At night, the stars are shrouded.

In the largest cave of the Ningshuang Sect, the Great Elder Ban Ao was walking back and forth.

The Black Mist Girl has already gone to carry out Ban Ao's mission, and according to her speed, she is about to reach Mohua City at this moment.

Ban Ao just received the news that the identity of the so-called 'Friend Daoist Xiong' has been confirmed. He is a direct disciple of Tiexian, and his real name is Xiong San.

Ban Ao was a little anxious at this time, he didn't want this incident to have a lot to do with Tiexian, but now it seems that the relationship is still involved, one of the people he wanted to kill was Tiexian's Personal disciple.

The fidgety Dubu finally stopped, and Ban Ao had already made a final decision in his heart.

"That fellow Daoist Xiong is the direct disciple of Tiexian, so this time we must do everything cleanly!"

Although he is far away from the Black Mist, Ban Ao's relationship with the Black Mist still allows him to get in touch with the Black Mist.

"Are you crazy?"

The Black Mist Girl responded quickly.

"It's not crazy, it's not impossible to kill Tiexian's disciples, but they must be clean!" Ban Ao reiterated calmly.

"Maybe there are other solutions." The Black Mist Girl pondered.

"There is no other solution."

Ban Ao's voice paused, and then he said: "You must get the immortal dragon core with the trace of Taoism. This matter cannot be delayed any longer, so as not to have many dreams in the night. What's more, since the other party is the disciple of Tiexian, does he want to be kind?" It's all the same thing."

"All right!"

After a moment of silence, the Black Mist Girl responded to Ban Ao.

Although the Black Mist Girl responded to Ban Ao, she always felt that this matter was inappropriate. When she thought that Xiong San was Tiexian's direct disciple, she always felt uneasy.

The gate of Mohua City has been closed, and there are still night-watching immortal cultivators on the high walls, but they are useless to the Black Mist Girl who can blend with the darkness. When the Black Mist Girl flies past them When they passed by, not only did they not see it, they didn't even feel a breath of wind.

Entering Mohua City, the Black Mist Girl went straight to Pinxianju.

At this moment, Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan wanted to hit someone.

Xiong San slept for half a day, and after he woke up not long ago, he immediately yelled that he was hungry, as if he had done strenuous exercise that consumed energy in his sleep.

Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan wanted to communicate with Xiong San wholeheartedly, but Xiong San said that no matter what they had to say, they would wait until after he had eaten.

In order to communicate with Xiong San quickly, Jin Yan refused Xiong San's request to eat big fish and meat, and she cooked ten fried eggs for Xiong San as quickly as possible.

Xiong San is also easy to dismiss, without big fish and meat, fried eggs can make him very happy.

"It's really delicious! Jin Yan, your cooking skills are going to be better than mine now!"

"It smells so good! I haven't smelled this charming smell of fried eggs for many years."

"Fragrant and smooth, so delicious!"

If ordinary people eat omelettes made by Xianchu, it’s fine to have such emotions, but who knows how many omelettes Xiong San has eaten! At this moment, he was not only feeling emotional from time to time, but the omelet that should have been eaten one bite at a time was suddenly eaten into ten bites.

"Smelly bear, don't you dare to eat fried eggs? Will you choke to death if you eat too much?"

Jin Yan couldn't take it anymore, she could tell that Xiong San didn't want to say anything to them at all, so he used this way of eating to delay time.

"Friend Daoist, you make me very helpless!"

Master Yunqing trusts Xiong San very much, he thinks that Xiong San must have his reasons for doing so, but now he is really dumbfounded.

"Omelettes are good, but I can't eat them anymore."

As if he had changed suddenly, Xiong San squinted his eyes and looked at Jin Yan.

Daoist Yun Qing, who was still a little confused at first, widened his eyes in an instant, and stood up with a 'chuss' as he looked at Jin Yan.

"How about you?"

Jin Yan didn't understand, so before she finished speaking, her face changed color, and a cold feeling appeared behind her.

Jin Yan's strength is not good, but she is a cultivator after all. When she feels something abnormal, she can know what happened behind her without turning her head.

