"Yes Yes!"

In order to survive, this Jin San really knew everything. Jin San was originally a general of the heavens. This time he followed Ju Ming to defeat Wu Tianbu of the Wu clan. He hit such a big somersault.

The result of the investigation was not wrong, this was indeed a celestial being, who had not reached the Golden Immortal Realm, but who would have known that this celestial being had two treasures in his hands, both of which were congenital treasures.

Lu Ya's Immortal Slaying Flying Knife is also well-known in the heavens, okay, but he actually ran into it, so it can only be said that he was unlucky.

"Ju Ming, two hundred thousand monsters!"

After learning the result, Gu Zheng frowned. He expected that there must be a Lich battlefield nearby, but he didn't expect that there would be so many people, 200,000 monsters. If all these monsters came over, Fucheng would be engulfed in an instant .

He is powerful and not afraid of ordinary monsters, but he is only one person after all, not to mention, among the 200,000 monsters, there are more than 700 celestial beings, more than 40 golden immortals, and a big Luo Jinxian.

With such power, even if he has two innate treasures, he can only escape.

"You write down all the information from top to bottom. If I find a single mistake, I will make it impossible for you to live or die!"

"Don't suspect that I'm bluffing you, you can't fool me!"

Gu Zheng said indifferently, Jin San's eyes rolled, but he quickly agreed.

Yuanshen is very weak, but it is not a problem to write something. He will soon start writing what he knows. Ordinary paper, what Gu Zheng wants is also very simple. From top to bottom, as long as he knows, the basic situation he knows , all written down.

The basic information is the name, date of birth, body, position, where you come from, etc. You don’t need to believe too much, but if you know the name and date of birth, you must write it down. an omission.

"Ju Ming, the main body of the ancient giant ape, birthday..."

Gu Zheng looked at the first name written by Jin San, directly turned to the birth and death book, and began to search, and soon, Ju Ming's information was found. Jin San didn't play tricks, what he wrote was true.

Gu Zheng opened the book of life and death in front of Jin San. Jin San stared blankly at the three ancient characters on the yellow scroll, his eyes filled with shock.

"It's actually a human book in the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man. This kid really didn't fool me. What I wrote is true or false. He will know when he verifies it!"

Jin San looked bitter, but he didn't dare not to write, so he could only continue to write down. This time, there was no luck, and he wrote everything he knew.

He is a person from the heavens, and he still knows a little about some innate treasures, he knows the function of life and death, and he knows that once he writes these things out, the power of life and death of these people may fall into this person's hands.

Jin San kept thinking in his heart, but his subordinates didn't stop. In order to keep himself, he could only write.

He wrote one, and Gu Zheng checked one, and quickly nodded in satisfaction.

The life and death book in his hand is not restricted as much as the later generations of the underworld. The life and death book of the later generations of the underworld cannot control the immortals in the heaven. The reason is very simple. In the fairy world, their names will be crossed out in advance.

It is impossible for the Heavenly Court to allow the Underworld to have the ability to control the people in the Heavenly Court. Even if it is a celestial being, the Underworld cannot control it. The only people it can control are casual cultivators and ordinary people in the mortal world.

But now is not the later generations, the power of life and death in Gu Zheng's hands is still relatively strong, not those who jump out of the five elements, they are all within the scope of life and death, but the stronger the strength, the harder it is for this soul to hook. If he doesn't have enough strength, if he takes the opportunity to kill him, he will be able to forcibly return his soul to his body.

But in this way, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured, so life and death are relatively powerful innate treasures.

Jin San has a good memory, unexpectedly, most people know the date of birth, and a small number of people who don't know it also know its origin and other related information, even some nicknames know it. After writing hundreds of papers, he finally finished writing everything he knew. .

"well done!"

Gu Zheng put away these papers and nodded in satisfaction. With these things, he is invincible. If these monsters dare to come to harass them, they will definitely be taught a painful lesson.

