"It's finally here. After stepping on this bridge, the other party will definitely not be chasing you."

Among a team of more than a dozen people, seeing that no one got the bridge in front of them, one of them, a middle-aged man covered in scars and seriously injured, said with some joy.

Even though the scars on his body were still emitting black air, seeing that he was about to be safe, his tired body still injected a new strength, because the hope of escape was right in front of him.

"Certainly not. This is the territory of the demon soul. Not far away is the sphere of influence of Ma Nan. They will definitely not come here at this time. Our defeated army is not worth it. Maybe the other party has already returned by now. This time the battle was really unexpected, and I heard that many cities were involved."

Beside him, another man with a better expression also said happily, but he sighed as he spoke, and he was not in the mood to continue talking,

"Hey, I wouldn't have come if I knew it earlier. Who would encounter such unlucky things just after coming here? It seems that the Soul Alliance will be in chaos for a while."

Near the mouth, a burly monster also complained.

"Hush, don't talk about it, half of the brothers didn't escape, and we can't blame the captain, at least when we came, we all agreed." A female monster next to him gestured to his companion, telling him not to complain.

Compared with other people's injuries, their own combat power is still good, so they stay behind and deal with the intruding enemies at any time. In addition, other people's minds are not behind them. Only the two of them know that if other companions listen When it arrives, it is inevitable to stare.

It's all at this level, and I blame the captain.

Because the captain they came with had suffered the most battle and pressure, and was also seriously injured now. If it wasn't for him, they wouldn't have lost only half of it.

In the middle, the captain, who was led by several people to barely keep up, had an extremely strong body, but was extremely weak at this time. After seeing the bridge, the tight string in his heart finally fell.

"Ahem, everyone, don't be so anxious, the other party will definitely not come after you, so you can take a breather."

He was very clear about the conversations of the team members in front and the hearts of the people around them, and they were the only ones around the bridge, so there was no need to be so anxious.

Hearing what the captain said, the fleeing team slowed down, and when the bridge was within a few feet away, the whole team had already stopped.

"We're here to rest, add a little bit and move on."

The voice of the captain resounded in the crowd, and everyone picked up the best soul stones one after another and began to recover.

After fleeing for so many days without rest, each of them was not only exhausted, but also physically exhausted. If it weren't for this only way of retreat, they would have fought desperately with the enemy halfway. If there is no supplement now, they will not have the slightest combat power.

"You are waiting for them? They look so weak!"

At the other end of the bridge, Hua Xin looked at the group of resting people on the opposite side, and couldn't help but speak.

Of that group of people, the highest strength is a Golden Immortal peak, and the others are in the early and middle stages of Golden Immortals, and they are all in a traumatized state now, they can't be weaker.

"No, don't ask them. I have to wait for a girl about ten years old. That's my goal. Don't startle the snake when the time comes. I will follow the other party to find someone."

Although it was impossible for Hua Xin to take the initiative, Gu Zheng still ordered for safety reasons, and then looked at the opposite side again.

Because there is a special force around the bridge, there is no black mist in the area, but if the other party does not leave, the little demon boy will definitely not come out.

According to the footsteps, the other party should have arrived nearby, hidden in the black mist, and the connection in his heart is also looming, and he doesn't know where the other party is hiding.

Now he can only wait patiently for the other party to leave, and he can't drive the other party away. If he is seen by the demon boy, he probably won't go back, and it is very likely that he will take him around.

Fortunately, they didn't have much time to rest there. After recovering a bit, they got up one after another. Two people got on the bridge and walked towards this side.

Although it has been confirmed that there is no enemy chasing from behind, the sense of urgency in their hearts still makes them not slow down. After a few breaths, they have already reached the middle of the bridge. As long as a little time passes, they will completely step into the bridge on the side of the demon soul. Territory.

From their point of view, everything will be fine.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

In the torrenting Soul River next to it, suddenly a ball of black water column exploded into the sky, and exploded again in the air, forming thousands of raindrops, like a torrential rain, under the blessing of some kind of force, it quickly fell towards the people on the bridge.

The dense raindrops covered more than half of the bridge. In addition to the sudden incident, they didn't expect that there would be something strange under the Soul River, so they didn't have time to escape from the range of the black water.

"Everyone protect yourselves!"

As soon as the captain saw the situation in the air, he mustered all his energy to drink towards everyone, and at the same time, a weak shield immediately covered his body.

Although the others were taken aback, the captain let them know the seriousness of the matter with a drink, and put up their defenses one after another, speeding forward.

But they underestimated the water drops coming out of the Soul River. Although they don't have any other covering power, the frightening Soul River itself has the ability to suppress them in an all-round way, not to mention that everyone is injured.

All the defenses collapsed at the touch of a touch, and under their horrified eyes, they fell on them one after another.


For a moment, painful wailings continued to emerge from their mouths, and their bodies seemed to have been hit hard, and they lay down limply, completely losing the power to resist.

