"Gu Zheng, you are going to die!"

You Yun has already recovered, stomped his feet suddenly from a distance, and the gravel immediately splashed under his feet, leaving a big hole in place, flying towards Gu Zheng.

He purposely asked for orders to come to ambush Gu Zheng's side, just to play tricks on the other party, and he was about to succeed, but in the end, he was ruined by one of his own people, and his death would be for nothing.

Although he was escaped by the opponent, he was still confident that he could kill the opponent. This was not a martial arts competition, even if the opponent had hidden cultivation, so what, he was still one level higher than the opponent.

"Dead? It should be you!"

Gu Zheng raised his gloomy face, and undoubtedly did not tell others that he was in a very bad mood. Seeing the culprit, You Yun, he decided not to let him die so easily.

With a shake of his arms, Gu Zheng clenched his fists, and accompanied by the crackling of his body, he watched You Yun look like a dead man, with a force under his feet, he flew into the air and rushed towards the opponent.

"Just in time!"

You Yun's eyes flickered sharply, his body twisted and bowed in the air, and he exerted his strength again. His whole body was surrounded by thick black air, and only his black fist, which was about three times larger, was exposed, and he swung towards the middle of Gu Zheng's body. go.

Even if he wanted to dodge at this time, there was no chance. A huge suction force came from the opponent, which locked Gu Zheng's figure firmly. If the opponent dared to retreat, he would be dead.

Regarding You Yun's behavior, Gu Zheng felt that the other party knew him well. If the other party drew out his weapon, it would be difficult for the other party to suffer more crimes. But now, it is effective in front of other people relying on cultivation, but In front of him, it has no effect at all, especially when he may break through at any time.

The speed of Gu Zheng jumped again, and he came to You Yun in an instant. The fist in his hand seemed ordinary, but in the process of stretching out, a ray of golden light spread from above, and quickly wrapped the fist in it. The fist became golden, like a diamond refracting its own light, extremely dazzling.


You Yun smiled sinisterly at this time, and when the fists were about to collide, a sharp edge emerged from the fist, but Gu Zheng just frowned when he saw this, and showed a trace of disdain at the corners of his mouth, and did not make any movements, and The opponent bumped into each other head-on.

There was a loud "boom", which was also mixed with a clear and sharp sound.

A violent golden light exploded like a volcanic eruption, and countless red flames shuttled through it, enveloping everything nearby. In one corner, there was only a precarious black light, still persisting.

After only two breaths, the black light was shattered into fragments, and was flooded by the golden light.

A figure flew out of the golden light quickly, without looking behind, it fled directly to the distance, and it could be clearly seen that one arm was swaying on the right side strangely like an irregular twist of a bull city.


You Yun, who was severely injured after just one contact, only had one thought in his mind, why did he want to deal with him arrogantly, an enemy who was only in the early stage of human soul, he thought he could catch it easily, but just now, he was given a kind of Unrivaled power.

Let him make a decision in an instant. This person is not an early stage human soul at all, at least he has the strength after the late stage human soul.

It's just a pity that this is no longer a competition.

Gu Zheng's figure had already pounced on him, appearing beside him like a ghost again, and punched him hard.

You Yunnei was forced to stretch out another intact arm, but with a few clicks, his arm was shattered in the air by Gu Zheng, and it was completely broken. The figure even fell from the air.

"Do you know how many people will be reviled by a rebellious person like you?"

Gu Zheng dodged, stepped on the opponent's chest directly on the ground, and pressed the opponent firmly on the ground. After roaring, he stepped down hard, and the opponent was stepped on the ground.

"Do you know that if you kill that person, even if you intend to kill him, it's not your turn to do it."

The other foot stepped up, and then Gu Zheng thought of Kikyo's accidental death, and he didn't allow the other party to speak, so he directly stretched out his fist and violently bombarded the other party to vent his anger.

After a while, the ground has turned into a pothole, and under the constant bombardment, You Yun has already been smashed to pieces, and he can't die anymore.

"Ancient struggle?"

Before the smoke and dust all over the sky went down, a familiar shout came from a distance.

"Pan Xuan!"

Gu Zheng jumped up from below and saw Pan Xuan flying towards him in the distance.

"There were some sudden incidents before, but everyone forgot about you in the end, and who messed with you just now." Pan Xuanfei came over and said apologetically.

"I can see clearly from below, so I naturally know what's going on and how the progress is going." Gu Zheng didn't care. He cares about the situation below.

"The defense has been set up, but the situation outside is not optimistic. The opponent has surrounded us. More importantly, the defensive circle at the bottom was destroyed by the backhand of the Luo thief. It is a bit difficult to deal with. It's gone." Pan Xuan said with a somewhat uneasy expression.

Because the entire attack system is on the first floor, by entering there, everyone can launch an attack from the inside to the outside, but now, like a hedgehog, although the defense is strong, the counterattack is weak.

"That's a bit bad, but there should be a way to counter the opponent." Gu Zheng didn't expect that the leader of Luo would have such a move, and asked subconsciously.