"I promised you that I won't kill you, but I won't let you go like this either. I'll take your primordial spirit away first, and when this war is over, I'll let you be reborn if I have the chance!"

Gu Zheng looked at Jin San, who had a flattering and worried face, and said softly. Jin San was overjoyed when he heard the words, and kept clasping his fists in thanks.

The life and death book brought out a suction force, and forcibly sucked Jin San's primordial spirit into it. The life and death book is not a map of mountains and rivers, and it is impossible to suck in whoever it wants, but it is not a problem to suck in a primordial spirit temporarily. .

After all, this is an innate treasure, not an ordinary treasure.

Jin San also told Gu Zheng that he came here first, and there will definitely be a food hunting team coming later, but the food hunting team will be later in the evening, and he doesn't know how late it will be, because he doesn't know the food hunting team this time. Which forage party will come.

There are dozens of food-seeking teams in the monsters, and eight of them are all flying monsters. If one of these eight comes, the time will be faster. If it comes on land, it may take nearly a month to arrive. .

In other words, if it is as short as a few days or as long as a month, there will inevitably be a large number of monsters coming.

Gu Zheng went back, and after telling Wu You the news, he retreated to practice again. The news he got today gave him a lot of pressure. There was a battlefield near the Lich Clan, and there were also people with the strength of Daluo Jinxian. The two sides fought , No matter who wins or loses, the surrounding area will suffer.

Especially now that there is a shortage of food, no matter the monster clan or the witch clan, they will regard human beings as food. The two attacks have proved all this.

If Gu Zheng wanted to protect the people in this city, he had to improve his own strength and reach the Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible.

"Aren't the days in the heavens not good?"

Gu Zheng held Jin San's storage bracelet, frowned and said, there are some things in it, but the value is not very high, there is no handy fairy artifact, and there are not many raw materials, but there are two medium-quality flat peaches .

The medium quality has little effect on him, but it can be reserved for Wu You and the others, and it can increase lifespan in the future.

As for the celestial artifacts, there are none, but there are a few good raw materials, but Gu Zheng doesn't have time to refine the artifacts now, so these raw materials can only be put aside first, and when there is a chance to refine a convenient celestial artifact in the future Come.

Five days later, the sky was dark and the people in the city were shouting, Wu You, Ma Duo and the others quickly climbed up the city wall and prepared their crossbow arrows.

This time they came faster than expected, and they were very unlucky, this time it was the bird and monster food hunting team, and the beacon tower they set up didn't have time to warn them because of their speed and sneak attack.

The city was in chaos, while Gu Zheng stared at the sky without speaking.

"There are more than three hundred and eighty bird monsters, and the leader is an eagle monster. According to what Jin San said, this person should be the Eagle Feitian who was recruited recently, and he is a monster in the realm of returning to the void!"

Gu Zheng stared at the sky carefully, the leader turned into a circle, Gu Zheng could recognize his origin at a glance, besides him, there were three other monsters with the strength of a celestial being, and the rest were ordinary monsters.

The overall number of birds in the monster clan is not too large, plus the advantage of being able to fly naturally, so the birds generally gather together to exert their strength, and the same is true in the food hunting team, the number of birds is more than the number of monsters on the ground Not a lot.

"Crossbow arrows, bone arrows, launch!"

There are already monsters in the sky swooping down from the sky, and Wu You has already commanded soldiers to fire crossbow arrows on the city wall, but unfortunately the effect is not good, these birds are not stupid, they have already flown above the city, not close to the city wall, If the distance is too far, the effect of the crossbow will be greatly affected.


Ying Feitian was a careful person, and he soon realized that something was wrong. First of all, Lord Jin San didn't show up. It can also be understood that Lord Jin San had already left after killing the immortals in the city, and they didn't meet them on the road.

However, Master Jin San will not let the people here let go after killing people. The most basic thing is to destroy the weapons on the city wall. These weapons are not only there now, but the people in the city have a strong sense of resistance. There is no such thing as the backer being wiped out. The look of panic.