Gu Zheng saw clearly from here that when those raindrops fell on the opponent, they actually merged into the opponent's body, and the opponent's part seemed to be out of control. You must know that those raindrops affected most of their bodies. When it arrives, it will cause the opponent to completely lose control of the body.

And at this moment, a demon soul with black water flowing all over his body stood silently in the air.

The upper body looks like a human body, but from the waist down, it becomes a black water column, which circulates with the black water all over the body, the eyes are cold and lifeless, and the corner of the mouth reveals a cruel hunter-like smile, staring down.

The people below also saw the enemy, but at this moment they were powerless, they couldn't even do a little bit of resistance, even though the raindrops continued to corrode their bodies in the body, and hollows appeared on them one by one, everyone was pitted , out of thin air missing a section.

At this time, they couldn't even make a roar. Under such heavy injuries, almost everyone's body began to collapse, and they fell into a semi-comatose state.

At this moment, the demon spirit above started to move, and he sucked suddenly, and a strong suction came out of his mouth.

Wisps of black mist rose from everyone below, and with the suction force, more than a dozen black lines were drawn in the air, and they were all swallowed by him.

With a satisfied expression on his face, everyone below has disappeared, and even the water jet splashed on the bridge has evaporated.

"It's not that the demon soul can't survive in the soul river, what's the matter with him?"

Gu Zheng was a little surprised on his face. The water demon was not strong, but after he devoured everyone, he fell into the Soul River again, and he had to ask questions.

"Yes, but the other party is a bit special, because the other party was born in the Soul River, and the number is relatively rare. More importantly, the other party cannot leave the Soul River within a certain range without the help of our clan. It's time for Xiang, and they died suddenly outside, so they are rarely seen outside, and more importantly, the other party can't help people cross the river of souls."

Hua Xin obviously knew this kind of creature, and immediately explained.

"However, they also obey the orders of the adults. Every certain time, our clan will provide the other party with a certain amount of things so that the other party can go ashore. Although we don't want to, we can't do it, but the strange thing is that I have never seen it for so many years. They don't know where they went."

Gu Zheng didn't pay much attention to what the other party said later. The water monster was still lurking in his perception, and then retreated to a place where the bridge could not be disturbed, continuing to wait for the arrival of its prey.

The behavior of the opponent seems to be hunting, but in comparison, the strength of devouring the enemy increases very quickly.

On the way here, he saw a lot of weak demon souls who were just born, but they were just a cloud of black mist, and they could barely transform into various forms. Many of them were fighting and devouring each other, and some powerful ones were even more independent. Occupy a place, but most of their fates were killed and swallowed by bandits, without exception!

"Since they have to rely on your clan, when my target comes out later, you go to deter the other party and don't let the other party do anything." Gu Zheng saw that the other party had no intention of wanting it, and thought of Hua Xin's words, he arranged for her .

"If I go, it may not deter the other party. After all, my strength is one level lower than his. Even if you ask us. Okay, I will go!"

Hua Xin's face showed embarrassment. After all, he interfered with the other party and forced the other party. The other party would not sell his face because of his race.

Maybe I will be attacked by the other party, but after Gu Zheng's unkind eyes looked over, I realized my situation. My life is still in the hands of the other party, and I don't shirk it immediately, with a generous look , as if making a huge sacrifice.

Gu Zheng ignored the other party's pretentiousness and continued to wait patiently. He had already noticed the movement not far away, and the other party seemed to have arrived long ago.

Maybe it was because the little demon boy also found out about the bridge, and after another half a day, when he felt completely safe, he carefully walked around from a distance.

The stone in his hand was put away long ago, and he carried the bamboo basket on his back. He stopped every step, looked left and right, and approached the bridge.

She is also shrewd. Although there is no one nearby, she did not come out of the black mist, revealing that she can safely penetrate into the black mist.

"It's your turn."

Gu Zheng felt that the water demon in the distance was about to move again, and obviously regarded the little demon boy in front of him as prey, so he couldn't help but speak.

In order to prevent absolute safety, he will not wait for the opponent to make a move before showing up.

Hua Xin had no choice but to show her body, pretending to be ahead of the road, and sped away from here, just in front of the bridge to meet the little demon boy.

The appearance of Hua Xin startled the little demon boy, he was hesitating whether to retreat a little distance first, Hua Xin had already taken the initiative to meet him.

"Hey, where did the little demon come from? She looks really pretty. Let me have a look."

Hua Xin deliberately pretended to be interested in getting close to the little demon boy, regardless of whether the other party was willing or not, she leaned directly beside the other party and said enthusiastically.

"Are you also going to the opposite side? Meeting is fate. I happen to be bored by myself. Let's go together. Are you alone?"

He stretched out his hand to catch the little demon boy who wanted to escape, and then led her forward with a smile, while constantly looking at the other party, it seemed that he was really interested in her.

Of course, the little demon boy recognized the other party's identity. Seeing the other party like this, he didn't dare to resist at all, so he could only shrink back, with a frightened expression on his small face, and followed the other party, as if he wanted to leave but did not dare to leave. Dare to be angry but dare not speak.

