"boom boom boom"

Explosions all over the sky kept ringing outside Leiyin City. The demon souls that had been attacking for a day without stopping were still maintaining their initial attack intensity. Even among the demon souls below, they organized an area to launch various long-range attacks in front of them. .

However, the strength of the shield in front of him could not be seen at all. It was different from the original one, as if these attacks hadn't hurt the inside at all.

"Master Hun, has the opponent already failed?"

Beside Mr. Hun, one of his confidants asked with some doubts.

"It's not a complete failure. At the beginning, we thought we could take down the opponent smoothly, but that was just our last thought. Obviously, after such a long time, the soul alliance has not lost its initial vigilance. Something is wrong, and I am sure that there are not only a few people inside, I am afraid that other subordinates of the Soul Alliance are gathered inside." Master Hun looked in front of him, with the same flat expression as before, as if everything was under his control among.

"How is it possible! This place is surrounded by us in all directions, how could the other party enter." The subordinates were a little surprised, as if they were not sure about Mr. Hun's guess.

"Of course you don't know. I know some news. There are measures left by the first generation leader, which are enough to deal with this situation. It's just that the time is too long. It's normal for you not to know."

Of course Candle Soul would not tell them. Many of the information was told to him by the Luo City Lord, but it is a pity that Leiyin City is a defensive measure that is always on. The strength will be greatly weakened, and most of them can only involve the upper echelons of the Soul Alliance outside.

Otherwise, the Soul Alliance wouldn't say so rest assured that outside, the Yaohun side dares to raid in with masters, and one will die.

"It's just that the other party reacted too quickly, as if they knew we were coming. It's really strange that the information we inquired before was not leaked." Candle Soul regretted, "By the way, what happened to the matter that I asked you to investigate? .”

"The Elder Hui of the Huan Clan has completely disappeared, but before he disappeared, he went out with two other groups. One of them was Gai Jin. She also disappeared with most of her subordinates." The subordinate hurriedly replied.

"Missing, I'm afraid he's already dead. I told her not to pursue her. She died for nothing, and even lost an elder of the Illusion Clan." He said he didn't care, but Zhu Hun still sighed. After all, it is useless to die there, it is better to die here, at least you can pull a few people back.

"You continue to order, let everyone take turns to attack for three days first, and start on the fourth day to implement a new plan. I will naturally notify you at that time."

"Yes, Lord Soul!"

Looking at the back of his subordinates leaving in a hurry, Zhu Hun looked at the huge Leiyin City and sneered in his heart.

"Do you think you can sit back and relax like this? Let's spend some of your energy first."

"And that lovely Luo City Lord, if you can't complete your mission, then don't blame us for being ruthless afterwards, of course we will do what we should do."

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. For everyone, the difference between three days and one day was not very big. There was no other progress on both sides, and there was no difference from the beginning.

"My lord, there are a total of eleven cities outside that have been empty. According to the people inside, all of them were teleported away by the statue in the middle. Two of them were stopped by our people, which damaged the stone statues, but also lost some people. .”

As the day was about to pass, Candle Soul finally got the news he wanted to know.

"It seems that the action is quite fast, and the time is almost up now. The first floor has been destroyed as I thought. If that is the case, the victory must belong to us." Candle Soul smiled slightly, turned his head and looked at the huge Thunder City of Beasts.

He also knew very well about Leiyin City's counterattack, even better than Mrs. Xue's. He had been guarding against the opponent's first-level attack. The Lord Luo is still a little reliable.

If Leiyin City really falls into the other party's hands intact, then the candle souls are ready to fight a protracted war with the other party, spending thousands of years to besiege the other party here, and cut off all their foundations outside, and continue to surround the other party.

But obviously it doesn't need to be so troublesome. Even if there is no follow-up help, it is enough. It is just a matter of loss and time. Unfortunately, he does not lack both.

"When the first quarter team starts to rush in from the two entrances, the second quarter team prepares, and the third team continues to defend the opponent's attack."

Following the order of the candle soul, the originally immobile team began to separate one by one, and it was obvious that many puppets began to act in front, and beside them, a small number of demon souls came to command The opponent moves.

The vacancy they left was quickly filled by other teams, and everyone was crowded together, at most not separated by a slap.

As for the shields in the air, as long as they can defend against external attacks, as long as they don't use the magic power in their bodies, they won't be squeezed to death at all.

Soon a few swollen puppets, walking at twice the speed of the others, walked in first.

The original two entrances and exits have been blocked by heavy stone gates, and there is a solid magic circle outside, even if it can use mana, it will take a lot of time to break through.

But when those puppets who were getting bigger and bigger staggered to the door, their entire body grew bigger again, and it seemed that they were going to explode in the next moment.

"Not good, the gate can't be guarded."

Inside, Mrs. Xue waited to see the scene outside, and couldn't help but speak out.

"Can you launch an attack to interfere with the opponent, I can come first." Another city lord asked hastily.

