
Hearing Lan Yu's words and feeling the changes above, everyone stepped up again.

Here, Xingcai shot out again and again and realized that a huge water dragon appeared in the air, rushing towards the shield in front of it with its teeth and claws, no matter if it was teeth, sharp claws or tail, and even gusts of chilling air spewed out from its mouth. One part is used.

And here, Lan Yu didn't take out the five puppets in distress, and forcibly gathered the five-element reversal formation again, and with the cooperation of Bai Mei, directly dropped the ball like a millstone.

When Gu Zheng saw this, a few traces of Heisha condensed from his fists, and he took a deep breath, and bombarded in front of him again.

But this time, each punch is ten times slower than before, but the aura contained on it is even more intimidating. Just a simple punch, you can hear the unbearable hissing sound of the shield.

Boom boom boom!

There was a loud bang, the white light curtain shook violently, and cracks finally appeared on it, and spread rapidly.


A crisp sound rose in the air, and the white shield in front of him suddenly turned into countless white mist and dissipated in the air.

"Go in, the house is about to collapse." Lan Yu shouted anxiously, quickly put away his puppet, and rushed directly into the house.

At this time, the eaves of this huge house were already shaking and shattered, and the light inside was flickering, as if it would be completely covered in the next moment.

With a flash of light inside, Blue Rain's aura completely disappeared here.

The white-browed Taoist, who was a step slower, didn't ask Gu Zheng, and rushed in beside them, and also disappeared.

"Why didn't we rush in?" Xingcai asked in puzzlement as she looked at Gu Zheng who had signaled her with his eyes just now.

"What if there is a trap ahead, we are following them, who knows what secrets are inside, we have to guard against it, don't watch this house collapse at any time, the timing is still early, don't worry about it." Gu Zheng said Xingcai said.

He is not as impatient as they are. Don't look at the anxious look just now, but he is actually pretending.

One must be cautious, especially in the face of this kind of temptation, even one's own brothers can turn against one another, let alone others.

"But it seems that there is no problem, let's go in!"

The two rushed directly into the house one after the other, but when Gu Zheng took the first step in, his face changed, and one hand grabbed Xingcai who was following closely behind like lightning.

Xingcai hadn't sent a shadow over yet, and the next moment, her body flew into the air and was sucked into the house.

After Gu Zheng and Xing Cai stepped into the house, they felt a blur in front of their eyes, and their entire heads began to blur, and then a large swath of dizziness hit them.

In a daze before his eyes, he passed out completely.

"Young Master Gu, Young Master Gu, wake up quickly!" The voice of Xingcai came from Zhong Gu Zheng's ears in a daze, and he suddenly came to understand with a cleverness.

At this time, Gu Zheng saw Xingcai's exquisite face, and saw that he was looking at him in surprise when he woke up.

"What's wrong!" Gu Zheng raised his head and looked around, only to find that he was in a city.

"You've been in a coma for three days, you scared me to death!" Xingcai said with a sigh of relief.

"Three days, how could it take so long, where is this place?" Gu Zheng didn't expect that he would be so long in a coma.

At this time, people were coming and going around Guzheng, and it was very lively. The voices of people talking and bargaining were endless, and I was standing in the middle of a street.

But no one looked towards him, as if none of them saw it.

"I don't know, but I guess it should be an urban fantasy in ancient times. I saw the human race and the monster race living together harmoniously. More importantly, everything here does not exist for us. You look!"

As Xingcai said, the rescuer came to the side and grabbed a passing person.

What surprised Gu Zheng was that the other party seemed to be transparent, directly passed through Xingcai's palm, walked forward as if nothing had happened, and even chatted and laughed with the companion next to him.

"But what we say or do can't affect other people. The whole city is very big. If you want to go out, you will come back to this place in the next moment." Xingcai has not been idle these days, and also tried to Do something, but unfortunately, did not find much useful information.

"Have you seen anyone else?" Gu Zheng asked suddenly, looking around.

"No, it's just the two of you here." Xingcai shook her head and said, "Did you feel that something was wrong when I went in, so you stopped me." Xingcai said immediately, remembering what happened before.

"Well, the teleportation array inside is an illusion. In fact, when we entered, we had already stepped into the teleportation space. We thought we were breaking in, and the other party might disperse us, so we caught you." Gu Zheng walked towards the vendor who was selling things next to him, and also stretched out his hand towards the other party.

"It seems that my judgment is correct. Blue Rain and the others were also dispersed, but I don't know if it is the same as us."

"Let's leave them alone. The other party has a fragmented map, so I don't think there will be any problems. If I had known earlier, we would come over for a copy." Xingcai said with some regret.

"You don't know the method is a blank sheet of paper, besides, the other party will definitely not tell us how to use it." Gu Zheng shook his head, looking at the illusory but real scene around him.

Obviously, this is still a trap set by those people. It is really too cautious, but it is too realistic.

