Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 243 The Test Completed

This is the first person who clearly knows the therapeutic effect of chicken blood soup, and at the same time brings benefits to himself.

In fact, many people who come to drink chicken blood soup, especially those who drink the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself, will have some improvement in their bodies. Some people feel it but don’t think so much, or think about it. But not so concerned.

He was the first one to be truly open and express gratitude.

Gu Zheng came out of the kitchen, and there were many spectators outside. The store manager ran over and took the man's family to hang the pennant. The man knew that Gu Zheng was the one who made the chicken blood soup, and hurried forward to thank him.

What he said was the truth. Stomach disease had tortured him for more than 20 years. It wasn't him himself, so he couldn't feel his pain.

He has been to too many hospitals, seen too many doctors, and taken too many medicines, but the stomach problem has always existed, and it has never been truly cured.

It's just pain. His gastric ulcer is getting worse and worse. If it doesn't work out, it may be gastric perforation, or it will develop to a worse level.

In this situation, he was very worried and left with a heartache.

And these heart problems finally disappeared yesterday. He never imagined that what the hospital doctors couldn't do would be done by a diet therapy, and he didn't expect that he just smelled the fragrance and felt good, so he could taste his favorite food , unexpectedly brought him such a big surprise.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

After he finished speaking, he thanked again, while Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head. He added five high-grade ingredients to the old soup of chicken blood soup. Although the old soup was diluted, the effect of diet must still exist.

But it's not as effective as he was for Mr. Liang's treatment. The diluted old soup needs to be eaten several times to be effective.

What this person cured was a stomach problem, and it was a stubborn stomach problem. He must have eaten a lot. After eating so much, he can be regarded as his loyal and regular customer. Gu Zheng is also very happy that he can really heal the body of such a regular customer.

After hanging the pennant, the store manager's face became more joyful.

Firecrackers cannot be set off in the urban area. The previous sound was actually played by a tape recorder. Bringing firecrackers is just a situation. Many other customers are talking there, some believe it, and some doubt it.

But no matter what attitude people have, they all know this.

The store manager found friends in the media again, and soon some people spread the news, forums, Weibo, and Moments all reposted it. It is a rare thing that diet therapy can have such a good effect.

Some people with stomach problems deliberately tried to ask this person how he cured the disease.

Believe it or not, as soon as this incident happened, the business here in Guzheng did improve. As soon as the business improved, the growth rate of the number of testers dropped, and the speed of completion of the remaining 800 people became slower.

Five days later, the store finally sold out all 5,000 bowls of chicken blood soup again. This was the first time that all chicken blood soup was sold out after the attack on Laotang.

Although the employees in the store were tired, they were all joyful. The attack did not break them down. It was not easy to recover to this level without any reaction.

Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup, the business is getting better again, there are queues every day, Gu Zheng secretly sighs in his heart.

There is only half a month left in the test, but there are still more than 400 people who have not come to eat his chicken blood soup. Now the daily increase in the number of testers has dropped dramatically, and there were only a few dozen people yesterday.

According to this speed, there is still a great possibility to complete the test, but there is also a high probability that it will not be completed.

"Qi Ling, is there any good way to speed up the test?"

After closing the store at night and going back into the Primordial Space, Gu Zheng asked casually.

He now spends half an hour in the prehistoric space every day. Normally speaking, after such a long time, his Tie Xian Xian Jue should have advanced a long time ago. I don’t know if it’s because of the food cultivation last time. Strength has increased, but Tiexian Xianjue has been stagnant.

Every day in the prehistoric space, Gu Zheng doesn't need to practice, he just needs to stand up, but now he makes chicken blood soup to sell, and he can't be idle after coming in every day, basically to ripen the fairy chicken.

"Of course there is a good way!"

Qi Ling answered quickly, while Gu Zheng's spirit was lifted slightly. He just asked casually, but he didn't expect Qi Ling to really have a way.

"Tell me, how do you do it?"

Having dealt with Qi Ling for so long, Gu Zheng has a certain understanding of it. Although Qi Ling usually has many unreliable things, the method it said is very effective. The previous suggestions have also had good results .