"This is the price of having an internal response. The other party knows everything about us here, and those organs don't have the big seal of the Luo thief that represents the leader, and they can't be opened. They can only be filled with their lives." The other city lord clenched his fists and said angrily .

"It can be activated, but the opponent is obviously on guard, so it may not have much effect." Madam Xue looked outside and said some people hiding in the crowd.

They discovered each other's vigilance at the beginning, which is why they didn't move.

"Now the opponent's formation is a bit chaotic, let me come, no matter what, I can't let the opponent come in so smoothly." The Niu City Lord next to him said with a final word.

Without waiting for other people to object, he came to the other side, stood in the middle of the formation, and began to input his mana.

"Yes, no matter what, we must stop the other party. After a while, everyone will go up once, and then come down to reply. This will not affect everyone. I am afraid that in the near future, I will have to work hard for everyone." Madam Xue said to everyone. said.

Glancing to the side, a sleeping child was in a well-protected magic circle, and he went back to hug him in three days, but now he has no time to take care of him, so he can only let the other party sleep beside him first.

"Look, the opponent is going to blow up!"

"boom boom boom"

There were several huge explosions in succession, and as the earthquake shook the mountain, the rocks around the entrance were blown apart, and even the runes on the door became dim.

"At most three rounds, a gap can be opened. It is impossible for the opponent to block us on the first floor, so get ready to go directly to the second floor."

Without those ferocious attacks, this side can easily approach. At this time, at least the fallen city lord is still useful.

"Defend well, the opponent's counterattack is coming."

All of a sudden, the voice of the candle soul resounded like rolling thunder in the air, and all the nearby demon souls could hear it clearly.

Some demon souls, who had been ordered a long time ago, began to activate the spells they had prepared long ago, and stretched out huge protections, all of which detained all the demon souls, and even covered the surface with a layer of crystal clear light.

In this way, both the sky and the earth are strictly protected, and there are people on the side to replenish them all the time, so nothing will go wrong.

After everyone below reacted, a phantom of black mist appeared out of thin air above Leiyin City, condensing a huge cold aura, which seemed more shocking than the attacks launched by the previous dozen or so people.

As soon as the black mist appeared, countless vigor shot from above in all directions. Although it was not accurate, for the people gathered below, the chances of missing it were very small.

As a large cloud of black mist rose from the surface of the crowd, those vigor were blocked by the defenses one after another, turning into balls of explosions and dissipating in the air.

Despite the protection, some of the demon souls and puppets in the ground were affected, and some were unable to stand stably. Other than that, no harm fell on them.

Even if this is the case, the demon soul below is a little amazed. He didn't expect that the opponent's counterattack would be so powerful. If Mr. Zhu Hun hadn't taken precautions, he might have suffered heavy casualties.

The strength of each attack on the opposite side does not seem to be strong, but if you count carefully, there are at least one blow from Jinxian in the later stage, so densely packed like rain, even the peak Jinxian is likely to be injured and killed.

Everyone subconsciously looked at Master Hun over there, their eyes filled with admiration, and at the same time put away their pride, originally thought that it would be very easy to take down the opponent with their huge strength.

"Hurry up and blast the entrance and break in. Only in this way can the other party stop for a while." Looking around, the resident seemed not to care, and continued to order.

But at this time, the second self-destruction has been completed. Judging from the appearance of the opponent's gate, it is obvious that one more attack can completely blow out a gap, and then they can drive straight in.

At this time, the black mist above gradually dissipated from the air, and its only function was to make this side treat the other party more seriously.

However, the black mist had just gone down, and after only a few breaths, a round of white mist reappeared in the air. As the surrounding temperature dropped, the second round of blows came again.

In the white mist, countless snowflakes with hexagonal petals danced gracefully from the air, spinning and drifting towards the surroundings, but at the same time as the snowflakes appeared in the air, piercing screams appeared one after another. The power of snowflakes is not only for appreciation, but also for killing people.

The demon souls around were not moved at all, but looked at the scenery above with relish, which made everyone observing inside annoyed and angry, but no one else could do anything about it.

Those snowflakes fell on the shield, and the small stones fell into the pool, splashing countless ripples in the air.

Seeing this, the city lord who was controlling inside saw that the mana input was suddenly increased. Blue crystals swirled around the seemingly light snowflakes, and then the whole snowflakes turned into large hailstones, smashing down overwhelmingly .

This time, those protective shields continued to protect them, but as large pieces of hail continued to fall, they became precarious, and the power of the hail was more than half stronger than before.

Soon a shield could not support it, and at the same time as it was about to shatter, another defense suddenly rose below to keep the hailstones out. This was another elder who was on standby to take over in time.

The hailstone only lasted for a while, and then gradually disappeared. It seemed that there was no new fog in the sky, as if the other party had given up.

At this time, the two passages below were also blasted apart after the last explosion, and the team of ghost puppets in front began to move inward.