Hua Xin kept talking, stretched out her hand and pinched the opponent's face, with a playful look, she led the opponent onto the bridge.

Gu Zheng was in the distance, and it was obvious that the water monster lying in ambush below hesitated. The body that had rushed out went back to the range of the Soul River again, hesitated, and kept wandering under the water. In the end, it seemed that he was not going to attack the opponent. Staying quietly underwater, the faint killing intent on his body gradually faded away.

The entire bridge has no traces of the initial battle. Although the bridge doesn't look very good, in fact, no one can destroy it.

Huaxin pulled the little demon boy and quickly walked through the middle. At this moment, the water demon who had been staying motionless on the water surface suddenly moved, and instantly rushed from the Soul River into the vicinity of the bridge, continuing to explode into a column of water that soared into the sky. The old trick repeats itself and wants to hit the opponent hard.

It turned out that he didn't give up hunting, but felt that if he approached, he might be discovered by the other party, so he didn't ambush around.

As the water drops fell from the sky again, the little demon boy was already dumbfounded by the aura that would destroy the world for her, and could only stand on the bridge in a daze and wait for the water drops to fall.

But suddenly, the other party had already been vigilant in his heart, but he never relaxed. While feeling the movement around him, before the water column exploded, he had already propped up a defense and ran forward.

In this place, the enemy's strength is higher than hers, even with her special ability, she can't fight against her

But just after two steps, he realized that he was only thinking about running, and the little guy he wanted to protect was still in place.

Seeing that the water column in the air had dispersed, he immediately turned around and came to the other party, grabbed the other party's arm, and ran forward with her.

However, after such a delay, he could no longer run out of the range of the water column, and could only watch the water column approach him.

The water demon below has resurfaced in the air again, with excited eyes flashing in his eyes, as if seeing something tonic, staring closely at Hua Xin, his eyes are full of strong killing intent, as if there is something Like a deep hatred.

Hua Xin had already prepared for this, so she didn't rush, the transparent black shield that was originally propped up around her twisted for a while, and felt that the whole shield was alive, shaking like water waves, together with the girls inside. They are all incomplete, as if hidden under the deep seabed.

Once those water droplets hit the weird shield, they were immediately bounced off without causing any harm to them at all.

The water demon seemed to have known this result a long time ago, stretched out his palm, and a large black water stream emerged from it, quickly laying a thick wall of water on the bridge in front, completely blocking Huaxin's way, and at the same time, the whole person fell from the air , launched an attack towards Huaxin.

With a wave of Hua Xin's hand in front of him, Qing Luo's small fan appeared in his hand instantly, a cyan light condensed on it, drew a cyan arc in the air, and landed directly on the black water wall in front of him, exploding a huge cyan light.

The entire black water wall was divided into two halves by the cyan light, and a huge opening appeared from the middle. Even though the water flow on both sides was constantly trying to heal and block the gap, a cyan energy was constantly wriggling along the cracked edge. Blocking the opponent, let the water flow on both sides approach, just like slow motion.

Huaxin was overjoyed and wanted to take the opportunity to rush over. Tenna had too little space on the bridge, and more importantly, there was a small burden, which was at a disadvantage.

How could the water demon falling in the air let the other party go away easily, grabbing down with his hand, on top of the intact water wall, fist-sized black water balls emerged from it, shooting towards Huaxin.

He had already noticed that the other party seemed to want to protect that little demon boy. Although he didn't know why, most of the attacks were aimed at the little demon boy who didn't resist at all.

Seeing this, Hua Xin felt even more annoyed, but she had to free up her hand to knock out the attack in front of her, as there was not much room to evade on the entire bridge.

Protecting the little demon boy with one hand, and holding the small fan in the other hand, dancing into a phantom in the air, under the dancing blue light, the black water polo made the sound of bursting bubbles in the air, and were crushed one after another, but He also succeeded in delaying her steps.

When all the black balls in front of her disappeared, the water wall had wiped out the blue light, completely healed, and blocked her way again. More importantly, the water demon also landed behind her, blocking them on the bridge above.

"You dare to attack me, do you know how much you have to pay, and your race, you have to pay for it, if you don't move away quickly, maybe I will consider reducing your punishment."

Hua Xin raised her eyebrows, regardless of her own situation, since the other party dared to make a move, she immediately shouted at the other party.

"You think your identity can still scare me. Since I dare to do something, as long as you die, of course I'm not afraid that someone will find out. If you want to blame it, you shouldn't be here at this time." The water demon is not in danger of painting heart, The body took a step closer and said.

While speaking, at the same time, dots of blue light emerged from his body, forming a huge blue transparent shield around them, completely enveloping them all.

Now that he has made a move, it is impossible for him to let the other party escape, otherwise he will flee to the ends of the earth, and he will never even think about living, not to mention that he is full of indelible hatred for Huaxin's clan.

After the words fell, a huge black light bloomed from the whole body, and a black water stream swirled out from under him, forming a huge black water column, like a parallel tornado, with the roar of huge waves, fully occupying more than half of the bridge space, rushing towards the heart of the painting.

There is no hiding!

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