"not good!"

That is, when Gu Zheng was about to pass through the space and appear in the passage of the cave, Daohungou, who had been staring at a mural in front of him, suddenly barked.

The mural in front of Daohungou seems to be just a mural of ordinary characters, but this mural is similar to the existence of the forbidden center in the passage of the cave. Someone wants to pass through the space and appear in the passage of the cave, so the mural There have been some changes.

Daohungou wanted to trap Gu Zheng in the space of the golden armor puppet, but he didn't expect to be able to trap Gu Zheng for a long time.

"what to do?"

Gun Soul Dog was very anxious, he knew that the loss of color of Sword Soul Dog must be because Gu Zheng, who was trapped in the space of the golden armor puppet, got out of trouble.

Almost at the moment when Gunhungou's voice fell to the ground, there was a flash of light in the space channel, and Gu Zheng appeared out of thin air.

"Don't do anything! When he comes over, if he wants to get close to us, he still needs to pass three restrictions!"

Daohungou sent a voice transmission to the companion who wanted to do it. The position they are standing now is still a long way from the place where Gu Zheng appeared, and the stone room where the fox disappeared is in the middle of the distance between the two sides.

Gu Zheng looked at the three soul dogs coldly, stepped forward and walked over, exploring the space while walking.

"Come on, keep walking!"

Daohungou sent a voice transmission to his companion. He hoped that Gu Zheng could come all the way. Once Gu Zheng came over, the restriction would be triggered and he would fall into a space similar to the golden armored puppet before.

However, Gu Zheng didn't walk over directly. Through the investigation, he already knew that there was a restriction in front of him. Once he walked over, the restriction would be triggered and he would fall into another space, so he stopped outside the stone room where the fox had an accident.

Gu Zheng intends to save the fox first. Although the fox activated the fairyland, relying on the magical characteristics of the fairyland to wait for his rescue, it is not easy to delay this time for too long. After all, it can force the fox to activate the existence of the fairyland characteristics , it must be very special, let alone with the passage of time, whether the existence held back by the fox will wake up in the quiet fairyland, the damage that the passage of time alone can cause to the fox is all presented a growing trend.

Wanting to save a fox is not something that can be saved just by saying it! After the fox entered the stone room, the door of the stone room was closed. This door cannot be broken through. If it is broken, everything in the space behind the door will be destroyed, and the fox will also be lost in a collapsed space. It is basically impossible to rescue him again. Anyway, with Gu Zheng's current cultivation in the way of space, he still can't get people out of a collapsed space.

The original stone gate was opened by four soul dogs, but of course the method of opening this stone gate was not limited to the one shown by the soul dogs. The reason why the soul dogs used that method to open the stone gate was to let The fox saw the necessity of taking the four of them into the cave, so he dispelled the fox's doubts.

Just standing outside the door for a moment, Gu Zheng already knew how to break the ban on the door. He put his hand on the stone gate and began to break the ban on the door.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Gu Zheng calmly put his hand on the stone gate, Daohungou couldn't help cursing again, Gu Zheng didn't go forward as he hoped, and couldn't trigger the ban just like that, which made him very annoyed .

Gu Zheng was able to travel through space and enter the tunnel of the cave, which made Daohungou understand that, not to mention that they only have two companions left now, even if Jihungou is still alive, the four of them will not be Gu Zheng's opponents, so he He has no intention of leading his companions to confront Gu Zheng head-on.

However, Gu Zheng did not move forward as Daohungou expected. He stopped in front of the stone room door where the fox was, and even started to break the restriction on the door, which made Daohungou understand that the matter was really true. But when it comes to a very small period, he has to make a choice.

"What should I do?"

Sword Soul Dog and Gun Soul Dog asked Sword Soul Dog through sound transmission almost at the same time. Although they didn't know much about some things, they could also see what Gu Zheng was going to do now, and they also knew that if things went on like this, the consequences would be serious. How bad it would be.

"Now it seems that the only way to expand the scope of the ban is to let him go to another space!" Daohungou gritted his teeth.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Gunhungou said anxiously.

