Looking at the pile of things in front of him, although he didn't know who died here, it was obvious that the other party came here when he was dying, to remind the people behind that there was a huge danger ahead.

From the wall above, it can be seen that the unknown creature must have a sharp weapon, which can easily drill large holes in the hard stone wall.

But what exactly it is, Gu Zheng doesn't know, but he knows that if he doesn't want to become like this friend, he must be more careful, otherwise he will have more bones than the other party.

Gu Zheng walked along the corridor in front of him and continued to move towards the middle of the mountain. He didn't take a few more steps before he entered a small passage.

On his right is a solid wooden door, on his left is another path, and in front of him is a room, but the entrance to this room is not here. A room that has been opened.

On the side of the room, there is a handle embedded in the wall, like a device to open some mechanism.

"Boom boom"

Gu Zheng pushed the wooden door, but did not push it. It seemed that it had been locked at the back. He knocked lightly, and the empty echo came instantly, which was also very loud in this place.

Looking at the other road, although it was illuminated by the lit candles, most of them could be seen clearly, but Gu Zheng didn't want to see what was there, and now he was out of the handless chicken at any rate. How can a mere wooden door stop him at this moment? It was just a test to see if there was anything suspicious around him.

When he saw that there was no other reaction from the surroundings, he raised his foot and kicked fiercely in front of him without any hesitation.

There was a loud, muffled "bang".

Gu Zheng's figure froze in mid-air, slowly put his feet down, and then sat down on the ground next to him without saying a word, his face was a little cloudy, and he began to gently soften his ankles.

After a while, Gu Zheng walked towards another passageway with a somewhat awkward posture. Even though he still felt a little uncomfortable now, he always felt that the soles of his feet were still very numb, as if they were not his own.

How could he have imagined that the seemingly inconspicuous wooden door was so hard that instead of breaking the door, he hurt himself.

"At least it has been verified that there is no problem around here." Gu Zheng could only comfort himself in this way, otherwise he would be too depressed.

Turning and turning around a few turns, I felt that my direction was heading towards the room with the wooden handle. I am afraid there is a mystery there.

But when he was still on the road, Gu Zheng suddenly found a section of steps facing down, the ground was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything, but not far away, there was a golden door with golden light, behind it was another passage .

Gu Zheng hesitated, but continued to walk forward, because at the end of this road, there was also a wooden door, and beside it was the room he saw on the opposite side, and he could see the opened door.

He quickened his pace, and soon came to the door, and when he probed inside, it was indeed the room, which was empty, with only the handle of the mechanism, and the opposite room was the room he entered.

Then he shook his ankle, after walking around for a long time, there was no major problem, then he moved to the door and pushed it forward quietly.

This time the door was pushed open by him smoothly, but just as a gap leaked, Gu Zheng stopped pushing and looked inside through the gap.

It looks like a passage inside, but above the head, there is no rock anymore, like a huge cave, and at the end of the passage, there is a corridor that also enters the opposite mountainside, and the ubiquitous candlelight allows him to see clearly clearly.

On the open ground, besides the gravel, he also saw some black ashes scattered on the ground, it seemed that some unlucky ghosts also died here.

The entire cave was empty, and there was nothing there, but after Gu Zheng inspected it carefully, he saw many weird crying masks embedded in the walls, but there seemed to be no close contact between the two, as if there was a layer of something between them.

But at this moment, on the mountain wall in the distance, maybe it has been too long, a large stone fell from the sky, and fell to the ground with a loud sound.


At the same time that the sound appeared, on the surrounding scattered ground, the weird mask suddenly cracked, accompanied by the crisp sound of flapping wings, and rushed towards the stone. After circling around, no abnormalities were found , turned into a mask again and crawled on the nearby ground.

Gu Zheng took a deep breath when he saw this scene. After seeing many masks, a trace of cold sweat rose from his back. It seemed that it was dangerous to pass.

The other party sensed the nearby movement very quickly, and spread its wings to fly as soon as the sound came out. To Gu Zheng's surprise, the mask in the distance was not disturbed, and it seemed that the best way was to go around quietly.

Gu Zheng closed the door again, then took two steps back quietly, and then walked towards the golden gate. This place can also be passed through, but it will take a lot of effort. He still wants to see other places, especially the golden gate. Conspicuous, for fear that people will not notice, it may be a good place for convenient transportation.

Going down the dark steps step by step, he was flooded by accumulated water on his ankles as soon as he stepped down. At the same time, icy water vapor came from the bottom of his feet, making him shiver. The temperature of the water was warmer than that outside. lower.

