"woo woo"

When entering the depths of the white mist, the originally strong wind outside suddenly strengthened, making a sound like a baby crying.

The strengthened gust caused little ripples on their shields, but for everyone, it was relatively easy.

"How long do we have to go?" Xingcai in the front didn't react too much when she heard the suddenly louder voice, but she couldn't see her fingers around her. If it wasn't for the rope tied together, she would definitely get lost here, the voice Still unobstructed.

"I don't know, but I think it will take a long time to walk, after all, it is such a big place." Gu Zheng couldn't see the stars that were three feet away.

When they came in, there was nothing in front of them at all, even Gu Zheng could clearly see a distance of several tens of feet ahead, and as they slowly deepened, thick fog began to gather.

Visibility began to decrease little by little, until now, except for the whiteness in front of my eyes, like a blind man, I can't see anything, I can only move forward according to the direction of the rope.

But their speed is not fast, because this is not a straight line, sometimes even after turning, they have to go back,

Gu Zheng was sure that even if he came in, he would get lost here, it was too complicated.

"Now we are only a third of the way away. Don't be nervous. There is no danger here. With the guidance of the residual map, nothing will happen." The voice of Taoist Baimei came from the front, and the voice was full of confidence.

Everyone was not talking, but continued to move forward silently.

Although the wind howl got bigger and bigger the further they went, but they could hold on to it, the wind was really not that strong.

"We have passed two-thirds of the way, and there is still the last distance, and it will be over soon." Suddenly, the voice of the white-browed Taoist came from the front again, reminding them that they had already walked more than half the distance.

Instead, the further he walked, the smaller the wind whistling in the air, but a blue snowflake began to fall in the air.

The snowflakes fluttered very slowly, and there were ice crystals at the corners, which were really beautiful. When it fell on everyone's defenses, it would not cause any ripples, but a chill came in.

At the beginning, the cold air was very low, and the coolness made people feel comfortable, but later on, the cold air became more and more serious, as if layered together.

And the most peculiar thing is that the cold air has a very strong penetrating power, even if Gu Zheng immediately put a shield inside again, it still can't stop the opponent's attack.

A trace of hoarfrost emerged from Gu Zheng's hair, but to Gu Zheng, everything was just a little bit cold, and he could still hold it.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng felt the rope tighten, as if there was something wrong with Xingcai in front of him, he subconsciously stepped forward, groping ahead, just in time to catch a falling figure.

"Master Gugugu." Xingcai said tremblingly, "I'm fine, but my body is a little stiff."

Needless to say to the other party, Gu Zheng felt that the other party's body was icy cold, and there was even a biting hoarfrost on the palm of his hand, so he knew that the other party was very cold.

"Don't force yourself, hold my hand." Gu Zheng said not to be forced, he directly grabbed the opponent's palm, and then placed it in his own.


A layer of flame burned from Gu Zhan's hand, and then rushed directly to Xingcai's body along the hand, forming a layer of faint flame coat on the outside.

The warm breath quickly bloomed all over Xingcai's body, Xingcai felt like a small furnace in her body, and those biting coldness was completely eliminated from her body.

This made her cheeks flush, but in this confused white mist, no one could see.

"Are you okay?" Lan Yu's voice came from the front, because of these delays, the front couldn't walk.

"It's okay, you can continue to go." Gu Zheng said loudly to the front, and at the same time exerted strength with his hands to let Xingcai continue to move forward, while he continued to provide Xingcai with a slightly warm stove.

Except for this little thing, nothing happened during the rest of the journey until I walked out without any risk.

If Xingcai's cultivation base can be higher, maybe he can resist it directly.

"Come out!" There was a shout of joy in front, and Gu Zheng also let go of Xingcai's palm at the same time, and stepped back slightly.

Immediately after walking two steps, Gu Zheng's eyes suddenly opened up, and his side had already walked out of the thick fog.

"This is really troublesome. After walking for more than a day, I am almost exhausted." Lan Yu untied the rope around his waist and said with a sigh of relief.

"Who isn't, I'm more tired than you, and I have to look at the remnants of the picture all the time. If I make a wrong step, all my previous efforts may be wasted." The white-browed Taoist here also complained as he retracted the rope.

And here Gu Zheng has already walked up, looking carefully at a huge white shield in front, countless white mist is leaking from this top, and is transferring to the outside.

This color protection shield is not very big, inside there is only a house that is several times larger than the normal hall. Although it is not clear through this shield, many exquisite patterns are carved on the eaves and pillars, It looks very spectacular.

"Although it's hard work, it seems that no one here has come here. It seems that we are lucky." Here, Lan Yu also observed the front of him, and said with some irrepressible excitement.

"Of course. If you don't know this remote place, you'd be lucky to find it. However, the defense in front of you is tricky. We don't have the key to open it. It seems that we can only force our way in." Taoist Bian Baimei looked at the residual picture in his hand, and said with some regret.

"Then what are you waiting for? Anyway, there are only us here, and those guards probably don't exist, so we can do whatever we want." Lan Yu said impatiently.

