"Let go of me, let me go quickly, I don't want to go, I don't want to die, I am willing to do anything."

With a scream of fear, a wide river gradually appeared not far in front of them.

The entire Soul River is as wide as hundreds of feet. It can be called a rushing sea area. Countless black mist floats in the air, covering the surroundings like a thick fog. The denser it is in the center of the river, it is only half of it The black mist, I can't see clearly inside.

The turbulent river kept beating on the bank, occasionally stirring up some waves that fell on the bank and deposited around it, making the land on the entire bank darken strangely, trembling with chills.

This is the place where the ghosts turn pale when they talk about it, and everyone is afraid.

"Shut up!"

Gu Zheng felt that his eardrums were trembling, and then whispered to the screaming Hua Xin, regardless of the other party's begging for mercy.

It's a pity that the latter felt like he didn't hear it, and was still shouting in horror.

"woo woo woo"

The next moment, the screaming of the other party stopped abruptly, as if his mouth was blocked, and he kept whimpering.

Feeling the cleanliness in his ears, Gu Zheng felt better. He still firmly walked towards the front and stepped into the edge areas filled with black mist.

Just as soon as she entered, Hua Xin's voice suddenly stopped, her eyes were a little dazed, and she looked straight at Soul River, as if there was something attracting her there, even if she was bound in mid-air by Gu Zheng, her figure wanted to move towards her. approach over there.

"So evil?"

Standing on the edge, Gu Zheng carefully distinguished the black mist, but he didn't find any place that affected him, just like ordinary black mist, except that it could suppress some spiritual consciousness.

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Zheng controlled Hua Xin, and slowly withdrew from the edge of the black mist.

The black mist is like a protective barrier, all of which are condensed within a certain range. Once it comes out, there will be no influence from the outside, and the difference is clear.

When Hua Xin came out, his body no longer struggled, and his eyes regained clarity from the dazed state. After seeing the black mist that was so close in front of him, his eyes widened, and then he opened his mouth, about to scream again.

"Shut up, you're yelling that I'll just throw you in."

Gu Zheng took a step forward, once again blocked the opponent's mouth with a ball of air, stopped the opponent's screaming, and then threatened fiercely.

Hearing this, Hua Xin nodded quickly, expressing that she was absolutely silent, and Gu Zheng allowed the other party to speak.

"My lord, let's not go in. You have a way to stop it, but you also saw that I lost control the moment I went in." As soon as Hua Xin was able to speak, she said anxiously, her eyes still had lingering fear , she doesn't want to die here.

This river of souls is the place that all demon souls fear, from the silver ghost generals at the peak of Da Luo, down to the black souls who are only immortals, no one is spared, at most, the stronger the strength, the affected range is different.

With Huaxin's strength, as long as he doesn't go in, he won't be affected in any way. Those demon souls with lower cultivation base will be confused when they approach this side, and they can't help jumping in.

Although Gu Zheng knew that Hunhe was powerful along the way, he never expected that it would be so overbearing.

Hua Xin's struggle can be felt just on the edge, and there is even an invisible force that wants to release himself from Hua Xin's control.

This made it difficult for him, but it was not safe at all to just walk on the edge.

As Hua Xin said, as long as he doesn't go in, the other party still has the ability to patrol the edge. In his plan, even if it is not near the river, he has to go through the center and hide inside. Only in that way can the outside world be completely prevented. discovery.

Gu Zheng looked aimlessly into the dense black mist, thinking in his heart how to get in, he didn't trust the other party to take her all the way, even if the other party cooperated, he wouldn't trust the other party.

Even if Huaxin is in his hands, for the sake of his own life, the other party will most likely not do this, and he can crush the other party to death at any time, he will not trust the other party, and would rather take a detour.

There are too many things that can threaten him on the road, especially if he encounters an enemy not inferior to him, the chance of being exposed is too high, and he doesn't want to lose a bet.

If the other party finds an opportunity to notify the enemy on the road, he has no way to stop it. The other party has too many means to prevent it. If he is ambushing himself, he may not be able to escape, and the risk is too great.

"Huh? That's it?"

Gu Zheng's eyes were fixed, and he turned his head to look sideways. A dim red light, only the size of a fist, was faintly visible, moving slowly along the bank of the Soul River in mid-air.

If it weren't for Gu Zheng's amazing eyesight, he wouldn't be able to see the special situation inside at all. He straightened his body, turned his head and asked to the side, still drawing his heart in fear.

"Is there anything special in or around the Soul River? Like something red?"

"No, except for the relatively rare water demons, nothing can live in it. What did you see?"

While answering, Huaxin stretched out her neck and looked forward curiously. Even the fear in her heart did not affect the curiosity of the other party. Unfortunately, with her eyesight, everything was dark, and she didn't find the red light. .

"You wait here, I'll go and see!"

Gu Zheng watched the group of red light quickly come to him from behind, and continued to walk up. A familiar feeling came in his heart, which seemed to have something to do with him. He was afraid that the other party would leave, so he left a word Immediately ran towards the inside.