"Again? Order to go down. There are always people guarding the upper and lower parts. Without my order, no one can withdraw."

Candle Soul saw the front, just smiled, then frowned again, and issued a new order.

At this time, the demon soul here suddenly felt the ground vibrate, and at the same time, the fluorescent light protecting the ground also began to flicker, as if something was going underground, but it never broke through the defense.

"No, the opponent's defense is too strict, and they can't hurt them at all."

Inside, the third city lord came out, shook his head and said with some regret.

"The other party knows all our attack methods, and it's not the first time that they appeared so suddenly, so they will naturally be prepared, but we can make the other party not be so presumptuous, or involve the other party, don't need to use too much force, the other party may come in at any time." Madam Xue was on the side Said.

"Leave it to me, even if it is not easy for the opponent to defend against my attack." City Lord Xing stepped forward and said.

"Thanks for your hard work. I will go to the front with General Ruochenniu to make arrangements. If there are other matters, I will send someone back. If there is any news about City Lord Liu and the others, I will send them as soon as possible." Madam Xue said to everyone.

She didn't bring Pan Xuan with her, because General Niu and the others were enough to protect her, and here it was necessary to prevent the other party from using other means to lurk in. Once this place was destroyed, the entire barrier would only be an empty shell.

"Don't worry, leave everything to us."

Then Mrs. Xue and the others left here, hurriedly walked forward and scolded them not only for supervising the battle, but also for activating those buff circles.

There are many entrances that can go up, so they simply gave up the first floor. Those subordinates are all scattered in the front residential area, serving as a line of defense on the ground, and the first line of defense is in front of the residential area. There is a spacious place that also leads to here. The only way to go, thousands of subordinates in front are already waiting for them to arrive.

Of course, this place, including the residential area, is only less than one-third of Leiyin City. Of course, other places have their own uses, but they can't go there to control and kill each other layer by layer. After all, this is the real core. , They are so many people crowded here, it is indeed a bit congested, it is not suitable for a battle.

But they have nothing to do, they can't even close those useless passages, they can only wait here for the other party to come over.

After Mrs. Xue arrived, although they were all waiting in an orderly manner, in her eyes, there were still many loopholes, so she began to command, and Ruochen and General Niu began to go to the Luo thief to activate the magic circle here. The people inside had been killed long ago.

Every city lord here has subordinates, but they have all received orders from their respective city lords. Facing Madam Xue's command, they all cooperated very well, and Madam Xue quickly completed the arrangement.

But at this time above the head, a strand of hidden bright threads also lit up, one by one connected to the people below, with the previous order, they did not dodge, and obediently stretched out their hands to grab the top, a force Transmitted from above to everyone.

Everyone can feel the difference in their bodies. It seems that everyone's strength has increased by almost 10%, which is enough to last for most of the day. It seems that Mrs. Xue is also planning to fight the opponent.

Because there are a lot of people coming from the other side, but the range where they can fight is not large, and there are only so many people who can fight at a time.

"Wait, the other party will have to wait a while to get here, and by then, there will be no time to rest." Madam Xue said a little wearily.

Although she is not a completely ordinary person, she is a little tired after traveling for a long time.

"You rest for a while, leave it to us now." Ruocheng came back from a distance, saw Madam Xue like this, and said to her.

"Well, when the other party comes, please wake me up. I don't want to become the other party's prisoner when I wake up." Madam Xue didn't insist, she joked.

"Don't worry, absolutely not!" Ruochen watched Madam Xue take a nap against the wall beside her, and put a shield on her to prevent the noise from outside from disturbing her.

Looking at the energetic subordinate here, she didn't know how much she would lose in the end, but no matter how much she lost, she had to block him.

Once those demon spirits catch them, they will probably only refine them to achieve the revival of their race.

Even if City Lord Luo joins them, I'm afraid only a few high-level people can survive. The demon soul will not keep these people who may rebel, even if they act as puppets, is it possible that their puppets are obedient and easy to use?

When everything was settled here, in another area of ​​Leiyin City, Liucheng was still looking for the other party's trace.

"The other party is still in the mood to leave false clues, it's really hateful."

Following a false clue, he finally found that he came to a dead end, with no trace of people staying there, so City Lord Liu couldn't help but shout angrily.

For the past three days, he has been wandering around in the huge space outside, catching traces of the other party. What he didn't expect was that the other party left it on purpose, and even plunged into the trap.

Those traps are still very lethal to people in the Golden Immortal stage. To them, they are only used to disgust them. After several times in succession, even the relatively well-mannered City Master Liu swears.

After all, judging from the previous movement, the other party seems to have broken through the gate, and some demon spirits may have come in, and they will attack after a while, and they will have to retreat a little later to protect the real central place.

"City Master Liu, there is no gain at all. If my prediction is correct, I have already noticed the other party's hiding place."

At this moment, Gu Zheng suddenly spoke.

"Really? Then it's not too late. Find them now." City Lord Liu said happily.

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