Jin Yan's shadow is distorting and growing, and eventually it is as big as a wall, as if the shadow formed by living things is constantly distorting, making people unable to see its specific shape.

Master Yunqing was sweating coldly. He didn't know what was in Jinyan's shadow, nor how it got into Jinyan's shadow. The fear caused by the unknown made his throat tighten.

As the person involved, Jin Yan was even more afraid. She had a feeling that as long as she dared to act rashly, the shadow behind her could kill her instantly.

"You didn't kill people directly, but came out to scare people. It seems that you have something to tell me."

Xiong San seemed very calm. After he finished speaking, he even stuck out his tongue and licked off a little bit of egg yolk from the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that you know me, you have searched Lang Hui's soul."

The voice of the Black Mist Girl is not as touching as when she communicated with Ban Ao. Her voice at this time makes it impossible to distinguish between men and women.

"I did search Lang Hui's soul. I thought I'd leave it at that, but you guys don't agree!"

Xiong San shook his head, his voice was very regrettable, his words had a great influence on the black mist girl, so much so that the black mist girl wanted to disobey Ban Ao's order once.

"Let this matter be left alone? If you give me the 'Undead Dragon Core', what troubles will arise in Pinxianju in the future, and Ningshuangzong will come out for free, so it's just a friend?"

Even though the voice of the Black Mist Girl was unrecognizable as male or female, everyone could hear her difficulty in saying this.

Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan were both shocked. They really didn't expect that the existence that frightened them so much would speak to Xiong San in such a difficult tone. , It's just scoffing!

"Make friends? Do you have the qualifications? Still want 'Undead Godson'? Why are you so courageous?"

Xiong San's words made Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan's hearts tense, they were very afraid of the violent wrath of the existence in the shadow.

However, Black Mist Girl was not furious, she felt a strong crisis from Xiong San's words.

"Okay, we don't deserve it, and we don't want 'Undead Godson'. What troubles will arise in Pinxianju in the future, how about our Ningshuang Sect for free?"

This time, the voice of the Black Mist Girl was not difficult at all, and both Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan could hear that the only thing they wanted in exchange for this kind of compromise was to get out of the incident as soon as possible! This kind of change, which was unimaginable before, made Master Yunqing and Jin Yan want to agree to this proposal quickly, so as to end the depression that made people feel ups and downs.

"It's too late, since you Ningshuang Sect didn't want to let this matter go, your Ningshuang's luck has been exhausted."

Xiong San stood up, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"You are just a disciple of the Tie Immortal, do you really think you are a Tie Immortal? You are deceiving people too much!"

The Black Mist Girl was finally furious, and since there was nothing to be gained by compromising, she might as well kill him.


The Black Mist Girl roared and punched Jin Yan in the head.


Jin Yan didn't even have time to dodge, her head was smashed like a watermelon.


Real Yun Qing cried out in pain, and he slapped Black Mist Girl.


The black mist girl roared again, ignoring Master Yunqing's palm, she slapped Master Yunqing's head with her huge palm.

The strength was too great, and the black mist girl saw the blood bursting from her palm, saw the big hole in the floor, and also saw the real Yunqing whose body fell from the fourth floor to the third floor along with the broken wood.

Easily killing Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing, the black mist girl burst into anger.

"now you!"

The Black Mist Girl grinned, and patted Xiong San with her palm.

However, Xiong San, who kept frowning and watching her show off, not only was not killed, but she even saw the darkness!

In the eyes of the Black Mist, there is no darkness in the world. She was born in darkness, and darkness does not exist in her eyes. However, at this moment, the Black Mist Girl really saw the darkness, the darkness was boundless, and the blackness made her feel cold to the bone!

"Immortal Domain!"

The Black Mist girl screamed, but the reason for her screaming was not because of this strange fairyland that made her feel the darkness, but because she was actually taken into the fairyland!

Ban Ao knew that Xiong San had supernatural powers in the fairyland, but he still sent the black mist girl to kill Xiong San. This was naturally because the black mist girl was not afraid of the fairyland, and she had the essence of not being absorbed by the fairyland. However, the Black Mist Girl did appear in the Immortal Realm, so how could she not be surprised!