"Hey, hey"

Hua Xin watched Gu Zheng disappear into the black mist in front of her eyes, and stretched out her hand to say something, but the figure of the other party had disappeared into the black mist, making her speechless.

"Am I going to take this opportunity to get out of here?"

Seeing that she was the only one around, and the other party hadn't put restraints on her, Hua Xin's heart suddenly became active.

As long as you leave a certain distance and use your talent, you can definitely make the other party find you and get out of the other party's clutches.

Thinking of this, the body turned around and stepped out honestly, but a terrifying thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

"What if the other party is trying to test me on purpose? You must know that I can't get close to the demon soul. The other party thinks that I am a burden, so they will wait for me to leave to make excuses."

Thinking of this, her body froze, she turned around slowly, and looked at the black mist, as if there was an evil beast hiding in it, waiting for herself to fall into a trap and swallow herself in one gulp.

"Follow the other party, and the other party will definitely not kill me. If I escape, if the other party finds me, I will die."

Thinking of Gu Zheng's familiarity with the Huahun clan before, his face immediately became righteous, and then he took a few steps back, and then stood there, continuing to wait for Gu Zheng's return.

It seemed that his actions just now were just to stay away from the black mist, and he had no other thoughts.

But in fact, Gu Zheng completely forgot about the painting heart outside at this time, because as he approached the red light, there was a familiar aura coming from above, and he knew whose aura it was just by distinguishing it a little.

Pan Xuan!

Thinking of this, he raised his speed again, and in just a few breaths, he crossed the middle area and came to the red light.

"Who are you?"

To his disappointment, a girl about ten years old appeared in front of him. She was wearing an ordinary red cloth and looked a little rustic. It seemed that she was not much different from ordinary human children, but she had some pointy eyes. The ears, as well as the black armor in the middle of the forehead, all showed the identity of the other party, and he was also a native-born demon soul.

The sudden appearance of Gu Zheng also frightened the other party. Some stared blankly at Gu Zheng, never expecting to meet other people here.

You must know that within a few steps, you will directly reach the edge of the Soul River, and almost no demon souls can come here.

Looking at the demon boy who was at a loss in front of him, Gu Zheng observed the opponent. He held a red stone in his hand. The irregular red lines spread and surrounded it, exuding a light red light, and propped up a simple protection to give the opponent Protect it, and behind her, there is a small bamboo basket, behind her back, there are several brown and red plants in it, like mushrooms.

There is nothing strange about the other party, but the red stone in his hand has Pan Xuan's aura, and the little demon boy in front of him only has the strength of a celestial being. Judging from the unstable aura of the other party, he was not born at all. How many days.

He didn't reach for the stone, because the other party obviously relied on this stone to walk here.

"Where did you get this piece of money, and what are you here for?" Gu Zheng said condescendingly.

But to Gu Zheng's surprise, the little drug boy ignored him at all, turned around and ran, and hurried back in the direction he came from.

But just after running two steps, he found that his feet were empty, his whole body was suspended, his calves were flying in the air, and he couldn't control his figure, and then his figure slowly turned around, automatically floating in front of Gu Zheng, Head and Gu Zheng looked at each other.

"Tell me your origin, where did this thing come from." Gu Zheng looked into the other's eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"I have no idea."

The flustered little eyes did not dare to look at Gu Zheng, and turned their heads directly and said.

"If you don't say anything, I'll take your stone and throw you into the Soul River." Gu Zheng said pretending to be silvery, and even controlled the opponent's body to shake slightly in the air.

This time, the little drug boy broke down a bit, and immediately burst into tears, while still crying, but he just didn't say anything.

When Gu Zheng saw this, he didn't expect the other party to answer honestly as soon as he opened his mouth. Facing Pan Xuan's news, he would naturally go,

"Don't throw me in. Someone is sick. I came here to take some medicinal materials and give them to the doctors in the nearby city. Then I will take them back to treat the illness."

Seeing that Gu Zheng was really going to throw her, she immediately shouted after her body was lifted up.

"It turned out to be a cure, the medicinal material behind you?"

Gu Zheng said pretending to be suddenly, and at the same time put the other party down.

"Yes, this kind of medicinal material is only found here, and it is very rare. Sending me to look for it is just a bad thing. This stone was given to me by the client, so that I can defend myself, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get in so deep." Xiao Yao Tong Tong forced himself to escape, and echoed.

"You wait."

Gu Zheng left such a sentence without beginning and end, and then disappeared in front of the little Yaotong in an instant.

Taking a look to the left and to the right, the little drug boy tried to take a few steps back, and after finding out that the situation just now did not exist, he was convinced that the other party had left here, and immediately ran back.

As for asking her to wait, she is not that stupid, even if the other party seems to have no intention of hurting her, she will not stay where she is.

After running for a full half a day, her galloping figure slowly slowed down, and her small face was full of rejoicing, glad that she got rid of the other party, and was very satisfied with her decisive decision. If she really stayed there foolishly, My brain is broken.

Although she is weak and born for a short time, it does not mean that she is so completely stupid.

It's a pity that when she was completely relaxed, her body suddenly couldn't move anymore, an invisible force restrained him, and the whole person maintained a flying posture in mid-air, only the eyeballs slid back and forth in the eye sockets.