At this time, Gu Zheng was standing on a fruit stand, and he could smell the fragrance of the fruit, and even some of the juice flowing on the ground seemed to be real.

"What shall we do next!" Xingcai asked from the side.

It seems that following him, he has lost the ability to think independently. In fact, Gu Zheng gives people a kind of omnipotence. In addition to his superb strength, he is decisive and very correct in doing things, and people will rely on him unconsciously.

"I'll take a look, and I'll make a decision later." Gu Zheng's mind flashed that he saw a book of nine palaces in the house, which was completely engraved on the wall. Although he only glanced at it, he also saw all the different portraits on it, just I'm not sure where I am right now.

Seeing Gu Zheng's golden eyes lit up, Xingcai looked around and said involuntarily.

"My pure heart and clear eyes can't see through all of this. In my opinion, all of these are real things."

"The same is true, and I can't see through it either. It seems that the level of setting up this formation has reached its peak, but no flaws can be seen on the surface!" Gu Zheng put away his eyes and said to Xingcai.

"But don't worry about it, any formation must have eyes, and I guess the foot of the formation is in the formation, otherwise it would not be so real."

Gu Zheng walked a few steps ahead, and there was a huge stone gate standing on it in front of him. Looking up, there was a plaque on it, engraved with "Wu Geng Gate".

"Follow me." Gu Zheng said to Xingcai, and then walked in another direction.

Xingcai walked with Gu Zheng for two full days, almost visiting the whole city.

"One line of sky, two towers and nine-storied pagoda."

Gu Zheng kept chanting this term. These are all the buildings he purposely searched for. They are located in different places. Gu Zheng vaguely feels that it should be an illusion arranged by the Jiugong Formation. Of course, all of these are seen inside the house. It was only when I thought of this that I really found some clues.

"I think we should be in a formation based on the Nine Palaces, and I have also found some grounds for argumentation around. If there are no mistakes, we will be able to leave here soon." Gu Zheng said quite confidently .

"I don't know anything about formations. I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be so knowledgeable that he can even move formations!" Xingcai said enviously.

"Actually, I don't know much either. If you accumulate more and meet more people, you will naturally know something." Gu Zheng said modestly, and then came to the Shimen City where it first appeared.

"If I were you, I would never be so reckless." When Gu Zheng was about to study Pokai, suddenly an old voice sounded beside him.

"Who is it!" Xingcai reacted very quickly, her hand had already turned into a staff and raised it towards the surrounding area, but she didn't find anything abnormal.

"Senior, I don't know what's wrong." Gu Zheng's movements here also stopped. Since the other party reminded them, there must be no serious malice at the moment.

But Gu Zheng was also very surprised in his heart, because he was in this city, he could almost be said to have wandered aside, and he didn't find anyone hiding beside him at all.

Even now, the other party's voice is in front of him, but he has not found the other party's scene.

"Hey, you two little dolls can come here. It seems that the Black Dragon Immortal Mansion has already been opened, so I don't have much time left." Not far from Gu Zheng diagonally opposite, there is a teacup, a An old man with a white beard approached his chest, put down the firewood in his hand, and stood up.

His actions immediately attracted the attention of Gu Zheng and Xingcai.

The old man turned around and looked at the two people who were on guard. He was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed silently.

"If your knowledge can be as vigilant as you are, then it will be fine."

"Who are you and why are you here?" Xingcai looked at the other party and said with some doubts, because in his eyes, the other party was no different from those people.

"Me? I'm just a poor bug who is afraid of death." The old man pointed at his nose and said with some self-deprecation.

"Senior, don't you know if this is the Nine Palaces? I should judge that there is nothing wrong." Gu Zheng looked at the other party around him and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course there is nothing wrong with it, but all of this was put on purpose, is it really for you to leave?" The old man walked towards this side on foot.

"Senior, please stop!" Xingcai couldn't feel the other party's aura, but out of guard against strangers, she still blocked the other party's way. Who knows whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, it's best to ask first.

Especially since the other party is obviously a person from here, maybe it is part of the formation here, deliberately confusing them.

"Little girl, don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious, otherwise why should I make a noise, I just don't want to see you trapped here." The man said so, but his body didn't stop, and he was still walking forward.

"Senior, in order to avoid misunderstanding, it's still better" Xingcai stretched out her palm and blocked her. If the opponent was advancing, she would directly bump into him, but the next moment, the opponent's body passed directly through Xingcai's body and walked over, letting her speak. blocked back.

Of course, Gu Zheng also saw this, and his heart also shrank, because the opponent turned out to be a part of the illusion.

Whether to confuse himself, or whether the other party is a real person to persuade himself, Gu Zheng is a little confused at this time.

"Did you take the five as your center, the seven towns as your pearls, and the four seas as your eyes just now?" The old man said as he stood under Shimen City by himself, and then his body flashed white, shooting out rays of light in the air. The method is officially Gu Zheng wants to use it.

