"cough cough"

On a stranded land, a figure was lying on it, and not far behind was a calm stream, which continued to flow down.

Waves of stream water surging from the side tides kept washing the opponent's body, finally waking up the figure who had been unconscious for a long time.

Gu Zheng, who regained consciousness, coughed and spit out the stagnant water stuck in his throat, while staggering his body and walked forward. After completely breaking away, he sat down on the ground regardless of the soil on the ground. Speaking of which, he is also in a mess now, and the dirt on his body is not conspicuous at all.

"Where is this place?"

Gu Zheng, who was resting, looked around blankly, but he didn't know where this strange place was. Fortunately, he was not completely washed down by the current.

Because not far below, there is a cliff. Looking from this direction, you can see that there is no way forward, and there is an endless void below. If you want to fall, the current self has no suspense at all. , was completely shredded by the space force.

After resting for half a day, Gu Zheng finally regained his strength. Although he didn't fully recover, he still walked to the stream and washed himself a little. Although his whole body was still wet, at least he didn't look as embarrassed as before.

After doing all this, Gu Zheng turned his eyes to the side. After observing for a while, he found that he should be at the bottom of a cliff. Looking up from here, he could see many protruding walls, faintly through Some light, and even the corners of some houses can be seen on it.

But at a glance, he couldn't see the top at all, which showed how deep he fell.

He didn't understand why it fell down. Could it be that the golden round jade itself was a trap?

This idea was rejected as soon as it appeared. There must be a reason, but I can't figure out why. The only thing that is a little reassuring is that although Mengzhen doesn't know where she went, at least she is still fine. Let yourself be wild here.

Looking at his own figure reflected in the clear, Gu Zheng shook his head, he should look around first, he always felt that the dream was a little unreliable, although it looked smarter, it was really cute and silly, enough for ordinary people Yes, but facing people like myself, I still feel very naive. I can't believe that the other party is still the successor of the painting soul family.

There are lit candles in the distance, one can see a wooden door next to it, and there are still candles in the distance, but it is too far away, and I don't know where it leads.

Other than that, it was just this small stream, but it was a pity that a little higher was a high cliff, surrounded by walls of wallpaper, washed so clean by the current that it was impossible to climb up.

Gu Zheng could only walk towards that side, and soon came to the wooden door, but what surprised Gu Zheng was that there was an iron lock on the wooden door, which locked it directly, as if not to let the people inside Come out the same.

"Bang, bang, bang"

Gu Zheng pulled the wooden door and shook it vigorously, making a loud noise, but now facing this wooden door, he really has more than enough heart but not enough strength, and he can't break through it at all.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng could only continue walking towards the distance to see if there were other ways to leave here, hoping that there were other ways to leave here, otherwise he would be trapped here, and there was really no way out.

Soon Gu Zheng came to another place where the candle was lit. When he got closer, he realized that this place was already at the end, and there was a high stone wall ahead, and there was no way to go.

On the side, there is a dark passage, but it is impossible to see what is inside or how deep it is, and can only see a little distance ahead with the help of the faint light next to it.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng subconsciously took it out of his pocket, but his face changed suddenly, and then he quickly took it out of his pocket. In the end, there was only a key in it, the golden ball formed by the kitten, and the one that could The spar of the lighting function is gone.

"This is troublesome."

Gu Zheng's face turned serious, he had to find the kitten no matter what, but before that, he had to find a way to leave here.

Although there was no lighting, Gu Zheng reckoned that there should be no danger inside. Of course, one candle and the other were lying there safely for such a long time. If there were really ghosts, he would have died long ago.

Gu Zheng touched the wall and walked a little bit towards the inside, and soon fell into a place where he couldn't see his fingers. He could only pray that there was no dead end ahead.

Although the road was very dark, he felt a little flustered in his heart. The air here was not like when he was inside, it was full of oppression, and people were in that state of panic all the time.

Gu Zheng didn't know how far this momentum was, but after half an hour, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, because at this time he had come to the corner, and the candlelight came faintly from there, shining nearby.

There is still a towering mountain wall next to it, and this is the only way to go, and Gu Zheng saw the scene in front of him as soon as he turned a corner.

This is a small space. Although it has come to an end, there is another familiar red table in front of it. The candle is still lit next to it, and the things on it can be clearly seen.

There were some things on it, but Gu Zheng saw a black key at a glance, judging from the shape, it was the key of the chain.

Not only that, there are some other things, put together here.

Gu Zheng walked over, first picked up the black key, and then saw other things.

First, pick up a white jade engraved with unknown runes. This thing is known by the ancients. It is the thing that Mengzhen repelled. It is simple and easy to use. It can be activated with a light pinch. Just know how to use it.

And there is a golden bead next to this one. Of course, it is not transformed by a kitten, but it is like some kind of elixir, and even exudes a medicinal fragrance, which makes people want to swallow it.

