Without chatting too much with Master Yunqing and Jin Yan, Gu Zheng temporarily left Pinxianju. He was going to the residence of the Ningshuang Sect in the city to kill the fourth elder who participated in the Undead Dragon Core incident.

The Ningshuang Sect's residence in Mohua City is a mansion, in which there are forty-five members of the Ningshuang Sect.

Through Xiong San's dream, Gu Zheng already knew the aura of the Fourth Elder, but he did not find the Fourth Elder in the resident, but found Elder Hu who was drinking alone.

Elder Hu's memory was changed by Ban Ao, he no longer knew the things surrounding Undead Godson, and after notifying the Fourth Elder to return to the sect, he temporarily stayed in the residence.

There are some sequelae of changing memory, and he has some discomfort in his head. He can't sleep or practice at the moment. He can only drink alone to pass the time.

The originally closed door suddenly opened, looking at the young man walking towards him, Elder Hu frowned.

The young man didn't have any strong aura, but Elder Hu was already in a cold sweat.

A young man appeared at his sect's residence in the middle of the night without alarming anyone in advance. When he was walking towards him at this moment, Elder Hu, who should have been terrified, would not have given birth if he hadn't stimulated himself by biting the tip of his tongue. Not wanting to question or provoke, this is simply the only horror he has ever seen in his life.

"Who are you?"

As if breaking free from a nightmare, Elder Hu, who was drenched in cold sweat, stood up abruptly.

"come over!"

Gu Zheng's voice was very flat, but it had an indescribable magical power. Elder Hu, who was in a trance for a moment, drifted involuntarily towards Gu Zheng's outstretched palm.

Without struggling, Elder Hu who accepted Gu Zheng's soul search seemed very peaceful.

"The memory was erased."

Gu Zheng smiled lightly, erased a person's memory, and then reprogrammed the memory. He was already an expert as early as the Noumenon era. Moreover, when he did this kind of thing, his technique was much better than Ban Ao's. At least when he changed a person's memory, he didn't make people howl like killing a pig in pain.

The so-called erasure of memory is not the real erasure, it's just that people who don't know how to do it can't see it.

Gu Zheng saw those hidden things in Elder Hu's memory, so he also knew that there was no second person involved in the undead Godson incident in this resident.

Gu Zheng didn't kill Elder Hu, he just let Elder Hu fall into a deep sleep and took him away into the night.

The reason why Gu Zheng didn't kill Elder Hu was that Elder Hu must have left a natal jade talisman in Ningshuangzong. If he is killed now, the natal jade talisman he left in Ningshuangzong will be broken. desired result.

"Fellow daoists, drink some tea!"

At this moment, Master Yunqing is socializing in Pinxianju.

Not long after Gu Zheng left, six terrified guests came to Pinxianju.

The six guests are all big shots, and they are the elders of the six major sects within the Mohua City.

Today is a big day for the Qingming Sect's sect celebration. All the sect forces within Mohua City sent representatives to participate. Just as these elders were talking and laughing happily, a powerful divine sense appeared in the form of an image. in their minds.

The six elders didn't know who the image was, but they all trembled for it! In their hearts, being able to let the divine thoughts cross the sound transmission and directly appear in multiple minds at the same time in the form of images represents the realm of that person, and it is too easy to kill them.

Without disturbing anyone else, the six elders rushed to Pinxianju according to the instructions of the image.

Gu Zheng was the one who asked the six elders to come to Pinxianju. Gu Zheng never expected that on the way to Mohua City, he happened to meet Qing Mingzong's sect celebration. He asked these people to come , many things can be saved.

The six elders didn't know why Gu Zheng asked them to come to Pinxianju, so they didn't dare to say more about Master Yunqing's question, they just said they were waiting for someone here. As for the tea offered by Reverend Yunqing, they were in no mood to taste it.

However, the six elders didn't wait too long. Gu Zheng just went to the residence of Ningshuangzong, which didn't take too long.

Seeing Gu Zheng carrying Elder Hu appearing outside Pinxianju, the six elders who were on pins and needles quickly stood up.

"Old Ancestor!"

Seeing Gu Zheng coming back, Master Yun Qing hastily greeted him.

The six elders were shocked. They knew about Tiexian, but they didn't know what Tiexian looked like. They knew that Master Yunqing was from Jixiang Xiaozhu, and they also knew that Master Yunqing called Tiexian the ancestor. With the title of Halal person, if they can't figure out who the person is, then they are really too stupid.