Daohungou smiled wryly in his heart, but still cast a spell on the mural in front of him.

Expanding the scope of the ban and allowing Gu Zheng to go to another space is a no-brainer for Daohungou. If this is a good way, he would have used it from the very beginning. Now.

There are three restrictions in the passage, and these three restrictions are triggered at the right place, and the power is stronger than the other.

Gu Zheng is not in the proper position to trigger the ban. The only thing Daohungou can do is to expand the influence of the ban that is the least powerful and relatively closest to Gu Zheng, so that Gu Zheng can fall into another space. However, there is a disadvantage in this unresolvable method, that is, the power of the ultimate move that originally existed in the restricted space will be reduced because of this, and it cannot trap Gu Zheng for too long! Moreover, once one of the three prohibitions is forced to expand the scope of influence, the other two prohibitions will also be damaged. Once Gu Zheng is freed from the restricted space, there is nothing to protect them.

There was a strange fluctuation in the space, and Gu Zheng, who was breaking the restriction of the Shimen, stopped. He understood that it was the soul dogs who forcibly used the restriction in the passage of the cave.

"I want to see what other tricks you have!"

Gu Zheng sneered, there is no way to do this, he didn't choose to deal with the soul dogs at the beginning, because he saw that if he wanted to deal with the soul dogs, he needed to pass the obstruction of the prohibition in front of them.

In fact, it is not unexpected for the soul dog to use the prohibition forcefully. He also knows that the soul dog will not quietly watch him break the prohibition on the stone gate, and will definitely find a way to stop his move. Even if he didn't do it when he cracked the restriction on the stone gate, he would definitely do it after he entered the stone room. Compared with fighting after entering the stone room, Gu Zheng hopes that the soul dogs will do it when he breaks the restriction on the stone door! After all, at this time, he could easily escape from the breaking of the restriction. When he rescued the fox in the stone room, he would have to suffer backlash if he wanted to escape midway.

The prohibition was forced by Daohungou to expand the scope of influence, so there is no need to touch it anymore, it is like an invisible mouth that swallows Gu Zheng.

After Gu Zheng's vision alternated between light and dark, he found that the space he was in still looked like a cloud, and there were puppets in this space, but there were at least two hundred puppets.

The more than two hundred puppets are not all huge golden-armored puppets, there are only less than ten golden-armored puppets among them, and the rest of the puppets are in the shape of various spirit beasts, and two of them are shaped like unicorns. It is extraordinarily huge, it looks like two hills.

After Gu Zheng entered this space, he immediately began to observe the space. He wanted to find a way to get out of this space as soon as possible, and among the more than two hundred puppets, more than a dozen began to move after Gu Zheng entered.

The original restricted space is very powerful. Once someone enters it, fifteen puppets will appear at a time, and the rest are hidden in the dark. However, since the restriction was forcibly used by Daohungou, and its power was greatly weakened, all the puppets in this restricted space appeared on the bright side. As for the puppets who would attack Gu Zheng, there were only this group of ten Just five.

Among the fifteen puppets, there is only one golden armored puppet that is relatively large, and the rest are spirit beast puppets that are about two or three feet in size.

"call out!"

A crane sounded, and the light ball of divine thought split by Gu Zheng turned into two cranes in the air, flying towards the puppets who were rushing towards them.

"My God!"

Gu Zheng had just separated the divine mind crane, and the knife soul dog who watched Gu Zheng's space through the light curtain in the sky couldn't help barking.

"The divine sense is so powerful, what kind of cultivation is he?"

Sword Soul Dog also barked out. They already knew that the puppet space couldn't hold Gu Zheng for too long, but now it seems that the time to hold Gu Zheng will be greatly shortened! After all, when the divine sense is so strong, it can be said to be the nemesis of the metal puppet.

Sure enough, under the touch of Gu Zheng's divine sense crane, those puppets running towards him have already started to fall to the ground due to the disintegration of divine sense.

"When he solved the puppet through the divine crane, he didn't stop exploring the space himself. What should we do?" Gunhungou Liushen Wuzhu said.

