In terms of this battle, who is the busiest person.

It wasn't the patriarch of the giant ape who was fighting with Jiandou, nor was it the jumpsuit that was always trying to collect the souls of those who were about to die, and it wasn't the Xiaoqian clan who struggled to fight with each other below, but was busy in the air. Stop feeling sorry.

Hundreds of people are entangled together, and accidents may happen every moment. Although there are many people on Xiaoqian's side, they are different from each other. On the other hand, they were invaded by poison, resulting in the inability to fully display their strength. In addition, they did not cooperate before, and sometimes they would cause harm to their companions. The fight was extremely difficult.

Almost every moment, she secretly shot, otherwise there would be more injuries here, and even the death would reach double digits. Everything she did now was only delaying the opponent's failure.

If the opponent is not poisoned, not to mention whether he can win, but at least he cannot lose, but it is absolutely impossible to win the opponent now, what Mu Lian has to do now is to let the opponent feel the pain, so painful that he knows to rely on their strength, If you want to survive in this world, you can only rely on Gu Zheng.

One day passed in the blink of an eye, the sun was setting and the sun was rising. In the originally fierce battle situation, with familiarity with the opponent's attacks and the large number of people, many attacks at the bottom of the box could not be used, because once they were used, they did not know whether to attack the enemy or their own people. It has calmed down a lot.

However, the Xiaoqian World Allied Forces withdraw from the battle with more than a dozen people even dead and wounded, while the other party only died one and injured a few. If this continues, the high-end battle will not be able to open the situation, and they will fall into a dogfight. Naturally, they will fail. Small world.

The patriarch of the giant ape can naturally feel all this, and he is even more annoyed. If it wasn't for the fact that he was ambushed by the previous impulse, how could he be in such a mess, and his opponent can feel that he is obviously stronger than himself now, but he is like a monkey. He has power but can't use it.

"Jiandou, it's almost done. If you finish the opponent, you will change if you are late." Lian Yi not far away suddenly shouted.

"no problem!"

Jiandou responded immediately because his toxin can only last for more than a day, and this is the time when the toxin is at its strongest. If it is delayed later, it will only become weaker and weaker, and it will naturally play its final role.

As he stepped back abruptly, he was naturally out of the attack of the ape patriarch, and then he clapped his hands suddenly, and a green light visible to the naked eye burst out, sweeping across the sky in front of him with lightning speed, covering everyone Come in.

Normal people at most feel that their body is cold, and it will not have any effect, but those who are deeply infested by toxins feel that layers of flames suddenly erupted in their bodies, as if something is burning in their bodies, even if they immediately He started to suppress and suffered a lot of injuries.

A mouthful of blood spewed out from different mouths, even the breath became weaker, and the strength could only be used to less than 50%, it was impossible to be the opponent of the opponent, and the situation suddenly became more unfavorable for Xiaoqian world.

"Kill them!"

Jiandou suddenly yelled, and immediately rushed up to the giant ape patriarch. This time, he was full of firepower. He was not as playful as before, and immediately made the ape patriarch feel tremendous pressure. At this time, he could only concentrate on defending with all his strength, otherwise I'm afraid that in this state, the opponent can really take the opportunity to beat him to death.

As for the others, after being attacked like this, facing the enemy's attack, they could no longer maintain the previous stalemate interface, and began to collapse. How can you fight the opponent if you fly out.

Most of Xiaoqian World began to panic, the enemy naturally would not let go of this good opportunity, took the opportunity to rush forward, trying to defeat them in one go, but they didn't notice that the people in Lianyi didn't work so hard, it seemed that it was very difficult to fight the opponent. Intense, if you look carefully, the opponent is injured and not injured, it seems that the two are playing about the same.

One side is not strong enough, so they can only retreat while fighting, and the other side is chasing closely, the figures flying around in the huge sky are dazzling.

A master of the small thousand world was hit by the opponent's palm, and blood spurted out of his mouth. When his body fell rapidly, the enemy who was chasing him weakened his head and died completely.

In just a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people died here, and many people were injured. It seems that victory here is in sight.

Lian Yi even took the opportunity to collect the money from the other party, and was even more pleasantly surprised. The other party looked like a soft persimmon, maybe he didn't need to be taken advantage of, and used it in other places in the future.

Mu Lian also started to take action, and now her main targets are concentrated on those talented people, as long as they can guarantee the other party's inventory, as for the others, she will not make a move.

It's still the same sentence, if they don't make them feel bad, they won't be able to return with peace of mind.

When the poison time passed, it was already night again. At this time, the morale of everyone in Xiaoqian World was low, because during the day, more than 30 people died, even though most of them were low-strength people, it still made people Chilling, because there are more injuries outside.

Of course, they are not without results. At least a dozen people from the other side have died, but they are also low in cultivation, and the real masters of both sides have not died yet.

If it hadn't been for the effect of the poison to pass, no one can guarantee whether it can continue to persist, but the current situation is also very bad.

