
A painful voice suddenly sounded from Qilin Beast's mouth.

Even the fleeing young man couldn't help but glance back, which immediately stopped him in his tracks.

No one could believe that the young man was able to insert the spear into the flying unicorn beast at high speed, and a slight mistake would be the result of death.

At least not one of them has done it face-to-face, and everyone who has done so has died.

Finding out how much courage is needed, not only quick eyesight, quick hands,

The opponent's speed is so fast, it is not possible for them to keep up.

I saw the unicorn beast howling constantly on the ground. The huge pain made it almost lost its thinking. Its sharp claws kept scratching around indiscriminately, and at the same time, its body kept twisting back and forth, as if this would relieve its pain. .

Gu Zheng hastily protected Shuang'er and backed away again, fearing that she might accidentally hurt her, and at the same time picked up a spear from the ground again.

Although this spear may seem inconspicuous, the body of the spear is extremely hard, especially the pointed tip polished by white bones, which is even sharper than a good weapon.

However, after the young man just lost his mind for a while, he quickly moved towards the forest again, and finally stopped at the edge, because he had a feeling in his heart that it seemed that this newcomer who just came in from the outside world would create a miracle.

A miracle that has not been created for tens of thousands of years.

The whole scene was quiet, and everyone was still watching the smiling young man in the middle, as if everything could be resolved lightly for him.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the sky, and a large black cloud floated from nowhere above the sky, covering the entire sky, making the already dark environment even darker.

Blue lightning kept appearing in the clouds, adding a layer of bright blue to the world. Between thunder and lightning, from time to time, one or two directly fell from the sky and hit the ground.

There was a bit of panic among the crowd, because Lei Jie had already arrived, but seeing that the former captain was still looking ahead and did not give them any orders, they became quiet and continued to wait.

The Qilin Beast, who had buffered for a while, finally started fighting. At this time, the spear was also broken into two by the Qilin Beast due to the vibration of the distance, but there was still a small half of the spear stuck in its head.

"Can you still stand up?" Gu Zheng looked at Qilin Beast in amazement. With such a serious injury, he was already dead to the outside world, but he didn't expect the other party to stand up again, with the only eyes that had been hating all the time. Looking at himself, flames burst out all over his body, like a terrifying monster in this dark environment.

At this time, the oppressive atmosphere in the sky made Gu Zheng feel very uncomfortable. He felt that if he stayed like this, some bad things might happen, and he had to deal with the opponent with one blow.

Gu Zheng's lips moved, and Shuang'er behind him was taken aback, but soon tapped Gu Zheng's waist to show that he knew.

Anyway, her hands were always there, and no one could notice this small movement, except the young man directly opposite.

Under a huge blue lightning strike, which illuminated half of the sky, he clearly saw a white palm protruding out, grabbing the end of the spear, and a layer of black light quickly flashed into it. He fell into the spear, and then the sky fell into darkness again, covering his unbelievable expression.

His hands were trembling even more, knowing that there was something precious in his hands, he firmly controlled it not to move, but his body trembled uncontrollably.

One person and one beast were looking at each other, and as a huge lightning flashed across the sky again, illuminating the whole world, the Qilin beast rushed towards Gu Zheng with absolute momentum.

This time it was fully concentrated, its four hooves suddenly exerted force, and it rushed towards the opponent in an instant, and its whole body was ready to dodge the opponent at any time. Swallow it down, and tear all of them to shreds.

In just a short breath, he will pounce on the opponent, killing the humans hiding behind him together.

But it only saw the human opposite, raised his hand lightly, and the spear in his hand disappeared in front of his eyes. He didn't catch the trajectory of the opponent's weapon at all, and then his last intact eye suddenly felt a sharp pain, Even the forward figure was stopped by the opponent's huge inertia, stopped in place, and then it lost consciousness and fell into endless darkness.

While others were in the dim situation, they only saw Gu Zheng raised his hand, and the spear in his hand disappeared, and then Qilin Beast Que, who was supposed to rush up, trembled all over, and the disappearing spear was already accurate. Unmistakably hit the opponent's eyes.

Because the unusually conspicuous red has disappeared.

I saw the crimson figure swaying on the spot a few times, then took two small steps back, and then fell down without a sound, not even a howl.

Another blue lightning flashed from the sky, and everyone clearly saw that the Qilin beast was lying on the ground, not moving, with no breath, and it couldn't die anymore.

"Hurry up! Pull the wounded up quickly, pack up the lost things, and move quickly, or it will be too late to go back." Captain Qian reacted the fastest, and immediately gave orders to everyone.

Everyone who was standing still immediately started to act, everyone seemed to know what to do, and they started to get busy in an orderly manner without any panic.

And when the young man saw this scene, he hurried back and got up again.

