The wind howled all over the sky, and the countless huge winds made the sound of the ghost crying more and more powerful, even Gu Zheng frowned a little.

But the only remaining gaps around are not enough for Gu Zheng to pass through smoothly. If he rushes over by force, then Gu Zheng will be sucked in without any accident.

Fortunately, the four opponents were moving towards this direction at the same time, causing mutual interference, and the advancing speed was very slow, which gave Gu Zheng enough time to think.

But although their speed was very slow, the black dots in Yinfeng began to pop out one by one from the inside towards the outside.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of black shadows appeared around Gu Zheng, surrounded him, and after a short pause, they all rushed towards Gu Zheng.

With so many black shadows, Gu Zheng had no way to reduce them at the same time, especially since he was still holding his body to resist the suction.

In just a blink of an eye, Gu Zheng was surrounded by them, forming a huge black ball. At a critical moment, a yellow shield rose up to keep them out for the time being.

Some chewing sounds rang out in the air, and in just a few short breaths, the protective shield that Gu Zheng lifted up shook a little, and it seemed that it couldn't last much time at all.

But this little time is enough, Gu Zheng raised his wrist, a red line lit up from the ring, and a line of fire sprayed out directly from the inside, quickly spreading along the yellow shield.

The next moment, red flames spewed out from the black ball, and the black shadows were instantly rushed out by the strong impact, and even a small part of them turned into a cloud of black air in midair and disappeared without a trace. no trace.

The surrounding gray snakes showed their figures in the air, spitting snake letters towards Gu Zheng, but compared to the huge scale just now, they are now much sparser.


Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded from the periphery, and the Gray Snake, which was about to rush up, paused, and then began to frantically gather towards the sky.

The distance has already exceeded Hei Lin, and there is no way to attack. Gu Zheng can only feel a powerful momentum gathering.

But what surprised Gu Zheng the most was that someone was directing these gray snakes outside, and he must have heard that strange voice correctly.

The huge divine sense rushed towards the surroundings in an instant, but they didn't notice it at all.

Gu Zheng affirmed that the other party was either a friend or an enemy. Could it be that he was following him from behind.

Just thinking about it, I saw a sudden noise above my head. I looked up and saw a gray snake with a size of four feet descending from the sky, and its body was not as transparent as before. Ash flowed on the surface of the body.

The gray snake was still in mid-air, opening its ferocious mouth, and a ball of air was rapidly gathering in the opponent's mouth. When Gu Zheng felt extremely threatened, he realized that the opponent's attack had already blurted out.

A lump of ash the size of a washbasin hit him directly on his head.

At this time, with the Yin Feng approaching again, Gu Zheng didn't have much room for detours. If he was a little careless, once he was sucked in by the opponent, it would not be the attack power in front of him.

Gu Zheng stretched out his right hand, pointing towards the front, little ripples emerged in the void, and a snow-white vortex appeared on it in the blink of an eye, as Gu Zheng's other hand slapped heavily in front of him, the speed of the entire vortex Suddenly accelerated.

When the distance of the air mass had only dropped to half, a gust of frost sprayed directly from below, passing across the green mass in an instant.

When it came, the menacing air mass was startled suddenly in the air, and countless frosts rose outside it, surrounding it layer by layer, and finally turned into a white ball and fell from the air.

And the gray snake that was following behind was also skipped by the frost, and its whole body was also frozen in the air. It was surrounded by a layer of pure white ice, only its eyes were still rolling.


After just one breath, a trace of cracks quickly appeared on the ice. In the blink of an eye, the originally smooth and tidy ice was covered with cracks. Even the mouth of the gray snake inside began to open slightly, as if it was about to open in the next moment. Come raiding.

Gu Zheng smiled contemptuously, flicked his fingers, and a cyan wind blade rushed up from his fingertips.

After flickering in mid-air, it turned into a huge wind blade, and instantly slashed across the body of the gray snake that was about to get out of trouble. down.


Gu Zheng snapped his fingers, and the wind blade that was slashing across the air suddenly bloomed in the air at the next moment, turning into a cloud of blue arrows and falling down at a high speed.

The two stumps that had just moved, before they could recover, were pierced by the green rain all over the sky in an instant, turning into gray mist and dissipating from the sky.

Gu Zheng knew the characteristics of the opponent, and did not give the opponent any chance of resurrection.

Fortunately, not all the black dots and ashes in the wind will come out, otherwise I really don't know where to start.

However, the problem of the gray fog was resolved, but the surrounding wind was still slowly approaching, and Gu Zheng already felt that crazy force began to vaguely pull his figure.

No matter how slow the speed of those huge winds was, they were almost approaching the center at this time, and the distance between Yu Guzheng could not be more than ten feet.

The huge wind is still slowly approaching, but Gu Zheng has no good way. Now, in order to avoid being sucked in, half of his body is sunk into the ground by himself, and there are layers of frost, directly freezing himself in the ground. on the ground.

Gu Zheng was about to be sucked in, when suddenly there was a piercing sound like scratching glass in the air, which made him frown, and then the originally menacing wind suddenly froze in the air.