"Comprehensive purchase restriction!"

Qi Ling's words made Gu Zheng's face stiffen. He thought that Qi Ling really had a good idea, but he didn't expect it to be this again. It's not that he hasn't thought about comprehensive purchase restrictions, but it's not realistic at all. This is not a small shop, but a Big stores, there are four to five thousand customers every day.

Put a blanket restriction on so many people and they'll block the door and they won't be able to do business at all.

When Shu Yu's small store had fewer people, the purchase restriction was so overwhelming. It was hard for Gu Zheng to imagine what kind of results would be brought to them after the comprehensive purchase restriction was implemented here.

"bad idea!"

Gu Zheng sighed. It is almost impossible to restrict the purchase in a comprehensive way. In fact, he can complete the test. Even if he closes the store, he doesn’t care. It can make them feel unsafe.

"If you don't listen to the end, how do you know it's a bad idea!"

Qi Ling said something unconvinced, and continued: "I have been studying your so-called marketing these days, and I find it very interesting. Although Honghuang also has marketing, it is far behind you. You marketing There are all kinds of methods, and there are all kinds of surprises. The comprehensive purchase restriction I think is a kind of marketing."

"We can create a gimmick in advance. I have thought about this gimmick. It is very simple. Let a person write a letter to you, saying that he wants to drink chicken blood soup, but every time there are many people coming, he does not drink it. I am very disappointed, this person had better be a child!"

"After his letter comes out, let some of your so-called Fifty Cent Party follow up and promote those people who have no time to line up and are eager to drink chicken blood soup. At this time, you stand up and say that for them, a comprehensive purchase limit will be implemented every day. , It doesn’t need to be full day, half a day or shorter. Today is morning, tomorrow is afternoon, and the day after tomorrow is evening. During the purchase restriction period, all people who have drunk chicken blood soup cannot buy again. If they want to eat, come again outside the purchase restriction time !"

"In this way, many people who have not eaten chicken blood soup can have time, and your customers will not object too much. They can come outside the purchase limit time!"

The more Qi Ling talks, the brighter Gu Zheng's eyes are, not to mention, this little guy's idea is really good, but where did Qi Ling learn this, I have never seen anything about marketing these days How does it know so many books, even know about making gimmicks and the Fifty Cent Party?

If you have a chance another day, you must interrogate it well.

Qi Ling's suggestion is really good. In fact, when it said it, Gu Zheng was moved.

It’s just that Gu Zheng didn’t know who to go to for the trustee who wrote the letter, not someone he didn’t trust, but someone he could trust, and there was no one around him, which was very distressing.

"This is your business, you solve it yourself!"

When Qi Ling was asked again, Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng such an answer, Qi Ling only gave suggestions, and how to implement it depends entirely on Gu Zheng himself.

Gu Zheng is not angry, that's right, it's Qi Ling's personality to be digging or not buried, it really helps Gu Zheng with everything, and Gu Zheng still wonders if this Qi Ling has changed.

Well, without Qi Ling's help, Gu Zheng has to rely on himself, but the idea of ​​this half-day purchase limit is really good.

Now there are only over 400 people left for him who have not completed the test. It is completely fine to limit purchases for half a day or less, as long as they are given time and opportunity to come to the store.

Early the next morning, Gu Zheng arrived at the store.

Gu Zheng was the first person to come today. After thinking for a long time last night, Gu Zheng didn't have a suitable person, and he was not suitable to find a planning company to be a fifty-cent party. Finally, he simply handed over the problem to Chang Feng.

He didn't explain to Chang Feng, he just asked him to follow suit.

One thing that makes Gu Zheng most satisfied with Changfeng’s partner is that no matter what Gu Zheng does, he never opposes it, listens to it when he is given an explanation, and does it without an explanation. He supports everything that Gu Zheng does.

It is indeed a blessing to have such a partner.

After staying in the kitchen for a while, the number of customers who came outside gradually increased. A few days after the opening, Gu Zheng accepted the suggestions of many customers and moved the store's business hours from 8:00 to 7:30, so that Many people eat chicken blood soup for breakfast.