For such an important place, it is impossible to have only one way to counterattack, otherwise it would not make the demon soul afraid.

"Yes, let's go back and talk about it. Did the person who fought you run back? Or was he killed by you?" Pan Xuan glanced around, and finally fixed her eyes on the big pit, a little confused said.

"No, I was killed by another person. The other party originally wanted to sneak attack me, but the ambush was wrong, and I killed him." Gu Zheng said simply, without telling her the details, as long as you know the matter yourself.

"That's a pity. Just now Madam Xue said, let me bring the other party here. That person is someone who can be won over. Although his strength is a bit low, forget it, let's go back first." Pan Xuan just regretted it.

On the third floor, after rushing through the residential area, Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan came to the huge square. At this time, a city lord was contacting their team and teleporting over.

Some traces of the battle can still be seen next to it, and some people are even injured lying nearby to rest.

Thanks to the chaotic battle some time ago, these city lords gathered all the subordinates they could gather, and at least 70% of their combat power could be transferred over.

In other words, this time will determine the direction of the soul alliance.

Looking inside, the surrounding battle marks became more and more serious, even affecting the patterns engraved on the ground.

"There are more than a thousand enemies hidden inside, all of them are subordinates of the Luo thief, and their minds are all polluted. It is impossible to persuade them to surrender, but our loss is very small, because the opponent is mainly destroying the surrounding area. Everything that can be destroyed leads to the damage of the formation on the first floor. If it is repaired, I am afraid that except for the resurrection of the first alliance leader, it can only be like this."

Listening to Pan Xuan's introduction, Gu Zheng walked forward and came inside.

At this time, Ruochen had already come down, and the Ming City Lord took over from her, controlling the entire fortress, while a few phantom images floated beside her, showing the situation outside.

Although it was not very clear, Gu Zheng still saw Zhu Hun walking back and forth over there at a glance.

"The next step is not very easy. Apart from losing the first layer of defense, we now have only two ways to hurt each other." Pan Xuan and Gu Zheng stood outside and greeted inside before continuing to confront each other. Said Gu Zheng.

"One is to use the powerful power of the city lord to stimulate those powerful formations, but the consumption is a bit high, and the Luo thief doesn't know where to hide. If they wait for an opportunity to attack, it will be a security risk."

"The other is to put the opponent in and use the terrain here to fight the opponent head-on. The defense here is blessed with various formations. Even if each of our subordinates can perform at a super level, even if we gain the upper hand, it will also consume Not small."

"That's the only way?" Gu Zheng frowned, watching the indiscriminate bombardment from outside, and there was no counterattack capability here.

"That's the only way at the moment, but we discussed it just now. Luo thief must know more ways. After all, he controls this place in his hands, and Ming City Lord only knows one of them." Pan Xuan spread her hands and said helplessly.

Hearing this, there is no good solution for Gu Zheng. At this time, he cannot solve everything alone.

"We decided to send half of our forces to look for the Luo thief to prevent the other party from doing any damage. The other half is going to create some trouble for the outside first. There is no good way." Mrs. Xue came out from the inside and said to Gu Zheng.

"I knew that I wouldn't have let the other party go. At that time, I wanted to rely on the first-level formation to snipe and kill the other party, and I was slowly settling accounts with the other party."

"I'll go with them, maybe I can help a little bit." Seeing City Lord Liu bring a group of people out, Gu Zheng said the same.

"Be careful!" Pan Xuan didn't stop her, but just said something silently.

"Let me go and talk for you, there is only one person to replace." Madam Xue turned around and walked towards that side.

It's not that the more people the better, this side also needs sufficient strength to protect it.

As for the other party daring to come out alone to attack their subordinates, they are very happy, once they come out, it may be the time for the other party's death.

"You should also be careful. Your Mr. Feng has already set up the first jade ring just now. If he is not stupid, these will be buried within a day, and a space will definitely be torn apart by then." Gu Zheng looked Looking at Pan Xuan said.

"If successful, your kindness to us will never be forgotten."

This time Pan Xuan said it very seriously.

"Haha, don't, just treat it as a friend's help, not to mention I didn't do anything." Gu Zheng laughed, and when he saw Pan Xuan who was serious, he said it seriously.

"Yeah, you didn't make anything, but the discovery of this place is the biggest discovery for us." Pan Xuan smiled and didn't say much, "Mrs. Xue called you, hurry over."

In a barren wilderness, after a person buries the things in his hands to the predetermined place, and covers them up with satisfaction, no one would have thought that there is a pool of blood beneath the plain ground.

"If there are no accidents, other people will also put things away in about a day. In this way, you can notify the following and make preparations in time. How many people can come at that time depends on the demon soul's side." To what extent have you fought recklessly with the other party? In other words, I would like to thank some people who were reckless before, and continue to add some strength, so that the opening can be opened wider, not as narrow as before."

Mr. Feng took out a blood jade from his bosom, waited some distance away from here, and arranged it again to ensure that no one could interfere with him, and then activated the power on it.