It has to be said that Ying Feitian is very smart and cautious. After discovering that something was wrong, he immediately flew upwards, unlike his subordinates who were roaring towards the city, hunting and killing ordinary people in the city.

"Eagle flying!"

Gu Zheng took out the life and death book, found Ying Feitian's name, and with a tick of the reincarnation pen, Ying Feitian's head went black, and his body fell straight to the ground uncontrollably.

"My lord, what's wrong with your lord?"

The people around Ying Feitian panicked immediately, and the two monsters at the Qi Transformation Realm chased down, trying to catch up with Ying Feitian and catch him.

There was a cold light in Gu Zheng's eyes, his body suddenly lifted into the air, and the fairy sword flew out, instantly cutting the monster in the Qi Transformation Realm in half.

"There are still immortals in the city!"

"Didn't Master Jin come early? Why are there still immortals in the city!"

"This immortal is not weak!"

The appearance of Gu Zheng made these monsters even more chaotic. What Gu Zheng wanted was for them to be chaotic. The white awns on the whisk would scatter out in all directions. As many as they could kill, the white awns would stay in their bodies if they couldn't be killed.

Another monster in the realm of transforming energy was killed by Gu Zheng, neatly, and the remaining one was in the realm of transforming gods. The body was a kingfisher, which immediately transformed into a small body and flew away towards the distance.

It was impossible for Gu Zheng to let him escape, so he immediately chased after him. However, the speed of the bird monsters is naturally fast. This monster has no secret method, and the speed has increased a lot. It is even faster than Gu Zheng. Can catch up with him and make him run farther and farther.

"never mind!"

Unable to catch up, Gu Zheng had no choice but to return. Fortunately, these monsters attacked suddenly and were very chaotic. They were all ordinary monsters, and Gu Zheng quickly killed them with his fly whisk.

By the time any clever monster thought of running away, it was already too late. In the end, out of the 380 monsters, none escaped.

It's a pity that the monster in the realm of transforming gods ran away. Jin San didn't know the specific situation of that monster. He only knew that it was a recruited loose monster from the ground. If he knew, he could hook its soul now and make him unable to return go.

This monster is not under Ying Feitian's subordinates. The few monsters caught were alive, and he didn't know his situation. Gu Zheng had no choice but to kill all the monsters, let the city continue to be on guard, and at the same time guard the sky above the city, and went back by himself practice.

This time one ran away, which is not good news for Gu Zheng. After all, there are still 200,000 monsters over there, and the leader is a strong man with the strength of Da Luo Jinxian.

As soon as this monster ran away, the other side must have known the situation here. I am afraid that these little monsters will not be there next time, but fortunately, Gu Zheng got the information of these people from Jin San. If they really dare to come, Gu Zheng doesn't mind getting to know another group of monsters.

What's more, the monster clan is now fighting against Wu Tianbu of the witch clan. The strength of the witch clan is not weak, even a little bit stronger than the monster clan. A big fight against a small town like him.

All this, Gu Zheng did not tell anyone, and the city returned to a short period of tranquility.

People died in these two times, but not many, everyone also understood that if there was no ancient dispute, their city would not be able to keep it for the first time, and everyone would be reduced to food for monsters, and the capture would be due to the ancient dispute Now, they are very confident that with such a powerful immortal, the city will be fine.

Ordinary people don't know the division of ranks among immortals. In their view, Gu Zheng is the most powerful. Now many people in the city have begun to give Gu Zheng the god position. Master Tie Xian's name is now in the city. Loudest.

"My lord, my lord!"

The kingfisher monster flew fast, didn't dare to slow down all the way, and returned to the monster's base camp in two days, which was a relief.

After he came back, he yelled loudly, and was quickly stopped by the monster clan on duty outside. This monster did not have the realm of heaven, but the kingfisher monster did not dare to look down on him at all. On the contrary, he seemed very respectful. A celestial soldier brought by the oracle from heaven.