Even though it was 7:30 in advance, there were still many people who came ahead to queue up.

"I'm really in a hurry, please, help me, just help me this time?"

When it was almost 7:30, there was a sudden shout from outside. Gu Zheng and the others heard it in the kitchen. Gao Changhe and the others were all doing their own things, and no one paid attention to the situation outside.

They are just chefs, not bosses, their job is in the kitchen, just do everything in the kitchen well.

All the employees in the store have finished the probationary period ahead of schedule. After the probationary period, everyone’s wages have increased. Gao Changhe is now the highest paid person in the store. His monthly salary is 30,000 yuan, excluding various bonuses and Welfare.

The store manager is 28,000. The reason why it is so low is because Gao Changhe bought it with his life last time. After Chang Feng learned the details, he gave such an increase. Although the store manager's performance is worthy of recognition, after all, there is no Gao Changhe worked so hard, but he didn't do as well as Gao Changhe.

Because of this, the salary of Gao Changhe, the head chef, is higher than that of the store manager.

The store manager didn't have any objection. In fact, he was very satisfied with the current state. He saw Gao Changhe's performance that day. He didn't give Gao Changhe a better treatment than him. envy.

In his opinion, that is what Gao Changhe deserves.

Gu Zheng walked outside the kitchen, and the store manager was comforting a man, a man in his thirties, begging there, his face was very red, and he looked a little anxious.

"It's not that I didn't come early, but something happened on the way. My mother has been drinking chicken blood soup for five days, and her health has improved very well. I talked with Boss Yan, and he said that the effect of chicken blood soup needs to be drunk continuously. It will be better, at least seven days in a row. My mother is still two days away from drinking chicken blood soup for seven days in a row. Give me one, please!"

The man was talking there quickly, Gu Zheng came out late, the store manager saw him coming out, and hurried forward to explain.

It was not only the person who felt the benefits of chicken blood soup to the body yesterday, the person surnamed Yan yesterday was the first person to express his gratitude publicly.

The man felt it too, but not in him, but in his mother.

He is a dutiful son. After his mother divorced, he raised him alone. Now he is also married and has children. He is very kind to his mother. Her mother suffered from headaches and insomnia due to fatigue.

When I have a severe headache, I can't wait to hit the wall, and insomnia is even more painful.

His mother sleeps less than an hour a day on average, and the severe insomnia makes him in a bad state of mind. He is a filial son, all of which can be seen in his eyes, but there is nothing he can do about it.

They have also seen many doctors, but there has been no improvement.

The man smelled the fragrance many times, finally gritted his teeth, and bought a bowl of chicken blood soup for his mother, eighty-eight chicken blood soup.

His mother was in poor spirits, had a bad appetite, and was very thin. He thought that the chicken blood soup was so delicious that his mother would like it. At that time, there was no restriction on packing in the store. He bought it back for his mother to drink. I finished drinking.

His mother hadn't eaten like this for a long time.

Later, the store restricted takeout. He brought his mother here when he had time, and packed a lunch box when he didn’t have time. With chicken blood soup.

Not long after, her mother's face became rosy, and her complexion became better. Although she still had headaches and insomnia, she was better than before, and she could sleep more at night.

This discovery made him very happy. Even if he didn't make much money, he would try his best to take his mother to drink chicken blood soup.

Because he went there many times, he also met some people in the store, most of whom felt that their health had improved, and among them was Boss Yan, who was the one who came to present the pennant yesterday.

According to them, chicken blood soup has the best therapeutic effect, the 888 type. Although the price is very expensive, the effect is very obvious.

Boss Yan has done his own verification. The chicken blood soup of 888 should be drunk continuously and cannot be stopped, at least for seven days. As long as the effect is greatly reduced once you stop, and he has been hesitant because of financial problems, he has no mother. At the same time, there are also reasons why it is difficult to buy 888 chicken blood soup every day.

After Laotang’s attack incident came out, 888’s chicken blood soup became easier to buy. Boss Yan encouraged him. If he really wants his mother to get better, don’t be afraid to spend money. Buy expensive ones and drink them for a week. , or even ten days.