Gu Zheng didn't know the origin of this thing, but he didn't dare to eat it rashly, he didn't even touch it, and turned to look at the last thing next to him.

This is also a red spar, just looking at it, it is full of a dangerous atmosphere, especially the red flow pattern that flashes from time to time, which gives people a dangerous feeling.

Gu Zheng was not sure about this thing, so he held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. Unfortunately, this thing is different from before, so you know how to use it in your heart.

"What I gave you is not bad."

Just as Gu Zheng was carefully looking inside, suddenly a strange voice sounded in the air.

"Who?" Gu Zheng was taken aback, and looked around, but found no one.

"Look down, I'm below."

The voice continued to sound, and then Gu Zheng looked down, only to find a black and green-eyed cat standing on the ground, looking at him.

Seeing that Gu Zheng found him, the black cat wagged its tail and jumped onto the table.

"Who are you? Why are you here? The weapon spirit here?" Gu Zheng looked at the black cat in front of him, and his expression didn't change much. At least on the surface, the other party seemed to have no malice. These things are prepared by the other party.

"No wonder you were the first person to break in, and you still know the special features of this place. In theory, I'm just a half-wielder." The black cat looked at Gu Zheng in surprise, and then didn't say anything. Said without any concealment.

"Half a tool spirit? I understand. Then what's the matter with you appearing here? Is there anything I need to help with, and what are the uses of these things in front of me?" Gu Zheng immediately understood the general meaning of the other party's words, and immediately replied.

"It's easy to talk to smart people, but you have too many problems. The red spar can be activated and thrown to attract the attention of the ghost, but the premise is that you can't be found. I need you to help me with one thing, of course not I won't let you help in vain, in fact you are the fifty-second group to enter here, and all of you have failed before, some sacrificed halfway, some sacrificed at the end, if you don't want to, I won't force it."

The black cat gave Gu Zheng an appreciative glance, then continued.

"What is it, can you tell me in detail, and I can help you better if you can get rid of these ghosts in front of you." Gu Zheng didn't expect that so many people had failed before, but he still said.

"Time is running out, I have to go, I can only hide some things to help you inside, you have to search carefully, the rest will wait for you to come up, and there is that thing, you swallow it, believe me, you will not let it go You are disappointed, otherwise you will not be able to come up from the cliff at all." The black cat's original leisurely posture suddenly changed, glanced at the sky, and then said quickly.

As soon as the words fell, the black cat in front of Gu Zheng disappeared from sight.

At the same time, the candle in front of him suddenly went out, and went out silently, and an incomparably dark force struck from the sky in an instant.

At this time, Gu Zheng was even colder, unable to move at all, and he couldn't bear just a leak of momentum, but that guy didn't seem to care about Gu Zheng, as if he was patrolling something, and then disappeared into the air again.

Although the unknown thing left, the candle in front of him didn't ignite again, it seemed to have completely disappeared.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, groped ahead, and quickly touched the table in front of him. Fortunately, the things on it were still there. After he put away all the rest, he began to grope and walk towards the back.

Soon Gu Zheng went back outside again, and the candlelight in that path completely disappeared, but the candlelight at the door was still brightly lit, at least it didn't make Gu Zheng blind.

Looking at the thing in his hand, Gu Zheng hesitated for a moment. What he was thinking about was whether he should listen to the medicine in front of him.

The half of the weapon spirit mentioned by the other party is because it was originally a weapon spirit, and later under certain special circumstances, a new weapon spirit was bred in the magic weapon.

For the old Qiling, the appearance of the opponent directly or taking away half of its power is simply intolerable, so of course they will find a way to eliminate it, while the new Qiling is looking for an opportunity to swallow the opponent, and occupy the place instead.

It is similar to the two personalities in the human body, but because the old weapon spirit itself came out earlier, it is more handy for the magic weapon itself. Generally speaking, the result is that the old weapon spirit is swallowed by the other party, and then calms down again.

Even the owner of the magic weapon can't intervene, and of course the magic weapon can't be used for the time being. Although there are few examples, Gu Zheng just heard it from others, and he didn't expect to encounter it.

Gu Zheng even boldly guessed that these candles and some things to help them were made by the spirit of the black cat incarnation, just to help them. As for why, I am afraid that only he knows. In any case, there is no benefit Early, certainly in his favor.

After careful consideration for a long time, Gu Zheng finally decided to swallow it. Since the other party wants to help himself, he will never make a problem before the matter is completed. In other words, he can be trusted in front of him.

Thinking of this, he threw the pill into his mouth, wanting to swallow it in one gulp.

But when he was about to swallow it, a black light flashed around Gu Zheng's mouth, and a cloud of black air suddenly appeared in front of Gu Zheng's mouth, instead surrounding the pill, and then the black air gradually revealed his figure, and it turned out to be The good dragon soul hidden in Gu Zheng.