"If so, you see what changes."

As the opponent completely cracked it, there was a strange wind in the air, and a burst of dark clouds floated in the sky, but what was strange about Gu Zheng was that he could feel the wind, but he couldn't cause any harm to himself.


There was a loud bang in the sky, and then thousands of lightning bolts fell from the sky, hitting almost every inch of the ground, as if there was only lightning left in the whole world.

The speed was so fast that he was close to him in an instant, but it also did not cause any harm to Gu Zheng, even if the aura of destruction was by his side, he had goose bumps all over his body.

Gu Zheng saw with his own eyes that those vendors, houses, and those items were annihilated in an instant, and the whole world turned into darkness.

In the next second, the eyes of the whole world lit up, and Gu Zheng found that he was still standing there without moving, and all the disappeared vendors appeared here, still continuing the previous state.

"How to sell it?" A rich man in silk and satin appeared at a fruit stand.

"Young master, how much do you want!"

"Ah! This, this, this..." Xingcai shouted in surprise, pointing at that side with a protective shield on it.

"What's wrong?" Gu Zheng followed the opponent's fingers and looked over, he still hadn't fully recovered from the scene of destruction.

"When I just woke up, I found such a scene, and now it seems to have started again." Xingcai pointed to that side, and said with some horror. Just now, she thought she was struck to death by the lightning.

Gu Zheng turned his head and looked at the tea table over there, but he didn't find the old man with white hair.

"Is everything an illusion?" This idea suddenly flashed in Gu Zheng's mind, but the next moment, on the street in the distance, a familiar figure came towards this side, it was the white-bearded senior just now.

But that senior walked directly towards Gu Zheng, with an inexplicable smile on his lips, he stopped not far from Gu Zheng.

"Did you see the scene just now? If you come to cast it, then you won't even have ashes left. Not only is there a reversal in the Nine Palaces, but it also contains five elements to assist. As long as you misread it once, then there is no chance. "

"I don't believe it, then why did you show up again? Are you the only one here?" Xing Cai looked disbelieving, she always felt that the other party was lying to them.

"In order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, I entered here by myself, and I have integrated with this place. Unless the cornerstone outside is broken, otherwise this place will always be like this. A month is a reincarnation. Life after life, I am the only one. "The white-haired old man said sadly.

"You are the formation master here!" Gu Zheng said abruptly.

"That's right, all the defenses here were designed by me. If it hadn't been for such a long time without maintenance, you think you can still break through. How can you not break through the outside defenses without the guidance of the residual map, let alone What's more, coming here is simply wishful thinking." The white-haired old man admitted straightforwardly.

"You are lying, aren't you just a person who is trapped here and wants me to take you out." Xingcai still didn't believe the other party, and the array she arranged couldn't get out after entering. big joke.

"Don't you want to stay with me?" The white-haired old man was still smiling, and he didn't seem to mind Xingcai's question at all, but just as he finished speaking, his hand suddenly grabbed ahead.

Xingcai felt that she was surrounded by an invisible force, as if ordinary people were drowning. In just a moment, the sweat on Xingcai's forehead remained. He took a big breath, and didn't even bother to find the other party.

Here, Gu Zheng noticed that something was wrong with Xingcai, and immediately flew over, reaching out to grab her body, but was shocked to find that he penetrated through, and the other party turned into a person here in an instant.

"What did you do to me!" Xingcai also saw Gu Zheng's movements, and then grabbed Gu Zheng but found that it was the same, as if the other party was just a phantom.

Seeing this, Xingcai subconsciously grabbed a woman passing by. This time, she didn't pass through the other's body, but just grabbed the other's body.

"Who are you, let me go!" The woman was startled, and she gave him a blank look only after seeing Xingcai. She thought she was some kind of apprentice, but when she struggled, she found that the other party was still holding her shoulder , stared at her.

"You girl, why are you trying so hard, it hurts me."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Xingcai hurriedly apologized after the other party.

After that person walked away, the unbelieving Xingcai came to the nearby fruit stand, grabbed a piece of fruit, and ate it straight away.

The fragrant fruit, and the delicious texture, are not deceiving at all.

Xingcai threw down the fruit in his hand and looked at the old man over there. Seeing that the old man was still looking at him the same way, he didn't get angry and walked over quickly.

"Miss, you haven't paid yet!" The peddler behind shouted.

"What money are you giving me? Shut up!" Xingcai turned her head angrily, scaring the peddler so much that he didn't dare to speak anymore.

"What kind of magic did you do to me! Hurry up and send it back to me." Xingcai came to the white-haired old man and asked him.

"Don't you believe me? Let's see if I'm hallucinating. For you two little dolls, I would never care about your life and death. If you want to die, you can die. But his younger generation, I really have to help." The white-haired old man stretched out his hand to grab it, and a slightly worn-out thing from Xingcai's waist fell instantly and flew into his hand.

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