The blood jade in his hand immediately let out a burst of cicadas, and at the same time, the blood light continued to linger on it, and slowly floated to the top of Princess Feng's head, and a round of blood mist fell straight down from above, completely covering him inside.

He had no contact with that side at first, but now he gradually became clear in his heart. He knew that he was about to successfully connect with that side, and he had to quickly tell him what he wanted to say. Now the power of the blood jade is only this time, time It is also very short, and can only convey some important things.

I closed my eyes, immersed myself in it, and began to convey the news I wanted to tell. In less than five breaths, with a slight cracking sound, the blood mist began to quickly disappear.

Mr. Feng's figure reappeared outside, he stretched out his hand to put away the blood jade that had completely lost its luster and turned like a stone, and then rushed to other places.

Over there is their gathering point, and when the time is right, they will guide them to rush over there.

They are responsible for guiding the opening of the gap, and the fifth ring is responsible for maintaining that gap. How long it can last determines how many people can come from there.

It's just that every person who comes over consumes a huge amount of energy, so the absolute elite here must be lucky enough to be the first batch to come over. After all, the peak and initial stages consume about the same amount of energy.

On the other side, under the blood-colored sky, a group of Asura warriors who had been waiting for a long time, all gathered on a spacious ground, waiting excitedly,

There are not many people in this group, because many of them did not come back in time, but with a full two thousand gold fairy peaks, these are all elites from the blood sea.

Under their feet, this kind of pattern has also been engraved. As long as there is a signal from that side, this side will connect with that side.

At this time, a blood clan elder who was suspended in the air, after receiving the message from Mr. Feng, with a face like old bark, like a flower that just bloomed in spring, glanced at the soldiers below, and moved towards the different soldiers. fly away.

There is a relatively simple place over there, all of which are elders of the Shura clan, who are also preparing to go there at the same time, and each of them has the strength of the peak of Da Luo.

"Haha, why did you come back so early this time? I don't need to guess. That kid used his last chance." As soon as the blood elder landed inside, a man who looked as old as him opened the door and walked out. out.

"Mu Xuan, let's guess about this matter, otherwise the other party will squat on it bitterly. Why did you come back so quickly? Is there any news? Huo Yao." A woman who seemed to be fifty years old also came out. A little wrinkle on the face, I am afraid that I can still be 20 years younger.

"Shui Ling, you guessed it right. If there are no accidents, it will only take a few days or more than ten days. Then we may have to go there together." Elder Huo Yao laughed.

"Obviously I guessed it, did you just ignore me?" Mu Xuan muttered in a low voice, and then found something suspicious in the other party's tone.

"Isn't it just to scare the boss and leave first? Take a group of people to build a stronghold first, why do we have to go there together?"

"You don't know. The plan can't keep up with the changes. You know that girl Pan Xuan likes that human being. The other party provided a set of five-element magic circle, and the grade is not low. Xiaofeng integrated the five-color stone we gave him into it. As a cornerstone, if all goes well, maybe it's more than enough for us to get through together."

"Even if it doesn't go well, at least half of us can pass with us."

Huo Yao chuckled, walked directly into the room, and bowed his head to a seven-year-old child.

"Boss Jin."

"Tell me in detail, Xiaofeng is going to do it."

Boss Jin has thin skin and tender flesh, small arms and legs, and looks like a child from an ordinary family. He has no momentum on his body. He raised his eyelids, watched Huo Yao come in, and spoke again.

"That's it"

Hearing Boss Jin's voice as immature as a child, Huo Yao didn't hesitate at all, he didn't even sit down, he just stood up and started talking.

Shui Ling and Mu Xuan from outside also came in and stood aside to listen.

"It turns out that we had a battle to fight in the past."

After listening to Boss Jin, he lifted his spirits, stood on the bench, and thought about it carefully.

"It's not just as simple as fighting. It is said that there is still a small thousand world's remnant forces entrenched there, and its strength is not bad." Huo Yao added, "You can't know the details until you go there."

"Those things that are neither human nor ghost, can they still be called good?" Boss Jin said disdainfully, "There are some good ones, but most of them are puppets cultivated there, even if they are carefully cultivated. Those demon souls are not comparable to the outside world in terms of strength, if it weren't for the special form of the opponent, any one of them would be able to step up and beat them."

They didn't turn a blind eye when they passed the message from Mr. Feng, they also knew a lot about it.

"Of course, our elite fighters can fight five of them one at a time, which is more than enough." Mu Xuan said proudly beside him.

"Well, is it all right outside now?"

Shui Ling knew what Boss Jin meant, and quickly said, "Let go of all internal and external grievances. After all, this is what the ancestor said. No one dares to neglect. Everyone will come back in a hundred years at the latest."

"That's good, although we can underestimate them, but for our safety, the ancestors have given everyone in advance a drop of water from the sea of ​​blood. They are mixed, and we are pure drops. Of course, to ensure that we stand there by the way, He also gave me a treasure, after all, there is also a quasi-sage sitting in the town over there, so I have to be careful." Boss Jin showed a slight smile.

"We are now, everyone is going to stand by over there, waiting for the entrance!"

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