In Jiandou's temporary camp.

The team including Lianyi has come here. At this time, we can't give each other a chance separately, otherwise the good situation they occupy can really be reversed by the opponent. However, the temporary victory banquet still needs to be held. The jumpsuit is better to bring some relationships closer.

"It's thanks to Master Jian this time, otherwise we wouldn't have won a big victory."

There were only the two of them at this banquet, and the others were in other places outside. Lian Yi raised the wine glass in his hand and said cheerfully, he was in a good mood, and he didn't feel disgusted when looking at each other.

"Where, where, it's just that the other party is too stupid. Anyone can do it, but it's worse than mine, haha!" Seeing the other party's appearance, Jiandou can naturally tell that the other party is sincerely praising For himself, let him be happy in his heart, and while being humble, he still doesn't forget to praise himself.

"That's right, sir, it's twice as much." Lian Yi drank the wine in the glass very boldly.

Jiandou naturally raised his head and swallowed it, and when he was about to pour the wine, a jug beside him had already been handed over to help him fill it up. Just like this, he was a little drifting.

"There is still a little distance away from the reinforcements. During the battle just now, I suddenly had a feeling that I wanted to strike while the iron was hot to see if I could gain anything." Lian Yi said apologetically, but there was not much time.

"Lianyi, you are wrong. How could you delay such an important matter? If I had known earlier, I would not have celebrated. Go now, and maybe you will break through in one fell swoop." Jiandou said deliberately.

He didn't believe that the other party would break through at this point, and his own favorability was the most important thing.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Jian for your blessing. I feel full of motivation and I will succeed. In this case, I will leave first."

This short celebration banquet ended abruptly here, but it made Jiandou feel that it was very worthwhile, but at the end of the good, he reluctantly sent Lianyi away. After returning, he was still reminiscing about everything just now, feeling in his heart After this incident, I asked the other party to go out together.

"Master Lian!"

After leaving Jiandou's camp, the pale youth walked out from the side like a ghost.

"Are you ready?" Lian Yi's eyes flashed with excitement.

"It's all ready, just wait for the adults to pick it up." Guangzhuang nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, I have a hunch that this time it will be successful."

Lian Yi followed the other party to a deserted place. No one knew that there were dozens of corpses underneath, and another follower was already guarding here.

"You take these corpses and follow me."

Looking at these corpses, Lian Yi's eyes sparkled, and he ordered immediately.

Naturally, the two of them would not disagree, even if these were corpses, there were also monster companions they knew among them, they didn't care, and soon they were suspended one by one, followed Lianyi and left here, there was a hidden cave nearby. It's all done right here.

"You two stay here. No matter who you are, you can't come in, and you won't allow others to come in." Lian Yi ordered to the outside, and after seeing the two nodding, he walked into the cave.

Under normal circumstances, it would take dozens or even hundreds of years to break through in retreat, but under this fast operation, once successful, it will directly span the countless hours in the middle, as if you have fully stimulated your countless potentials. Of course, this kind of strength Naturally, he couldn't compare to that kind of natural cultivation, but he was already very satisfied with her.

Or, if anyone uses such a method, they are willing to try it.

At this time, the cave was already full of corpses, and in another place, there was a purple-gold jug filled with pure souls that had lost their sanity. In the middle, there was only a simple giant spirit gathering formation.

Lian Yi strode down in the middle, took a deep breath, calmed his agitated heart, and then slowly controlled it.

She saw a soul being pulled out of the jug, and at the same time, a corpse was also flying past the place where the corpse was stored. Under her control, the two slowly flew in front of her.

The corpse was fixed in the air, and the soul was squeezed by her into a colorless transparent ball the size of a baby, and it began to rush towards the corpse, and the ball passed from the opponent's body in a blink of an eye, and then turned back again , shuttle back and forth non-stop.

It seems to be doing useless work, but in fact, every time the ball is shuttled, it will be refined. After ten thousand times, the remaining vitality of the entire corpse will completely disappear.

It must be a fresh and powerful corpse, the fresher the better the sacrificial training effect, otherwise she wouldn't be so impatient.

It took only half an incense stick, and the head-sized ball was only as small as a baby's fist. At this time, she put the ball by her side and continued to the next game.

Repeatedly like this, three days passed in a flash. After all the corpses were used up, there were still five souls. Naturally, this could not be wasted. It took another day to refine it with my own magic power, and then I collected it, but obviously It can be seen that mana refining is one-third larger than corpse refining.

She looked at everything in front of her with satisfaction, and then those broken corpses did not throw away, but gathered in front of her, and at the same time, nearly fifty orbs were scattered around, forming an even weirder formation to surround her.

The spheres are fixed in the air and do not move. Looking from the front, it looks like an enlarged version of the seven-pointed star array. The two corners are facing each other, and finally the middle is slightly lowered, as if pointing to the corpse below.

After finishing this step, Lian Yi didn't directly activate it. Instead, he took a elixir and rested quietly for a day to adjust his condition to a perfect state, because this spell was not 100% successful.