At that time, Boss Yan hadn't gone for the final examination, but he could feel that his body was basically healed.

Eight hundred and eighty-eight's chicken blood soup is not so nervous. When it is not sold out early every day, there are examples of Boss Yan and others. He gritted his teeth and finally started to drink the chicken blood made by Gu Zheng himself for his mother. Soup, the effect of this chicken blood soup is really obvious. After only drinking it for five days, my mother's headache has been relieved a lot, and she actually slept for four hours last night. Today, she is very energetic.

His mother's health has improved, and he is very happy. He came to buy it again early this morning, but he didn't expect that there was a small car accident on the road, which delayed his time. After arriving here, Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup was sold out.

He is not as rich as Boss Yan. He only has a salary of about 5,000 a month. He has to support his family and buy chicken blood soup for his mother. He is under a lot of pressure. If it is not, it will affect the effect, so he is begging here, hoping that someone can give him a share.

After listening to his description, the store manager was very moved and embarrassed.

Guzheng’s chicken blood soup has always been made at 7:30, and it’s served around 8:00, and you can buy it in advance, but it’s basically delivered at the same time. In the past, Guzheng’s chicken blood soup was ordered as soon as the store opened. When business is bad these days, Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup is also affected, but it can still be sold out every day.

Basically, they are sold out early. The chicken blood soup he made tastes really good.

It was the same this morning, after the door opened at 7:30, Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup was all ordered within a few minutes, this person usually came early, but something happened in the morning, a car bumped them He fell down, and he was riding a tricycle with his old mother. He was fine, but he was worried about his mother.

After making sure that his mother was fine, he came again, but it was a bit late, and the last bowl of chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng was reserved.

His mother has been drinking it for five days straight, and her health has improved a lot. He originally planned to drink it for seven days. Days later it stopped because he ran out of money.

However, according to Boss Yan’s own experience from his own experiments, if he can drink for ten days in a row, the general minor problems can basically be solved, but it must be continuous, and a one-day break in between is equivalent to starting again.

He didn't have the financial resources, nor the energy, so he had to do it all over again.


The store manager was in a dilemma when he saw Gu Zheng standing aside and called out hastily.

From the bottom of his heart, he is willing to give this filial son a chicken blood soup, but none of the other people who bought Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup said they are willing to give it up. Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup is the most popular, and many people are Come early, just to buy a copy.

Although the price is expensive, but because of the special taste, it did not make customers complain.

All the people who have eaten Guzheng Chicken Blood Soup agree that this is the best food they have ever eaten, bar none, since it is the best, it doesn’t matter if the price is expensive, you get what you pay , The food industry is also the same, you pay for the taste.

It is also because of this that no one is willing to give up delicious food, not to mention that this delicious food also has the effect of diet therapy.

"Since it's sold out, forget it today!"

Gu Zheng’s words made the store manager feel a burst of disappointment. If it’s sold out, it’s tantamount to saying that if no one gave up the soup he bought, the mother of this filial son would not be able to drink the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng today. up.

If you can't drink it, it means that if you want better therapeutic effects, you have to start again. If you have a rich family, it doesn't matter, but this dutiful family is obviously mediocre, and wasting five days is a lot of pressure for him.

"Boss, I beg you!"

The filial son wanted to kneel down fiercely. He was really under a lot of pressure. His wife was extremely opposed to giving his mother chicken blood soup to treat headaches and insomnia, not to mention spending so much money.

Back and forth, he had spent nearly 10,000 yuan buying chicken blood soup for his mother, and he was really out of money.

The filial son didn't kneel down, he was about to bend down when he was stopped by Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng's speed was much faster than his, and here is a shop, how could he really make him kneel.

"Don't worry, there will be a way, go back first!"

Gu Zheng said something again, and frowned at the same time, he didn't know where Chang Feng found this man, his acting skills were really good, he almost believed it.

Yesterday, Gu Zheng called Chang Feng and told him what he thought. He said that writing letters is not good, and he would think of a better way to implement it. Gu Zheng didn't care, and this filial son came early this morning Well, looking at it now, the filial son Chang Feng found is indeed much better than writing letters directly.