"That's right, both of you, rest on the side first, and watch our performance this time." Lan Yu said to Gu Zheng and Xing Cai.

It doesn't matter if Gu Zheng sees this, he and Xingcai watch each other's performance close to the edge, knowing that the other party is showing their strength, don't Gu Zheng underestimate them.

Here, Lan Yu circled to the side, and a puppet with different colors would fall down at a certain distance. Soon, he circled around once and returned to the origin again.

"The formation of the five elements is really interesting." Gu Zheng couldn't help praising the puppet of the other party's five colors staying in place.

"What kind of formation is this?" Although Xingcai knew that the other party left behind a five-element formation, she looked a little distorted and couldn't understand the meaning at all.

"On the surface, it looks no different from the ordinary five-element formation, but if you look carefully, in the two puppet towns of water and fire, and wood and soil, the magic weapons in their hands are indeed the opposite, or the simple five-element formation is much more advanced." Gu Zheng Explained to Xingcai.

Among the five puppets, each of them has a weapon of the same color in their hands, but Xingcai looked carefully, and the weapons in the hands of the four puppets were the same color as themselves, but their breaths were slightly different.

"Don't tell me I didn't notice it." Xingcai was completely convinced by Gu Zhengmingrui's observation, because these are fundamentally two different magic circles, and a slight mistake in the battle may cause different results.

While Gu Zheng was talking with Xingcai, Taoist Baimei also took out a simple bronze mirror from his hand, and he threw it under the top white mist, and a little light began to condense on his body. Just don't know what to use yet.

At this time, Lan Yu had already started casting spells. On Gu Zheng's side, he saw the light from the three puppets begin to condense. At the same time, the weapon in his hand pointed upwards obliquely, as if aiming at the bronze mirror above.

Soon on the puppet's weapon, beams of light gathered like real ones. Under Lan Yu's control, they instantly shot towards the copper mirror in the air, and all five beams of light shot at the middle position almost exactly. .

Received such a strong light, Tong Jing's body was shaken suddenly, and a large area of ​​multicolored rays suddenly spread from the body, covering the top of the head in an instant, forming a churning sea of ​​five-color mist.

A thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky, and colorful meteorites the size of human heads appeared from the clouds and fell down with unparalleled momentum.

In the blink of an eye, at least hundreds of colorful meteorites fell from above, and the beams of light from the puppets and weapons still shot directly above without any sign of attenuation.

And the white shield below seemed to feel the danger, the whole shield suddenly lit up, and white swords and swords suddenly appeared from below, roaring towards the colorful meteorite in the sky.

Each streak of white energy can reduce the external light of the multicolored meteorite by half, and at the same time, several strands of energy rushed over, directly detonating the meteorite in mid-air.


There were violent explosions in the air, and the first wave of attack opportunities was completely wiped out without even touching the opponent's edge. Moreover, there were still many remaining white sword auras in the air, which seemed to want to counterattack in the air.

However, Lan Yu seemed to know about this scene, and also knew that it would not be so easy to break through forcefully. The next moment, twice as many colorful meteorites fell from the sky.

However, more sword energy emerged from below, sweeping upwards, and the explosions that had just stopped rang out one after another.

However, the sharp-eyed Gu Zheng found that this time the aura on the colorful meteorite was a bit stronger than before. Although it still couldn't resist the opponent's suicide attack, it made the opponent consume an extra amount of sword energy.

Just like that, some meteorites broke through the defense line and landed on the white shield, and the colorful meteorites disappeared without a sound, but the contact points set off large ripples, shaking constantly, making the entire shield a little blurred. clear.

At this moment, the white sword energy in the air vibrated, and madness began to sweep across the surrounding meteorites, and then countless white mist rose below, gathering together in the air, and in the blink of an eye, a huge white stegosaurus appeared in the sky air.

The sword energy all over the body is vertical and horizontal, and the sharpness is the same. With a huge roar, all the meteorites around are swept away, and then rushed into the colorful clouds.

Bursts of thunder sounded from above, and the five puppets trembled all over, and the light beams shooting into the sky were also somewhat illusory, as if the fulcrum of the Stegosaurus above.

"The five elements are reversed, start!"

Here, Lan Yu yelled loudly, and then clouds of different attributes rose from the heads of the five puppets, directly merging into the beam of light in front of them, making the beam of light that was somewhat unstable immediately stabilized, and remained motionless despite the wind and clouds above. .

And the white-browed old man over there has been sitting there with his eyes closed, only the gestures in his hands are constantly changing, as if he is directing the above.


With a violent explosion in the sky, half of the clouds were blown away, and countless sword qi rushed over from it.

Gu Zheng casually released a barrier in front of them to protect them, and continued to observe carefully.

As the stegosaurus receded, the luster of the white barrier below became significantly dimmed, but due to the impact on the top, it couldn't gather again for a while.

As the colorless meteorite fell again, this time the white shield had no power to resist after all. As a wave of meteorites all fell, the outer white shield shattered like a bubble explosion, shattering with a "bang", turning into a Dissipated by the white aura that filled the sky.

