Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 242 Doing Good Deeds With a Bad Heart

Ma Shiwei was still in Shencheng, and hurried back to Beijing after receiving the call.

On his way back, he finally realized where he was wrong, and it was very wrong.

It's okay for him to deal with Gu Zheng, and it's okay to discredit Gu Zheng's store, but he absolutely shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't, make a fuss about Gu Zheng's old soup, and question the food safety of Lao Tang, this is very Stupid and very idiotic behavior.

He is not the only old soup like Gu Zheng in China. There are 100-year-old mutton soup, 100-year-old beef soup, and even 100-year-old braised soup.

There are at least hundreds of various century-old soups, basically all of which existed around the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and the least ones have a history of 60 years. There are more than 20 of these old soups that are more than 80 years old, and those that have a history of more than 100 years, There are also six.

Some old soups are still open to the public, while others have become purely private collections. Ma Shiwei's attack on Gu Zheng's century-old soup is tantamount to attacking all old soups and all those who hold old soups.

These people either have high prestige in the chef industry, or are famous families. Can this hornet's nest be stabbed?

This is not the most important reason. Ma Shiwei is only an administrative person in the Food Association and does not know much about the history of the culinary industry. In fact, some people attacked Lao Tang more than 20 years ago. The reason is the same as his. Laotang's food safety is not up to standard.

The reason for that person's attack is much stronger than his. That person is purely for the sake of the country's leadership.

Many leaders and foreign guests have eaten the delicacies made of these old soups. That person is a leader’s health care doctor. At that time, he questioned that the old soup contained ingredients that were not good for people’s health. He publicly advised the leaders not to eat such food in the future. .

His words drew a strong backlash from the culinary world, which also triggered a fierce collision between the culinary world and the medical world.

People in the chef industry, many old-timers have come forward. Similarly, many celebrities in the medical field have stood up to support their theories, thinking that Laotang does not conform to the concept of hygiene. They are all cheering for them.

Eventually, an authoritative leader emerged.

Chefs say there is nothing wrong with Lao Tang, and medical circles say there is something wrong with Lao Tang. It is very simple and identified.

The most authoritative machine in the country was used for identification. For this reason, the Chinese Academy of Sciences was alarmed and asked them to send experts to do the identification. A total of ten old soups were selected for identification. Although there was no Sun's century-old chicken soup, the selected ten were Laotang, the results of the appraisal are completely qualified, and there are no ingredients that are harmful to the body.

Not only that, because most of these old soups are added with some advanced food supplements, they all contain some factors that are beneficial to the body.

The scientific appraisal brought the debate to an end. The chefs won a big victory, and the medical profession admitted their mistakes. They just imagined through routines, but they never thought that since these old soups can exist for so many years without any Questions, of course, have their differences.

And the health doctor who sparked this discussion also resigned.

This is a well-known event in the world of chefs and medicine. Although it has been more than 20 years, many old people still remember it, especially in the world of chefs. After all, it is their victory. Almost all the old people know this matter.

It's a pity that Ma Shiwei is too young. Not only did he not know about this major event in the chef world, but he made the same mistake as the health care doctor, attacking Laotang's food safety.

Although he is just the old chicken blood soup for offense, the theory in him is similar to that of the health care doctor back then, which is equivalent to all the old soup for offense.

The holders of these old soups are already united. Last time, they united with the chef industry to ask the medical profession for an explanation. In the end, even the authoritative leaders and good people were alarmed.

After learning all this, Ma Shiwei's hands and feet were cold.

He is not stupid. After knowing his mistake, he quickly knew the consequences of this mistake. He attacked the century-old Tang. Although his status was not as high as that of the health doctor, he published it in hundreds of media across the country. Article, the effect he brought is even higher than that of the health care doctor.

It is conceivable how angry these hundreds of people who have a century-old soup will be.

Not only them, many people participated in that war back then, and some of them are the authority in the culinary world now, they will be even more angry, I am afraid Ma Shiwei can't bear the anger of any one of them, let alone so many people .