"I've seen Senior Tiexian!"

The six elders quickly saluted Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng nodded, and said lightly: "You guys are only here for one thing. The Ningshuang Sect plotted against me, and even colluded with the Demon Sect to do things that hurt the heavens and reason. There is no need for such a sect to exist."

Gu Zheng threw Elder Hu on the ground, and then took out a jade slip. Under the urging of the immortal power, the beam of light from the jade slip hit the empty space, and the picture formed was astonishingly similar to what Elder Hu saw when he searched for the soul. content.

After seeing the memory of Elder Hu on the light screen, all the six elders were shocked.

"I didn't expect Ningshuangzong to do so many unreasonable things!"

"That's right, pretending to be the righteous leader of our Mo Hua City!"

"Ban Ao is too insignificant!"

"Elder Hu really deserves to die!"

"Senior Tiexian, I also took advantage of Pinxianju before, I will make up for it, and I hope there will be a lot of seniors!"

"Senior Tiexian, I also took advantage of Pinxianju!"

"Senior Tiexian, I actually knew something about what the Ningshuang Sect did."

Some of the six elders were purely emotional, while others were so frightened that they quickly confessed.

Gu Zheng waved his hand and interrupted the words of the elders: "The previous things have passed, and I have no intention of pursuing them. What should I do in the future, you can take care of yourself."

"Thank you, Senior Tiexian!"

The elders who confessed before hurriedly expressed their thanks.

"Let everyone come here because I want everyone to go to the Frost Sect with me. All the people in the Frost Sect who have participated in the undead Godson incident will die. As for the rest of them, I am going to hand them over to you. Do you have any opinions on this?" Gu Zheng said calmly.


"No comments!"

"Everything depends on Senior Tiexian's orders!"

Strength determines everything, the six elders dare not have any opinions, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and immediately took them to Ningshuangzong.

In the largest cave of the Ningshuang Sect, Ban Ao, whose eyes were closed, opened them.

"If there are no accidents, Yemeng should have succeeded."

Ban Ao's heart moved, and he contacted Yemeng through his thoughts.

"Is things going well?" Ban Ao asked.

"Successful, now on the way back to the sect."

The person who answered Ban Ao was not Ye Meng, but Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's restriction on Yemeng not only allowed Yemeng to be absorbed by Immortal Realm, but also temporarily took over her ability to communicate with Ban Ao through mind. After all, the relationship between Yemeng and Ban Ao is not a contract of acknowledgment of the master. The reason why she and Ban Ao can communicate with each other is because Ban Ao cast a secret method on her.

"Very well, I'll talk about it when you get back."

The exchange of thoughts obtained through the secret method is very exhausting, and Ban Ao, who feels that the matter is over, happily ended the exchange with Gu Zheng.

It wasn't a time of war, Ningshuangzong didn't even open the mountain guard formation, which also saved some time needed for Gu Zheng and others to break the formation.

After restraining the disciples guarding the mountain, Gu Zheng and others drove straight in. The mountain patrolling disciples they met along the way couldn't even utter a yell, and they were knocked down by Gu Zheng and his party.

There are a total of eight elders in Ningshuang Sect, among them, Elder Hu is in Pinxianju, and the rest are all in Ningshuang Sect. Those who follow Gu Zheng also know the location of their caves.

According to Gu Zheng's instructions on the way, the six elders who followed him went to wait outside the caves of the six elders of the Ningshuang Sect, while Gu Zheng went to find the elder Ban Ao. If the rest of the elders are not alarmed in advance, then let them stay in the cave. If they want to escape, the elders guarding outside the cave will hold them back first, and Gu Zheng will go over and solve them soon. .

The six elders acted separately, and Gu Zheng also came outside Ban Ao's cave.

No matter which elder's cave is outside, there are some restrictions arranged, touching these restrictions will make the people in the cave respond.

The induction restriction, which is more troublesome for ordinary people, is basically useless to Gu Zheng. Even if Gu Zheng's divine sense detects this level of restriction, it will not make Ban Ao in the cave feel induced.

There is also a restriction on the gate of the cave. Gu Zheng put his hand on it, Xianli entered the restriction, and the gate opened soon.

This restriction on the gate of the cave will definitely alarm Ban Ao when it is opened, but Ban Ao is not nervous about it at all, he thought it was his Yemeng who had returned, until he saw a young man entering the cave, He just stood up from the futon with a 'chuss'.