Shock was nothing but shock, but the Black Mist girl calmed down quickly. Although this fairyland allowed her to see the darkness, the influence of the darkness on her was much weaker than that of ordinary cultivators, so she could see the endless The darkness is actually an endless abyss, and Xiong San, who is also in the abyss, is walking towards her.

"Aren't you shocked, why were you taken into the Immortal Realm?"

When Xiong San's voice sounded, the Black Mist Girl's heart shook, and she also searched her body while asking herself, this inspection made her scream out loud, she found that her body had been restricted by someone at some time, it was this restriction She will be taken into the Immortal Realm because of her existence.

Shock, absolute shock!

He has never fallen into a coma, so he can be restrained by someone without feeling anything. How terrifying is the method of the person who imposed the restraint!

"Tie Immortal!"

The Black Mist Girl screamed, she didn't think Xiong San had this kind of ability, the only possibility she could think of had already been shouted out by her.

Hearing some legends about the Tiexian, the black mist girl knew that the Tiexian was terrifying, so she dared to disobey Ban Ao's order, thinking of turning the big thing into a small one, but who would have thought that the Tiexian was far more terrifying than she imagined Deeper in! Such an existence, if you want to kill her, it will not be much more difficult than crushing an ant.

"Stop yelling, because you are special enough, Master asked me to use you to exercise, so you have that kind of restriction on your body. If you can get out of my fairyland, you still have a chance to survive, If you can't go out, then you will disappear with the disappearance of the fairyland!"

Xiong San's words fell to the ground, and he slashed at the black mist girl with a knife.

At this moment, in the private room in the real world, both Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing were sitting on the chairs, their eyes closed as if they were asleep, and their bodies were unharmed.

The night wind blew in from the window, Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing shivered with their closed eyes, and then opened their eyes at the same time.

There was surprise in the eyes of Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing. As immortal cultivators, they immediately knew that they were not dead! There is also doubt in their eyes, they don't understand why they didn't die! Immediately afterwards, surprise and doubt turned to alertness, and they sensed someone behind them! The two turned their heads almost at the same time, and they saw a man in green clothes standing in front of the window. The man's back was facing them, the moonlight was shining on his head, and his black hair was gently swaying in the night wind.

The back figure in front of the window was too familiar, so familiar that Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan's eyes turned red instantly.

"Old Ancestor!"


Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan wept amidst the cheers.

"How have you been all these years?"

Gu Zheng turned around, with a smile on his face that Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan were familiar with.

Like two children who had been wronged, the weeping Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan bowed down to Gu Zheng at the same time.

"Okay, I haven't seen you for so many years, don't cry when you meet."

Gu Zheng used his immortal power to support Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan.

"Yunqing, you are thinner than before."

Gu Zheng patted Master Yunqing on the shoulder.

"Old Ancestor!" Master Yun Qing choked up.

"The change is not small!"

Gu Zheng patted Jin Yan on the head, the little girl in Jixiang Xiaozhu back then had already turned into a woman.


Jin Yan smiled, but the tears couldn't stop rolling down.

Whether it is Master Yun Qing or Jin Yan, they will always think of Gu Zheng, and even have the idea of ​​following Gu Zheng for the rest of their lives, but they know that this is impossible, and they can only hope for it when they think of Gu Zheng. Everything is fine with him.

"First, sir, it's getting cold. If you really want to eat it, sir, I'll do it now!"

Jin Yan's eyes widened. She saw Gu Zheng sitting down at the table and even ate the remaining fried eggs on the plate.

"No, in fact, even if you don't taste it, you know that your cooking skills have improved."

After eating a cold fried egg, Gu Zheng smiled slightly.

Jin Yan and Gu Zheng don't have the name of master and apprentice, but they are master and apprentice. It's not so much that Gu Zheng ate a cold fried egg, it's better to say that he ate a memory and a complex.

"Sit down, don't just stand around."

Greeting Jinyan and Master Yunqing to sit down, Gu Zheng said again: "Although cooking skills have improved, the cultivation of the two of you has really dropped a lot in these years!"

