Here, after Gu Zheng disappeared into the channel, he took back his magic weapon, and at the same time completely detonated the channel, making the channel completely useless, and no one can use it again.

Under the deliberate detonation of Gu Zheng, the cave finally couldn't support it, and began to collapse, and the underground river below was sealed together, except for the entrance, which was still preserved, but it could no longer be entered.

And the figure in the passage is running fast along the only road, followed by the sound of an explosion closely behind.


Following a few loud screams, three figures suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the mountain.

"Help, Elder Gu!"

Ying Shao watched herself fall from the sky, hundreds of meters above the ground, and couldn't help shouting.

But at this moment, Gu Zheng was still running towards him inside, and there was no time to rescue him.

Ying Shao watched the big tree below getting closer to her, couldn't help closing her eyes, and shouted.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Crackling sounds continued to be heard from the branches, and a figure smashed through countless branches and leaves from the air, and finally fell from the top to the bottom.

There was a muffled "bang", and a large pit in the shape of a human appeared below.

"It hurts me to death!"

Ying Shao climbed up from the pit below, while shouting helplessly.

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures landed firmly beside her, they were Luo Xin and Elder Ye.

"Why don't you help me, you almost scared me to death!" Ying Shao looked at the dust all over her body and said aggrievedly.

"It's not too late for us, let's clean it up quickly, or you will be so dirty, the young master won't like it!" Luo Xin also felt a little helpless, who would have thought that Ying Shao couldn't even control her figure, so she just It fell straight down like a stone. Fortunately, the skin was rough and the flesh was thick, and the height was not high, so nothing happened.

When Ying Shao heard it, a blue light flashed in his hand, and a layer of water mist appeared all over his body. When the water mist disappeared, all the mess disappeared.


The nearby mountain shook for a while, and at the same time, a figure also flew out from the position where they had just come out.

As soon as the figure came out, the entrance of the cave was completely collapsed and blocked.

"Are you all right! I thought I heard screams just now."

Gu Zheng paused in the air for a while, and saw the three people below, and they came to them in a flash. Seeing the strange atmosphere, he couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, when I came down just now, I accidentally saw some flying insects, which scared me." Ying Shao explained quickly with her face flushed.

"It's fine, let's go, Elder Ye made you suffer!" Gu Zheng was puzzled, he clearly remembered that not long ago, she still said that she liked bugs, but why she hated them here again is really incomprehensible.

But he still told Elder Ye that just now, in order to speed them up, he manually threw them out of the back half, almost the tip of his nose was against the wall, and a little movement could collide with them.

"It's okay. Speaking of it, I still thank you. I can't thank you for actually saving me from there at such a great risk." Elder Ye looked at Gu Zheng and said with some emotion. To be honest, he really planned to died there.

"It's all my own, so I should go to rescue you. As soon as I came here, a passage appeared in front of me. It seems that God asked me to save you. Otherwise, I really don't have the confidence to escape from there." .” Gu Zheng laughed.

"Fate! Who would have thought of that." Elder Ye sighed, and he almost escaped, thanks to Gu Zheng knocking him out.

"My lord, where are we going next?" Ying Shao recovered her mood from the side, looked at this strange place, and asked.

"Of course, go to the place I've always wanted to go. With me here, you can rest assured that no one dares to bully you!" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

After Gu Zheng and his group stayed for a while, under the leadership of Elder Ye, they began to move towards Jishi Village.

However, they were not advancing very fast, because when they left, there was still war over there. Even if they rushed back quickly now, they couldn't get close. It would be terrible if they were discovered.

On the other hand, during the ancient battle, a mark would be left every once in a while. Although they were very puzzled, they didn't ask.

The secret whistle along the way was gone because of the war. Gu Zheng and Elder Ye walked ahead and discussed other things together.

From the cultivation to the scenery outside, from the events of Xingcai's childhood, and some secrets here, the two communicated with each other.

And Luo Xin in the back is having a headache. Facing Ying Shao who is full of curiosity, she feels like she is taking care of a child. She is very tired. She follows her around everywhere, trying to taste different things. Also to tease those ferocious beasts.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng put a breath on her, otherwise she would have provoked a few monsters in the fairy stage several times, and the two of them would have become each other's belly.

Facing the ferocious beast, she really didn't know why she turned into a cute little girl when she was in Ying Shao's mouth, and she still wanted to touch him, or even touch them if it was too much, that's fine, but why did she have to Going to ride them, I was scared to death, and I kept muttering that it was fun.

Get rid of it, you are a demon race that can transform, and your potential is much greater than theirs.

Of course, in the end, that tiger-like monster was still ridden by Ying Shao.

At that time when he decided to eat some Ying Shao, he saw Gu Zheng's figure, looked at it coldly from the side, and immediately bent down with a ferocious body, which made Ying Shao very happy.

The only good thing is that Ying Shao didn't force others, and left after playing for a while.

Every day, Yingshao's happy voice would be heard beside Gu Zheng, and a somewhat helpless voice would explain to her.

