Ju Ming didn't bother to ask about Jin San's matter, and Wu Tianbu counterattacked vigorously, breaking his previous arrangement.

His previous arrangements were all about attacking, and he didn't think that the opponent would fight back. If Gu Zheng were here, he would definitely laugh at this giant, but the war in this era is indeed not that complicated, and many people think it is very simple.

It's so simple that there's no way around it, let alone those tricks.

The strategies of this era are pitiful, of course, not without them. If Liu Chi leads the army, it will definitely look different. Liu Chi is a smart man, but it is a pity that his cultivation base is too low to lead the army. His words Ju Ming wouldn't listen and could only slander in his heart.

The battle between the Yaozu and the Wuzu lasted for half a year, and he was very surprised that there was no movement in Gu Zhengna during this half a year.

It’s good if there’s no movement, so it’s just a good time to make more preparations. Now Fucheng has thousands of crossbows, more than 3,000 trebuchets, nearly 100,000 arrows of various kinds, and huge stones, etc. Even the city wall has been raised by more than two meters. , reached more than seven meters.

Within half a year, Gu Zheng's cultivation had reached the middle stage of returning to the void, and he had finally made progress again. This was because he had collected another piece of Zengyuan food cultivation. Ma Duo made the fastest progress. After half a year, he had already reached the inner strength In the early stage of the fourth floor, Wu You in the late stage of the third floor, Aunt Cui in the middle stage of the third floor, and Andrew, also has the strength of the middle stage of the second floor.

It's just that the few of them are still far away from the realm of transforming gas, so they can't be of much help for the time being.

On this day, Gu Zheng was practicing when he suddenly opened his eyes and walked out of the door. Several lights and shadows flew in the sky, which was the symbol of Yujian's flight. arrive.

After a while, Wu You ran over.

"Young master, five immortals have come to the city and want to see you!"

"Bring them here!"

The five cultivators of the Celestial Immortal Realm don’t know what they are here for, but it’s good if they’re not monsters or witches. Now that the Liches are fighting, it’s actually not easy for the human race to be caught in it. Too many human races are eaten by the two races as food Yes, and finally attracted the wrath of the saint.

Although the sage couldn't take action directly, the disciples of the sage did, which eventually accelerated the demise of the two clans of liches.


The five arrived soon, and the leader gave a light sigh. Gu Zheng's illusion was very low-level, and people in the realm of celestial beings could spot it, and then they could see his true appearance.

At this time, Gu Zheng looks like a nine-year-old child, and he has grown up a bit in the past few years since he came to Honghuang.

Seeing that the immortals in the city turned out to be children, the five immortals were very surprised, but soon, the young man who was the first to groan, cupped his fists and saluted Gu Zheng: "Fellow Daoist, we are members of the Human Race Alliance." Members, the recent Lich War has destroyed too many people of my race, Taoist Priest Wuliangshan, Master Liuquan of Three Gorges Cave, Master Huoyanshanhuo and many fellow Taoists around us have formed the Human Race Alliance to protect our human people!"

The young man briefly introduced, and soon Gu Zheng understood their purpose.

Human beings live in groups and live in groups. The battle between the witch clan and the monster clan affects not only ordinary humans, but also some reclusive practitioners, and there are many real immortals.

After the initial loss of a portion, what remained naturally banded together and formed a human confederacy.

The three people mentioned by the young man before are all great masters in the later stage of Jinxian. It is said that they also know the strong of Daluo Jinxian. They want to invite a strong Daluo Jinxian to come out of the mountain to protect them, but there is no result yet.

The Terran Alliance has more than 20 Golden Immortals. The number of Golden Immortals is small, but the number of Heavenly Immortals is quite large. There are more than 800 people. They are all gathered together in a place called Wuliang Country.