A hornet's nest, an absolute hornet's nest, a huge hornet's nest, Ma Shiwei knew that he was going to be in big trouble.

In layman's terms, he got into trouble, got into big trouble.

This is why Gao Lao was not in a hurry after reading the article, and Gu Zheng called him a fool after reading the article.

On the way back to the Gastronomy Association, Ma Shiwei began to remedy the situation. All the websites that published articles were removed from the shelves, and all the articles that were not published were stopped. Many small websites downloaded articles, and those big websites were inexplicable.

Their typesetting is very strict, and they didn't want to publish the flower arrangement before. It was Ma Shiwei who used the name of the Food Association to lure and threaten them to publish the article.

This kind of critical article is generally very marketable and has a lot of readers. Now the reading volume is increasing, and they are suddenly taken off the shelves.

It can be taken off the shelves, but there must always be a reason, there is no reason, just let them take off, what do you think of them? These websites are not small in scale, some are government-led, and some are portal websites. They are not soft persimmons and can be pinched by Ma Shiwei casually.

So even though he issued a notice, there are still more than a dozen websites that have not removed the article.

In the Food Association, Chairman Huang finally knew everything Ma Shiwei did, and also knew about the things on the Internet.

After knowing all this, he was trembling with anger. When Ma Shiwei came to him, he didn't even look at Ma Shiwei.

Ma Shiwei is finished, not to mention that he is the previous president, even if he is the current president, he can't keep him. If the article is not published, there is still room for redemption, and it can be made up, but it has already been spread, and everyone who is still making trouble I know, I can't hold back at all.

The relationship between him and Ma Shiwei's grandfather is really good. It can be said that the Ma family saved his life back then, and it was a kindness of saving his life, so he took good care of Ma Shiwei.

But this matter is beyond his control. Ma Shiwei must be removed from the Food Association.

Not only that, I'm afraid he won't even think about working in the food industry in the future. If the notoriety spread this time, no one in the food industry will accept him.

"Grandpa Huang!"

Ma Shiwei stood in front of President Huang and whispered, he knew that the consequences would be serious this time, but he didn't expect it to be that serious.


Chairman Huang sighed violently, stood up, and walked out. He called Ma Shiwei back and wanted to tell him the seriousness of what he did, but it was no longer necessary now. Ma Shiwei will soon experience the seriousness of the matter himself. .

Ma Shiwei did experience it, and it was already evening, but the Food Association still gave him temporary treatment.

He was dismissed from all positions and is waiting to be dealt with. A friend who is not close to him told him that his article had aroused great repercussions. Several old seniors called to ask, asking what the Food Association wants to do? Do you want to fight in the nest?

Not only these old seniors, but also those who hold Lao Tang are even more ruthless, directly pressing questions, and threatening to withdraw from the food association.

This is not just one person, but a group of people, and not only them, there are many supporters around them. The behavior of the Gastronomy Association this time made them very disappointed, and they no longer trust the Gastronomy Association.

Although the number of people is not large, only one or two hundred people in total, they all have considerable influence. These people are really going to quit, and the Food Association has become the most shameful association in the country. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, no association has ever Such a large-scale collective withdrawal event.

Although the article was published on the website, everyone knew that it was instigated by the Food Association behind the scenes, and the article was signed by Ma Shiwei.

This is only internal pressure, the chairman and other leaders have personally or sent people to appease.

The external pressure is more and greater.

Someone from the Medical Association called to inquire, teasing what happened to the Food Association, is there something hidden about the case more than 20 years ago, and people with a sense of justice want to overturn the previous case?

This phone call, it is said that the current president of the gastronomy association dropped his glass in anger.

Not only the Medical Association, the Health Association, but even the leadership office had people calling to ask what happened and how the Food Association did something to slap itself in the face.

All of this made Ma Shiwei understand that he really got into big trouble this time.

On the other side of the incident, Guji Chicken Blood Soup was also hit.

Food associations and people in the know know what's going on, but ordinary people don't know, so many big websites are reposting articles, and some even pop up directly from their mobile phones. Some customers who have eaten chicken blood soup are very worried. to ask.