Gu Zheng took a closer look, and as they approached, they collided with each other almost at the same moment, but now they are stuck in midair like gears.

"good chance!"

At this time, there was still a gap at the bottom. How could they miss this opportunity while they were all standing still in the air.

Seeing the same time, Gu Zheng had already rushed out of the ground, and while he was thinking about it, his figure had already rushed up.

When the thoughts in his head fell, Gu Zheng's body rushed out of the narrow passage like a bolt of lightning, and moved away from the side without stopping.

When he was about a hundred feet away, his face suddenly changed, and layers of shields emerged from his body again.

Just as he was getting ready, there were a few earth-shattering explosions from behind, and then an unrivaled wave of air quickly swept towards the surroundings.

The black wood that was deeply rooted here was like a toy, without any resistance, it was overturned together with the large piece of soil below.

Wherever the air wave passed, all the black wood was blown away, without exception.

But at this time, the sky would not ask whether the black wood below was an enemy. Countless lightnings gathered and hit the black wood flying into the air like rain.

The deafening sound of lightning resounded in the sky here.

However, Gu Zheng didn't ask so many questions, because the air wave also lifted him up, but under his special preparation, at least the whole figure flew forward, if he was about to be lifted up, I'm afraid I can't do without some lightning.

Even though he had already left so far, before the opponent came, he ran ahead for a while, coupled with the protection on his body, this also caused the qi and blood in his body to surge, and several mouthfuls of blood spit out in the air.

"bang bang bang"

After smashing several pieces of black wood in succession, Gu Zheng finally fell heavily on the ground.

"It hurts!"

Gu Zheng let out a cry of pain, and slowly got up from the ground, feeling that his whole body was about to fall apart, and each of them seemed to be complaining to Gu Zheng of the serious injury he had received.

A slight layer of flames burned from his body, and Gu Zheng felt much more comfortable.

"That is?"

Suddenly, a figure ran past the place where Gu Zheng was in the corner of his eye. He turned his head and saw nothing, but he saw a billowing gray fog, which meant that something was passing by.

He immediately thought of the whistling sound before, and immediately rushed up along the opponent's trajectory. He really wanted to see who was making trouble behind it.

Just now I was thinking, how could there be four Yin winds suddenly appearing, just to surround myself, it turned out that someone had tampered with it.

Not long after, Gu Zheng saw a thick figure not far in front of him, also running away, but seeing the messy aura of the other party, it was obvious that he had suffered serious injuries just now.

The figure looked back at Gu Zheng, who was not willing to give up his pursuit, and suddenly took out something. Suddenly, a large cloud of gray fog emerged from the opponent, blocking Gu Zheng's sight for a while.

Gu Zheng's movements froze slightly, and before he could make other movements, the fog in front of him rolled slightly, and a black shadow emerged from it.

But it was a large crab-like creature, as big as a house, with stone-milled eyeballs, rolling to look at itself, opening two huge long pincers, already blocking the road of Guzheng.

However, there is also a lot of gray fog attached to the surface of the whole body, which looks like a creature drilled out of the dark wind.

"It's just a beast!"

As soon as Gu Zheng finished speaking, the gray crab opened its mouth and a jet of black light shot out, attacking Gu Zheng from top to bottom.

The black beam of light exuded a gloomy chill, like that kind of ghostly aura, which made people feel frightened and breathtaking.

But for Gu Zheng, it seems a bit childish.

Gu Zheng had his left palm all over his body, and on his arm there were two wrist lines, one blue and one blue, among which a light flashed above the blue, and a jade ring was put on the wrist.

Gu Zheng waved towards the opposite side, the green light of the jade ring flashed, and a long blue sword condensed out of the air. With a tremor in mid-air, it instantly turned into a dozen green swords. The tip of each sword pointed directly at the black light, almost At the same time, it emits a blue light that is not inferior to black light.

The black light that spread rapidly in mid-air was immediately blocked by more than a dozen blue lights, but only for a moment, the remaining blue lights merged into one, smashing the black light all the way, and rushed towards the head of the big crab.

"Dang" sounded softly.

The giant crab raised one of its giant pincers to block in front of it, and the strong blue light only left a white spot on it, and there was no further achievement.

And the other giant pliers slammed down towards Gu Zheng with the sound of piercing the sky.

Gu Zheng retreated, and then commanded all the blue swords to gather together again. In a flash, a huge blue sword with a length of more than ten feet appeared in the air. From above, it cut down towards the giant tongs below.


The cyan giant sword stood heavily at its weakest point, but beyond Gu Zheng's expectations, the giant crab was really extremely hard, and it just interrupted the opponent's offensive. Originally, according to Gu Zheng's wish, it was to cut off the opponent's giant pincers directly. .

Gu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and the falling giant pincers suddenly rose up, hitting right in the middle of the green sword.

The entire giant sword was bent and flew towards the sky by that tyrannical force.


At this moment, there was a burst of dense noise from the sky above, and at the same time, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck the emerging green sword. The whole green sword turned into a cloud of green energy and dissipated in the air.

