"I'm going to take my sister there with me." Gu Zhengzheng also had many doubts in his heart, but he must not let Shuang'er stay here alone.

"Okay, no problem." Captain Qian just hesitated for a moment, and then readily agreed. Although there is only one person to follow, it is normal for his family to follow.

Gu Zheng nodded, and calmly led Shuang'er to follow Captain Qian. At this time, the young man from before had disappeared, and Gu Zheng asked curiously.

"Captain Qian, who was that person next to you just now? He looks very powerful."

"That person is the hope of our village today, the grandson of existence, and the first guy in history to cultivate internal strength. Now he is the captain of our village's guard team and the leader of all of us." Captain Qian said enthusiastically.

From his tone, Gu Zheng heard deep admiration, but thinking about it, so many auras, especially the absolute strength of the opponent, even if they don't go out and have no record, it will make people feel very safe.

But even so, Gu Zheng didn't think that the other party could kill the Qilin Beast, not to mention how much experience he had in combat, that is, he had no weapons to penetrate the scale armor, and nothing could block its red light, even now It can't block the opponent's attack.

When he came back, Gu Zheng also felt very lucky, because this was a pregnant woman who had been stimulated by the child being stolen and went crazy and lost her mind.

Otherwise, the opponent would usually pay close attention to his eyes, how could he be killed so easily by Gu Zheng? Of course, it was Shuang'er's secret help, after all, this was one of the opponent's few weaknesses.

After Gu Zheng and the two walked into a large hall, there were already a few sitting there. I saw an old man sitting in the middle, and said kindly.

"Please sit down, both of you. Since the two of you are destined to come here, it is also the fate of us all. We are both human races, and we will definitely help each other if we need anything. But let me introduce myself first, and then I will tell you if you have any questions." Confused."

Gu Zheng nodded, took Shuang'er to sit aside, and then looked around from the corner of his eye.

On both sides, I saw the young man before him at first glance, sitting here with his strength, and he didn't look awkward. At this moment, his eyes were really looking at Shuang'er, and those eyes were quite restrained, at least not The previous feeling of wanting to eat it all at once, but Gu Zheng saw that there was still a strange color flickering in it.

In another direction, there is also a gray-haired old man, but there is still a trace of black on the sideburns, which is not considered to be full of white hair, and he is looking at himself curiously.

"Our two brothers and sisters have nothing to say. When we were fighting for treasures above, a black mist surged out. We didn't even have time to run, so we were involved here. As for the identity, let's just treat it as a casual cultivator. There is basically no use here." Gu Zheng smiled freely, and after introducing their names, he said casually.

Seeing Gu Zheng return so vaguely, the old man also smiled.

"It's true, but I'm old and rude. I am the village head here, and next to us is an elder Tang. This is my grandson Chang Xi. In the future, you young people have the opportunity to communicate more." Chang said. When talking about his grandson, his tone was full of pride.

"Before you came, many people have already come here. Those who should be with you, other elders are arranging them, and I will introduce them to you when I have the opportunity."

"Xi'er, let's get acquainted. This son killed a Qilin beast by himself before. It can be said that it has been a long time since he has encountered such a character."

Village head Chang said to his grandson.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, please take care of me in the future." After Chang Xi heard this, he immediately stood up and said with a smile on his face. If it wasn't for the way Gu Zheng had seen him before, he would have been deceived by the other party's smile .

"No problem, please enlighten me if there is anything I don't understand in the future." Gu Zheng also smiled, stood up and said to the other party.

Seeing the peaceful atmosphere of the two people, Village Chief Chang laughed loudly and continued, "The two of you will live in our village from now on. We dare say that among all the villages, we have the best conditions. Without you After joining, it will be even better, and Flameproof will also welcome more newcomers to join in."

"If the village chief has anything to do, just tell me in the future, and I will do my best." Gu Zheng said with a smile on his face.

"Then let me thank you to the villagers first. You must know that in this dark place, no matter your immortal cultivators' mana, immortal energy or other things, including ordinary internal forces in the world, all of them cannot be used here, only some superficial ones. Only the martial arts and the power of darkness can be used by us." The village head Yaoyao cupped her hands at Gu Zheng and said,

"The power of darkness?" Gu Zheng's heart moved, and he suddenly asked.

"That's right. This is the unique power here. It's different from your mana outside. Although you can't release spells through him, you monks can use them to arrange some formations. When you come, you should see something on the wall. , and the green shield in the sky?" Chang Village Chief explained.

"Yes, is that the power of darkness?" Gu Zheng asked suspiciously.

"Not really, there are a lot of dark forces below the middle of the village, all of which are absorbed by the blue lightning above and condensed. It was arranged by a gentleman a long time ago. In order to build a real gathering place for everyone, only But even he can't use the power of darkness, everyone can only simply use those impure dark forces, that is, those green things." Village Chief Chang squeezed the long beard on his chin, and said slowly.