Some people who were going to eat hesitated and did not go.

The article was published in the afternoon. When it was published, the business of the day was over, and it had no impact on the day. The influence was immediately apparent the next day.

The shop was usually full of people early in the morning, but the next morning there were less than a hundred people, which was completely different from usual.

Until eight o'clock, the number did not reach 300, which was much worse than usual.

"Boss, we have to find a way, we can't just be beaten passively!"

There were less than 300 customers, and the security outside would not stop them. Seeing the business in the store plummeted, the store manager was so anxious that he ran to the kitchen to find Gu Zheng.

Today is the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself, and it is not sold out early in the morning like usual, there are still a lot left.

"It's okay, that's it, don't worry!"

Gu Zheng smiled all over his face. The store manager was a little stunned, but there was nothing he could do. He was not the boss, and the boss was not in a hurry.

As soon as the store manager left, Chang Feng walked in.

Chang Feng's meaning is also very simple, should he take action? Although the Food Association is a non-governmental organization, it has an official nature after all. Even if their headquarters is in the capital, Chang Feng still has such influence.

He wasn't worried at all about whether Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup would have any side effects.

He eats the most and lasts the longest, and the problem has already appeared in him. Not only is he fine now, but his body is stronger than before. Moreover, Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup is a miraculous diet that cured his grandfather's disease. Tang has a problem, and Gu Zheng will definitely not have any problems here.

Soothe Chang Feng away, Gu Zheng is still not free here, and there are people outside again.

This time it was Mr. Gao and the others who asked Gu Zheng to make the chicken blood soup. Not only Mr. Gao, but also several leaders of the Food Association.

Ma Shiwei is also a member of the Food Association, but he is the headquarters, and here are people from the Shencheng Food Association. They use their actual actions to express their support for Gu Zheng.

Although Ma Shiwei's behavior is very stupid, but before the food association has really come to a conclusion, it is actually against the headquarters. Gao Lao's intentions moved Gu Zheng very much.

What Gu Zheng served to Gao Lao and the others was chicken blood soup made by himself, which happened to be sold out today, so he served it to them.

In addition to Gao Lao, there are also customers supporting him.

A customer came late and was very sorry to know that the Guzheng chicken blood soup was gone. He still thought that Guji chicken blood soup must be affected today, and he would definitely be able to buy 888 bowls of chicken blood soup if he came earlier , but I didn't expect it to be too late.

He also saw the news on the Internet, but he didn't pay any attention to it.

He is not very old, but he has heard about the public case more than 20 years ago, and he knows that these century-old soups not only have no harm, but also have many benefits, otherwise it would not have been until now, and people would come into the big house from time to time to do these things gourmet food.

If it is really bad for your health, might the leader eat it?

After seeing the news, he was actually happy in his heart. Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup had been promoting them as Lao Tang before, but he still had doubts in his heart. It is rare, and it is really uncertain whether it is the real old soup.

This news just gave him certainty that this was indeed the real Laotang.

It's the real Lao Tang, so he doesn't have any worries.

It's a pity that such customers are a minority after all, until noon, the chicken blood soup sold a thousand bowls, which was far worse than usual, even the first day's business was no match.

This is the powerful influence of negative news.

"Boss..." The store manager found Gu Zheng again.

"It's okay, don't worry about anything, that's it!"

It's a pity that he was interrupted by Gu Zheng before he finished speaking, and he could only leave sadly. The store manager was really anxious. Not only him, but Gao Changhe was also a little anxious. He wanted to let the master come forward in person to prove that Lao Tang was fine. .

They didn't know that Gu Zheng was really not in a hurry, but rather happy.

He never thought that this negative article by Ma Shiwei and the others could actually help him in his test. Originally, he planned to find an authoritative organization to do an appraisal. Once the appraisal was made, it would be clear who was right and who was wrong.

These alone are definitely not enough, but the Food Association will definitely give him an explanation for this matter. With the affirmation of the Food Association and the treatment of Ma Shiwei, many people who don't understand the truth will believe in themselves again, and the business will naturally grow. return.