From the beginning of pressing the opponent to now the opponent is pressing his side, and there is no hope of victory at all, even the ape patriarch has serious injuries on his body, looking at everything around him, his heart feels extremely heavy.

"Can't even make it through this little bit? You must know that there are dozens of times more monsters outside than now, maybe they are taking it for granted."

He thought silently in his heart, and a heart-wrenching incident happened in the distance.

"go to hell!"

With a shout of anger, a patriarch whose strength was in the late stage of Da Luo hugged the enemy and died together in the air. The huge explosion left a huge blank area in the middle. Because of this incident, the two sides took the opportunity to separate and once again Form a confrontation.

"Mo Shan is actually dead!"

The people of the Xiaoqian world quickly gathered together, and so did the Yaozu. Compared with the low morale of the Xiaoqian world, the Yaozu looked at them cruelly. After countless fights, they didn't care about this small scene at all. Looking fiercely at the opposite side, Xiaoqian World, who had hardly been motivated to fight, felt even more panic in his heart, feeling that he was no match for them no matter what.

"What's the matter, we won't continue to attack?" Lian Yi didn't know why Jiandou had to withdraw.

In this battle, only a few people were injured on his side, while she made a lot of money and secretly stole a lot of corpses. Although it is enough for now, the more the better, the higher the success rate.

"We don't have an advantage. This level is enough now. If we continue, the opponent will fight to the death. We will lose even more. We might as well wait until the reinforcements arrive and push the opponent directly." Jiandou shook his head.

In fact, I found that I had lost too much, and my heart was very distressed. I lost a third of it. I don’t know why. Naturally, they will also chase and kill the past.

Although Lian Yi was sorry, she couldn't force it by herself. The opponent was weak at this time, and it was very easy to beat her alone.

In this way, in the eyes of the ape patriarch, the Yaozu retreated inexplicably.

"Why did the other party leave?" The seriously injured patriarch Hua was a little confused.

If it was a little later just now, I am afraid that he would have chosen to die with the other party, and he would hardly be able to hold on.

"I gonna go see."

The patriarch Suo of the big bird clan spoke, flew directly into the sky, followed the opponent himself, watched the opponent from a distance until he really left this side, then turned and left.

"They really left." Patriarch Suo said immediately after returning.

"Patriarch Suo, please guard the area yourself first, don't let the other party plot." The ape patriarch pleaded from the side, the latter did not suffer much injuries, and with its own particularity, it is most suitable for the current situation.

Patriarch Suo naturally wouldn't refuse, and then flew up to the sky with a few of his clan members who were in good condition, and began to continue to be on guard.

"Let's go back first."

All the elders and patriarchs gathered again on the island of the ape patriarch in the middle, but now everyone is downcast, because they found that the races and elders of the three small clans were all killed in battle. What's more frightening is that there is no hope in sight .

"Next, what can you do? It's better to say it." The ape patriarch cheered up and said.

But the following are you looking at me, I look at you, no one is answering the phone.

"Why don't we ask Lord Gu for help."

Suddenly another small clan spoke, breaking the calm.

"That's an idea."

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the ape patriarch, who had always wanted to be independent, was calm and approved.

But who doesn't know the pain in the heart of the ape patriarch, because this time they lost more than a dozen clansmen, and their strength dropped by one-third abruptly. You must know that these people are the elites of the clan after a long time, If he died like this, if he recalculates his strength now, let alone the first place, he might directly come to the fifth place.

Naturally, he didn't know that if it wasn't for Mu Lian's help, they would have lost at least twice as much.

How could the flowers in the greenhouse that have not been blown by wind and rain be the opponents of the hungry wolves outside, especially the most peak hungry wolves, who have defeated all the enemies and are invincible.

"I think, in fact, there is no conflict with our development under the other party's hands. As long as we hand over some people to him to drive in the future, it is not much different from being in Baimeng, and we have the other party's support outside, so we can survive here. You must know that there are many quasi-sages in the Yaozu, so what if we are forced to recruit us, although we are all Yaozu, we are still outsiders, and the other party looks down on us, the Yaozu in the small thousand world." .

One corner of his head was broken by Lianyi, and he was extremely embarrassed.

At this time, the mentality of being suppressed by Baimeng appeared in everyone's hearts. Anyway, they used to be like this. It doesn't matter if they don't have freedom, because for them, there is not much harm.

After he finished speaking, many people couldn't help but nodded, because the prehistoric is still too terrifying, and this is still the tip of the iceberg. What if they encounter bigger troubles in the future, they don't have the confidence to block each other, let alone Zhunsheng. Experts, they know their own situation, and it is impossible to break through.

"I also agree with Patriarch Lie Niu's opinion. I mainly don't want our people to be sacrificed." Another big clan stood up and said, they also lost a few people, which also made him twitch.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the others also said that for them, freedom doesn't matter, they didn't come here like this before, as long as they can stay outside, they will definitely have greater development inside.

In just a hundred years of effort, the resources found in it are more abundant than those below, which means that more resources can be given to the below, and more people will be bred. Maybe later people will really be able to break through to quasi-sage .