At this time, the wind between the sky and the earth was getting stronger and stronger, and Captain Qian hurried to Gu Zheng's side, just in time to run here with his son.

"Father, look!" The young man showed a big white egg in his hand.

"You go back first, I'll talk to this young master first." Captain Qian said to his son.

No matter what the reason was, the other party killed the Qilin Beast, and Captain Qian had no choice but to be respectful, even changing the name.

"My lord, please allow me to give him the body of this Qilin beast."

At this time, the wind between heaven and earth was getting stronger and stronger, so Captain Qian's voice was all roaring, for fear that Gu Zheng could not hear clearly, but he didn't know Gu Zheng's name yet, so he could only speak safely.

"No problem, you can do whatever you want." Gu Zheng also replied loudly, looking at the other party's excited expression, he didn't know whether it was the dead body that was important, or seeing his son return safely. Anyway, for him, this thing was a little bit better for him Useless.

If you use this thing in exchange for their favorability towards yourself, maybe you can get some extra benefits for yourself at a critical moment, why not do it.

Hearing what he said, Captain Qian quickly motioned to a few people not far behind, and those people hurried up and began to carry the heavy corpse.

"Thank you for saving my son, thank you."

When Gu Zheng was walking towards the crowd, Captain Qian suddenly shouted loudly at Gu Zheng from behind.

Gu Zheng just paused and continued to walk forward, but no one noticed except Shuang'er.

He is a failed father, but also a great father.

At this time, most of the people had already gathered, watching Gu Zheng slowly approaching, everyone showed a pair of adoring eyes, and automatically opened a way for him.

When the two of them came to the innermost side of Han Xiu and the others, Ma Ji and Zheng Ming were admiring Gu Zheng.

"I can't see you coming, Fellow Daoist Gu, tell us secretly, are you the senior who came to snatch the treasure before?" Ma Ji glanced around secretly, and found that the humans here didn't pay attention to this place, secretly whispering in Gu Zheng's ear Said.

Gu Zheng shook his head without denying it, but cast his eyes on the man carrying the unicorn, but Han Xiu behind him had a strange light in his eyes, revealing a hint of deep thought.

"Let's go, everyone." Following Captain Qian's return and an order, everyone turned around and continued walking away from the forest.

Even the bodies of the casualties were taken away.

After walking for a full hour, I saw that the lightning had started to fall all over the sky, falling around from time to time, making a pothole, but everyone seemed to be used to it, and didn't care about the outside scene at all, but the pace of their steps accelerated a lot.

Gu Zheng saw that everyone in front of him didn't seem to be panting at all. From the beginning to now, everyone was walking at this slightly faster speed, but Ma Zi and the others next to him began to feel a little unstable.

Obviously, the people here seem to have practiced some superficial kung fu, and the strength of the body is at least second-order strength on the outside.

Everyone was beaming along the way. Although a few companions died, the harvest this time is definitely a bumper harvest, and the contribution after returning will definitely make people happy.

Moreover, that young man loved the big egg in his hand so much that he almost kept his eyes on it.

After walking again for half an hour, they saw a messy stone ground in front of them, which was completely different from the somewhat blackened soil under their feet.

The pile of stones that can't be seen at the end of the eye, all the sights are messy stones, this messy green is constantly exposed, there are some invisible green lines in these stones, which are very obvious in this dimness, giving people a kind of feeling. Very uncomfortable feeling.

"Hurry up, everyone, we'll be there soon." Captain Qian cheered everyone up.

It disappointed Han Xiu who thought he had arrived at the place. They were already very tired at this time, but they still cheered up and followed each other.

Seeing that Gu Zheng and Shuang'er are still the same as before, with relaxed expressions, I am really envious.

But after walking for a long time, a tall shadow appeared in front of him, and the speed of the figure in front accelerated a lot. It seemed that the front should be in the other party's village.

A little closer, a tall stone wall appeared in front of them. These stone walls were all built piece by piece with gigantic boulders that were about twenty or thirty feet high.

In the cracks of the stone wall, some green rays of light filled both sides, much like the thing in the gravel underneath before, and above the stone wall, there would be a green light the size of a millstone at every distance, emitting With a green light, it looks extremely strange.

In the middle of a huge stone gate that fell halfway down, there were a few guards with weapons on the side of the wall, standing there anxiously. After discovering them, they immediately shouted something in surprise.

But the distance is too far, coupled with the roar of the sky, Gu Zheng can't hear clearly at all, but you don't need to guess and you know that they have been waiting for these people here.

After everyone hurried in, the stone door fell heavily, and Gu Zheng saw a green light curtain rising from this small village, isolating all noises outside.

A lot of people had already gathered inside, and some people stopped paying attention to them after they looked at Gu Zheng and the newcomers curiously.