This sudden lightning frightened the giant crab. After trembling all over, the giant pincers that were about to launch an offensive towards Gu Zheng were retracted in an instant, which made Gu Zheng's eyes light up. The giant crab's reaction was actually Let Gu Zheng have a new idea.

With a flip of his wrist, a long sword appeared in his hand again. With a quick swipe of his hand on the sword, a layer of golden light brightened on it.

At the same time, Gu Zheng tapped lightly on the sword, and a purple lightning appeared on it.

The long sword was thrown out of Gu Zheng's hand, and turned into a golden sword of more than ten feet in the air again, but this time, purple arcs appeared on it, and soon covered the golden long sword with a layer of electric arcs.

The golden long sword turned into a purple thunder sword, and rushed up again, this time instead of aiming at the opponent's giant pincers, it came directly to the top of the opponent's head, and the opponent raised the giant pincers in his hand to repeat the old trick Suddenly, a trace of purple arc fell from above, making the giant crab's movements suddenly slow down.

Immediately afterwards, the purple thunder sword took the opportunity to fall down instantly, and slashed from the top of the giant crab's head without hindrance. The giant crab's body was immediately cut into two pieces, and its purple lightning kept dancing on the wreckage.

The two corpses that were separated quickly fell to the ground from the air before they exploded with a bang, turning into two balls of gray gas and floating away, completely dead.

But Gu Zheng was delayed by the giant crab for a while, and looked forward again, but he had lost the trace of that figure.

"You run really fast, next time I meet you, I will definitely not spare you!" Gu Zheng snorted coldly, put his weapon back, and the green ring on his wrist turned into a green thread to wrap around it again.

Gu Zheng took out the white crystal nucleus again, and after sensing the correct direction for a while, he found that his path was a bit off, adjusted it, and continued to fly away.

Now is not the time to find the other party, the most important thing now is to go to the place of sacrifice.


After half a day, Gu Zheng obviously found something different, because at this time the Yin Feng hadn't appeared, let alone, and the surrounding black wood had gradually become sparse, and it obviously felt like he was about to go out.

Gu Zheng continued to move forward while keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Gradually, even the whistling screams disappeared, and even the faint gray fog in the sky was somewhat reduced, and the surroundings were extremely clear to the eyes.

"Could it be that you have already passed through the black forest?" Gu Zheng continued to move forward, secretly thinking in his heart, but he also shook his head looking at the distant mountain peak through the gap between the forests.

Looking at it from my position, the mountain peaks are much closer, but at most I have come to the center, at least it will take many days to get there.

Stopped and continued to sense the spar, the path he was on was not wrong, and then continued to fly forward.

After half a day's work, Gu Zheng stopped in his tracks, because an unusual place appeared in front of him at this time.

This is a place like a valley, the surrounding area is not blocked by rocks, but densely packed branches, like rocks, tightly blocking the rest of the passage, it is as high as tens of feet, unless you fly over, otherwise It can only pass through the valley, and there is only an entrance about tens of feet wide in front of it.

But the black mist filled the entrance, as if it was real, and even blocked Gu Zheng's consciousness, and he didn't know what was inside.

Feeling that the guidance of the spar was indeed passing through this valley, Gu Zheng hesitated a little, and instead of going in first, he swept around to see if there was a way to bypass it.

Half a day later, Gu Zheng came back here again, and with a layer of yellow light on his body, he walked directly towards the entrance, and was swallowed in a blink of an eye.

There are all these branches in other places, and they are very hard. Even if Gu Zheng tried his best, he could only leave a white mark on it. After seeing everything around him like this, he knew that even if he went to other places, There must be another valley waiting for me.

This place is like a pass, which is firmly blocked. If you want to pass through, you must go in.

As soon as he entered the black mist, his eyes were pitch-black, and he could only see tens of feet away. No matter how far away, he couldn't tell the surrounding situation clearly, but Gu Zheng knew that he just had to move forward.

Moreover, the black mist was like a swamp, which greatly reduced Gu Zheng's walking speed. Even if he wanted to break through quickly, he could only move forward at a relatively slow speed.

And when I came in, the long-lost voice sounded again in the air, the sharp and weird voice that seemed to be crying like a baby, ignoring Gu Zheng's protection, and went straight to the depths of my mind.

Although the intensity of the sound was not as loud as before, and sometimes it even stopped to take a breath, it sounded here very quickly, without any pattern at all.

But that power is greater than before, and it is impossible to guard against.

Feeling the surroundings, Gu Zheng slowed down a little again, and was vigilant towards the surroundings.

Not long after entering, I suddenly found a figure standing in front of me, with a gray robe covering most of his head, and the other party lowered his head suspiciously, so he couldn't see the other party's face clearly.

However, when Gu Zheng saw it, Erhua rushed forward at an accelerated speed and punched the opponent's head.

And the opponent seemed to have not reacted, standing still, not even willing to defend.

But when the fist shadow touched the opponent's body, he was shocked to find that it was just a phantom. As the ripples rose again, the scattered phantom of the opponent gathered again. He raised his bloodless face and looked at it with scarlet eyes. Ancient dispute.

"Go back, arrogant humans, this is not a place for you to set foot, or you will regret it."

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