
An even louder sound sounded in the cave, and at the same time, a spray of water sprayed in from the broken ice seal.

The figure of Gu Zheng was next to a jade ring in an instant, he stretched out his hand to grab it, put it on his wrist and disappeared.


There was a flash of blue light in Gu Zheng's hand, and another blue beam of light was shot towards the iceberg in front of him. At the bottom of the water outside, countless water flows frantically rushed towards the iceberg, and the entire iceberg was growing rapidly. Those broken gaps also began to heal quickly.

It seems that within an hour or three quarters, the entire iceberg will be able to recover as before.

But the enemies below will not let Gu Zheng get what he wants. They don't know what happened inside, but they have already felt the death of their companions outside.

In fact, the three of them were also responsible for this place, but it happened that they were going to catch a precious beast, so they ran far away.

After perceiving what happened here, they desperately felt back, who would have thought that something would happen on their side.

"Get out of the way, look at me!" One of the men with red eyes saw that the iceberg in front of him returned to normal again, and with a flick of his hand, a black dagger appeared in his hand.

When the other two saw it, they backed away tacitly. Naturally, the dagger was powerful.

The red-eyed man picked up the dagger in his hand and slashed lightly at his arm. Suddenly, a large amount of blood flowed out from above, but he didn't take the black dagger to absorb it all.

The dagger that was originally dark now, after absorbing the blood, turned a little red, as if it was breathing, and the whole body suddenly became bigger and smaller.

The red-eyed man saw that it was almost the same, and took the dagger away from his arm. A black light flashed across his arm, and the wound healed instantly.


The red-eyed man here threw the dagger forward, and the whole dagger began to tremble in his hand, and the surrounding water boiled a little.

In just one breath, a red light flashed on the dagger, and around the iceberg, thousands of daggers suddenly appeared around, and the reddish light emitted from the body made the surroundings red , as soon as it appeared, it rushed towards the iceberg.

The extremely solid iceberg, like tofu, was stabbed in by thousands of daggers, and countless cracks appeared on the large iceberg below. Before the surrounding water could repair it, most of the iceberg shattered.


A strange wave sounded in the water, and a small half of those blood-red daggers trembled slightly outside, one after another red light connected to each other on them, and a light red shield appeared below, covering all the surrounding water flow. Isolated from the outside, no matter how much the other party wants to squeeze in, they are blocked from the outside.

The remaining red daggers continued to cut towards the remaining icebergs. Without the supplement of water flow, the hill-like hill was quickly cut into a piece, and even through the thin layer of ice, one could see There is a clearer figure inside.

"Get ready, let's go up together."

At this moment, the red-eyed man spoke to his companion.

The movement of the hand was sideways again, and the daggers in the red light began to merge into the black wall in the middle. After the last red dagger merged, under the flash of the black light, the ice hole that originally blocked them was instantly blasted open.

The three people who were prepared rushed in from the hole at the same time the moment the hole exploded.

"Damn it, they're all dead, it's going to be bad!"

As soon as the three of them rushed in, they saw corpses all over the ground, and there were pools of blood under their feet.

"Who the hell are you? How did you know this place, and how did you bring this prisoner out of the Southern Demon City!" Looking at the still unopened hole and the three people beside him, the red-eyed man frowned and stepped forward. One step later, he asked Gu Zheng as if he was interrogating a prisoner.

Behind one of them was a human man, who was very thin and thin. When he spoke, his figure swayed in place, and he came to the three people, stretched out his hand on them, and was caught immediately, pulling the three of them there. The only entrance to the cave also completely blocked Gu Zheng's retreat.

And the other person, a human woman, threw a plate-shaped magic weapon at the hole behind her. As the air grew larger, it happened to block the only entrance without leaving a single gap, completely obliterating the ancient magic weapon. Fight to get stuck here.

Gu Zheng didn't talk nonsense, but his eyes were fixed on Yu Guang, who occasionally looked at the passage over there, and the thin man who was stationed stood in the middle of the cave, guarding against him.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, now he is trapped here by us, and I have notified the nearby reinforcements, they will come over soon, catch him and question him soon!" The woman behind him said coldly Said.

"That's right, but be careful, the other party is very capable of killing his companion in such a short period of time, he has two hands!" the red-eyed man said carefully.


The woman drew out half of the clear water long sword, and stood beside the man, staring at him.

The two suddenly launched an attack on Gu Zheng without any warning, but the man didn't bring any weapons and rushed up with his bare hands.

The sons and daughters were a little behind. When Gu Zheng was attracted by him, he rushed up directly from the side, with the long sword in his hand flashing blue, and slashed at Gu Zheng's left arm.

But before that, the red-eyed man had already rushed over, a mass of red light condensed in his hands, with infinite momentum, even if there was a high mountain in front of him, it seemed like he would break it with a punch.

However, that fist was blocked by a fist with the same golden light halfway, and the two collided heavily in the air, and a strong red air wave rushed out in the air.

