took over the fairyland.

The fox still hasn't woken up. Gu Zheng inspected his body and found that the backlash he suffered was more serious than Gu Zheng imagined. Gu Zheng had to help him wake up, otherwise he would be seriously injured when he woke up The degree will be deepened again.

Gu Zheng put the immortal power into the fox's body, and after a while, the fox woke up faintly.

"Friend Daoist, thank you so much!"

Glancing at the corpses of the soul dog and the beautiful spider demon on the ground, the fox couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Don't talk for now, you should control the backlash in your body first. In your current situation, you want to take ordinary pills to help you recover. This is already not very effective. I have to cook food for you to help You can only recover." Gu Zheng said.

"Trouble, fellow daoist."

The fox didn't say anything more. After the words fell to the ground, he immediately closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Gu Zheng took the kitchen utensils out of the space fairy, and started the therapeutic cooking in this stone room.

The food therapy is something tailor-made for the fox. Several precious ingredients are used in it. It takes about half a stick of incense for Gu Zheng to cook the food therapy out of the pot.

The fox's eyes have already been opened, and the smell of the food therapy is very fragrant, even if he is adjusting his breath, he can't turn a blind eye to it.

"It looks like a bowl of meat porridge, it's really delicious!"

Holding the evening meal in full bloom, the fox took a deep breath intoxicated.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and eat yours!"

Gu Zheng glared at the fox. What time has it been? He still has the heart to feel the smell of food therapy! After all, although the fox pretends to be relaxed, Gu Zheng understands that he has such a serious injury. Even though there is not much reaction on his expression, the pain he is actually enduring is like being cut by a knife.


The fox smiled, and began to take the diet therapy by mouth. During this period, he didn't feel any emotion. After he took the diet therapy, he immediately closed his eyes to absorb the effect of the medicine.

Gu Zheng packed up the kitchen utensils and other things, sat down cross-legged and waited for the fox to absorb the effect of the medicine.

"It seems that the time to return to Pinxianju this time is a little later than expected." Gu Zhengxin said.

During the period when Gu Zheng left Pinxianju, everything was fine in Pinxianju. Jin Yan, who successfully broke through the bottleneck, was happy every day. Although Master Yunqing failed to break through, she had already looked away, and she had already packed up her mood. I plan to go to Qingmingzong's Pineapple Festival in a while.

During this period of time, Pinxianju was still closed, and Jin Yan and the others enjoyed this rare leisure time.

Xiong San is still in a deep sleep, still stabilizing his emotionally fragile state of mind in his dreams. It's just that Xiong San's dream has changed quite a bit now, he is no longer the little bear at the beginning, he is already as big as when he encountered Gu Zheng.

Even with the aid of the dietary therapy cooked by Gu Zheng, it took the fox five days to recover from the backlash, which also shows how severe he was backlashed this time.

After the backlash injury healed, the fox first thanked Gu Zheng, who only smiled slightly.

"There are three of these guys in total. When I came to rescue you, two of them were already taken care of by me."

Gu Zheng pointed to Daohungou who was still unconscious on the ground.

"Damn it!" the fox gritted his teeth.

"Why are they plotting against you?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I'm not too sure, did fellow daoists not search for his soul?" Fox asked.

"No, I think this kind of thing should be left to you." Gu Zheng said.

The fox shook his head: "If I can do it, I'm afraid this kind of thing won't happen. I think the search for souls needs to be done by fellow daoists. I also want to know the reason why they hurt me!"

Seeing the curiosity in Gu Zheng's eyes, the fox told him what happened after he entered the hall.

"Then let me try!"

After hearing what the fox said, Gu Zheng nodded, and he put his hand on Daohungou's head, and the soul search began.

Fox's initial concerns were right, but misplaced.

At first, the fox was worried that since the soul dogs said they were not afraid of searching for souls, then he should not be able to find anything that would be harmful to them, and would instead offend the soul dogs because of searching for souls, so even if he was worried about the soul dogs, the fox Nor did they search for the souls of the soul dogs, which should anger them.

Daohungou practiced a secret technique, which can hide and tamper with memory, which is very similar to the supernatural power of "weaving" in the ancient war, so even if the fox searched for their souls, they still couldn't find them. something against them.

But, then again, if the fox was not afraid of offending them before, and really searched for their souls, then it would be fine, anyway, these guys have evil intentions, and in the worst case, they still need Gu Zheng to save them That's all. As for the guiding role of the soul dog, once the fox asks Gu Zheng for help and Gu Zheng enters the main hall, then the two of them will only have to spend a little bit of trouble, and sooner or later they will know how to enter this cave.

The fox can't deal with the situation where the memory is changed, but Gu Zheng is an expert in this area, and the real purpose of the knife soul dog has not been concealed from his soul search.

Tell the fox the real purpose of the knife soul dog, and the fox is also quite embarrassed after hearing it. Several soul dogs have been together for so many years, it can be said that they really have a brotherly relationship, but for what they finally planned, one by one They all ended up dead without a place to bury them.

"If they don't intend to seek the Hidden World, but just want to have freedom, then they only need to assist me to become the master of the Hidden World. After I have the power to let them leave the Hidden World, I will naturally give them this freedom Yes." Fox said.

"Because of greed, under the temptation of becoming the master of the hidden world, they finally embarked on a road of no return. In fact, the idea like you said, the knife soul dog has moved before, but as four The boss of the soul dog, he didn't dare to mention this matter in front of the other soul dogs, he was afraid that after mentioning this matter, he would hear all approval." Gu Zheng laughed.

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