Stop and go, half a year of work has passed.

But at this time, they were not far from Jishi Village. At this time, they stayed beside a forest, and there was a gap of grassland ahead. After walking forward for a few days, they could reach Jishi Village.

This place, when following Manli last time

"My lord, my lord, there is no more fighting ahead, we can go directly!" Ying Shao, who volunteered to go out to investigate the situation, ran over and shouted loudly.

Gu Zheng knew it was over long ago, but he didn't take her kindness into consideration, so he let her run a few times to vent her untired spirit along the way.

"You are so careless, you don't even know the tail behind you!" Gu Zheng shook his head, and waited until they ran here before saying.

"Tail, what is a tail, sister Luo Xin's tail?" Ying Shao blushed because of excitement, turned her head to look behind her curiously, then ran behind Luo Xin, pointing to the little tail and said.

"Don't make trouble, sir, didn't you mean my tail!" Luo Xin tucked her tail in her clothes, blushing slightly.

"What the hell is that? Who else has a tail besides you?" Ying Shao's eyes slowly looked at Elder Ye, as if she was referring to him.

"Don't look, it's us" Luo Xin explained weakly.

"Elder Ye, let's go now, the other party has already gone back." Gu Zheng said to Elder Ye.

Those spies, after seeing Gu Zheng's side, left quickly, and it is estimated that they will report it soon.

The four of them moved forward again, soon Ying Shao forgot the question just now, and went looking for some interesting things nearby with great interest.

When they accelerated their pace and walked the distance of dressing up, they could see the huge city wall from here, only then did they see dozens of people flying out of the city and rushing towards them.

The leader is a middle-aged man with a square face and a strong body. He can feel the righteousness at a glance. This kind of person is very reassuring and convincing.

Behind him, there were humans with different cultivation levels, and they all looked at Elder Ye next to Gu Zheng with surprise.

"Haha, this little brother looks a little strange!" The middle-aged man here laughed as soon as he came up, instead of saying hello to Elder Ye, he said to Gu Zheng.

"Uncle, I'm also the first to come here, and it's normal for everyone to see me strangely!" Gu Zheng said slightly respectfully to the middle-aged man in front of him.

The opponent's brows are very similar to Xingcai, and his unfathomable cultivation is enough to prove that the opposite is the village head of Jishi, Xingcai's father.


And the other party must know that he has arrived. You must know that you have sent back the token on your body. Others don't know, so doesn't it mean he doesn't know either?

Xingba was very satisfied with Gu Zheng's attitude, and he took back his aggressive aura.

"Hehe, it turned out to be an ancient dispute. When we met suddenly, I didn't dare to admit it. I heard Cai'er told you that last time you were supposed to come back together, but some things were delayed." Xingba's expression made people feel comfortable. Smile, said with a smile.

"It is indeed a delay, I will come back as soon as this is resolved." Gu Zheng's figure moved a little to the side, because the person next to Xingba had already walked over, walking towards Elder Ye.

"Who are those two?" Xingba looked at the two trembling people behind Gu Zheng, and asked involuntarily.

"This time I was able to rescue Elder Ye, thanks to them, they are our own people!" Gu Zheng turned to look at them, gave them a reassuring look, and then said to Xingba.

"Okay, but this is not the place to talk, let's go back first." Xingba waved his hand, not only to Gu Zheng, but also to other people.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Soon, in a relatively large mansion, a living room was already filled with all kinds of delicious dishes. Gu Zheng was sitting on the left hand side of Xingba, while Ying Shao and the others were already sitting in the back.

Ying Shao was drooling desperately looking at the dishes above, but luckily got Gu Zheng's order, and did not rush to eat, while Luo Xin sat on the side in a well-behaved manner, looking at Ying Shao from time to time, always afraid that the other party would do something wrong. An irrational move, but it's okay so far, but I still can't rest assured.

There were more than a dozen people around the table, and the others were from Jishi Village with different auras, both men and women. Everyone looked at Gu Zheng with strange eyes, which meant a trial, which made Gu Zheng feel a little uncomfortable.

It seems that this should be the core figure of the cornerstone, but what makes Gu Zheng strange is that Xingcai does not appear here.

When the last dish was served, Xing Ba, who was sitting on the main seat, stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand and said.

"Gu Zheng, thank you very much for rescuing Elder Ye this time. For this, all of us are very grateful. I thank you on behalf of everyone!"

As soon as the words fell, Xingba drank it up, and then turned the cup over, drinking without leaking a drop, not even giving Gu Zheng a chance to speak.

"Uncle Ba, we are all one family. There is nothing to thank. You must know that Elder Ye loved Xingcai very much in the past. This is what I should do." After he finished drinking, Gu Zheng also stood up, and then smiled wryly. Said, and at the same time drank the wine in front of him in one gulp.

"Hehe, sit down, start, start, talk while eating, it's been a hard journey, don't be too polite!" Xingba said with a smile.

"Start it!" Ying Shao became excited when she heard Xing Ba's words, and quickly grabbed a barbecue in front of her.