The strong red mist covered most of the cave, and Gu Zheng's sight was inevitably disturbed.

It's now!

The woman who was a little slower was waiting for this opportunity, because no matter how the opponent responded, the red mist that filled the sky would be rushed out by him, but even the opponent's spiritual consciousness could be paralyzed.

The long sword that was still in the air turned suddenly, and the blue sword that had cut off the arm turned towards Gu Zheng's head.

Don't look at what they said just now that they want to capture each other, the right way is to kill the opponent in the blink of an eye if there is a chance, they all know this.


A sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded in the air, and the woman suddenly found that the blue sword in her hand was tightly held by both hands, and she couldn't pull it out no matter how hard she tried.


A purple lightning jumped up from the blue sword and rushed towards the woman along the blade, scaring her to let go of the weapon in her hand immediately. She didn't want to experience the menacing lightning for herself.


At the same time, there were several sounds of physical collisions in the air, and a figure retreated from the red mist.

A breeze rose out of nowhere, completely blowing away the red mist, revealing the entire cave again.

Gu Zheng still stood where he was, with one hand in the shape of a fist and the other tightly holding a normal weapon, and the corner of his mouth looked at the two opposite people sarcastically.

The woman and the man in red looked at each other, and the fear in each other's eyes could be seen in their eyes. The opponent was too strong. In the face of two attacks in one round, they could be knocked out.

"You don't move, it's my turn!"

Gu Zheng grabbed the long sword in his hand fiercely, and a black air burst out from the palm of his hand. Such a good-quality weapon was abruptly broken in two by Gu Zheng.

Such a violent move made all three of them gasp. This physical strength was stronger than theirs, not to mention his strength, which shocked them even more.

"Don't move, if you move your partner, you will die!" The thin man, seeing Gu Zheng's figure just about to move, immediately shouted loudly, and at the same time pulled one of the men in front of him, holding one hand tightly His neck, as long as his hand is crooked, this person will die immediately.

"My lord, save me, I don't want to die, my lord!" The kidnapped man immediately yelled at Gu Zheng. His whole body, which was trembling at the beginning, was trembling even more now. If it wasn't for the kidnapping man , and supported his back with the other hand, I am afraid that the whole person has been lying down.

"It's up to you, anyway, their usefulness is over, and I also want to thank you for cleaning it up for me, saving me the trouble." Gu Zheng showed a hint of sarcasm, as if he didn't care about his life or death.

"My lord, don't!" The man shouted in despair, as if he couldn't believe that he was abandoned.

"Shut up!" The thin man disliked this man's irritability, and directly sealed the other party's mouth, which made him a little cleaner.

"Stop watching those shrimps, let's deal with him together!"

Here, the man in red and the woman had a discussion, and felt that even if they took him down, they would be severely injured, so the three of them joined forces to deal with each other.

"Understood!" The thin man was taken aback, tied up the hostages in his hand, and thoughtfully put a layer of protection on them. One of these people should be taken back safely, and the other two should be interrogated carefully. usefulness.

At this time, the man in red took out the dagger again, while the woman took out a magic weapon in the shape of a jade hairpin, as if to protect them from the side.

After the thin man settled them, a black mist spewed out from the air, forming a knife and a shield in front of him in the blink of an eye, the black knife fell into his palm by itself, and the black shield automatically clasped on his arm, heading towards Gu Zheng. Edge jumped over.

Here they also know that if they want to launch a large-scale magic attack, the opponent may not be injured yet, but their own people will be dealt with instead. The best way is to attack from close quarters.

At the same time as he was moving, the red-eyed man clenched the dagger in his hand and rushed over, while the woman muttered, the jade hairpin in her hand shone with emerald green light, and a green light as thick as a baby's arm condensed from it, as if Like a rope, it shot towards Gu Zheng.

Seeing the three of them flanking each other, Gu Zheng thought to himself, now Ying Shao and the others should have walked a lot of distance, but it is far from where he left off, and he still needs to delay for a while before they can completely get rid of them. To get behind.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng looked at the flanking attack, stomped his feet, and a black shield immediately rose.

In the face of the siege of three people, I'd better be on the safe side, especially in this narrow range where I can't use my body, so I'll block the opponent's wave of air attacks first.

"boom boom"

Continuous explosions rose in the small cave, and countless vigor raged towards the surroundings. Under such a blow, the corpses turned into a puddle of mud, and blood splashed, almost staining the cave with blood. Adult hell.

However, Gu Zheng didn't keep defending completely. After overcoming the opponent's first wave of strong attacks, he also fought against the opponent again. It's just that he attacked less and defended more, but he didn't fall into a disadvantage.

This made Red Eye and the three of them very surprised. When did humans produce such a powerful character again, no wonder the other party had the confidence to go here alone. Maybe it was an elite cultivated by the human family.

Now the three of them let go of their hands, wanting to keep Gu Zheng, even the human being they wanted to protect had been forgotten.

I just want to keep the ancient dispute.