However, his move was stopped by Qi Ling.

Qi Ling found that although there were fewer customers coming, the number of people with test qualifications increased significantly. From today to noon, there were only 1,000 people, but 500 of them were people with test qualifications.

Five hundred people, he didn't have so many people yesterday.

The business is down, but the number of testers is increasing, which is tantamount to helping Gu Zheng to complete the test. How could he let such an opportunity pass by, and naturally he will not let others take any action.

Why this is so, Qi Ling also explained to Gu Zheng.

This test is based on the previous prayers. The 50,000 people tested are all the ones who prayed most sincerely and who most wanted to eat Gu Zheng's Chicken Blood Soup.

In other words, these people actually believed in the ancient dispute. If a smearing article made them change their attitude, it was not a pious prayer. They still believed in the ancient dispute and did not believe the description of the article.

Besides, they were not the only ones who ate chicken blood soup. It was so popular before and so many people ate it. Has anyone had any problems? On the contrary, from time to time, some people say that their bodies have become better. In such cases, they almost ignore the articles.

There are also a small number of people who didn't read the article at all, and didn't know what was going on.

The test has been going on for more than two months. Those who haven't come at this time are either not in Shanghai before, or they just don't have time and are busy with work and work.

There is also time to eat, but no time to wait, so I have no choice but to give up. Guji Chicken Blood Soup, even if it is ranked online, it will take a long time to come here, and there is nothing to eat.

Ma Shiwei's article had a great impact on Gu Zheng, but it brought convenience to those who couldn't come but wanted to eat.

Many of these people who want to eat have the qualifications for the test.

By closing at 9:00 p.m., chicken blood soup sold a total of 2,300 copies, which was the worst day for business. Although the working hours were long, everyone felt empty and not tired at all.

Many people had worries on their faces, but Gu Zheng didn't care about it, instead he was even more delighted.

With 2,300 people, there are as many as 1,100 people who have completed the test. Now he has only 3,500 people left to test. If this continues, his test will be completed in a few days.

The person who wrote this article from the Gourmet Association did not discredit him at all, but came to help him. It is simply too cute.

The next day, the business picked up, but only 2,800 copies were sold, which was a far cry from before. Some people began to say that the Guji Chicken Blood Soup was about to run out, and there was no retaliation against the Guji Chicken Blood Soup. Also feel strange.

Gu Zheng ignored these remarks, and Chang Feng even held a plenary meeting to calm everyone's minds.

Changfeng's words are very simple, just ask the store manager to report what is today's turnover.

2,800 copies, with a turnover of more than 200,000 yuan. When the turnover was reported, everyone suddenly realized that their business was affected, but they still had huge profits, but not as much as before. That's all.

But earning more and earning less has nothing to do with them. It is because the boss's profit is reduced, and it is not them. Their wages will not be less.

The bosses are not in a hurry, they don't care, they are in a hurry, there is absolutely no need for it, and the most influential thing was the profit status yesterday, and it has rebounded today. As the influence of online articles weakens in the future, their business will definitely recover.

They really don't need to worry now.

This also makes them admire the bosses even more, and they are calm and demeanor.

At the same time, this incident also made the cohesion of the employees in the store stronger. Many people let go of their burdens and stopped thinking about these things. It was not a difficulty at all, but a storm.

In fact, they don't know that the reason why the two bosses don't care is because it is more beneficial to him. Compared with making money, Gu Zheng pays more attention to the test, and that is the most important thing for him. Even opening this store , all because of this test, without this test, Gu Zheng would never open a store by himself.

As for the other one, it's simpler, they don't care about money at all, Gu Zheng does what he says, how could such two bosses care about this matter.

On the third day, the Gastronomy Association finally responded.

In fact, the Food Association is also very depressed. When this incident came out, many people put pressure on them. Many seniors accused them. The current president was scolded by his master, who was involved in the case. The victory of the year has always been their pride.

It's unimaginable for such a thing to be revealed by one's own people.