They gathered around those people one after another, asking when will this time be.

When everyone opened their belongings, everyone became excited, and the bloody pieces of meat made them extremely excited.

Gu Zheng observed them with a frown. It seemed that there was a shortage of food here. Their eyes were shining brightly, as if they hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and most of them were thin and weak, and they looked a little depressed.


After the body of that Qilin beast was unveiled to everyone, everyone became even more uproarious, and everyone's face flushed with excitement, as if they were looking at another amazing treasure.

Gu Zheng looked away from there, took two steps outside, and took a rough look at the outline of the entire village.

The entire village is surrounded by that kind of tall city walls, and all the buildings in the village are also made of the dark green stone outside. Although the outside is very dark, the brightness in the village is still good, but all of them are green. It makes people uncomfortable for a while.

Moreover, the village is big enough, and all the houses are designed to be far apart, which looks like a gap, but what attracted Gu Zheng's attention the most is that the high platform in the middle of the village is taller than all the houses. A few heads up, so you can see it at a glance.

The entire top was filled with green air, and a thigh-thick green beam of light shot straight into the sky. It turned out that the shield outside the village was transformed by it.

At this time, the lightning outside flashed a flash of extreme blue, and the whole world seemed to turn blue. Even with the isolation of this protective shield, everyone still heard a deafening thunder.

Han Xiu and the others were frightened, but these ordinary people didn't react at all, only some children seemed to know it a long time ago and covered their ears.

Countless blue lightnings fell down like rain, dense lightning covered the sky and fell on the green protective cover, just like raindrops falling in water, countless ripples rose, countless fluctuations set off, Block the outside world.

No wonder everyone is afraid of this lightning calamity. This is an open area with no guards. It can be said to say goodbye to this world.

The beam of light in the middle instantly brightened, but instead of consuming energy to maintain the shield, strands of energy went down the beam of light, absorbed by the stone altar, and merged into the green mist above it.

This thing must be some kind of magic circle, but there is no spiritual power fluctuating on it, instead there is a kind of cold energy lingering in it,

You must know that although Gu Zheng's spiritual consciousness cannot be separated from the body, he is still very sure of his aura's sensitivity.

"Could it be that the people from the past stayed here?" Gu Zheng wondered in his heart, otherwise he would not have established such a magic circle here to guard them firmly.

At this time, the surrounding crowd had dispersed, and the father and son had not been seen before, and the others ignored them.

Han Xiu asked from the side, "What the hell is outside here, what should we do next?"

No way, Gu Zheng's outstanding ability convinced them all, and they unconsciously took her as the leader.

Just as Gu Zheng was about to say something, suddenly several figures came out from the front door. The house was obviously much more refined than the others, and there were even two rough stone lions suppressing it at the door.

Captain Qian whispered something to the people next to him, and at the same time pointed at Gu Zheng, as if explaining Gu Zheng's identity to them.

"What's the matter, Fellow Daoist Gu?" Han Xiu followed his gaze, not surprised at all, but there seemed to be a very strong one looking fiercely at this side.

"It's okay, you wait a while, someone will explain it to you, don't worry." Gu Zheng recovered a little, but the pupils of his eyes shrank suddenly.

Because he felt a trace of internal force in that strong young man. You must know that no one around here has a trace of internal force in anyone. This is the first person he has met with internal force.

If outside, Gu Zheng didn't know how many such people he would kill with a single sneeze, and he didn't even have the qualifications to let himself take a look, but now, the faint dangerous aura on the other party told himself that if he If you are really not careful, you may be killed by the other party.

Maybe Captain Qian was talking about something, originally he just looked at him with an indifferent attitude, but suddenly his eyes sparkled, and an aura surged from the other party, looking at Gu Zheng provocatively.

Gu Zheng didn't show any timidity on his face, instead he stared back fiercely, but Shuang'er was startled by the other party's malicious aura, and suddenly hid behind Gu Zheng, her timid expression was even more lovable,

Gu Zheng clearly saw the man's attention being attracted by Shuang'er, and a look of greed appeared in his eyes.

Although Han Xiu is also very beautiful at this time, Shuang'er still retains that fairy spirit, which is obviously a disadvantage when compared together, and Shuang'er's delicate and pitiful posture can arouse some people's desire to protect.

Gu Zheng stepped forward, keeping Shuang'er behind him calmly, his eyes were full of warning, if the other party dared to catch Shuang'er's attention, he must look good to him.

Seeing this scene, that person was taken aback for a moment, with a playful look on his face, then chuckled a few times and stopped looking at Gu Zheng.

After a few days, they will know the cruelty of reality and let him know how powerful he is.

At this moment, the former captain had already come over, and respectfully said to Gu Zheng, "My lord, some elders in the village have something to ask you."

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