Although Xiaozi bought his chicken blood soup, it also represented the thoughts of many people. Many people want to eat, but have no time and no way to line up. Using this incident as an introduction, his half-day comprehensive purchase restriction plan can be implemented .

"Boss, please, just let my mother continue to drink chicken blood soup today!"

The man yelled again in grief and anger, and the people around were all sympathetic, but the person who ordered the Guzheng Chicken Blood Soup didn't say anything. Some of them also wanted the therapeutic effect of the diet, and some were just reluctant.

Sympathy belongs to sympathy, but such a good thing makes them give up, but they are unwilling.

"Come back after get off work tonight!"

Gu Zheng frowned, the acting was very good, but it was a bit too much, he didn't like to be entangled by others, after a long time, others would think he was too ruthless.

Asking him to come back after get off work is to ask Chang Feng to deal with this person and tell him that the current drama is enough.

"Come back tonight after get off work!"

The man's eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he nodded hurriedly: "Thank you, thank you boss!"

With Gu Zheng, he left soon. The store manager also looked relieved, and at the same time looked at Gu Zheng with admiration. The things sold must not be taken back. Gu Zheng only makes ten copies every day. There is no way to make more, and it would be unfair to other customers to do so.

He originally wondered if Gu Zheng should make an exception and do it one more time.

However, according to his experience, this is very difficult. Gu Zheng's principles are very strong, and it is almost impossible for him to break the rules he set.

At that time, he was still regretting for his filial son. I'm afraid his mother really won't be able to drink chicken blood soup today.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zheng actually asked him to come back after get off work. It was not business hours. No matter how much Gu Zheng did, he did not violate the regulations. It was indeed a very good way to help this filial son.

This shows that Gu Zheng recognized this filial son very much and adopted a compromise method.

He didn't know at all that Gu Zheng didn't have such an idea, it was purely to get rid of this person first.

The filial son left, and the store regained its calm. Today's store is no different from yesterday's, there is only one more pennant, and there is only one, hanging there alone.

But the store manager believes that the more people who experience the benefits in the future, the more pennants they will receive.

At the beginning of eight o'clock in the evening, all 5,000 copies of chicken blood soup were sold out, and the time to sell out began to advance. This is a good sign. Everyone believes that they will soon return to the hot business that sold out at four o'clock in the afternoon every day .

"Gu Zheng, I have arranged it. Someone will protest tomorrow, a group of people will protest, and they will bring a lot of tools, and the momentum will be built directly!"

Gu Zheng was preparing to convene a meeting to formulate rules for half-day comprehensive purchase restrictions, when he suddenly received a call from Chang Feng.

"Protest, what are you protesting against?" Gu Zheng was at a loss.

"What you said yesterday, I thought about it, the momentum must be bigger, I will arrange one or two hundred people to go, don't worry, the appearance of these people will not make others suspicious!"

Chang Feng spoke quickly, while Gu Zheng froze there, and hurriedly asked: "You mean, you haven't done what I told you yesterday?"

"No, I've been thinking about it all day today. This method is not bad!"

Chang Feng replied quickly, Gu Zheng was stunned, and Chang Feng didn't do it, so the filial son this morning was not arranged by him, and it was not arranged by him, so it is true?

The matter of the filial son was actually true, but Gu Zheng always thought that it was Chang Feng who arranged the actors, and they were professional actors.

It's because he always believed that dutiful son was an actor, so he was not moved.

But I never thought that it was not the actor Chang Feng was looking for, but a real thing. It can only be said that it was too coincidental. When Gu Zheng was looking for Chang Feng to do this, he appeared, causing such a situation. Misunderstand.

No wonder he worked so hard and begged all the time, he wasn't acting at all.

"Boss, everyone is here, is there a meeting?"

The store manager walked in, and Gu Zheng hurriedly said something to Chang Feng, Chang Feng's preparations are useless, with this filial son here, the reason is already there, and there is no need to protest again.

Moreover, the purpose of the meeting is to order a comprehensive purchase restriction. The purchase restriction will start tomorrow, and the person Changfeng is looking for is indeed no longer needed.