"Sir, I've been wandering around all these years and opening a shop to accept apprentices, so I really don't have time to practice." Jin Yan lowered her head.

"Old Ancestor, I've been stuck in the bottleneck for many years." Master Yun Qing smiled wryly.

"Although Immortal Chef focuses on culinary skills, his strength can't be lowered! Today's diet has not really flourished, and if he loses his strength, he may be bullied!"

Gu Zheng said that if he loses his strength, he might be bullied. Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing were deeply touched, and they both nodded.

"Old Ancestor, when did you come? The monster in the shadow just now?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"I came here when Xiong San ate the first fried egg, and I came here in time, otherwise you would be in real trouble. The monster in the shadow you mentioned is called 'Night Dream', she When I shot you, you were all affected by my illusion, so she felt that she killed you, and you also felt that you were killed by her! With the help of Yemeng, let you experience the feeling of death, for Your state of mind can also be regarded as an experience!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing quickly expressed their thanks.

"It's no wonder that Stupid Xiong didn't panic at all. It seems that he knew that the husband was coming! This nasty guy didn't reveal anything in advance, which made Yun Qing and I fearful!" Jin Yan gritted her teeth.

"It's fate!"

Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled: "Xiong San came to Mohua City with the original intention of sending the fairy formation across continents. He didn't know you were here before, and I, who just finished retreat, also didn't know you were here. I was able to pass Xiong San I contacted him in my dream. I didn’t know you were in Mohua City until he was drunk on the first night in Pinxianju, so I asked him to stay and wait for me that night. I also did the same thing about you and Ningshuangzong. Afterwards, I found out through Xiong San's dream that I let Xiong San decide how to deal with this matter. As for Xiong San not revealing information about me in advance, I asked him to do so, not that I want to give What surprises are you guys, I just want you to bear something more."

Gu Zheng made a breakthrough in this retreat, so he was able to connect with Xiong San, who also practiced Tiexian Jue, and also had an introduction to the way of dreams. If it weren't for Gu Zheng's ability, Xiong San's dream would have lasted more than thirty-five years.

"Old Ancestor, what are you going to do with the Frost Sect?"

For real Yu Yunqing, staying beside Gu Zheng felt really comfortable, and now he asked about things that he had never dared to think about before.

"The elders who participated in this incident must die. As for the rest of the sect, someone will naturally deal with them. Let this sect disappear. It's not because they are famous and decent but colluded with the demon sect. It's just that they offended me. people." Gu Zheng said flatly.

"Sir, are we still yours?"

Jinyan looked at Gu Zheng pitifully. She and Master Yun Qing had already decided when they left Jixiang Xiaozhu that they would not bother Gu Zheng with the things they could take on in the future. Now listening to what Gu Zheng said, I was moved teary.

"The people I taught in Jixiang Xiaozhu back then are all my people."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he continued: "However, I can't take care of you all my life. You should have your own world and destiny. All I can give you is some help. Even if Xiong San doesn't meet you this time , I will also look for you, I am going to take the three of you to practice in the enchantment."

Taking his own people to practice in the enchantment and help them grow, this is the idea that Gu Zheng had long ago.

However, the time for the ancient battle is limited, and there are more people who want to bring it, so it can only be done in batches.

The first time Gu Zheng took Xiong San and Lingzhu to the enchantment, but he didn't know enough about enchantment at that time. It cannot be regarded as a complete experience.

The second time, Gu Zheng brought Qiao Bai and Xu Ran into the barrier, and the two improved their strength and grew in the barrier.

For the third time, Gu Zheng intends to bring Xiong San, Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan into the barrier.

After coming out of the enchantment, as far as Gu Zheng is concerned, his fate with Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan is almost over. I don't know when we will meet again in the future. They should all have their own destiny and fate. chance.

Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan couldn't think so far, they just thanked Gu Zheng again happily after hearing Gu Zheng's decision.

As Master Yunqing said, he has been acting with his tail between his legs all these years, and both he and Jin Yan are eager to improve their strength.

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