Gu Zheng let out a muffled snort, and the outer defense was broken by the opponent, and he slammed into the wall heavily, bringing down a lot of stone wall debris.

"cough cough"

A mouthful of blood flowed from Gu Zheng's mouth. Gu Zheng stood up straight and wiped away the blood from his mouth. He was still a bit reluctant to face the siege of three people.

The other party is an experienced monster clan. I estimate that I can't deal with two, but if I have one more, I can't bear it. The other party's tacit cooperation is only a few hours. I can't stand it anymore.

But there is no need to fight with the other party anymore, seeing the other party's look of being determined by himself, Gu Zheng suddenly laughed silently.

In this weird situation, the three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what Gu Zheng was up to, and in this situation, they could still laugh.

But they also secretly became vigilant in their hearts, for fear that the other party would desperately pull the one on their side at the last moment. After this short battle, they knew that Gu Zheng was capable of pulling a person to be buried with him.

"Goodbye everyone!"

Gu Zheng chuckled, and the whole figure bumped into the wall next to it, and suddenly disappeared under their puzzled eyes.

"Not good!" The red-eyed man seemed to remember something, shouted, and then shot the dagger in his hand towards the three unconscious people lying on the ground over there.

"Puff puff"

There were three consecutive soft sounds, and a dagger was inserted into the heart of each person, cutting off the vitality in their bodies instantly. As their bodies twitched a few times, the spells cast by Gu Zheng on their bodies also became invalid, revealing what they are.

It was their former companions who had died a long time ago.

The remaining two were stunned. They had been deceived from the very beginning, especially the skinny man. He didn't find anything abnormal under his nose, which made him a little crazy.

Seeing that realistic passage, the thin man frantically punched there, a tyrannical fist rushed towards that side, but when he was about to touch, a blue light flashed from the sky, blocked that attack.


A bright blue light exploded from the sky, the extreme brightness made the three of them unable to see anything but the blue light, after a breath, the blue light disappeared from the sky, at the same time the false passage became a wall, and Gu Zheng disappeared The covered passage in the place also leaked out again.

"Do you want to chase, I think it's a dead end!" The woman hesitated, but she still asked her mind.

"Don't chase, since the other party left at this time, I'm afraid the other party has already left this passage, and if we are halfway, this passage collapses again, then you will be trapped here for life and death." The man in red was cold. Said.

It's not that I don't know how hard the stone is. Coupled with the black wind that penetrates all the time, I am really trapped in the middle. I am afraid that rescue will not come before I die.

The woman didn't speak, but stood there silently, looking at the dark passage.


After only half a stick of incense passed, there was a deafening sound in the passage, and with the sound of gravel falling, including the top of this cave, gravel had already begun to fall. After repeated battles, this cave could no longer support Stay, it looks like it's about to collapse.

"Let's go, this time we have to question the Fan family, and killed so many of our brothers!" Seeing that the surrounding collapse is getting worse and worse, and if they don't leave, they will overwhelm this place, the red-eyed man finally gave an order and said.

The three of them jumped into the water again one after another and swam out at top speed.

"Damn it, who is that person? Why is he so strong? Is he a strong human who followed Luo Xin?"

Above the sky, the woman looked at the vibration below, and said with cloudy eyes.

"I don't know. I don't know how the other party came into the city. You must know that the detection array has never failed. It seems that I will report it and upgrade the array again!" The red-eyed man looked at the gradually calming down, Also said angrily.

"I suddenly thought of someone. I sensed some aquarium breath in that cave. Could it be the elder of the aquarium who came out suddenly?" The thin man suddenly remembered something, and said with some uncertainty.

"Let's go back and report to the general!"

The three figures left here quickly, two of them flew towards Nanguan, and the other went to inform the reinforcements not to come.

Five days later, in the camp in front of Jishi Village, the red-eyed man and woman reported to the general what they had encountered, including the guess of the elders of the Shui tribe.

"Impossible, what is the ancient dispute? If it wasn't for him, I would have died. What's more, the other party was seriously injured. If the general didn't help, he would have almost died. If I can hide it from you, how can I hide it from the general. "

As soon as they slandered Gu Zheng in this way, Man Li, who was listening on the sidelines, jumped out first.

"And I personally sent him back and watched him retreat. Could it be that I am an accomplice?" Man Li said angrily.

Fan Lang on the side nodded, even Fan Lang and the others didn't believe in this matter, because Fan Lang might be able to do it in his heyday against three of the same rank, but not only him, many people also saw it with their own eyes. In the case of Gu Zheng, it took only half a month, and no good panacea could cure it.

"Okay, maybe it's a human expert hiding in the Aquarium, or maybe the other party's talent is similar to that of the Aquarium, but the elder of the Aquarium is definitely not." After listening to the general, he said to them slowly, this matter has come to a conclusion .

The generals decided it wasn't, so it definitely wasn't.

"You will be punished when you go back. Now we are going to go back. There is enough time this time. I will tell you now. After a hundred years, we will attack the opponent again and make more preparations when we go back."


Everyone promised.

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