The Food Association has actually been waiting for Gu Zheng's response. Normally speaking, when something like this happens, Gu Zheng has been wronged and must come to complain. They just happened to appease and give Gu Zheng some benefits. This time Things can be suppressed slowly.

The sufferer doesn't care anymore, and other people don't want to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, Gu Zheng never looked for them from the beginning to the end, not even the Shencheng Food Association, let alone any complaints. They got the news that the business of Guji Chicken Blood Soup was indeed affected, but the store was still the same. any changes.

This made them very puzzled and depressed. If Gu Zheng didn't look for them, they couldn't hold on anymore, so they could only come to Gu Zheng.

"A century-old brand, a member of the Chinese Food Association!"

The store manager found Gu Zheng again, and someone from the Gastronomy Association came, and wanted to ask them to make a public statement, declaring that this was the behavior of the Gourmet Association alone, not the Gastronomy Association as a whole, and they would definitely not blame the Gourmet Association.

"No, what are you supposed to do, I don't need these, it's fine!"

This time, Gu Zheng met with people from the Gastronomy Association, because Uncle Hu and Wang Dong were both here, and the Gastronomy Association specially asked them to be matchmakers.

Wang Dongman looked at Gu Zheng with admiration. He didn't expect that in less than three months, Gu Zheng would become so powerful that people from the Food Association came to apologize.

No matter what the reason is, it is not easy to make people from the Food Association bow their heads.

"Mr. Gu, this time has indeed brought you a great impact. It was our mistake. We have already dealt with Ma Shiwei. He will not have any position in the Food Association in the future, and all his articles will be removed from the shelves. These two It's just a little compensation from us!"

They brought the plaque of a century-old brand and the invitation letter from the Chinese Gastronomy Association, and gave it directly to Gu Zheng.

The articles on the Internet have indeed been taken off the shelves. They were all downloaded yesterday, and their business has resumed today, which makes Gu Zheng very depressed. It seems that even if they can’t sell them all today, there will be more than yesterday, and there are more articles today. The phenomenon of queuing.

The number of people he was rapidly completing the test also slowed down a bit, and now there are still 2,000 people who have not completed the test.

"It's really not necessary, I'm fine, thank you for being able to do this!"

Gu Zheng shook his head with a smile. He was really grateful. If he could continue like this, his test would be completed ahead of schedule in a few days.

"Mr. Gu, we know that your cooking skills are very good, and you have been recognized by the public. Before that, you won the first place in the Hangzhou Food Competition, so we specially invite you to participate in the 16th Culinary Competition held in October this year. Chinese Food Competition!"

The people from the food association gritted their teeth, and said something slowly, just after he finished speaking, the store manager, Wang Dong and the others all raised their heads, their eyes were full of surprise, even Uncle Hu was stunned for a while.

In order to appease Gu Zheng, the Food Association even invited him to participate in the new food competition.

This is not a Hangzhou food competition, nor is it a food competition held in other cities, but the most famous and authoritative Chinese food competition in China. It is a kind of honor to qualify for the food competition.

I don’t know how many people are staring at this kind of competition. Gu Zheng is only 23 years old, and he can participate in this kind of competition. It can be said that he is the youngest contestant in the Chinese Food Competition in the past ten years.

Even if the youngest contestant fails to enter the final, it is still an honor.

Besides, looking at Gu Zheng's performance in the Hangzhou Food Competition, he can even win Zhao Fu, who is in the top ten of the Chinese Food Competition, and has a high possibility of entering the final round. As for whether he can really enter the top ten, it depends on his performance. Luck, Chinese food competition Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, no one can guarantee that they will be in the top ten.

This is the real compensation given to Gu Zheng by the Gastronomy Association. Ma Shiwei came to talk to Gu Zheng about the previous things, and he planned to give them to Gu Zheng. He just delivered it.

"Thank you for your love, keep the things!"

Gu Zheng nodded slightly. He accepted the plaque of the century-old brand and the membership invitation letter, including the qualification to participate in the food competition.

"Then about the statement?" Seeing that Gu Zheng agreed, the person from the Food Association was very happy and asked immediately.