"Slow down, don't be so fast, no one will grab you." Luo Xin patted her forehead, and then said helplessly, she couldn't hear what she said, sometimes she promised well, but I haven't waited here Feeling relieved, he turned his head and forgot what he had said.

Others didn't feel angry when they saw Ying Shao's scene, because they could see through Ying Shao at a glance. Although the other party was not a human being, they still appreciated her pure job, so they didn't care about Ying Shao at all. Seems like some unruly behavior.

Everyone followed Xingba to some extent, and then some people began to ask Elder Ye how he came back.

Of course, Elder Ye knew in his heart why he came out, but that was a bit shameful, but he probably knew a part of it, so he just said a few more words, anyway, everyone didn't know.

Indeed, no one doubted what he said.

"Tsk tsk, did you see that, if I had known I would have doubled Xingcai, maybe at some point, I would be in danger, and you would take the risk for me and save my life, right, Elder Ye!" A person next to him deliberately joked.

"Hehe, where, I also entrusted Xingcai's blessing, otherwise I thought I would not be able to come back!" Elder Ye said with some joy, but his eyes glanced at Gu Zheng, everyone smiled knowingly, see what he means.

Not to mention the heated discussion around Elder Ye, Gu Zheng and Xingba also chatted happily here.

After a few chats, Gu Zheng finally couldn't help raising the question in his heart.

From Xingba's point of view, Gu Zheng should be the person Xingcai brought back. It is estimated that except for Elder Lei Ye and a few people, they don't know what Xingcai thinks.

"Uncle Ba, why didn't I see Xingcai? Could it be that I was injured in the battle some time ago?"

"Xingcai!" Speaking of Xingcai, Xingba's excited face suddenly became a little silent.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to Xingcai?" Gu Zheng felt a little bit in his heart, feeling something was wrong, and said immediately.

"Then, did Xingcai leave here ten years ago, after Elder Ye was captured, and went to the Black Dragon City deep inside?"

"Black Dragon City? What are you going there for?" Gu Zheng didn't know where the Black Dragon City was, but something was wrong with the star he saw, and he didn't know what was going on.

"That's it, there's nothing to hide. Originally in the middle of our cornerstone village, there was an altar below. A treasure was once enshrined. It is an extremely powerful magic weapon in itself, and more importantly, it can convert black energy into a Another energy, the power is amazing."

What Xingba said, Gu Zheng also probably understood a little bit. He thought of the black lightning, which was so powerful, it turned out to be condensed together with black energy.

"So, there is a permanent black air below?" Gu Zheng suddenly thought of this question.

"That's right, that's why we are stationed here, and we are so strong, but the most important thing is that the treasure is lost, and the deterrent to the monster clan on the opposite side is greatly reduced, and the opponent's offensive is so frequent." Xingba was surprised. He took a look at Gu Zheng, but thought that maybe his daughter told him this, so he didn't think much about it.

"With that precious gourd, it can be said that it will definitely make the other party afraid. If I use it to a certain extent, I will even bring down General Zuo on the opposite side!" There was a flash of anger.

They are old rivals, they know the basics, and almost no one can do anything to each other.

"Does that have something to do with Xingcai going to Black Dragon City?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"Of course it has something to do with it. The treasure gourd is lost, and the people I sent haven't returned yet. After Elder Ye was captured, Xingcai decided to go to the sacrificial place by herself to find another treasure and enshrine it in order to let us When I became stronger, when I knew, she had already left Black Dragon City." Xingba raised the wine glass in his hand and said bitterly.

"I brought this treasure back from the sacrificial place. I was the only one who came back out of fifty outstanding talents. I only brought this one thing back, and it was sent out. Because of this, I have some chances. Advance to Da Luo in a few years."

"As for Xingcai going alone this time, I can't stop it!"

He would rather not have those treasures than Xingcai to take risks.

"The place of sacrifice?" Gu Zheng was stunned, thinking to himself, could there be any inheritance left by the great power here.

Perhaps because he saw Gu Zheng's doubts, Xingba continued.

"It is said that this place used to be the habitat of a black dragon. There are monster races enshrining him here, and of course there are humans enshrining them. The black dragon did not discriminate against them and taught them skills. However, one day later, the black dragon fell into the forest due to some reasons. Here, Yunmeng Swamp is formed. It is said that these mountains, land, and black air are all left over from the black dragon. Even now, there are still some remaining demons enshrining the black dragon. I firmly believe that it is just sleeping and will wake up one day. .”

"They are so united that we collectively call them the Dark Ones."

"The monster race has the inheritance land of the monster race, and the human race also has the inheritance land of the human race. Inside are the tombs of the former strong, and they have left a lot of good things for the younger generations, but going deep into the north, the risk is particularly high. All kinds of wonderful natural barriers, if you are strong, he will be strong, if you are weak, he will still be strong, even if it is me, even the two peaks of the monster race, I dare not try it easily, because it is a road of death Lu, so far, hundreds of human monster peaks have died on the way there, and they have not returned."

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