"Is that person here?"

Gu Zheng asked first, the store manager was taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately, and said, "Here we are, just arrived, I told him we have a meeting, let him wait for a while!"

"The meeting is postponed, let him wait first!"

Gu Zheng turned around and walked towards the kitchen stove. This is a true filial son, and a filial person's character is not too bad. Gu Zheng regarded him as an actor again, and felt a little guilty in his heart, so he simply helped this filial son fulfill his wish first.

Fortunately, he didn't let people leave directly during the day, and asked him to come again at night, which would make people too sad.

Bring to a boil and bring the soup to a boil.

Gu Zheng personally made the chicken blood soup, and the fragrance came out again.

The scent is still so strong now, but the people around have gotten used to it, they all know the source of the scent, and many people even come here to taste the chicken blood soup here.

It can also be said that without the fragrance made by Gu Zheng, chicken blood soup would not have such a good business in the beginning.

Such a price is enough to scare away many people.

Many nearby people walked out of the door in doubt. The usual scent is in the morning, but it also smells in the evening. This has never happened before.

These people were just puzzled and didn't look for it. Knowing the source of the fragrance, many people became indifferent. What they fear most is that they don't know anything. Curiosity can make some people want to hit the wall.

Outside, the filial son excitedly held the old mother's hand.

Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup was ready quickly, and a large bowl was brought out. The portion was much larger than what they usually bought. Not only his mother had it, but Gu Zheng also served a portion for his dutiful son to eat.

This can be regarded as a compensation for his misunderstanding.

The filial son kept thanking him, but Gu Zheng didn't care, and made the store manager rush to hold a meeting. In front of everyone, he announced that the new regulations would start to be implemented tomorrow.

Gu Zheng said that today's filial son incident touched him a lot, and exposed many problems in their store. The business of their store is good, but there are still many people who can't eat their chicken blood soup. These people are not without money. It's not that I don't know this place, but that I really don't have time.

Xiaozi is not a new customer, but because of time, he missed buying the best chicken blood soup, so he could only beg, but none of the people who bought the expensive chicken blood soup was willing to help him, which is very obvious question.

From the filial son incident, Gu Zheng recalled the discussion of diners a few days ago. Many new customers who came to drink chicken blood soup said that they had never been here before, but every time there were so many people, they didn’t have the time to wait, so there was no way can only leave.

Gu Zheng's wish is to allow more people to eat their chicken blood soup, so in the future, he spends part of his time every day selling it only to new customers.

This regulation will be implemented on the first day tomorrow, so the time is arranged after 7:00 pm, that is, the two hours from 7:00 to 9:00.

Tomorrow's purchase limit, Gu Zheng only prepared 500 copies of chicken blood soup. After preparing these 500 copies, as long as 4,500 copies are sold before 7 o'clock, they will not be sold outside, leaving enough chickens that can be sold in the evening purchase limit blood soup.

And the first day is set at night, which can also allow people who go during the day to have a psychological preparation.

Tomorrow is evening, the day after tomorrow is afternoon, from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, only for new customers, the day after tomorrow is from 1:00 noon to 4:00 pm, and so on.

The purchase restriction policy will be officially announced to all customers tomorrow.

When Gu Zheng said it, the store manager opened his mouth wide. He thought there was something for Gu Zheng to keep them behind, but he didn't expect it to be such a bomb. Purchase restrictions, fast food purchase restrictions, are unheard of.

"Boss, how do we know who has eaten and who has not!"

The store manager bit his head and asked back. He also knew the situation in the store now. The other boss fully supported this. As long as Gu Zheng said something, even if he wanted to sell the store, he would support it.

So he didn't have to think about opposing it at all. Gu Zheng's request could only be implemented.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will check it out myself!"

The new regulations are ordered to go on, and let everyone understand how to explain to the guests.

The store manager will print out the notice of the new regulations, and will print out a large poster, and then paste it in a conspicuous place, and will continue to explain to the guests tomorrow.

Because this regulation is not a day, starting tomorrow, a week is a trial run.

