"Regret? I never knew how to write these two words! You are a dark one, I advise you not to stop me, or you will disappear into this world with you."

Gu Zheng looked at this figure playfully, and said with disdain.

"Master Heilong's cemetery is not allowed to be damaged in any way. If you don't leave here, then don't blame me for being rude!" The figure's figure became low, but there was no rebuttal in his mouth, and his eyes gradually turned fierce as he looked at Gu Zheng.

"I want to ask, a girl came here decades ago, where is she now?" Gu Zheng was not moved at all, but just asked a question.

"She is already dead. If you dare to trample on the majesty of Lord Black Dragon, the loss of life will be the price!"

After the figure said that Xingcai had died, Gu Zheng directly punched the figure in front of him again. As the figure collapsed, the opponent's voice began to echo around him, as if several people were following him and repeating his words.

"The price? That's the price you paid!" After Gu Zheng shouted around, seeing that the other party didn't show up again, he continued to move forward.

As for him saying that Xingcai is dead, he doesn't believe it one hundred times, for no reason, it's just the intuition in his heart, Xingcai must not be dead yet, maybe trapped somewhere, he firmly believes in his heart.

"Hahahahaha, you will die!"

After only moving forward for a while, the other party's silent voice sounded again.

At the same time, a thunderous sound suddenly reminded the surroundings that the black mist that was originally quietly in the air began to violently roll.

Gu Zheng felt light all over, the feeling of being restrained disappeared, and he immediately accelerated his speed, wanting to take the opportunity to leave this weird place quickly.

However, the size of this place was beyond Gu Zheng's expectations, the surrounding voices became smaller and smaller, and even suppressed the baby's crying, and the black mist continued to boil in the air like boiling water.

Gu Zheng's brows were getting closer and closer, his figure began to slow down a little, and a layer of golden light emerged from the surface of his body, ready to deal with unexpected things at any time.

It seems that the dark one seems to have mastered some peripheral manipulations, but it affects this place within a certain range.

The other party has studied it for tens of thousands of years, so it is normal to be able to control a little bit.

At this moment, the boiling in the surrounding black mist suddenly stagnated, and vortices of different sizes emerged from the black mist. The big ones were as big as stone mills, and the small ones were only as small as fists.

But every vortex has appeared, and it is spinning crazily, while absorbing the surrounding black energy to replenish itself.

The powerful suction continuously came from the surroundings, making Gu Zheng's face darken. This looks very similar to those Yinfeng's moves, but it must be much more powerful than that.

Taking advantage of the surrounding suction, Gu Zheng's body flashed a blue light, and continued to accelerate and fly forward.

But as soon as the figure moved, under the black mist in front rolled again, a thick black shadow shot out from inside, it was like a tentacle as thick as a baby's arm, and shot towards Gu Zheng's front door at an extremely fast speed.

Gu Zheng moved to the side with a very flexible posture in the air, barely dodging the opponent's surprise attack, looking at the tentacles passing by in front of him, with some disgusting synovial fluid on them, he raised his hand unceremoniously, and The green sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and slashed fiercely in front of him.


The tentacles in front of him were cut into two like tofu, and the green liquid splashed out instantly and landed on the shield of Guzheng, making a sizzling sound, and at the same time a pungent smell rose in the air.

This blood is also highly corrosive.

After the tentacle was severely injured, it retracted into the black mist like lightning, and at the same time, there was a cry of pain from the frog in the air, the voice was full of anger.

Gu Zheng looked at the black mist in front of him, not knowing what the monster was hiding in it, but suddenly there were several continuous roars behind him.

Turning his head and looking, Gu Zheng was shocked. It turned out that there were several large vortexes colliding with each other, but they were not evenly matched. Instead, the stronger vortex was devouring the weaker side.

But now the smaller vortices in the air are all gone, and it seems that they have all been swallowed up, no wonder the suction behind it has become stronger in such a short period of time.

Just when Gu Zheng turned his head to watch, a huge shadow rushed towards this side in the black mist in the distance, and at the same time a red phantom ejected from the black mist instantly, this time faster than before It was more than twice as big. When Gu Zheng found out, he was hit in the chest by the opponent.

As the golden light on his chest shattered, Gu Zheng's entire figure was directly sent flying.

Gu Zheng felt a blur in front of his eyes, and felt that his body had stopped before he could cooperate with his own strength. At the same time, the surrounding cries that seemed to be magnified several times rang in his ears, making him dizzy for a while swelling.

At the same time, a huge tearing force came from his body, as if someone was grabbing him and trying to tear him apart.

Gu Zheng's whole body was covered with a golden light, and his whole body rushed out from the top in an instant, and found that he had fallen into a huge whirlpool, and the things that tore him were the black air that constantly surrounded him.

Next to this huge vortex, some smaller vortexes are being swallowed by him, and there are more vortexes in the distance rushing towards this side, rushing towards this side like a net, to increase the suction of the vortex .

And in the middle of the vortex, there was a black spot that was emitting black air. Gu Zheng felt a chill down his spine when he saw it, and told himself in his heart not to be swallowed.