For a moment, cold sweat rolled down Ban Ao's forehead.

"Who are you?"

Ban Ao pretended to be calm, but he already guessed the identity of the visitor.

Ban Ao had never seen the Tiexian, but he knew that the Tiexian looked very young, and he was worried that the Immortal Dragon Core incident would attract the Tiexian. At this time, a young man of the same age as the Tiexian entered the cave. Naturally, there is only one person who comes to mind.


Gu Zheng's voice was very flat, but in Ban Ao's ears it sounded like thunder.

Although Ban Ao guessed that the coming person was the one he least wanted to see, he still had illusions in his heart. He hoped that his guess was wrong, but the facts proved that his guess was not wrong at all.

"So you are Senior Tiexian, disrespectful and disrespectful! I don't know what the hell is going on that Senior Tiexian came to this junior's cave late at night?"

Ban Ao hurriedly saluted Gu Zheng, and a new fantasy was born in his heart. He hoped that things hadn't reached the worst point, and he hoped that things would turn around.

"Don't you know what it is?"

Gu Zheng sneered: "You changed Elder Hu's memory, but you can't hide it from my inspection, so you don't have to pretend anymore."

Ban Ao, who had been in the state of bowing all the time, trembled. Gu Zheng's words shattered all his expectations. His bent body straightened up, and the anxiety in his heart disappeared, and a trace of madness appeared in his eyes. .

When there is no result, people tend to feel uneasy, but once there is a result, there is no need to guess, even if the result is bad, the only thing to do is to face it, and the rest are useless. There is no need to be afraid anymore.

"Your audacity amazes me!"

Gu Zheng looked at Ban Ao up and down, and Ban Ao's boldness really surprised him, not to mention the crazy decision Ban Ao made when he erased Elder Hu's memory, but the things he did in collusion with the Demon Sect, There is a lot of touching madness.

"Suppress the bold and starve to death the timid, and the world of immortal cultivators is the same!"

Ban Ao grinned grinningly, he waved his whisk in the void, and the energy of heaven and earth instantly formed a barrier, separating him from Gu Zheng.

Ban Ao knew that this barrier could not stop Gu Zheng, he just hoped that this barrier would buy him some time to make changes and complete his final struggle.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to make a move, the reason why he said a few more words to Ban Ao was to see how crazy Ban Ao was.

"Where's the life-saving jade talisman of the Frost Sect? I heard that the power of a quasi-sage's strike is sealed inside it?"

Gu Zheng laughed mockingly, that fake life-saving jade talisman could fool others, but it couldn't fool him.

"It's a pity that Ningshuangzong doesn't have such a life-saving jade talisman, otherwise the poor Taoist will definitely use it for you!"

Ban Ao's voice was full of hatred. This guy who called himself 'Poverty Dao' was undergoing a transformation. He had changed from a human being to a carapace-backed, red-black body, human-like and insect-like spirit.

"Ban Ao, mylabris, interesting!"

Now that Ban Ao has shown his body, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and he slapped the barrier in front of him with his palm.

In a seemingly ordinary palm, only a nearly transparent palm print landed on the barrier in front of him.


The barrier shattered with a crisp sound.

The light palm print didn't disappear after breaking the barrier, and it became lighter and printed towards Ban Ao again.

Ban Ao let out a sharp whistle. He knew that Gu Zheng was terrifying, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying. The seemingly ordinary palm not only destroyed the barrier he had set up, but also had such a powerful force behind him. The aura made him feel that it was wrong to hide no matter what.

"call out!"

The scream calmed Ban Ao and made him react in time. The side of his body aimed at the palm print with the carapace on his back.

There was no loud noise, and after the handprint was printed on Ban Ao's carapace, Ban Ao's body immediately flew out like a kite with a broken string, and smashed deeply into the stone wall of the cave.

As soon as the black and red light spots on Ban Ao's carapace lit up, five pairs of black and red light balls flew out of it, flying towards Gu Zheng like will-o'-the-wisps.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and waved it in the air, and a huge force wrapped five pairs of red and black light balls, squeezed them into a ball, and shot towards the stone wall where Ban Ao was like a shooting star.

Ban Ao originally thought that showing his body would be able to compete with Gu twice, but he never thought that the gap between the two would be so huge. He didn't dare to hesitate any more, and immediately displayed Immortal Domain.