It is also Gu Zheng's consideration to limit the purchase for a week first, to see if this is really effective for the test. If there is no special effect, there is still time to make other changes.

The next morning, this regulation was posted, and some early customers saw it, and they all felt extremely novel.

During the day, many people were discussing the new regulations, and some people posted the new regulations on the Internet, which attracted many people's discussion.

A fast food restaurant, in order to let some new customers have time to eat their delicacies, open time for new customers, there are mixed opinions on such a thing, some people praise it, some people oppose it, and some people say it is a show.

There is no response to these ancient disputes. The more people discussing outside, the better, so that many people will know that he has opened time for new customers. Those who pray piously and want to eat but have no time will have a chance .

At seven o'clock in the evening, the purchase restriction time began. Gu Zheng walked out on time and stood directly at the door.

Qi Ling saw through many people who had eaten there before and deliberately pretended to be new customers, and were politely stopped outside. Some left with a smile on their face, and some who didn't understand walked away cursing.

From 7:00 to 9:00, in two hours, only 150 servings of chicken blood soup were sold in the store, and the 500 servings prepared were not sold out at all, and the business dropped sharply.

The business dropped, and Gu Zheng was full of surprises. Out of the 151 people, 60 of them were qualified for the test. The remaining 400 people who had not completed the test dropped to more than 300.

Qi Ling's suggestion is very good. There are indeed many people who want to come but have no time at all. This is still at night. If it can continue during the day, I believe the number of testers will continue to decline.

If it works, the ancient dispute will continue, and at four o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the purchase restriction will start again.

More people know about the purchase restriction in the afternoon, and some people are curious to try it.

They really want to know how the store can know whether the people who come here have bought chicken blood soup. Is it possible that they have some facial recognition system here, and the people who have bought chicken blood soup are all recorded?

But even so, it is impossible to be 100% sure.

Quite a few people were curious, because it was afternoon, at least hundreds of people came to try it, and all of them were picked out by Qi Ling, without exception, and those who had never been here could really buy chicken blood soup.

Someone took a friend who had never eaten chicken blood soup for an experiment. He was stopped, but his friend went in. He was amazed.

In the three hours in the afternoon, a total of 260 bowls of chicken blood soup were sold, of which there were 70 people qualified for the test, and only 293 people remained.

Purchase restrictions are still in effect.

On the third day, the purchase limit was from 1:00 noon to 4:00 noon, and 580 bowls were sold, mainly because of the lunch time from 1:00 to 2:00, and 580 bowls. The number of people who completed the test was 101, and there were 192 left. people.

On the fourth day, the purchase limit was from 10:00 noon to 1:00 noon, 700 bowls were sold, 93 people completed the test, and 99 people remained.

For three consecutive days, although the number of testers has fluctuated, it has always been quite a lot. Qi Ling's purchase restriction idea really helped the test a lot. This kind of time limit is not a full-scale limit. The reason is so high that many customers can accept and understand it.

Although there are many customers who have complaints, it is generally okay, and there are no troublemakers.

With 99 people, the remaining people in the test dropped to ten figures in three days. Gu Zheng was more confident in completing the test.

On the fourth day, the purchase restriction time was from 7:30 in the morning to 10:00 noon. Because the arrangement was made a few days in advance and everyone was informed, many people who knew the purchase restriction did not go in the morning. Even so, they still sold 800 in the morning. Many bowls of chicken blood soup, 73 people completed the test that day.

In this way, there are only 26 people left who have not completed the test.

There are still twelve days left in the test time, and Gu Zheng is fully confident that he can complete this test.

On the fifth day, the purchase restriction continued, and it returned to the night again. There were more purchases and sales at night than the first restriction, but only six people had the qualifications for the test, and only 20 people remained for the 50,000 testers.

In the past few days during the day, the number of testers has stopped increasing, and it will only appear when the purchase is limited.

The test continued, ten days before the end of the test, seven people completed it again, and thirteen people were still short of completing the test.

On the ninth day from the end, the number of people who completed the test increased by five, leaving only eight people, and this time the test was completely completed, eight days, eight people completed, it means that as long as one more person can be added in one day, this test can be successfully passed.