But she didn't know that in the corner of this cave, an uninvited guest had already arrived, silently looking at the completed formation in front of her, thoughtful, finally smiled and continued to wait.

After the rest, Lianyi carefully activated the formation, and saw that each transparent ball turned gray, and gray lines connected all the gray balls together, and finally converged to the single horn below, and finally divided into two Two wires, one connected to Lianyi's forehead, and the other pierced directly into the pile of corpses below.

Lian Yi closed her eyes, a huge soul force directly rushed into her body, and at the same time an even stronger force filled her body, making her moan comfortably.

What she didn't know was that another gray thread was extracting the corpse and temporarily transforming it into her power, and those soul powers were transforming the aura in the air, and there were countless soul powers floating in the sky, all moving towards her body rush.

In Lianyi's feeling, my mind became clearer, especially the boundary in my mind that blocked me, the protection turned into a door, getting closer and closer to me, as if there was a force pushing me behind, this kind of The feeling made her extremely excited, as if everything seemed to be about to realize her wish.

But is it actually that easy?

As time passed, Lian Yi felt that the power behind her was getting weaker and weaker, making the limit in front of her eyes as far away as the horizon, which made her extremely anxious. She knew that if she crossed this limit, she would definitely touch the range of the quasi-sage , then she will be able to advance to the quasi-sage.

But it was useless for him to be impatient, he felt that he could touch it as soon as he stretched out his hand, but he was stuck here, all his strength was exhausted, and he didn't get close to the other party. power is negligible.

"Are you going to fail?"

Just when she was in a hurry, suddenly, a faint phantom floated out of the jug beside her. Seeing the scene in front of her, anyone could see the ecstasy on the other's face.

He took a few steps forward, and was overjoyed at the continuously gathering soul power in the void, his whole body became much more solid, and then he looked at Lian Yi beside him, with a cruel smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that you really believed it, but I can perfect your body and become a quasi-sage."

Then it turned into a ray of virtual light and entered Lianyi's body.

"Who are you!"

Lian Yi looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in his mind, and exclaimed.

Because she recognized this person as the senior who had died back then, but how could he appear here.

"Hehe, that's right, thank you for your help. It's beyond my expectation that you can still be fooled, but I also want to thank you."

Compared to Lian Yi who was unable to move, this seemingly aging man could move freely in Lian Yi's mind, as if this was his mind.

Just thinking about it, Lian Yi understood the reason. The other party had been hiding in the jug, and immediately roared, his eyes wished to tear the other party apart, "This is a fake formation, you are lying to me! You want to use my body to resurrect .”

"You're smart, but I didn't lie to you. This method can indeed be forcibly advanced, but there is one condition, that is, one thing is missing. You are really well prepared, and then leave it to me."

The man laughed, and then grabbed Lianyi's body and flew out on the spot, and he leisurely came to Lianyi's position.

"You have to die, you liar." Even though he wanted to scold the other party in his heart, after only opening a sentence or two, he was stunned to find that he couldn't speak.

All her strength is maintaining the outer formation, and her soul power has been consumed too much in the previous advancement.

"Liar? You feel the power of the quasi-sage, I'm letting you die." The man didn't care, he still found his way out of the jug, and now there was only one more chance left.

The wine jug outside exploded out of nowhere for no reason, and a thumb-sized gray gas flew out of it quickly. It fused all the gray balls outside that had shrunk in half, and finally turned into a small gray ball the size of an eyeball. It rushed directly into Lianyi's mind, and then appeared in the man's palm.

"Open it for me!"

Throwing the man's hand forward, the gray ball in his hand rushed forward quickly, and a gray thread was held in his hand, obviously leaving a gray thread in the air until the ball was linked to that mysterious step. At that time, there was hardly much on his body, so he poked inside.

The man pulled and smiled, and then relied on this silk thread to pull him straight through. The door that was never close to him started to approach slowly, and finally came to the door.

"See, as long as we open this door, we can enter the realm of quasi-sages. This method does not belong to this world. Only I know that I was desperate on the verge of death, thanks to the opportunity you gave me." The man glanced at the jumpsuit next to him, and said with some enjoyment.

Of course, being able to maintain this channel is the continuous flow of soul power behind him. These powers are turned into nourishment to push the opponent forward in places that cannot be seen, but just pushing the level of power through is not enough. Yi, naturally saw the gate easily, and was still approaching.

But the last step is the experience of that kind of state of mind. If you can't make it through, you can't make it through, and if you can't push it away, you can't push it away. However, under a rule engraved on the jug, they were directly tied together forcibly, forcing her to come to this point.

The former is less difficult, mainly because of the last inscribed rule, but the old man didn't reach his limit before he died, so he couldn't use it even if he wanted to.

The next moment, the man directly pushed open the door, and a wave of extremely powerful strength emerged from the door.

No matter the man or Lianyi, they all felt the baptism from the soul and from the whole body, and the whole world seemed to be different.

