Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 124 Exchange

The cultivated land, coupled with the already high-quality wheat seeds, eventually produced ordinary-grade wheat.

This is Gu Zheng's own experience, or in addition to Polygonum multiflorum and Yu Fuling, the second real common-grade ingredient. Polygonum multiflorum and Yu Fuling are naturally grown, as long as there is no human influence, it can easily reach the ordinary level. It is actually artificially planted, and it is not easy.

The first ordinary-grade food material that Gu Zheng came into contact with was the honey he used at first, which was artificially collected.

Although the quality has reached the average level, the output has dropped a lot. For normal wheat, the yield of seven to eight hundred catties per mu is not a problem.

The land contracted by the Wang brothers did not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Even the highest yield was less than three hundred catties, and the average yield per mu was only two hundred catties.

Low volume yields high quality.

As for the five acres of land, the yield per mu is as low as about 100 catties, and it is produced once every two years, and the amount of flour produced is even less. There is no way to sell such a yield, so Wang Wei came up with a way to reward , Come to draw a lottery every day, and give it to the lucky draw for free.

There is only one bowl of Tian Noodles per day, and you will not sell it no matter how much you pay. If you want to eat Tian Noodles, you can only draw a lottery. As a result, although Tian Noodles are not sold, the business is even better. Can order more plain pasta.

It has to be said that this Wang Wei is still very business-minded, no wonder he is in charge of the outside while his younger brother is in the house.

"Mr. Wang, I want to ask if you can sell the flour you use for Tianmian. I don't need much, just ten catties is enough!"

Gu Zheng asked in a low voice, with normal-grade flour, he doesn't need to use second-grade flour to upgrade, saving him a qualification to upgrade ingredients.

Gu Zheng originally planned to come to Hangzhou and drop by the research institute during the preliminary round to order inferior-grade wheat flour. The research institute was supposed to improve the quality of various crops. There are many inferior ingredients, and there are inferior-grade ingredients If there is any flour, he can upgrade it to the normal level and use it for this test.

But now that there are ordinary-level ingredients to choose from, there is no need to upgrade.

"Sorry, we don't sell all our flour!"

Wang Wei smiled. Over the years, many people wanted to purchase their flour, but he refused them all. He was not surprised by Gu Zheng's request.

In fact, they have a lot of flour for ordinary pasta. After all, this kind of flour can be produced as long as there is enough contracted land. Although the output is low, it is not like Tianmian, which can only be produced on five acres of land. If you want to expand the scale, First of all, we need to raise the land for ten years. Without this patience, there is no way.

But no matter how much ordinary flour there is, it cannot be mass-produced like the flour on the market. Wang Wei has always had the ambition to expand the scale, even if he does not open a chain store, making the store bigger and selling more noodles. Never sell flour ingredients.

I don't have enough for myself, so how can I sell it.

"Mr. Wang, can you be more flexible, we don't need more!"

Mumu helped Gu Zheng with a word. She didn't know what Gu Zheng wanted flour for, but she would help Gu Zheng as long as he wanted it.

"Wooden weaving, I'm really sorry, this is a matter of principle, we have never sold it, you can go and ask!"

Wang Wei shook his head with a smile, more people came to buy flour, and he refused more times, and he had already had the experience of refusing.

"If you don't sell it, can you exchange it?" Gu Zheng hesitated for a while, and finally said something.

"Exchange, what exchange?"

Wang Wei was a little strange. There were many people who came to buy flour, but no one offered any exchange. For them, flour was bought for use, and they exchanged flour with other things. First, there was no suitable thing, and second, there were many people. Can not remember.

Gu Zheng is now carrying a test on his body, he has to use flour, and he has to take up a promotion qualification to go to the research institute. He has flour that can be used directly in front of him. He doesn't want to give up. If the other party doesn't sell it, he doesn't want to force it, so he thought of it exchange.

"I don't know Mr. Wang, do you know Yu Fuling?"

Gu Zheng said something slowly, but Wang Wei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately called out: "Yu Fuling, the best existence among Fuling?"

"That's right, it's Yu Fu Ling!"