"Let's wait a few days. In fact, we don't care about the impact of this at all. We take it as nothing at all. To me, this is a good thing. At least the customers who come to our store these days are the diners who really believe in us. !"

"A really good restaurant does not lie in how many customers it has, but in how many people who trust them. This kind of restaurant can last long, be stable, and be fair and comfortable. If people say a few words, the business will go bankrupt. This business is not stable at all!"

Gu Zheng's words made the people from the Food Association stare wide-eyed, even Uncle Hu and Wang Dong stared at him blankly.

"Gu, Mr. Gu, do you really think so?"

The people from the Gastronomy Association never expected that Gu Zheng's thoughts would be like this.

They had held many discussions before, and what they discussed was nothing more than how to face the accusations of Gu Zheng and how to make amends. In their opinion, anyone who encountered such a thing would be angry.

No one thought that they didn't care at all, and they said something of a higher realm.

Fairness is in the heart, and it was closed down after being hit by a few words. The foundation is not stable at all. How good the words are, the people of the Food Association almost believed it.

He didn't believe it, he was not a chef, he was an administrator, instinct made him not believe Gu Zheng's words.

But whether Gu Zheng's words are true or not has nothing to do with him. The purpose of his coming is to let Gu Zheng make a statement so that they can really resolve the matter.

"Mr. Gu, what do you think of writing a statement like this?"

The people from the Gastronomy Association came up with a statement that they had prepared in advance. In fact, it was Gu Zheng's forgiveness for some of the words of the Gourmet Association. The Gastronomy Association will issue a certificate to prove that the accusations in the previous article are completely nonsense.

Gu Zheng picked up the paper and read it for a while, then crossed out a few lines.

"Let's do this, how to send and how to send, you arrange it!"

The people from the Food Association took back the paper that Gu Zheng had scratched, looked at it, and were all stunned. Regarding the words of forgiving the Food Association, Gu Zhengquan reserved, but deleted some self-defense words, and did not make any excuses for the previous article, let alone criticize.

In order to appease Gu Zheng, they specially added accusations in the article to this statement, and also specifically stated that the Food Association is willing to cooperate with him to hold the relevant people accountable.

That's all, and then it's gone, without making a little distinction for myself.

"Why, can't it?"

Seeing a few people in a daze, Gu Zheng asked a question, and the people in the food association hurriedly shook their heads, yes, of course, what they actually want is Gu Zheng's attitude, and Gu Zheng agreed to issue a statement, and this attitude already exists.

It's just that they didn't expect that all the places that were beneficial to Gu Zheng would be deleted by him.

From this point of view, what I just said is true, I really don't care about the accusations of the article, it really has such a high level, a restaurant that makes customers not trust it is not stable.

This result surprised them, but also admired them very much.

In the end, I felt a little wronged. The parties involved in the incident didn't care at all. On the contrary, a group of people who had nothing to do with this incident kept accusing them. In this comparison, Gu Zheng was much more noble than those people.

People are compared to people, and sometimes it is really impossible to compare.

He didn't know that the reason why he didn't have any opinions in this ancient battle was because such things were beneficial to his test, and he wouldn't care about things that were beneficial to the test. No such statement will be made at all.

It's a pity that those articles have been withdrawn, otherwise he would like to keep the negative impact for a few more days.

If he could, he would even want Food Channel to post this article, but he couldn't do it. If he did, he would be regarded as a lunatic, and at the same time, he would become the second Ma Shiwei.

This article does not attack him alone, but a public case involving too many people.

"Thank you Mr. Gu for your understanding, then we will go back!"

The people from the Food Association come and go quickly, they have completed their mission, there is no need to stay here, but each of them has a good impression of Gu Zheng, people like Gu Zheng, now really Running out.

They left, and the statement was issued on the same day, but it had little impact on Gu Zheng. It was just a statement of forgiveness, and it was for people in the circle to read, and it did not defend itself.

He didn't defend himself, and no one from the Food Association defended him. In this way, some people still doubted their food safety, didn't trust them, and dared not come to eat.