At this time, a large black mist surged in front of him, and a green frog no less than the giant crab just now appeared in front of Gu Zheng. There were some disgusting black pustules all over his body, and a black tentacle hung on each pustule. , as if some fluff had grown on his body, he kept waving.

One of them has only a section left, and it hangs on top of it weakly.

The opponent had just appeared, and several black tentacles rushed over like lightning.

This time, with preparations for the ancient battle, when the opponent's tentacles seemed to be moving forward, with a thought, a blue light flashed in the air, instantly cutting off those tentacles in the air.

However, these tentacles seemed to be a signal. After the green frog roared in pain, black air rose from his whole body. Not only did the severed tentacles grow back, but also hundreds of tentacles on his body moved toward Gu Zheng. rushed over.

Gu Zheng snorted coldly, the blue sword from the sky fell, and a little bit of purple electric light wrapped around his body again, facing the raging tentacles, but as Gu Zheng's thoughts rose, he fought downward, forming countless purple arcs. Jian Ying rushed up towards the tentacles below.

Every purple sword shadow accurately hit a tentacle, hit it, and blew them into two pieces. Can't help it, the remaining arc spread along the remaining tentacles towards the opposite body.

"bang bang bang"

In the blink of an eye, the dense pustules on the green frog's body exploded, and countless black juices fell from the air.

The giant frog let out a painful roar, and its two eyes, which were the same size as the water tank, were instantly filled with bloodshot eyes. Its whole body suddenly swelled, and a black light flashed in its mouth. In an instant, a ball of green thick juice sprayed from the opponent's mouth. come out.

The green sword in the air was immediately surrounded by a ball of green liquid, and at the same time, Gu Zheng also lost the sense of the opponent's green sword.

And the giant frog here has done all these things, its belly swelled, and its whole body has more than doubled in size. Gu Zheng is really like an ant in front of it.


A huge cry sounded from the other party's air, and the huge sound wave passed through Gu Zheng like a white air wave in the air. The huge impact made Gu Zheng's mind suddenly twitch again, as if a heavy hammer hit the back of his head, The whole body flew out towards the back without freedom.

However, at the critical moment, a crystal beam of light stood in the air, its lower end pierced into the soil below, and a blue light shot out from Gu Zheng's wrist and wound dozens of times fiercely on it, firmly holding Gu Zheng's figure ,

Even if Gu Zheng is unable to control his figure now, his whole figure is just floating in the air under the tearing of the huge vortex behind him.

At the moment when the sound wave ended, the huge frog returned to its original shape again. Seeing Gu Zheng like this, he slammed into Gu Zheng in an instant, as if he wanted to use his huge body to smash Gu Zheng into it.


Even if Gu Zheng is in a dizzy state at this time, the opponent's body is very oppressive, and he knows what he is going to do without even thinking about it. With a slight force in his hand, the whole person is like swinging in the air, making an arc from the outermost, just from the huge The frog passed by, and the frog rushed down towards the center of the vortex below.

At this time, Gu Zheng also recovered quickly, watching the giant frog behind him being pulled in the whirlpool, he couldn't stabilize his figure, and continued to fall, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

This monster's ability is indeed very great, but there are some mental defects, it seems that the brain is a little bit out of order, and the good situation was ruined by the other party's recklessness.

But suddenly, the giant frog opened its mouth, and a red shadow quickly popped out from the opponent's mouth. It was a thick tongue, which wrapped around his body at an incredible speed. , and the others are all entangled by the tongue.

Now Gu Zheng's complexion changed, he felt the huge strength all over his body, and the thorns like blades were squeezing him crazily, and he felt his bones groaning in pain.

At this time, the giant frog's whole body was about to rush into the center, and the black spot had expanded several times now, and the suction force was even more astonishing. .

Gu Zheng's face turned red, and the movement of the immortal power in his body was also frozen.

With a thought, a ball of flames suddenly spread from its body, and a smell of barbecue appeared in the air immediately, but the giant frog's tongue was slightly burnt, and there was no progress.

In less than two breaths, a burst of black air suddenly emerged from the tongue, covering the surface of Gu Zheng, and the flame that burned everything was instantly wiped out as if it had encountered a nemesis.

It's a pity that Xiaoniao, who has just recovered a little, healed himself and fell into a deep sleep. He couldn't call out Bai Yan, otherwise he would be burnt to pieces.

But the flame is not completely useless, the opponent's tongue was conditioned by the pain, so he loosened his body slightly, Gu Zheng bent his wrist and fingers, before the opponent tightened again, two rays of light, one blue and one gold, shot from behind It came out, and rushed towards the green liquid in the sky in an instant.

Between three and two strokes, the ball of green liquid was cut into pieces and fell down, and the purple thunder sword trapped inside regained control.

Three long swords of different colors suddenly bloomed in three different colors in the air, and melted into the purple sword in the middle at the same time, turning into a huge four-color giant sword, but the purple color occupies the absolute For the most part, especially at the tip of the sword, arcs that were even thicker than before appeared, exuding a horrifying coercion.