Leaning against the wall, Gu Zheng fumbled to the front of the golden door, and then pushed it forward. As expected, there was no sign of wanting to open it, because there was a golden keyhole next to the doorknob. You can only enter by finding the key.

However, Gu Zheng also showed a surprised expression. At the same time, he took out the key in his arms, and began to compare it with the golden light above. The pattern of the key was exactly the same as that of the golden lock, which was beyond his expectation.

Gu Zheng thought that this key could be used somewhere down there. If it wasn't for its lightness and convenience, he would not have thrown it away just in case it was needed, but he didn't expect it to be used in this place.


Gu Zheng gently inserted the key, and with the sound of the golden lock, the golden door in front of him automatically opened towards the face, and the key disappeared into the air at the same time.

Although he wondered why the opening here needs to be opened at the bottom, but he didn't go in, but returned to the previous room again.

In this room, after Gu Zheng circled around, he found something tricky again. In the middle of the opened door, there was a gap the size of a fist. If it was not closed or inside, it would be impossible to find it. You can clearly see everything in the room, including the outside of the window.

He went over curiously, and found that with the closing of the door, the gap was expanded, and he didn't know how to use it, but since it was here, the people in front must be able to use it.

After confirming that there was nothing suspicious, Gu Zheng walked up to the handle, put the handle on it, and then pulled it down.

There was a soft sound of "dongdong", which seemed to be the switch of the mechanism.

Before Gu Zheng could figure out where it was, the door that he couldn't get in before "creaked" and opened towards the inside, and then with the familiar voice in the air, Gu Zheng's expression changed instantly Get up and try to push up quickly.

But the action has not yet been taken, and the whole person instantly got down and retreated towards the back, because an arm had already stretched out from the door, and he didn't dare to bet that this door could crush the other party to death.

When Gu Zheng's figure retreated from the door, the figure of the other party had already appeared completely, standing at the door and looking around, his worried face seemed to be looking for his lover.

But when he didn't find anyone, he shook the bell in his hand, and then walked towards the road where Gu Zheng first came in, and all these Gu Zheng was observing in the small hole, only then did he understand the intention of this, Used to observe the opponent's whereabouts.

However, at this time, Gu Zheng also discovered that the effect of the other party's ringtone on him was negligible. The body of the soul is also greatly reduced. If I eat it myself, I am afraid it will not affect me at all.

Gu Zheng didn't move around, because he knew that there was no way there, and the other party would come back soon, so he could only pray for the other party to go back.

However, his thoughts were shattered when the other party walked in the opposite direction, and the other party came towards this side where he walked along Gu Zheng.

"It's really a cocoon."

Gu Zheng glanced at the front, then at the back, and scolded himself.

No matter how slow the opponent's speed is, I still have no time to reach the golden gate over there. After all, the distance to go around there is very short. I can either go through the masked insects through the gate in front of me, or rush over and directly bet that the golden gate can get away. The opponent throws it away.

Gu Zheng didn't make either choice, but turned around to enter again, closed the door, and at the same time took the opportunity to look towards the place where the ghost girl came in, wanting to see if there were other ways to get out of here.

It was even more unimportant to see it, and I took a deep breath in my heart. Although I could only see the general, there was a small red pavilion inside, and the second floor was completely occupied by golden light. Zheng saw at least five ghost girls wandering around.

Only the devil knows how many people are inside. Looking at it, it seems that they are all being lured over. It's just that I just happened to be so unlucky. When the door opened, the other party came out. It is very likely that I just lured them over.

It seems that I have given up on that place, but I still have to lure this ghost girl there again.

Hiding in the corner, looking at the exposed hole at the same time, the sound of the bell in his ear gradually approached, and he came here soon. Sure enough, as he thought, the ghost girl did not open these two doors, and walked along the same road again. return.

After Gu Zheng opened the door, he held a stone in his hand, carefully discerned the opponent's position, and felt that the opponent had come from there. When he was about to come, he flicked forward in his hand, and the stone flew out in an instant. Parted through the gap in the window, and flicked in the door that was already open, and then he exited the room again, so as not to be found by the other party.

The movement seemed to startle the ghost girl. From the gap, Gu Zheng could clearly see that the ghost girl had come to the window and continued to walk towards the door.

Gu Zheng was about to wait for the opponent's restricted area, and when the mechanism was closed, something unexpected happened to him. The mechanism was automatically and slowly lifted upwards without his operation, and the door was also opened. Slowly began to close up.

This made him dumbfounded, he never thought of this thing, after some time, he could go back by himself, but at this moment, he couldn't do anything at all, he could only watch helplessly as the other party ran towards the door.