Wuliang Mountain is in Wuliang Country, and there is a Taoist temple in Wuliang Mountain. The person living in the temple is the Priest Wuliang, who is also the actual owner of Wuliang Country. Because of his protection, Wuliang Country has developed very well in the past few thousand years. Now The capital is already a big city with a population of over one million, and there are several small cities around it.

Such a force was naturally targeted. After he led his disciples to repel several waves of forces, he deeply felt that he could not protect the infinite country alone, so he invited his friends to form a human alliance to protect the surrounding area. human gathering place.

They protect not only the Wuliang Country, but also other places. At the same time, there are people constantly looking for their comrades, trying to attract more comrades to protect them.

"You guys are doing a great job, being able to protect so many people is an immeasurable merit!"

After listening to what the young man said, Gu Zheng first expressed his agreement. Human beings are already united, and only when they unite will they have more chances to survive. Right now, food in the prehistoric world is in a period of scarcity, and there is another big war, and human beings have already turned into Lich II The rations in the eyes of the clan, where there is no strong protection, the end is inevitable.

"Tie, fellow Taoist Tiexian, we invite you to join our Human Alliance to protect the people of mankind together!"

The young man made an invitation, Gu Zheng stood up and nodded: "Yes, I am willing to join this human race alliance!"

"That's great, Fellow Daoist Tiexian, let's set off now and return to the Wuliang Kingdom first. I believe that the seniors over there will be very happy to know that you have joined!"

The young man said something with a smile, Gu Zheng's brows were condensed together.

"I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist, I only said that I would like to join the Human Race Alliance, I didn't say that I would leave!"

Gu Zheng said slowly, he can't leave, once he leaves, this city will face revenge, and then the whole city will be finished, although it is very difficult for him to protect so many people by himself, but with him and without He is in two different ways.

"If you don't leave, how can you join us? We must unite to fight against the Liches!"

Another young man called out hastily. They were going out to explore and found that there was a city here, so they came down to have a look. After inquiring, they learned that there were immortals in the city, so they specially came to invite them.

In fact, they could have guessed this before coming down. There are several Lich battlefields nearby. If there were no immortals sitting here, this city must have been destroyed long ago. They have seen too many ruined cities, big and small. Yes, bigger ones than here are not uncommon.

After inquiring, they were even more sure of this point. There is a fairy here, and it is also very powerful, because this fairy has led the residents here to repel three waves of Lich, and the ability to repel the three waves of Lich's attack is enough to prove that the city The strength of Li Xianren.

"I am here, and I can fight against it. If I leave, what will the people in the city do?"

Gu Zheng shook his head again. He is willing to contribute to human beings, but he is not going to any boundless country. There are many immortals there. As long as the two Lich clans don't think of multiple enemies, they will not harass there, so it is very difficult to go there. Safety, he is more needed here.

Not to mention, Wuliangguo has nothing to do with him, he only wants to protect the familiar people here.

"Fellow Taoist Tiexian, I know you miss the people here, but the Wuliang Kingdom has gathered more than five million people, and the surrounding human people are all concentrated there, and they need protection even more!"

The leading young man persuaded again, it seemed that in his eyes, the five million people over there were the most important, while the more than two hundred thousand people here were insignificant.

"That's what you want to protect, and I only protect this place!" Gu Zheng shook his head again.

"Fellow Taoist Tiexian, you are here alone, and you are in danger, understand?"

The leading young man said again that the word "dangerous" was very important, and continued: "According to our investigation, with the Wuliang Kingdom as the center, there are three Lich battlefields within a radius of 500,000 miles. The nearest one is less than ten thousand miles away, the attacks you encountered before must have come from there, since they found you, they will definitely not let you go, you got lucky once or twice, but you can't keep getting lucky!"

The meaning of this young man is already very clear, relying on Gu Zheng himself, it is impossible to protect and live here, and he will hurt himself, why not follow them to leave now, and go to the Wuliang Kingdom, where it will only be safer.

"Differences do not conspire with each other, everyone thinks that side is more important, so go back there, I will not leave!"