"At this point, we can only do our best, and we can only make sacrifices!"

Daohungou looked at the two companions with a very bad expression.

The gun soul dog and the sword soul dog shuddered, they all thought of the halberd soul dog that had been sacrificed.

"You, what are you going to do?" Gun Soul Dog stuttered.

"Put death to life!"

Daohungou passed on the secret method of Gunhungou and Jianhungou, and told them the next plan.

After hearing what Sword Soul Dog said, Gun Soul Dog and Sword Soul Dog couldn't help but look at each other, with sadness and fear in their eyes.

Daohungou just told his two companions to soak the true blood of their lives in the mural, and then sent them into the space where Gu Zheng was, and the two of them controlled the two unicorn puppets, so as to hold Gu Zheng a little longer Time, while Daohungou was outside, entered the stone room where the fox was trapped, and tried to break through the fox's fairyland from the outside. If the gun soul dog and the sword soul dog unfortunately die in the hands of Gu Zheng, but because they have left their true blood in the mural in advance, once the sword soul dog finally succeeds, he can use the master of the invisible world Identity, and then revive the gun soul dog and sword soul dog.

"Is what you said true?"

Sword Soul Dog couldn't help asking Dao Soul Dog, he really remembered the dead Halberd Soul Dog, which made him scared.

"of course it's true!"

Daohungou looked serious, and then said: "Hurry up, you two, there is nothing we can do. If you two don't go in and hold that guy, what else can we do? Besides, Qilin The puppet is also very powerful, and the two of you are not so easy to die!"

The gun soul dog didn't say much, he just took a deep look at the knife soul dog, and then he soaked the true blood of his life into the mural. This is indeed a helpless thing, there is no choice at all, the only thing they can choose is to believe in Daohungou.

Seeing that the gun soul dog had already soaked the true blood of his life into the mural, the sword soul dog didn't say anything, and also soaked his true blood into the mural.

The two companions had soaked the mural with their true blood, and the knife soul dog immediately cast a spell on the mural. The blood-stained mural began to spin, and finally turned into a vortex, sucking both the gun soul dog and the sword soul dog into it.

"I don't want you to die either!"

The gun soul dog and the sword soul dog had disappeared, and the sword soul dog ran towards the stone room where the fox disappeared with a murmur.

Sword Soul Dog fooled Gun Soul Dog and Sword Soul Dog! Even if he becomes the master of the Hidden Realm, he can't resurrect the gun soul dog and sword soul dog soaked in murals with the true blood of his life! Soaking the true blood of life into the mural was just a pretense to convince the two of them. If this is true, why didn't Daohungou let Halberd Souldog die in advance? What about the murals? In fact, in Daohungou's heart, he felt that his two companions should have already guessed that they were cheated, but this was an unavoidable thing, and the only chance to survive was to follow his Say it and do it.

Daohungou has come to the front of the stone room, he quickly opened the restriction on the stone door with a secret method, and then entered the stone room.

Daohungou's vision changed, and he entered the stone room because of the restriction, and appeared in the restricted space, which is the place where the fox fought the beautiful spider demon before. However, in this space today, neither the fox nor the beautiful spider demon exists, because they are all in the fox's fairyland.

If Daohungou wanted to get what the leader left behind, he had to kill the people who entered the invisible world, at least one, so he tricked the fox into this stone room. According to Daohungou's original plan, after killing the fox and getting the fox's true blood, he can get the things in the cave, but this road is really difficult, full of so many variables along the way.

There are two ways to destroy the fairyland, one is to destroy it from the inside, and the other is to destroy it from the outside. Now Daohungou is going to break the fox's fairyland from the outside.


After some investigation, Daohungou jumped up directly.

When the fox was fighting the beautiful spider demon, the knife soul dog had seen what happened in the current space through the light curtain, so he knew that the fox trapped the beautiful spider demon through the fairyland.

Sword Soul Dog knew that the Immortal Realm that could trap the beautiful spider demon must be relatively strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

According to Dao Soul Dog's previous prediction, even if the fox's fairyland is relatively strong, it will take him at most five minutes to break through the fox's fairyland from the outside. To break through the domain, he needs at least ten minutes!