Then Shanlong emerged from Gu Zheng's body, pieces of golden light familiar to Gu Zheng continuously emerged from Shanlong's body, condensed into the symbols that he had seen before, and poured into Shanlong's body when he turned back.

Soon a breath emerged from Shanlong's body. Although it was fleeting, Gu Zheng still grasped it keenly. The other party recovered a little strength just now. You must know that when it was below, it was also sealed. , it can be said that it is the illusion of the shape of the body, and it can't even take out a stone.

Before Gu Zheng continued to study, the good dragon turned around and flew towards Gu Zheng's head again. At the same time, his whole body swelled instantly, and he swallowed it in one gulp, just like before. Same as Zhou Bo.

But Gu Zheng didn't have much sorrow, instead, he was thinking about something in his heart, and let the other party swallow him.

Although Gu Zheng was swallowed by the other party, the body of the good dragon in the air was retracting rapidly, as if it was entwined with something, and soon a human-shaped outline emerged from the air again, and the outer body was also rapidly decreasing, as if Be absorbed by the person inside.

"It turns out that there is something tricky in it."

After Gu Zheng's figure was fully exposed, he still didn't move, he was still thinking hard, and it took a long time for a stick of incense before a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

During this period, Gu Zheng has been in contact with the founder of Shanlong, because at first the two merged into one, there is a vague bond between them, although it will be disconnected with time, but until now, there is still a trace of connection.

However, because the dragon soul was in a daze and didn't even have complete instinctive consciousness, it took a lot of effort for Gu Zheng to contact the other party, and only then did he understand why he rushed out to help him eat that thing.

But what exactly it is, Gu Zheng doesn't know, but for the dragon soul, it has no effect at all, and the dragon soul is attached to him again at this time, and indirectly transmits the medicinal power to him.

Gu Zheng moved all over, and there was a crackling sound all over his body, and his whole body was refreshed, and he felt even his body was lighter.

However, Gu Zheng knows that this is just an illusion. Now that he can exert a first-order strength, he is considered to be out of the scope of ordinary people. Although it seems that it is useless to face those ghosts, it is still a dead word if he catches them. Finally, it can be a little faster, which is even better for escaping.

If he met a meat ball, he reckoned that he could hold on for a few more breaths before being caught by the opponent.

However, this state is transmitted through the dragon soul. If I want to swallow it directly, I guess I can at least rise to a higher level, or even higher, but I know that there will be sequelae, even if it is an ordinary body, it is impossible to swallow it.

After getting used to it a bit, Gu Zheng took out the black key, opened the wooden door outside, and walked in again.

No matter what, I have to leave here step by step. It is best to find Meng Zhen who doesn't know where it is. If I get caught, I'm afraid I won't have a second chance.


Gu Zheng walked in this narrow stone path, and walked ahead along the only path, but above the ground, there was water everywhere, and there were undulating ground, so he had to step on it, splashing water The sound is very obvious in the channel.

But he didn't worry about the lighting, because along the way, there are still candles lit at intervals, and the light is enough to illuminate the roads, and when he looked up from the bottom, he could also see the candles bright light.

It seems that this place has been completely lit up by the demon souls who sacrificed in front. They were lucky, at least they didn't lose the spar, which made Gu Zheng in the back a lot less worried.

Along this road, Gu Zheng crawled crookedly along the way, and after walking for half a day, he came to the end of the road.

At this time, he was standing in a gap, and the ground three feet below was the credentialed land, while in front, there was still a stream flowing rapidly, and below the stream was where Gu Zheng stood up to look.

I went around in a circle, and finally came here.

Not far from the side, a corridor embedded in the mountain peak appeared inside, and the entrance could be seen clearly. The bright red floor looked very neat, but the aura in it was very familiar, it was still the aura of those ghosts, but The voices of those ghosts did not come from my ears, and I don't know if I didn't meet them or they are not here for the time being.

Gu Zheng observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, he jumped down.

Although this height is not high, it may be a bit difficult if he does not have the slightest cultivation before.

After getting down, Gu Zheng slowed down and walked forward quietly. His body is still wet, especially the bottom of his feet is covered with water stains, but there is no way. He doesn't want to wait until he is dry before taking action. Said, is also very important.

As soon as he stepped into the corridor, the cold feeling came over him in an instant, and it didn't weaken at all because he was stronger. On the contrary, it made Gu Zheng feel that it was even colder here, and it seemed that even the strength of the demon soul had been increased together.

But just after walking a few steps, Gu Zheng stopped in the corridor and looked towards the wall solemnly, because there were only two words on it, which all prehistoric people could understand.


And under these two words, there is only a small pile of black ashes left, and the wall above the ashes has some finger-sized holes, which look very scary.

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