Gu Zheng stood up, intending to see off the guests, and the five young men stared at him with anger and pity.

"You are just a child, what about your elders, can you let us meet your elders!"

The leading young man suddenly said something. In fact, he wanted to say this sentence a long time ago. It's just that Gu Zheng is a real fairy after all, so he kept talking to him before. After Gu Zheng refused, he couldn't help but bring it up.

"I have no elders, I am me!"

Gu Zheng shook his head again, but soon, his face changed suddenly, and he flew out in an instant, and the five of them followed behind him and flew out together.

Gu Zheng had already reached the edge of the city wall. Outside the city, a pair of demon soldiers came at some point. There were not many of them, only about thirty, but all of them were above Heavenly Immortals. The five leading men were all Golden Immortals. The strength, the most powerful among them, has reached the late Jinxian period.

They are all fairy-level monsters. They don't want to disturb any beacon towers to come here. It's very simple, and it's even possible that those beacon towers have been attacked again.

The monsters who came didn't hide anything at all. The outside of the city was full of monsters, exuding the coercion of their realm, letting the people in the city know their strength.

"This is the demon soldier from Ju Ming's side!"

The faces of the five young men were all pale. The power outside was too strong. Any one of those golden immortals could easily crush them to death. God, they can't deal with it either.

The monster who came this time didn't even have a state of transformation, so he really respected Gu Zheng.

The battle between Wu Tianbu and Yaozu has come to an end. They fought miserably in the past six months, and the Yaozu suffered a lot, but Wu Tianbu did not get any better. It can be said that both sides were hurt, and the battle was temporarily suspended.

In this battle, the strength of the monster clan was directly reduced by more than one-fifth. Ju Ming had already ordered people to find more loose monsters and pull them into the team. At the same time, he remembered the matter of Jin San and deliberately A large group of people was sent here, not only to find out what happened to Jin San, but also to kill the people in this city and take their meat back to make food. The rations of ordinary monsters are getting less and less. Now all the monsters basically can't eat enough and are in urgent need of food.

A city of more than 200,000 people is not a lot, but it is better than nothing, not to mention that humans also have to eat and have the habit of storing food. Occupying this city will not only turn the people in the city into food, but also get a lot of extra food. Less, enough to support the army for a period of time.

"You are the immortals in the city? Where is Jin San, tell me quickly, or the city will be massacred immediately!"

A monster in the early stage of Golden Immortal flew forward a few steps, and said arrogantly, Gu Zheng looked at him coldly, and the foreheads of the five young men were already dripping with sweat.

"My lord, we are not from this city, we are members of the Human Race Alliance, just passing by, let's go now!"

The young leader shouted loudly, but the golden fairy stared at him, and immediately said: "Human Race Alliance, that annoying bug, don't leave today, your Human Race Alliance, we will kill you sooner or later! "

The Monster Race knows the existence of the Human Race Alliance. After all, it is a force. It's just that they are fighting against the Witch Race, and they don't have time to pay attention to it. Once they are freed, they will definitely attack the Human Race Alliance.

Those millions of people are rich in food. If it wasn't for the restraint of the Wu clan, Ju Ming would have led the army to go there.

The faces of the five young men turned pale again, and one of them even trembled. They were not as good as the ordinary people on the city wall.

"Jin San has been killed by me. I would like to advise you, don't make any plans in this city in the future, otherwise you can't afford the consequences!"

Gu Zheng flew into the sky, directly facing the monster in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and said softly, but the monster raised his head and laughed.

"Your name is Zuo Jiaming, and your body is the Sky Swallowing Python, right?"

The Sky-Tuning Python is also an ancient monster race with strong strength. There has long been a Sky-Tuning Python who has become a Da Luo Jinxian. It is a big monster race in the heaven.

"You doll, don't underestimate it, but you can find out the news clearly. Who told you?"

