Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 123 Raising Land

"sorry for disturbance!"

Gu Zheng apologized, and left the back kitchen with Mu Mu. The back kitchen is really not allowed to mess in. This is a very principled chef. Although he was kicked out, Gu Zheng was not angry. He was right, but instead It's not good for them to rush over recklessly.

"Indisputable, what do you want to ask, I will ask for you. I have interviewed this store and know their boss!"

Mumu said something suddenly, Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment, and asked directly: "Do you know the boss?"

"Of course, the chef here has a very tempered temper. I have encountered difficulties before. The boss is better, at least he can talk!"

Mumu nodded triumphantly, it's rare to see Buzheng being deflated, but the head chef of this shop is indeed very tempered, and it's true that she has encountered a setback.

"Great, please contact me!"

Gu Zheng didn't expect that Mu Mu knew the boss here, if he had known earlier, he would have asked Mu Mu to contact him first, but Mu Mu couldn't be blamed for this matter, he didn't say anything, and rashly broke into the back kitchen.

Mu Mu quickly took out her mobile phone. She has a classified address book, which contains detailed contact information of all the people she has dealt with, just to avoid using it again in the future.

"I found it, just wait!"

Mumu called out quickly, dialed the number on the mobile phone, and the call was connected quickly.

"Mr. Wang, it's me, Food Channel Mumu, do you still remember? Yes, I'm in your store. I want to disturb you with something small. Do you have time? Yes, okay, we'll be right over!"

Mu Mu spoke quickly, hung up the phone after speaking, and said to Gu Zheng: "Their boss Wang is here, let's go to the office to find him!"

Komatsu Noodle Restaurant is actually a brother shop, the owner and the chef are brothers. This noodle restaurant was originally a small noodle restaurant operated by their father.

In their generation, the two brothers worked together to develop the noodle restaurant. Xiaosong is actually their father’s name. An acquaintance once suggested that they change it to a brother’s noodle restaurant. In memory of my father.

Wang Wei and Wang Zhen are the names of the two brothers. Wang Wei is a legal person and manages everything in the noodle shop, including the outside world. Wang Zhen is the chef. He has the final say on the kitchen, and he makes the noodles himself.

"Mr. Wang, hello!"

"Mubian, hello, don't let me know when you come, I'll pick you up!"

Wang Wei is very flexible. When he saw Mu Muma, he stepped forward to greet him with a smile on his face. Without him, Komatsu Noodle House would not be able to develop to the present level. Of course, the noodles made by his younger brother Wang Zhen are also very important. Without that flavor, it would not be possible. this day.

"You are too polite. I am here because of the food competition. Today is purely private to eat noodles. This is my friend, a food critic!"

Mu Mu introduced Gu Zheng to Wang Wei, but Wang Wei was polite again when he knew that there was no dispute.

Although Mumu's food channel is the most famous in Shanghai, it occasionally publishes some food from other cities. After all, they are a portal website and they are oriented to the whole country. It's just that because the headquarters is in Shanghai, there are more articles in Shanghai.

Wang Wei has followed their channel, read some articles, and also read Gu Zheng's articles. He has a good memory, and Gu Zheng's articles are very distinctive, so he remembered them as soon as Mu Mu introduced them.

"Mr. Wang, if you excuse me, I just want to ask, where does your ordinary-grade flour come from?"

Gu Zheng explained the purpose of coming, and at the same time mentioned the ordinary level for the second time.

"Ordinary grade flour, what kind of flour is this?"

Wang Wei was at a loss. Seeing his appearance, Gu Zheng was secretly puzzled. It seemed that they didn't know the classification of ingredients, otherwise they wouldn't have such an answer. no the same.

In this case, at least the other party has nothing to do with the Great Desolate Immortal World, and the food grades that Gu Zheng knows are very famous in the Great Desolate Immortal World.

"Sorry, I made a mistake, I said where did your unusual flour come from!"

Gu Zheng hurriedly made up his sentence, but Wang Wei showed some confusion, and then smiled and said: "Our flour is imported from a place in Sichuan Province. There is a basin in Sichuan Province, and there is a piece of land there that we have taken over. In fact, it was my father who first contracted that area. He found that there was a place that was very suitable for growing wheat, so he contracted it and continued to improve it. Finally, he planted a very good type of wheat with a very good taste. It’s the wheat we usually use to make noodles!”

Wang Wei is different from that chef. After Gu Zheng asked, he explained to Gu Zheng.

According to his explanation, Gu Zheng finally understood what was going on.

The father of the Wang family brothers, who is also the founder of Komatsu Noodle House, liked to think about pasta in the early years. He was also an expert in farming. After searching for three years, he found such a piece of land in Sichuan Province, and then he contracted it to grow wheat.

This one is for ten years. Over the past ten years, he has continued to improve and keep improving. The wheat he grows does not use any chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is pure natural. He took great pains to avoid pests, but in the end he succeeded in cultivating this kind of wheat and making pasta. The taste is chewy and very delicious.

During these ten years, he not only cultivated flour, but also cultivated land.

For ten years, I have continuously used various natural wastes to raise a piece of land. This piece of land does not plant anything and does not allow weeds to grow, but it has invested more than other wheat growers. After ten years of cultivation, this piece of land is finally I started to plant seeds, and as a result, the flour made from the planted wheat tasted better.

After they were planted, their father discovered that this piece of land could not be planted all the time, and it had to be cultivated for a year, otherwise the taste of the wheat would deteriorate in the second year, and it would be the same as that grown in other lands.

After the two brothers took over the land owned by the two fathers, the two brothers continued to keep the land and continue to grow wheat, and then used the wheat to make flour, and finally made noodles, which were sold at Komatsu Noodle Shop.

Because of the good taste, Xiaosong Noodle House became more and more famous, and finally formed the scale it is today.

At the same time, because of the limited raw materials, Komatsu Noodle House has never opened a branch. When opening a branch, it uses other flour, and the taste of the pasta is definitely not as good as here. They keep expanding the scale of the store. Now they have bought all the houses in the store. If the current scale is not enough, they will buy a bigger house and move out.

For them, it doesn't matter where they are, because it is the only one, no matter where they move, old customers will flock to them.

"I understand. The wheat grown in the ground is the raw material you use to make noodles!"

Gu Zheng said slowly, even though Wang Wei didn't mention it, he could guess that the common-grade flour came from the field they raised.

"That's right, my brother and I took over, contracted more land, and planted more wheat, but the flour used in Tianmian can only be produced from that piece of land. My brother Wang Zhen has studied it for a long time and used He bought the best water, the best other raw materials, and finally made Tian Noodles. He has strict requirements on food, but Tian Noodles did not disappoint us, the taste is really good!"

Wang Wei smiled and said that Tianmian was not invented by his father, but by his younger brother Wang Wei, and the name Tianmian was not given by them, but by diners.

Tianmian means noodles that are only found in the sky. It is a metaphor that this kind of noodles tastes good and is a food that only gods can eat.

At first, some people called it Xianmian, but later some people said that it is better to call it Tianmian, which sounds better. As a result, the name Tianmian was gradually called and became the final name.

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