"Oh." Gu Zheng thought about the blue lightning in the sky thoughtfully. Could it be that is the real power of darkness? After hearing the name, Gu Zheng felt a shock in his heart, as if it had something to do with the evil power in his body. A little bit of the same.

Just like when you were in the human world, you only had a fifth-level cultivation base, but if the internal force in your body suddenly became the spirit of the fairy, then the lethality and various powers, although due to the reason of the realm, it is impossible to exert them to the extent that you are in the world. When it comes to the antenna, it is still much stronger than the fifth-order attack.

Switching to himself, it can be said that the mana he uses has become the immortal energy of Da Luo's state, but his hard power is not enough to exert the greatest power. When he is promoted to Da Luo, he can completely master it.

But at that time, it was easier to deal with enemies in the Golden Immortal Stage. Similarly, when dealing with enemies of the same level, even if they were weird, they were still stronger. It was impossible to exist like this invincible.

"Young Master Gu, is there anything else you want to ask?" Chang Village Chief said politely.

Gu Zheng pretended to ask some other side details. At this time, he was already a little absent-minded, and his whole mind was filled with the power of darkness. He had a feeling in his heart that this thing seemed to be able to replenish the evil power in his body.

The place where the evil force is stored is actually inside the demon grass. The demon grass doesn't know that it has become someone else's home. At this time, it seems to be in a deep sleep, and it doesn't respond at all, just like the situation of the seal.

In the end, when everyone understood Gu Zheng basically, the elder ordered his grandson to send Gu Zheng back. There are many houses here. Although it is simple and difficult, it is more than enough to allocate one house to each person.

On the way back, the blue lightning rain was still falling in the sky, but they couldn't hear any sound inside.

According to the village head, I don’t know how big this place is. If we continue to go out, there will be nothing but stones all over the sky. The ancestors once organized an expedition team, but it took two months to go. I didn't touch it, and it took the same time to come back, wasting a lot of supplies.

He knows that there are a total of six villages distributed here, four of which are human villages, all in the south direction, and two of the monster race, in the back direction.

Every time they are forced to come in, they will automatically divide their direction inside, and there will never be monsters on the human side, and the same is true on the other side, and they will never fall into humans.

And in the middle is their hunting ground, in which they also plant a kind of fern as their usual ration.

This is their staple food. Although the taste is very bad, it is enough to feed people, but even these are not enough, so they have to go to the middle to hunt all the time.

The land in the middle is very huge, but for a few days the road runs through it, dividing it into several pieces, and the place where Gu Zheng and the others landed is already close to the edge.

These lightnings will not cause any harm to the monsters here, and no matter how many generations they are human monsters, they will not be able to withstand them. As long as they are hit, they will be gasified in an instant. A long, long time ago, they lived underground, even Now, there is a village that also makes its home underground.

As for the left and right sides, there are many mountain peaks all over there, and the resources are even more abundant, but the world of ghost beasts there, although the number is rare, they are generally almost dead when they encounter human beings.

On the contrary, monsters can rely on their flexible stature and strong physique to hunt there. There are relatively more small creatures there, and they are still relatively weak.

But if you don't pay attention, you will be killed by Yin beasts, and the risk is actually similar to them.

And among them, there is a vortex, the only exit connecting the prehistoric. Of course, the danger is extremely high, and the geographical environment is also extremely harsh. Anyway, most people who want to go out with determination do not come back.

In addition to word of mouth, there was a person who went out, but that person was not from this village, and they didn't know the details. These were all things in the past. For them, this place can be said to be their home.

Born here, died here, the ancestors have been like this for generations, intermarried with other villages, sometimes they support each other, and survive in this world together,

They also understand Gu Zheng's thoughts, and they will probably be desperate after decades of being here. To be honest, this is the first time they have seen humans outside, but the village chief has sent someone to find out what's going on outside. When they come back, they will ask other people Elders will do.

Along the way, Chang Xi always wanted to get close to Shuang'er, but Shuang'er just ignored her, making Chang Xi's teeth itch, thinking in her heart, after a while, you will know the cruelty here, a world completely different from the outside world, you Just know how important it is if you are suffering.

Maybe at that time, Gu Zheng, who he didn't like, would eagerly send his sister's.

As for him killing the Qilin Beast, it can only be said that it was just a coincidence. He also heard the whole process at the first time. As long as anyone didn't panic at that time, the defenseless figure of the other party could kill the other party.

He didn't believe it, he was just physically stronger, no different from others, how could he have such a strong strength.

Even if you call the wind and call the rain outside, you have to be honest when you come here, otherwise there are plenty of ways to cure you.

After sending them to the place, Chang Xi went back directly. Some things still needed his grandfather's consent, but he believed that his grandfather would agree with his ideas, and it was not a big treasonous thing.

Gu Zheng's two gates and two houses are next to each other, and it seems that the other party is also very thoughtful.