Zuo Jiaming continued to smile, but Gu Zheng lowered his head, opened a yellow scroll, took out the soul-hunting pen, and ticked Zuo Jiaming's name directly.

Zuo Jiaming was smiling, when he suddenly fell from the sky and turned into his body in the air. A large python more than ten feet long hit the ground so hard that even the city wall felt the vibration.

Sky-swallowing python, you can tell from the name, this kind of monster is very big.

The sudden change made everyone stunned, Zuo Jiaming's primordial spirit squeezed out in a daze, and before he had time to run, he was pierced by a white light, and his body and spirit disappeared.

A monster in the early stage of Golden Immortal, who was still a monster in the heaven, just died like this, and his death was inexplicable.

There are more than 30 people on the monster's side, all of them are silenced, and no one dares to speak.

"My lord, my lord, Ying Feitian died like this, without any warning signs, just died like this!"

Cui Wu, that is, the kingfisher spirit, cried out in a hurry after being quiet. He was with Ying Feitian back then, and Ying Feitian died in front of him.

The kingfisher spirit didn't know, because he was inconspicuous, and Jin San didn't know his situation, so he escaped by luck.

"It's you, I let you run away last time, do you dare to come this time?"

Gu Zheng recognized the kingfisher spirit and said something to him, the kingfisher spirit was startled immediately and hid behind.

"What kind of baby are you?"

The leading Golden Immortal was very afraid of Gu Zheng's methods in the later stage, but he also saw that it was the scroll in Gu Zheng's hand who plotted against Zuo Jiaming, but he didn't know what that scroll was.

"Why should I tell you, do you also want to be like the python just now?"

Gu Zheng looked at him, and said softly, he was not afraid of the five golden immortals on the opposite side, but he cared about those angels, at least half of them he didn't know who they were, and there were quite a few angels who returned to the Void Realm .

No way, Jin San didn't remember all the people of the Monster Race, it was pretty good to be able to remember most of them, at least the ones above Jinxian were not missed, and only half of them were immortal.

The last Eagle Flying to the Sky belonged to one he knew, but this time, there were so many unknowns, once a fight broke out, even if he could quickly use life and death to deal with these golden immortals, the city would suffer considerable losses. The destructive power of Tianxian is huge.

Gu Zheng's words made the late Jinxian couldn't help but take a step back.

"let's go!"

Jinxian said suddenly in the late period, and the people who brought him flew away quickly, for fear that if they left late, they would be killed inexplicably like the sky-swallowing python.

This time, Gu Zheng didn't try to stop him, and he couldn't stop him. After all, he only had one person. If there were a few golden immortals here today, or if there were more than ten heavenly immortals, he would dare to keep these people. Let none of them go away.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng's strength is still too weak, and there is no such force, so he can only scare them away first.

However, his words were not threats. He already had the information of many people on the other side, which really made him anxious. If he hooked all these people, this group of monster clans would surely perish.

It’s just that their demise is of no benefit to Gu Zheng. Let’s not say that their primordial spirits can escape. Once they are reborn, revenge will definitely come again. The most important thing is that Ju Ming. The soul is not so easy to hook. If it is not ticked off, even the injured Daluo Jinxian cannot be resisted by Gu Zheng.

So you can threaten as much as you can, make them afraid of their own means, and don't come here to trouble him.

"Friend Taoist Tiexian, you, you are really powerful, what kind of treasure is this?"

After the monster retreated, the five dared to step forward, looking at Gu Zheng enviously, but at the same time apprehensive.

"It's just an ordinary baby!"

Gu Zheng received the life and death book, and there was greed in the eyes of the five people, and at the same time they did not believe what Gu Zheng said.

Ordinary baby, how could it be possible for an ordinary baby to kill a monster with the strength of a Golden Immortal, even in the early stages of a Golden Immortal, this is a very terrifying baby.

But they understand that Gu Zheng is much stronger than them, and with such a treasure, even if they have an idea, they must hide it, otherwise they will commit suicide.

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