With a change of vision, Gu Zheng was taken into Ban Ao's fairyland.

There is a small mountain in front of me, but this fairy mountain is neither soil nor stone, it is entirely built of countless rotten wood.

The entire mountain was already shaking, and countless spotted beetles emerged from the mountain. They were of different sizes, the small ones were like domestic pigs, and the big ones were like a house.

The sea of ​​cantharidins rolled towards the ancient dispute at the foot of the mountain, and Ban Ao, who could not be seen, was secretly manipulating the energy of the heaven and the earth, trying to suppress the ancient dispute.

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the energy that originally belonged to Ban Ao's Immortal Domain was dispatched by him instead. Ripples with distinct layers appeared in the air, swinging from bottom to top towards the sea of ​​insects, and those spotted beetles that were touched by the ripples instantly lost their bodies. Turned into shimmering shards.

In just one breath, the incalculable number of mylabris all died in the rippling waves.

Gu Zheng waved his hand again, and the bright fragments that were originally floating in the air merged instantly, turning into a long knife, and slashed towards Rotten Mountain with astonishing momentum.


The Rotten Wood Mountain was cut open, and the body of Ban Ao who was hiding in it was split in half. Before Gu Zheng's eyes, the scene of the Immortal Realm had cracks appearing like ice breaking.

The strength gap is too big, even with the help of Xianyu Ban Ao, he is not the opponent of Gu Zheng. Under such circumstances, his Xianyu is better to say that Gu Zheng's Xianyu, because he can control the energy of Xianyu, which can be controlled by others. Gu Zheng took it away easily.


Ban Ao's fairyland has been broken, and Ban Ao who appeared in the real world screamed again and again.

Since the main body had already been split in half by Gu Zheng in the Immortal Realm, even though Ban Ao was not dead at this time, he was seriously injured.

However, Ban Ao is a demon cultivator after all, and he also has his weirdness. His body that was split in half by Gu Zheng turned into two smaller myrabes, drilling deeper into the stone wall! As long as one of these two escaped mylabris survives, Ban Ao will still have a chance to make a comeback.

Gu Zheng frowned, and the flying light spots of spiritual thoughts split into two in the air, penetrated into the stone wall and landed on the two mylabris.


The two mylabris screamed, their bodies quickly disappeared under the decomposition of the divine mind, and the chance of making a comeback was gone.

It didn't take much time to get rid of Ban Ao, Gu Zheng flickered, and he had already appeared outside Ban Ao's cave.

At this time, Ningshuangzong was in chaos, and the disciple of Ningshuangzong who was in charge of guarding the natal jade talisman issued an alarm, and the natal jade talisman of the elder of the sect was shattered!


The second target of Gu Zheng was the second elder of the Ningshuang Sect. He spoke to the elder of the Qingming Sect who was guarding outside the cave of the second elder, and the elder of the Qingming Sect immediately flew towards the place where the chaos of the Ningshuang Sect occurred. To quell the chaos there.

The sect's alarm naturally alarmed the other elders of the Ningshuang Sect. As long as these elders are not in the critical moment of retreat, they all choose to leave the retreat immediately.

For the other elders of the Ningshuang Sect, Gu Zheng didn't plan to say anything more, even Ban Ao, the great elder, failed to let him experience the joy of fighting, and he felt that he could not count on the rest of the elders. Therefore, when the second elder of Ningshuang Sect had just opened the gate of the cave, even before he could see Gu Zheng's appearance clearly, he was killed by Gu Zheng's palm.

After killing the second elder of Ningshuang Sect, Gu Zheng flew towards the cave of the third elder of Ningshuang Sect.

At this time, the third elder of the Ningshuang Sect who had already walked out of the cave was extremely furious. He was being entangled by the elders of the Xuantu Sect, and he thought it was the Xuantu Sect who had launched an attack on their Ningshuang Sect.

Gu Zhengfei's body in the air didn't stop at all, and he didn't care if it was a sneak attack, a huge palm print descended from the sky, and directly shot the third elder of Ningshuangzong into the mountain, the effect was like a It's just a mosquito that sucks blood and is blown up by someone.

Looking at the third elder of the Ningshuang Sect who was slapped to death like a mosquito, the elder of the Xuantu Sect was sweating coldly on his forehead.

"It's a good thing that Senior Tiexian didn't pursue what happened before, otherwise I guess I would have ended up like this!" the Xuantu Sect elder was terrified.

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