What surprised Gu Zheng even more was that the ghost girl didn't seem to notice, she still walked towards that side, but needless to say, she immediately bumped into it, but was still blocked by the hard wooden door.

Looking at the other party who was slightly embarrassed and almost knocked down, Gu Zheng felt a sudden urge to laugh. It turned out that such a terrifying opponent was so clumsy in normal times, and the fear in his heart was greatly reduced.


The ghost girl seemed to be irritated, she screamed suddenly, then raised her hands, swung the bell in her hand, and slammed it towards the wooden door in front of her like a shrew. Every time she smashed, the bell rang suddenly, and at the same time A smear of blood emerged from above and dipped onto the wooden door in front.

Originally, Gu Zheng thought that the wooden door would be smashed into pieces if it couldn't withstand the opponent's blow at all, but after the opponent's attack, there was no trace left except that the wooden door was soaked in blood , unexpectedly so hard.

With just three strokes, the wooden door in front of him was completely soaked in blood light, and the next moment, the figure of the ghost girl penetrated directly and disappeared in front of Gu Zheng.

And all the bloody light on the wooden door disappeared, and it quickly returned to its original appearance.

He didn't expect that the wooden door was so strong that even the other party couldn't break it, nor did he think that the other party had such a weird way to get through, but at least his wish came true, and the other party was successfully locked inside again. I am afraid that other news will not come out again.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng walked directly towards the golden gate, knowing that he would not waste the time and left directly.

When I came to the golden door again, I was still the same as I left. I pushed the door and walked in.

However, after only two steps, under the light of the candle inside, a smooth stone path like a slide appeared in front of him.

Looking at this slide, Gu Zheng didn't expect it to be this thing, so he continued to let himself fall, knowing that the bottom is an endless void, so he hesitated a little now.


At this moment, the golden door behind him closed again silently, and it was not until there was a movement that it attracted Gu Zheng's attention.

Gu Zheng hurried back to check, and found that there was a golden lock outside again, completely shut him inside, and he didn't have a second key.

Gu Zheng turned his head and returned to the previous place again. Gu Zheng took a deep breath. Now there is only one way to go. He immediately jumped down without any hesitation, hoping that he would never fall into the void. Otherwise, it would be dead.


It was pitch black in the passage, and Gu Zheng felt that he had just made a little circle when he heard the roar of water flowing in his ears, and before he could react, he fell down.

He was also speechless. He stood up from the water below his knees and stabilized his figure. This height is not as good as going straight up and down. He can jump off by himself. locked out.

Feeling the turbulent water flow under his feet, Gu Zheng walked forward, stood on a raised stone near the edge, and then looked down.

Seeing this, his forehead hurt, and he looked back at the same time, but it was a pity that at the very end, the waterfall as high as ten feet above was also rushing violently, making it impossible for him to climb up.

However, the waterfall in front of him was even more turbulent than where he was now. Just looking at it for a while, he knew that he couldn't stand below because there was a slope below.

And in the current below, there are knife-like hidden reefs evenly distributed in it. If Gu Zheng bumped into it head-on, he would probably suffer serious injuries. Abandoned.

"But you can't do it if you don't dance!"

Gu Zheng sighed helplessly in his heart, I really don't know why I have to endure so many encounters, why can't I leave smoothly, I would rather encounter other dangers than dive.

The next moment, it immediately jumped down. The turbulent water almost made him lose control. Fortunately, he jumped towards the nearby reef in desperation to stabilize his figure. Go, under the acceleration of the water flow, the speed is getting faster and faster.

Facing the reef ahead, Gu Zheng could only gather his spirits and began to control his body, dodging left and right, trying his best to dodge in the waist-high water.

It is not easy at all in this turbulent water, and it takes three times more effort than usual to adjust. At this time, he finally understands why the other party must eat that thing by himself, otherwise he will not be able to get through here, and he is sure The subsequent treatment will definitely not be easy.

Soon Gu Zheng felt that his physical strength was passing away quickly, but what made him happy was that the front also reached the point of this stream, and he could already see the flat water below, which was very pure, but the water flow was also not Slow down in the slightest.

Soon after he avoided the last hidden reef, his whole body was directly impacted by the huge current, and with the huge impact force, he almost hit his head below.

After the water waves continued to rippling for a while, he finally had the strength to stabilize his figure, but at this time he was almost washed down again.

Gu Zheng glanced at the bottom, his face changed. The bottom of the water flow was also a slope. Above the slope, there were no previous reefs, but below the slope, there was a black void. All the water flowed down.

This made the somewhat tired Gu Zheng instantly full of vitality, and immediately stepped back a few steps, directly sticking to the stone wall next to him, and relying on this depression, he completely stabilized his body.

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