Since this is the case, it is better to follow the ancient battle. The opponent's strength seems to be not as strong as the previous Baimeng, but in the end he defeated the Baimeng, and the opponent's deputy race has greater potential than them. I am afraid that a wood demon clan is enough. Top them all.

Everyone has said that they are more and more inclined to go directly to Gu Zheng, and more importantly, if something happens, they can escape back to Xiaoqian World, where Gu Zheng is almost invincible, because the core, like him It is the same as the magic weapon, unless the difference in strength is greater, otherwise it is very safe.

"In this case, if you want, don't drag me, we don't want to, we would rather die outside." At this time, a voice of disapproval sounded from the crowd.

When everyone looked at it, they found that it was the Tongzu who ranked third in strength. This race was short in stature, like a dwarf. Its body looked like a human, but it was actually a kind of creature that liked to drill mountains. It had a hard tail and sharp three-pointed legs. refer to.

"We have decided that we will leave no matter what. Even if all of us die in the future, we still want to be free. Do you still want us to leave here together?" Tong Clan patriarch stood up and shouted towards the surroundings.

It's just that no one agrees. Everyone knows that Tongzu likes to move around in the mountains, and usually doesn't like to come out. If you just find a good place outside, the danger is really not high, but they can't.

"Since Patriarch Tong is leaving, we will naturally not stop you. Take your things away later." Patriarch Ape didn't say much either.

"See you soon!"

Patriarch Tong said to everyone, and then left here. After returning, he immediately left here with his tribe.

"If that's the case, then open it and pass the message to the adults, we are willing to return." The ape patriarch looked down and said finally.

After he finished speaking, he also felt that thousands of burdens had been lifted from his body. The leaders these days alone let him know that sometimes ordinary people really can't sit still in this position.

The people below also breathed a sigh of relief. For them, at least the current battle is over. They have returned to the way they were before, but it is no different from now. Master Gu doesn't like to point fingers, of course there are regrets It would be nice if they agreed together at the beginning. In that case, if there are any good things in the future, it is obvious that only the first batch of people will have them alone.

When this side decided to surrender, Gu Zheng turned off the monitoring almost at the same time. With Mu Lian on it, there would be no problems. He looked at the core again. The original shape of the jade belt now looks longer, and some The profound patterns were looming, but he didn't know the meaning of them.

The only thing he knows now is that the core has not yet been completed. What makes him even more surprised is that pieces of land outside have begun to disappear. He saw with his own eyes a fixed space that was the size of an island. The sign turned into a ball of golden liquid, passed through the distant space, and was sucked into the jade belt, and at this time, those lines would appear on it again.

He didn't know what happened outside, whether it disappeared completely or became one. He still didn't know until the end. The only thing he knew was that he seemed to have more control over the world. Now he only needs to focus on the past to perceive it. Anyone's movement, no matter what the other party does, I can know it.

At this moment, he felt that Wan'er was playing happily with a group of friends, as if he was looking over their heads, and he could even hear their voices clearly.

It's just that there is nothing to do about the void outside, it seems that I have completely lost my senses, and I don't know whether it is good or bad.

Gu Zheng glanced at the core, and after the outer gate was closed and sealed again, he went out.

"Young Master Gu, if you want us to dispatch, we have nothing to do here."

Commander Tai, who had been guarding the door, hurried up.

Gu Zheng stopped and thought for a while, and it seems to be the same. This place is not dangerous, and they don’t need so many people. It’s better to hand it over to the superiors, so that it will be easier to have their own people in the early stage. Besides, it’s not good for them to hold them back all the time. .

"That's fine, but ten people are needed to be stationed here. Later, you draw up a charter, and the rest of the people go up to listen to Mu Lian's arrangements, and they can even go out, but without my permission, no one can leave too far." Gu Zheng immediately Said.

"Yan Ge, Yan Yue is very good, just enough for the three of us to take turns to ensure that this place is closely guarded." The Taiwan Commander said immediately, it seemed that he had thought about this issue long ago.

"You can figure it out." Gu Zheng left here after leaving a word.

He still has some things to do next, and after finishing them all together, he can go to Honghuang to look for earth and wind stones. Since the other four can be found, this one must also be found.

The next moment his figure appeared in Mengzhen's resting world, he just stayed outside for a while, Mengzhen had already brought several people out.

In fact, Gu Zheng came here for nothing, just asked the other party if he wanted to go out. The elders of the other party were still recuperating, but most of the others had already awakened. It is better to go to the prehistoric world first if you stay here.

Mengzhen just thought about it and agreed, but she still stayed here to watch the elder. Most of the others, Mengzi, Mengshi and Huazi, including the male demon led by Nanqu, also went up, naturally including Their companion race, the Mirror Demon.

There is basically nothing to do here, so there is no need to stay here all the time.

After letting them find Mu Lian on their own, Gu Zheng came to the Teng Snake Clan again. In fact, they didn't know about the change in belief, but this time he came back to change places with the other party.

After finishing all this work, he left Xiaoqian World and came up to deal with the affairs of Xiaoqian World.

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