Pushing open the door, the two souls began to transform towards the quasi-sage, and the body outside naturally did the same. Even if it was not prepared by one person, this mighty aura would be extremely conspicuous.

"At this time, you finally understand, so go to your soul and die, so that the above side effects will not be on me, haha!"

The man grabbed Lianyi again and held it in his hand. Although the latter had the strength to resist, it was still not enough in front of him.

At this time, a young man suddenly appeared not far away and snatched the jumpsuit from the opponent's hand at an extremely fast speed. This made the man startled and angry, and couldn't help shouting.

"Who are you."

This time it's his turn, but his strength is useless in front of the opponent. Could it be that the opponent must be at least above the quasi-sage, or that the opponent has found a quasi-sage master to guard him? This idea flashed in his mind quickly Pass.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you come out first and then talk about it."

As the voice fell, the man felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he was pulled out of the opponent's body abruptly. At this time, Lian Yi regained control of his body and was still recovering quickly.

"Who the hell are you, and why did you sabotage my plan?" The man didn't run away at the first moment, because his condition was already tied to his jumpsuit, and he couldn't survive outside.

"My name is easy to remember, Gu Zheng, so your role is gone, you can die with peace of mind." Gu Zheng said lazily, and a golden light flew out of his hand, directly passing through the opponent's brain, killing him completely. Die this seemingly strong, but actually extremely weak soul.

"Senior, thank you for saving my life." Lian Yi tried to maintain his expression, thanking Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng slowly walked in front of the other party, staring at the other party's eyes, "Stop pretending, it's impossible for you not to know my name, in this case, why are you pretending."

Lian Yi's body trembled, because she did know Gu Zheng's name, and it was impossible to forget it, so she spoke bitterly.

"Does your lord want to avenge your subordinates? It was your people who provoked us first."

"Life and death are a matter of fate. Whatever their choice, they have to bear the consequences. If I trouble you, do you think you can still talk to me?"

Lian Yi was taken aback by Gu Zheng's words, and his expression changed a lot, "I don't know what your lord is looking for me for."

"Originally, I came to tell you that the other party is now my subordinate. No matter what problems you had before, they were resolved in the previous battle. I will not let them go out. Now it seems that we have something to talk about again. " Gu Zheng looked at each other up and down, and suddenly laughed.

Although Lian Yi didn't know what Gu Zheng's specific cultivation was, but both of his subordinates had mid-stage quasi-sages, so they must be strong but not weak, but they didn't quite understand Gu Zheng's words.

"My lord, what do you mean, the little demon is dull, please express it clearly, but save the little demon, this kindness will never be forgotten by the little demon."

"It's very simple. I'll help you comfort you through the quasi-sage hurdle. You have to do things for me." Gu Zheng said bluntly, "Don't be in a hurry to speak. Wait until I finish speaking to see if you agree. If you disagree, I will immediately just go."

This made Lian Yi swallow her words, and wanted to know why Gu Zheng said that. Now she can feel the power of the quasi-sage, which is countless times stronger than before, and it is impossible for a hundred of herself to defeat the recovered self. This is also because of a forced breakthrough, not a complete quasi-sage, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

"In fact, I know this breakthrough method is nothing more than taking a shortcut. It looks very beautiful, but you also know the sequelae of this thing, which almost cuts off your future and makes your soul fall into sin forever. As long as the way of heaven If you are a little stricter, you will wait for the disaster to come from the sky, and you can hide for a while, but not for a lifetime." Gu Zheng said slowly.

He knows this method because it is a vicious method that has been circulated in the real prehistoric world. In fact, it wants to kill each other behind it, because the more people killed by this method, the more souls of the mobile phone. By cooperating with certain rules that have been handed down, people can have the power of quasi-sage forever.

It was a sensation at the time, I don't know how many people were killed, and the position was sought to obtain quasi-sage power, but it was later proved to be a joke, and even that little loophole was filled by Tiandao, and then it was slowly lost.

But in fact, as long as the millennium is less than, even if you are all cautious, you will not escape death, because this loophole is caused by itself, and you can't hide it at all. It looks beautiful, but if there are some excessive actions in the middle, then the way of heaven will naturally You will be punished directly, and there will be no place for burial.

First of all, it is not difficult to steal a specific law. As long as you are at the peak, you can find a way. It is a genius to discover this at the time, but it is a pity that it went astray.

This law is engraved on a specific magic weapon, and it is hidden. It will only appear when it is used, swallow the sacrifice, and then descend on the caster. In fact, this law is supporting it. The more sacrifices, the longer it lasts. The longer, but the upper limit is no more than a thousand years.

This incomplete law itself is incomplete, so it cannot be supported naturally.

But when he was browsing the books, he specifically asked the master this question. In fact, he finally found a solution. Eliminate hidden dangers.

And now, he happened to have a suitable thing in his hand.

"What do you mean, my lord? I can do it." Lian Yi naturally didn't know at this time, and then asked.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, then said a few words to her, turned around and left here.

"I'll wait for you for a month, and then I will leave. If you are willing to make a deal with me, come to me."

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