In the next three days, the business of Guji Chicken Blood Soup was getting better and better every day, but it was never sold out. The best day had sold 4,000 bowls, which was only a little worse than the first day of trial operation.

Seeing Gu Zheng is really not in a hurry, and other people in the store don't care either.

The boss is right, anyway, they are making money, so there is nothing to worry about, and what Gu Zheng said to the food association people before has also reached their ears.

The boss is right. Customers do not trust them, and the foundation is not stable. Although there are fewer customers now, they are all customers who trust them, and trust is equal to support. The working environment is obviously different these days, and the customers are special Be polite, unlike before, there are always a few guests who will raise this or that small opinion.

And with this foundation, they don't have to worry about the business in the store will be bad in the future, and I believe it will get better and better.

"There are still 800 people left. It seems that this test is hopeful to be completed!"

Coming out of the prehistoric space at night, Gu Zheng checked the progress of the test. There were 50,000 testers, but now there are only 800 left, which is still an integer.

There are only 800 people left, and there are still more than 20 days left, so there is plenty of time.

That Ma Shiwei, doing good things with bad intentions, really helped him a lot this time. What he said to the food association people that day was also spread by them. Many colleagues agreed with Gu Zheng, but he did not expect him to have such a high level.

Especially those famous chefs, who agree most, no matter what chefs, if the diners don't trust what they make, it is a failure in itself, and the same is true for restaurants. Only restaurants that can be trusted by others can last long and truly flourish.

After the Food Association announced the ancient dispute statement, it quickly announced the treatment of Ma Shiwei.

All Ma Shiwei's positions in the Food Association will be dismissed, and the entire Food Association will undergo a major rectification. In the future, members of the Food Association will be strictly prohibited from personally forcing the website to publish their articles.

In the future, all websites that do not have an official document from the Food Association can refuse to publish such articles, and the second Ma Shiwei incident will never be allowed.

Ma Shiwei lost his job, not only him, but also the four people who were with him, lost their jobs together.

It is true that the Gastronomy Association is a non-governmental organization, but it is a semi-official organization. People like Ma Shiwei are members of the establishment. This time, everything is gone and they are completely expelled.

Not only that, but his reputation was also ruined, and it was impossible to do any work in this industry, so he had to change careers.

Even if you change careers, don't even think about having a good job. After all, this is a stain on him, a big stain. No one wants to use such a vengeful, stupid and incompetent person.

However, in Gu Zheng's mind, Ma Shiwei's result is actually not bad. He just violated the taboo of the food industry, not the taboo of Qi Ling.

What he attacked was Lao Tang, not his own cooking skills. If he attacked his own cooking skills, he would definitely not be able to spare him with Qi Ling's pissing nature. I don't know what radical things he wants to do. Look at Sun Er and Mr. Hua You will know what will happen.

After the food association responded, all aspects gradually stabilized.

For the rest of the industry, this is a civil unrest in the gastronomy association, for the gastronomy industry, it is a scandal, a scandal within the largest organization in its own industry.

Many prestigious old-timers also voiced their voices, the food association should be rectified, and there should be no black sheep like Ma Shiwei before it appeared.

The rectification of the food industry has nothing to do with Gu Zheng, because Gu Zheng has no self-defense. The business of Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup is still growing slowly, but it is not sold out ahead of time like before, and there is no such thing as selling out five times a day. Thousands of cases.

Nowadays, people still attach great importance to food safety, and there are many people who would rather believe what they have than what they don't have.

"Crack clap clap!"

That day, Gu Zheng was in the kitchen, when firecrackers suddenly sounded outside, and soon the store manager ran in again, his face was still flushed, looking very excited.

"Boss, boss, someone is here to present the pennant!"

The store manager was really excited. Just now, several people suddenly came outside, several of them were holding a big pennant, and some were carrying firecrackers. Seeing them, the store manager was very puzzled, thinking there was something wrong. After asking Only then did I know that they came to send pennants to thank them.

Thanks to Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup, which improved his body and cured his gastritis.