The heavenly soldiers are born with a higher status than them.

"What are you yelling about?" Tianbing said in dissatisfaction.

"My lord, I have something important to report to His Holiness, Mr. Jin San, I am afraid something has happened!"

Kingfisher said quickly, when he heard that something might happen to Jin San, the soldier was also taken aback for a moment, hurried inside to report, and after a while, he came out and brought him in.

"Honorable One, that immortal is really powerful. If it weren't for the fact that he has a natural talent that can temporarily increase his speed by twice, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back this time!"

As soon as he saw Ju Ming, Kingfisher cried there. Kingfisher is now in human form, and the hair in front of him is still green, which looks very strange.

"Tell me carefully, what's going on?"

Ju Ming frowned tightly, and Liu Chi was also at the side, and Liu Chi also came from the heavens, which gave him a bad feeling.

He was the one who went to inquire about the news, and he couldn't escape responsibility if something happened, so he listened very carefully there. After a while, the kingfisher demon told all the things that happened before, including their arrival. How did the person who killed the Beacon Tower in front of the city, how did he go directly to the city, how did Ying Feitian get attacked suddenly after that, and so on.

"Jin San hasn't come back yet?"

Ju Ming asked suddenly, Liu Chi shook his head hastily, Liu Chi was only in the realm of immortals, and could not compare to Jin San's status here.

"It seems that Jin San is more ominous than good, that fairy, are you really sure that you are only in the realm of heaven?"

Ju Ming stared at Liu Chi fiercely, Liu Chi was panicked, but his expression didn't change much, he hurriedly judged: "Your Honor, that immortal is indeed only in the realm of heaven, if it wasn't for that, Cui Wu wouldn't be able to come back this time! "

Cui Wu was the kingfisher's name, and Ju Ming nodded slowly. No matter how fast the kingfisher was, it couldn't be faster than the Golden Immortal. Come back, this is indeed true.

"My lord, according to my subordinates, it's either that Master Jin San didn't go there, or that heavenly fairy has a powerful magic weapon in his hand. If Master Jin San didn't check for a while, he just..."

He didn't finish, but what he meant was very clear. It wasn't that Jin San was lazy and didn't go, and he didn't know where he went, or he had already encountered an accident. Jin San was so strong, and the other party was just a fairy. In the case of the magic weapon, you can win.

"There is another possibility. There is a more powerful immortal hidden there. This time, he deliberately did not make a move, and let Cui Wu come back to paralyze us!"

Ju Ming added something, Liu Chi was slightly taken aback, then nodded in agreement.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that this possibility was unlikely. It was true. His last investigation would not be so smooth. Besides, Jin San was not an ordinary monster race. Falling, escaping, and not escaping, and the city is still intact, it must be impossible for a powerful expert to hide.

As for the immortals in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, he didn't even think about it. People in that realm really came to ask for their crimes, and told them not to bother there, and they would not wait passively at all.

It's just that he won't say these words. Since Ju Ming thinks it's possible to be smart, let him feel that way, so that he can clear his responsibility. It's not that his investigation is not good.

"My lord, the people from Wu Tianbu have taken the initiative to attack!"

Just as he was thinking, someone came to report suddenly. Ju Ming stood up suddenly, his eyes widened. All along, they took the initiative to attack Wu Tianbu, and both sides hurt each other, but Wu Tianbu never took the initiative to attack. first.

"My lord, the Wu Tianbu may also be trapped by food. Now take the initiative to attack us and kill our people, they can be harvested as food!"

Six Wings thought about it for a moment, and then reported that they were short of food, and the Wu Clan in Wu Tianbu was having a hard time. The Wu Clan fighters they killed before would also be made into food by them. Now that the Wu Clan is actively attacking, it must be due to food shortage To a certain extent, they should be used as food.

It's just that in this way, the struggle between the two sides will become more intense, both lack food, and then treat each other as food, and then there will be no end to death.

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