"Run so fast, meeting is fate, take these things back to save people."

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and then she found that she could move again, and even her body was still flying fast according to her last thought. The huge contrast between the two only made her fly a little, and her whole body fell to the ground. The stone in his hand was almost thrown out.

She quickly stood up from the ground and looked back, but she didn't find anyone, the man who made her fearful, also didn't appear beside her, as if the voice just now was just a hallucination.

The medicinal herbs on her body had fallen to the ground, so she hurriedly gathered the nearby medicinal herbs together and put them in the bamboo basket, only to find that there were only four or five medicinal herbs, but now there were twice as many, which made her ecstatic.

You must know that this thing itself is extremely difficult to find. The previous quantity was barely enough. After meeting that terrible man, she no longer dared to look for it. In addition, it took a long time to come out, and she didn't know the situation in the city. Prepare to go back first.

Thinking of the voice just now, it should be given to her specially by the other party to let her know that she has misunderstood, and the other party may not have any malice towards her.


After thanking her in a low voice, she picked up the bamboo basket and sped up again. It took a long time to get out, and this time she wanted to go back.

Gu Zheng didn't hear this thank you, because he thought of a problem on the way to catch up. After such a long delay, Hua Xin might have escaped, so he rushed back in a hurry.

After all, without him, it would be impossible to bypass the opponent's core. Just relying on the four surrounding cities with strict defenses, it is enough to intercept anyone with bad intentions. This is also the loss of the isolated city, but it is impossible to penetrate into it. s reason.

Along the way, the wind and electricity rushed, and soon came to the place where he stayed before. At first, he thought that Huaxin had left anyway. Although there was a streak of consciousness left on the other party, it was still very difficult to find it. Unexpectedly, the other party was still in place, mouth He was still doing trivial things, and he could vaguely hear the other party's voice.

"Should I take the opportunity to leave? Or stay here safely."

Although she knew that she was useful to Gu Zheng, she also didn't dare to gamble, not afraid of the eventuality, but ten thousand.

Regarding the arrangement of life, that is what the whole family is doing. As long as they can survive, they can say anything.

But if I don't feel like running away, I feel a little sorry for such a god-given opportunity, so I get entangled like this, and then I wait until the arrival of the ancient battle, and I am still entangled in the battle between heaven and man.

"It seems that you are really obedient. If you run away, I will poison your body specially prepared by me. It will kill you within three minutes. This is the antidote, and I will give it to you once every seven days."

Seeing this, Gu Zheng came to her silently, then laughed and threw out an ordinary elixir, which was a basic recovery elixir.

After hearing this, Hua Xin breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for her choice, how could the other party be unprepared, but she didn't know it, fortunately she made the right choice.

Swallowing the elixir without hesitation, I feel that my spirit is much better, and I deeply believe in Gu Zheng's words.

"Okay, let's go now, the bridge below, don't go up first." Gu Zheng ordered immediately after seeing the other party finished eating.

Hua Xin didn't ask much, and followed Gu Zheng. Anyway, as long as he didn't go in there, everything would be easy to talk about.

In just one day, Gu Zheng arrived at the bridge in the area below with his heart.

The whole body of this bridge is made of black stone bricks, and there is a straight black guardrail next to it, which looks very ordinary. If there is not another layer of black light around the bridge to block the black mist, it is said that it was built by ordinary people. Believe it.

So crude!

There is nothing outside here, and there is a large open area. With a heart, Gu Zheng simply set up a concealed enchantment and waited there with peace of mind.

"Are we going to wait for someone here?"

Hua Xin and Gu Zheng hid in the enchantment at the side, and then stood for a long time before they realized it.

"Just wait, a day at most."

His purpose of coming here is very simple. The other party has obviously had contact with Pan Xuan, and it is not an ordinary contact, otherwise he would not have given her that special stone.

Since there is no other way to obtain it, the easiest way is to follow the other party and let the other party lead him to find Pan Xuan. The chances of finding it are very high. Hearing the news about Pan Xuan.

This is the only passage. According to the other party's footsteps, it will take less than a day to arrive. Although it is slower, it is safe.

Hua Xin stopped talking, and continued to think about the means of being raped in her heart, trying to find out, but unfortunately, no matter how she searched, she couldn't find any clues, which made her feel even more terrifying.

A long time passed in a blink of an eye. For Gu Zheng and the others, it was not much different from the blink of an eye, and even the initial posture did not change.

Before the arrival of the little demon boy, a small group of people ran towards this side from the opposite road, but looking at the other party, it seemed that they were being chased and killed, and they were a little embarrassed

This place is too far away from the demon soul, there is no defense value at all, and it is the only connecting passage.

After the demon souls stationed here were attacked many times, they gave up this place directly, and it became the fastest way to get in and out of both sides. The only way for the soul alliance and those bandits to pass through.

It's not impossible at all. If you want to go around and go directly down the Soul River, you need to go around for half a year to reach the bottom of the Soul River. There is no such black mist over there for people to fly through. However, as for the end, no one has explored it.

So this is the only unguarded and relatively safe passage.

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