Gu Zheng went in and took a look, it was indeed very simple, except for a stone bed and two worn-out clothes and quilts, there was only one stone cabinet for clothes, and the two did not even have a table, but there was no dust. It has been cleaned.

On the way, Chang Xi had already told them that if they wanted to eat, they should go to the east as a group first, and they would distribute some supplies later, as there was a shortage of supplies here.

After Shuang'er saw it, she immediately took the initiative to tidy it up, and at the same time, she took out Xin's clothes and quilts from her hands, and kept all the old ones aside, Gu Zheng didn't stop her.

"My lord, can we live together." Shuang'er said with a red face, seeing Gu Zheng looking over strangely, Sheng Po Gu Zheng misunderstood, and quickly explained.

"I'm terrified, I'd just sleep underground and I've got enough bedding."

"But this will damage your reputation, no way." Gu Zheng shook his head, no matter what Shuang'er said next, he just refused.

"Well, don't you have a bell? You put it by your side. Once I hear the sound, I will go over immediately. Besides, I will find a way to get out of here, and I will make it up." Finally, Shuang'er heard Gu Zheng say this. Only then did he leave unwillingly.

After a sleepless night, Gu Zheng knew that it was dawn in a burst of beating like a gong. There is no so-called dark and dawn here, but they are very smart to artificially create this kind of time.

Gu Zheng woke up early in the morning and found that Shuang'er had been waiting for him at the door, looking at the other party's haggard look, it seemed that he hadn't had a good rest all night.

The thunder calamity in the sky disappeared without knowing when, and it returned to the appearance that Gu Zheng came in to see.

Just at this time, a person hurried over, and there was no surprise after seeing Gu Zheng and the others getting up, so he directly informed them to go there for dinner.

Although Gu Zheng and Shuang'er were not hungry at all, they still followed.

Along the way, Gu Zheng also knew why that person fell in love with Shuang'er. I don't know if it was because of the bad climate here. Although the women here are not ugly, they are not beautiful and delicate, and they are nourished all year round. Bad, the skin looks a bit dull, even if the facial features are good-looking, they can't match their beauty.

When they came to a larger stone house, quite a few people had already gathered inside. There were at least a dozen people here, and some people from the village were eating beside them.

However, Gu Zheng didn't see Han Xiu and the others, and it seemed that they hadn't come here yet.

A man with the appearance of a chef said loudly to them tirelessly, "You only have free food for three days, and then you will have to exchange your labor for food."

While talking, he handed out some black bowls of things to them. These were their breakfasts.

Although they looked bad, they didn't cause trouble. After all, they had no cultivation base and were still in other people's territory. Of course they wouldn't make trouble, and some people even started to eat it impatiently.

Although their bodies don't need to eat at all now, after eating, they will relieve the body's consumption, at least they can maintain the strength of the body for a longer period of time.

As soon as Gu Zheng came in, the people inside looked up and screamed instantly, without even noticing that the contents of the bowl had been knocked over.

Such a move by him attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked at Gu Zheng. In a short time, almost half of the people had dropped their bowls, because they all recognized Gu Zheng as the Golden Immortal Senior who blocked them at first .

Gu Zheng looked at the dozen or so people below and retreated in unison, and saw that his eyes seemed to see hungry wolves, and they were like little white rabbits, as if they were far away from him, and their lives would not be in danger.

Gu Zheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Of course he knew that these people were robbing what he was protecting, and he felt a little guilty. That's why when he suddenly saw himself, he had such a big reaction. It is estimated that after a while, they will come back to their senses. At least I won't be afraid of settling accounts after autumn.

Gu Zheng was about to take Shuang'er in, when he suddenly felt the ground tremble, and a piercing hollow drum sounded in the village.

The strong man in the village who was eating inside immediately put down the food in his hands, and rushed out in an orderly manner.

At the same time, Gu Zheng also heard a rumbling sound coming from a distance, as if some huge monster was rushing towards the village.

Gu Zheng also looked puzzled, and followed them directly to see what happened.

At this time, only the person who came in from the outside was left, and one of them suddenly said, "Although that person is a senior of the Golden Immortal Stage, it seems that he should be the same as us when he comes here, with full mana, why should we be afraid of him?" .”

Only then did everyone realize that they were all the same at this time, maybe a group of themselves could kill each other, but no one wanted to do it, after all, the other party had nothing to grab at this time, and there was no deep hatred .

Immediately afterwards, they also hurried out. They were also very curious about what happened here. You must know that no one explained it to them in such detail, and they could only guess based on the rumors from the outside world.

Along the way, Gu Zheng saw everyone mobilized and stood towards the west wall, while Village Chief Chang was directing the crowd in the open space of the city gate, and there were a few more old men whom he had never seen before. are the remaining elders.

Although everyone's face was tense, everyone didn't feel flustered. Although they walked fast but in an orderly manner, they seemed to have experienced it many times.

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