Following Gu Zheng's thought, the extremely tyrannical force faded from the surface of the sword body, but it looked inconspicuous at all, and rushed towards the giant frog below.

At this time, the giant frog looked at the giant sword built from the sky, and a trace of fear flashed in its eyes, which was the desire for survival.

Its huge claws grabbed out the giant sword rushing towards the air, and a layer of mist layered on the claws, trying to block the giant sword.

But when the giant sword was approaching, the electric arc on it suddenly lit up, followed by a roar, blurred in the air, and disappeared in front of the claws in an instant, and the next moment the figure of the giant sword appeared on top of its head, absolutely The strength, in its desperate eyes, cut down.

"chi la"

The body strength of the giant frog is much stronger than that of the giant crab. This time it only cut off three-quarters, but it was enough.

With a sudden sound from the long sword, a huge explosion exploded from inside its body, and the two halves of the remnant body were blown into two with extremely strong force, but before they flew out, they were blown away by the strong suction force. Inhaled into the black hole below.

Gu Zheng felt his body lighten, knowing that the giant frog was already dead and could not die any longer. The tightly wrapped tongue on his body also weathered rapidly. Feeling the huge suction force behind him, the blue light on his body was shining brightly, and at the same time, countless gusts of wind were blowing out towards the back. .

With a sudden struggle, the body turned into a ray of blue light and flew towards the outside.

After Gu Zheng got away from the vortex, he didn't even look at it, and flew out directly to the distance. This flight, one day passed.

Until this time, the ancient dispute stopped.

Looking at the scene of still a black mist around, and the faint cry, it has no effect on Gu Zheng.

That damned mysterious man hasn't appeared yet, but there are quite a few of these strange creatures under him.

If those vortex traps were his tricks, then what is the real trap here.

Gu Zheng was vigilant in his heart, after all, this place will not stay here for no reason, there must be some mystery.

But he didn't know that in order to keep Gu Zheng here, the dark man changed some areas slightly, otherwise it would not be so peaceful.

Originally, this place is like a maze, it seems that your consciousness is not shielded, but everything is fake, there are many hidden mechanism vortexes, all quietly hidden in the black mist, you can't see it with naked eyes and consciousness .

What's even more frightening is that all of these are running around in an irregular manner.

Gu Zheng was vigilant along the way. After half a month, the darkness in the sky gradually began to fade, and the cry in his ear suddenly disappeared after going out of a certain limit.

It seems that I have already stepped out of this place, but there is still a black air above my head, and I don't know where I am.

However, Gu Zheng found that his surroundings were getting narrower and narrower, and it seemed that the exit was not far ahead.

A day later, an exit of the same size appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng sped up and flew towards the door. I was really a little too vigilant these days, and I don't know where the dark one is. This mouse hiding in the dark is really hateful.

But the other side doesn't bump into him at all, even if he is resentful, there is nothing he can do.

Gu Zheng, who was speeding, stopped suddenly, and looked at a piece of land in front of the valley, where there was a hairpin with dried blood on it.

Gu Zheng squatted down, took out the hairpin from the ground, and after carefully blowing off the dirt on it, he vaguely remembered that it was something worn by Xingcai.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng clenched the jade hairpin tightly in his hand and looked at the ground. Although he couldn't see any traces, Gu Zheng could still tell that he had obviously escaped from the outside. Things, I don't even have the time to pick them up.

I don't know how Xingcai is doing now, but Gu Zheng is sure that the other party will continue to move forward. If he turns back, he will be back a long time ago.

"I just hope I can come in time!"

Gu Zheng sighed, unable to believe what kind of scene it would be if Xingcai fell on the way.

Putting away the jade hairpin, Gu Zhengzhuo picked it up and walked out of this place.

At this exit, Gu Zheng found that he had come under the former mountain peak, and it seemed that he had passed through this strange place unconsciously.

In front of him was a winding path paved with white stones, spreading up the mountain. Gu Zheng sensed it again, and he lifted his feet and walked up.

This time, Gu Zheng was not in such a hurry. On the one hand, he needed to take a break. He had been tense for such a long time, which also made Gu Zheng a little tired. If there was a fierce battle, it was inevitable that he would not be in a hurry.

The mountain in front of me is not very high, and the top of the mountain here is only halfway up the mountain outside.

In the lush forest beside the path, many uninitiated animals live in it, and their peace has not been broken by the appearance of the ancient dispute.

After a few days of hard work, Gu Zheng's body also regained his vitality, and he also climbed the mountain at this time.

It is said that the mountain peak may be just a relatively high hill for others, without any characteristics.

Standing on it, Gu Zheng looked at his way, but found something different.

Before, Gu Zheng didn't see other places because of the jungle's block, but now he looked at the past and Gu Zheng was a little surprised.

The black cloud is still in the sky, the same as what I saw before, and there are four identical mountain peaks beside them, corresponding to four identical exits.

No wonder that no matter how you go, you will always be in the place of human sacrifice.

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