Gu Zheng nodded, as long as the other party knows Yu Fuling, if he knows Yu Fuling, then he knows its value, and the hope of exchanging is greater.

"Can I take a look first?"

After being silent for a while, Wang Wei said something, Gu Zheng nodded, and then said: "I didn't bring Yu Fuling with me. I'm at the hotel. If Mr. Wang wants to see it, I'll go back and show it to you!"

"Okay, no, I'll go back with you to have a look!"

Wang Wei's performance made Gu Zheng a little strange. Not only had he heard of Yu Fuling, but he seemed to care about it. If this is the case, the possibility of a successful exchange today will be much greater.

It is best to be able to exchange successfully. Jade Poria is very valuable, but it cannot help him complete this test. Jade Poria is not needed in chicken shredded noodle soup. This is not a therapeutic soup. Putting Jade Poria may also affect the entire noodle soup the taste of.

After all, the main flavor of pasta is in the noodles, unlike soup, which needs to add flavor, and the focus is on the soup.

There were two people when they came, and three people when they went back. Wang Wei had a car, and the three of them drove back to the hotel together.

"I'm sorry, I'll go back to the room to clean up first, and you guys park first!"

Taking advantage of Wang Wei's parking, Gu Zheng got out of the car first. In fact, Yu Fuling was on his body, and he could take it out whenever he wanted, but he had to enter the prehistoric space to get it.

Entering the prehistoric space, others will disappear, performing a big transformation before Wang Wei and Mumu, unless he is crazy, so he proposes to go back to the hotel and go back early.

After locking the door, Gu Zheng entered the prehistoric space, and took out half of the jade tuckahoe, which was left over from the last time. If it was just for exchange, these jade tuckahoes were enough, and he didn't need much flour.

In terms of value alone, these jade tuckahoes cost more than one hundred thousand.

"This is your Jade Poria?"

Wang Wei looked at Yu Fuling and was a little excited. The more excited he was, the greater his desire for Yu Fuling and the greater the possibility of a successful exchange.

"That's right, it's the real Jade Poria, very old and of good quality!"

Wang Wei looked at it by himself, nodded while watching, and after a while, he raised his head and said to Gu Zheng: "Mr. Buzheng, I am willing to exchange, I know the value of jade poria cocos, this piece of jade poria cocos, I use ten catty days How about exchanging flour with you for more money?"

Wang Wei really knows the value of Yu Fuling, and he needs it very much. There is an old mother in his family who suffers from rheumatism and can no longer get out of bed to walk. The two brothers took their mother to visit many hospitals, but none The method, the last old Chinese doctor gave them a prescription, according to which the situation of their mother can be improved.

The prescription is prescribed, but there is a medicine in the prescription that is very troublesome. The medicine needs jade tuckahoe. If there is no jade tuckahoe, ordinary tuckahoe can be substituted, but the effect is far inferior to jade tuckahoe.

The two brothers bought it for a long time. They received a piece of jade tuckahoe before. After making medicine for their mother, the mother's health improved a lot and she was able to get out of bed for a walk. Unfortunately, after the piece of jade tuckahoe was used up, they never found a new one. Yu Fuling, the two of them have been looking for a new Yu Fuling, but they have heard and seen several times, but they are all fake, not the real Yu Fuling at all.

Without Yu Fuling as medicine, the old mother’s health is failing, and she is still lying on the bed. The two brothers are dutiful sons. They have been trying to buy Yu Fuling, but they have never received it. I didn’t expect someone to deliver it to the door today. , That's why Wang Wei was so excited before.

It was precisely because he knew the value of Yu Fuling that he proposed adding money for Tianmian flour in exchange. He was very smart, and the other party would definitely not agree to it if he only paid for it. Important, but the body of the old mother is more important.

In fact, the price of sky flour is not low. It takes ten years to raise the land alone, and it is only produced once every two years. In addition, the output is very low. This kind of flour is more than a thousand times more expensive than ordinary flour.

However, it still couldn't compare with Yu Fuling. Wang Wei still thought about how much money he would give Gu Zheng, but no matter how much it cost, it was good news for him to be able to buy Yu Fuling.

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