But before everyone was happy, with the flash of purple light in the main hall, a layer of purple shield that was half smaller than before reappeared, almost seamlessly connecting, leaving no time for reaction here.

"Damn it, how many defenses are there?" Lan Yu couldn't help cursing when he saw this scene.

"I don't know, it's not written on it, but break open as many as there are, we have plenty of time."

As the words of Taoist Baimei fell, densely packed five-color meteorites fell from above again.


When the meteorite fell halfway, a trace of purple lightning suddenly flashed on the purple shield, wandering around the surface like a hedgehog, and the next moment it pierced the sky and hit it upwards, leaving a flash of lightning in the air. The colorless meteorite above was vaporized directly, leaving only the remaining five-color fog scattered in the air.

"Come again!"

Lan Yu said with a solemn expression, soon there was another wave coming down from above, but it also only landed at half the distance, and the rescue was destroyed by the opponent.

"Come again!"

"Come again!"

Just an hour passed, and countless meteorites seemed to be endless, rushing down tirelessly, and the purple lightning seemed to be the same, but if you look carefully, you will find that the power of the purple lightning is declining, and The five-color meteorite has become as dense as a ball of light.

"It can't be consumed anymore, and immediately launch the next round of attack."

Although they have an advantage now, that's the case, but if they want to consume each other, I'm afraid the two of them will be clean first.

When Lan Yu heard this, he made another tactic in his hand, and then a transparent bead in the air rushed straight into the clouds and mist above, causing it to roll more violently. Unclear consumption.

As the cloud and mist churned, the five-color meteorite also stopped falling, but it took only half a cup of tea, and transparent balls the size of a stone mill fell on it. If you look carefully, there are traces of colorless filaments inside, like supporting pillars. The same is filled in finely.

These spheres look colorful and quite beautiful, but the aura contained on them makes people feel frightened.

As the balls slowly fell from above, even the air felt a little oppressed.

Gu Zheng glanced at Lan Yu, he didn't expect that the other party had another trick, but he was sure that there was definitely a trump card behind him, but maybe he couldn't see it.

As the millstone fell, the purple lightning below raged again, but it was all right before, and now it only left a series of arcs on it, which couldn't hurt the ball body at all, and could only watch the disc fall again.


These spheres landed on the purple shield, burst open, and turned into a large piece of crystal light, directly submerging the bottom.

With the creaking sound of chairs, the outer purple light curtain finally completely shattered, revealing the large house inside.

But just to make everyone happy, suddenly a layer of faint white light emerged from above again, and behind it was the house, and the two were almost close to each other.

"Who put this protection on, why is it so perverted?" Xing Cai stared fiercely, and said incredulously.

Some balls that hadn't exploded continued to fall on it, but the explosion with the same power only made the white shield shake unceasingly, obviously the defense was stronger.

The only difference is that this seemingly thin shield does not have any counterattack ability.


At this time, the hall inside began to shake, which surprised Gu Zheng for a while.

"The house is going to self-destruct, let's quickly destroy the shield in front of us." At this time, Taoist Baimei suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up from the ground, and said to everyone.

And the colorful light mist above dissipated along with the puppet's beam of light, and also began to dissipate slowly. Obviously, the energy of the five puppets had been consumed almost, and there was no backup energy supplement, which was not enough to support the formation.

Here, Gu Zheng and Xing Cai glanced at each other, and rushed forward at the same time.

Xingcai circled to the side, holding the orb in her hand high above her head, a blue light flashed above, and the sound of a tsunami rose in the air, and countless crystal-clear water swords rushed out of the orb, hitting the shield in front of her.

But Lan Yu was ahead for a while, and several huge beasts with a height of five feet also suddenly appeared in front of him, and without a word, they smashed towards the shield opposite, and the five elements puppet was also put away by him at the same time.

Here, the white-browed Taoist worshiped the big seal from before, turning it into a small peak, and with the momentum of Mount Tai, he smashed it from another direction in the air.

And Gu Zheng was indeed unarmed, with a rich golden light gathering in his hands, he came to the side of the shield, and bombarded him with one blow in front of him.

In an instant, the shriek brought by the fist wind resounded here, causing other people to watch from the side.

The circles of phantom-like golden fist shadows threw hundreds of punches almost instantly, causing the shield in front of Gu Zheng to be dented forcibly.

Everyone didn't hold back, and attacked the shield in front of them with all their strength.

The attack of the four people rushed past like a violent storm. Even if the shield was strong, they couldn't resist such a frantic bombardment. The aura on the surface dimmed visible to the naked eye, and soon became thinner.

The four of them couldn't help but be overjoyed.

At this moment, there was a boom in the sky, causing everyone to look over.

I saw a white vortex formed in the air, and at the same time, a white mist filled the shield from the air toward the bottom, making the shield slightly brighter.

"This shield is re-communicating with the white mist outside to supplement itself. If it can't be broken in one fell swoop, I'm afraid it will return to the previous situation." Lan Yu looked up and immediately rushed towards them.

By now, it is certain that all previous efforts cannot be wasted.

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