The person who presented the pennant was a 50-year-old man. He owns a chain of convenience stores. Although the stores are small, there are many of them. There are over a hundred of them in Shanghai, which is considered a small fortune.

The man fought hard in his early years, and later got stomach problems, often stomach pains, and he could not eat many things, such as spicy food, alcohol, and irritating food, and the pain was unbearable.

Forget it, he still has acid reflux often, and his stomach hurts when he has acid reflux. He has taken a lot of medicine, no matter Chinese medicine or western medicine, and he has seen many doctors, but none of them are cured.

He came here on the first day the chicken blood soup opened. He was attracted by the smell. He came late. After that, the 888 chicken blood soup was gone, and he could only buy a bowl of 888 chicken. I drink the blood soup, it tastes very good after drinking it, and I don't feel any discomfort in my stomach, so I will eat it often in the future.

In the store, he heard that 888's chicken blood soup tastes better, so he came earlier and queued up to buy a copy.

After drinking it, the taste was as good as the rumors outside, very good, it was a delicacy he had never tasted before, he didn't feel anything at that time, he just thought it was a very delicious food, although there were He introduced that chicken blood soup has therapeutic effects, but he didn't care at all.

He has time, and he is not short of money, and he gets up early when he is old, and he lives nearby, so he often gets up early to drink chicken blood soup.

After drinking the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself a few times, he suddenly found that his stomach didn’t hurt anymore. He didn’t feel anything special that time. It happened that he was busy for a few days and didn’t bother to eat Gu Zheng’s. Chicken blood soup, but a few days later, his stomach started to hurt a little again.

In those days, he ate the same food, except that he didn't drink chicken blood soup.

After that time, he kept his eyes open and went to drink the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng again. When he drank it, even if he drank it after two days, as long as the interval was not too long, there would be nothing wrong with his stomach, and he could even eat it. Spicy food, I didn't dare to think about it before, as long as I eat spicy food, my stomach will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Since then, he has been observing and paying attention to the therapeutic effects of chicken blood soup.

After verifying it several times, he was even more sure that the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng really had a therapeutic effect, and it had already had an effect on his body. He also told others, but not many people believed it.

Later, he simply came to drink Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup every day, but he could not buy it every time. Sometimes Gu Zheng was not here, but as long as he drank Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup, his stomachache would not be there. In two months, he also went to the hospital for gastroscopy twice, and he got better each time, and his gastric ulcer also improved significantly.

Later, unless Gu Zheng was not there, as long as Gu Zheng was there, he would buy even the Gu Zheng Chicken Blood Soup sold by scalpers. These days, he spent tens of thousands of money just drinking Gu Zheng Chicken Blood Soup.

After the Lao Tang incident, the popularity of the restaurant suddenly decreased, and even the number of people who bought Gu Zheng to make chicken blood soup by himself also decreased. Others didn’t believe it, but he believed in Gu Zheng. A good soup, how could there be any side effects.

He still comes every day, ordering eight hundred and eighty-eight chicken blood soup every day, and even ordering two servings when there are few people, and he hasn't stopped these days.

Yesterday he went for an examination again. The doctor told him that his stomach problem has healed, even the gastric ulcer is healed, and his stomach is very clean now. There is really no more discomfort in the department.

The doctor also said that he is recovering well and the medicine can be stopped.

Only he himself understands that during this period of time he has not taken any medicine at all, and has been drinking the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng all the time. He has done experiments before, and he can be sure that it is the effect that Gu Zheng's chicken blood soup brought to him.

He was very excited to be sure that his stomach problem was cured, and knowing that someone had attacked this place in the name of food safety before, he simply made a pennant and sent it here today to express his gratitude.

He had stomach problems for more than 20 years, and chicken blood soup cured his stomach problems. He was sincerely grateful. After the store manager understood what was going on, he immediately thought of the significance of this matter to their store, and ran to Xiang Gu to fight for it. Report the good news, and contact the media you know to see if you can give them a report.

In his opinion, this incident is very important to change the image of their store.

Five-in-one 10,000-character chapter, enjoy watching it all at once!

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