On the eighth-to-last day and the seventh day, there was an increase. On the fifth-to-last day, during the purchase restriction period, after one person drank chicken blood soup, Gu Zheng's mind suddenly heard the voice of "Qi Ling".

"Heir of Tiexian, congratulations, all the 50,000 people who prayed devoutly have tasted the chicken blood soup, and you have fulfilled their wishes for them, and all the power of the 50,000 people's wishes will be returned to you!"

Following Qi Ling's words, Gu Zheng saw a white spot of light in the sky above him. These spots of light came to his head and quickly penetrated into his mind.

Gu Zheng is in the kitchen now, and he is not the only one in it, but no one else responds, as if only he can see these light spots.

After the white spot of light flew into Gu Zheng's head, Gu Zheng didn't feel anything special, but if he did, his eyes became brighter and he could see things more clearly.

"Is this the power of will? What's the use of power of will?"

Gu Zheng asked in his heart, the wish power of 50,000 people is not a decimal number, why is there no change or feeling at all.

"Vow force cannot enhance cultivation, but it can enhance the ability of the five senses, and it can be accumulated on the sixth sense. When the accumulation of distance from the sixth sense reaches a certain level, the sixth sense can be fully activated. Those with more power At this time, it is possible to activate the seventh consciousness!"

Qi Ling explained to Gu Zheng that Gu Zheng was not clear about it. In fact, wish power is a very good thing in the prehistoric world. Many Da Luo Jinxians need wish power. Favorable things, let mortals pray to themselves, so as to obtain the power of vows.

It also exists on the earth. People pray to the gods, and if those gods exist, they can get the power of their wishes.

"Wait, what are the sixth and seventh senses you're talking about?" Gu Zheng hurriedly asked, but he didn't understand Qi Ling's explanation at all.

"Ordinary people have five senses, while immortals have eight senses, and the sixth sense is consciousness. Some mortals can accidentally trigger the sixth sense, but it is only triggered, not activated. Only immortals can activate the sixth sense. Immortals want to activate it. For the sixth sense, you must have enough willpower!"

"Wish power to strengthen the sixth consciousness, and then activate the seventh consciousness, mana consciousness. In the prehistoric fairyland, if you want to reach the realm of the holy fairy, you must activate the eighth consciousness, but these are far away from you. You just need to know now, you can stay away from it." To help you strengthen the basic five senses, you can activate your sixth sense!"

Qi Ling explained to Gu Zheng that activating the sixth consciousness requires a huge amount of willpower, which is not enough at all, and the current Gu Zheng has not even reached the realm of refining and transforming Qi, so it is useless to tell him these things.

The reason for the explanation is that this ancient struggle has gained the power of will.

"It's so complicated, it's not good to just say that strengthening the five senses can also activate my sixth sense!"

What are the five senses, the six senses are really unclear, but what he said are clearly the five senses and the sixth sense of human beings. The five senses are very simple. touch.

Above the five senses is the sixth absolute intuition, also known as premonition, or the sixth sense, consciousness.

No matter what the name is, the meaning is the same. This is Gu Zheng's understanding. Qi Ling was too lazy to talk to him this time and didn't continue to explain to him, but Gu Zheng's understanding is indeed correct. Every place has its own understanding.

Wish power can activate the sixth consciousness. It is indeed a good thing. The sixth consciousness is very powerful. If there is anything that is not good for you, you can predict it in advance. The reason why many immortals know that their end is coming is also because of the activation of the sixth consciousness s reason.

It's a pity that activating the sixth sense requires too much willpower, and the specific number of weapon spirits needed was not mentioned at all, and Gu Zheng didn't say anything when he asked, so he had to give up.

"Qi Ling, did you forget something?" Seeing that Qi Ling hadn't spoken for a long time, Gu Zheng asked suddenly.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten, do you want to accept the reward here?"

Qi Ling replied feebly, and Gu Zheng laughed sarcastically, he definitely can't do it here, he must enter the primordial space to accept the reward, he suddenly disappears and reappears here, which will scare everyone in the kitchen.

But he was really reminding, since the test is completed, don't forget his reward.

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