Ten minutes, this is a very long time for Daohungou, he felt that even if there were Gunhungou and Jianhungou to drag Gu Zheng out, Gu Zheng would probably get out of trouble within these ten minutes.

Will Gu Zheng get out of trouble in ten minutes? This is something that Daohungou has no way to interfere with. The only thing he can do now is to seize the time to break through the fairyland from the outside and try to get things done before Gu Zheng comes out. .

At the same time, in the space where Gu Zheng is located, both Gun Soul Dog and Sword Soul Dog have entered the puppet Qilin.

In fact, puppets that are one size bigger can be manipulated by people entering them. The puppets controlled by people will naturally be more flexible and have more changeable fighting methods, but the disadvantage is that once people are inside, once the puppets are destroyed, The people inside are basically dead and lifeless.

At this moment, the fifteen puppets that were originally targeting Gu Zheng had basically lost their combat effectiveness, while the two unicorn puppets controlled by Gun Soul Dog and Sword Soul Dog were approaching Gu Zheng.

To deal with these puppets made of metal, what Gu Zheng used was the method of disintegration of divine sense. However, although the divine sense is powerful, the puppet itself is strong enough, and the short-term touch of the divine sense can cause limited disintegration. Therefore, when Gu Zheng used the divine sense to decompose the puppet, he basically aimed at the feet of the puppet. ! Regardless of whether the puppets are in the shape of a human or a spirit beast, as long as they have no feet, they basically lose the ability to move, except for those puppets that can fly.

Two beams of light swept towards Gu Zheng. It was a line-of-sight attack launched by the Qilin puppet controlled by Gun Soul Dog, while the puppet Qilin controlled by Sword Soul Dog opened its mouth towards Gu Zheng. Countless golden lights were like arrows. Generally, it shoots towards Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng did not use the divine crane to deal with the Qilin puppet this time. Although this was his first confrontation with the Qilin puppet, he had already investigated the Qilin puppet when he dealt with the other puppets before, so he knew the achievement The metal of the unicorn puppet has a very strong resistance to spiritual thoughts, and it is not easy to break them down with spiritual thoughts. However, although the unicorn puppets were special, Gu Zheng didn't take them seriously, he had plenty of ways to deal with this behemoth.

Facing the attack launched by the two unicorn puppets, Gu Zheng's body rushed forward with afterimages, no matter the sight or the metal light spots, he couldn't touch his body at all.

The two soul dogs controlling the unicorn puppet were very nervous. Even if they controlled the unicorn puppet, their agility could not compare to that of Gu Zheng. What they were most afraid of was being approached by Gu Zheng.


A unicorn puppet stomped its foot, and the fluctuations visible to the naked eye in the loud noise spread out to the surroundings. The range affected by the fluctuations instantly turned into a gravity field, and Gu Zheng's approaching speed suddenly slowed down.


The other unicorn roared, and a sea of ​​flames was born on the ground in the gravitational field, and countless golden lights fell from the sky like meteors.

The corner of Gu Zheng's mouth twitched into a smile. If he had the cultivation of a fox, he would definitely turn pale in shock when faced with such a situation, because the attacks launched by these two unicorn puppets were really powerful.

The first is the gravitational field. For the late stage cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian like the fox, not only the speed will be slowed down in such a gravitational field, but it is even impossible to fly. Moreover, whether it is the flames on the ground or the metallic light in the air, they all have the ability to kill for Da Luo Jinxian in the later stage.

The gravitational field had little effect on Gu Zheng. The reason why he stopped was not because he was oppressed by gravity. It was just that the distance was now suitable for him to cast spells, and there was no need for him to move forward. As for the sea of ​​flames on the ground, Gu Zheng was not burned by it. With this level of flame burning, it would take a certain amount of time to break through the immortal power protection on his body surface! After all, Gu Zheng's natal real fire spirit is already very powerful.

Gu Zheng frowned, and the spirit of real gold in his body was shaking, and he was about to launch his counterattack.

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