Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 89 The beginning of the overlord, the Navy!

High-grade ships such as building ships or warships require special blueprints or illustrations to manufacture. This dockyard of mine can manufacture mysterious-grade warships. It is because of the sudden appearance of Lu Ban's descendant Lu Hao that he is able to possess the technology. Otherwise, they can only manufacture transport ships or fishing boats, which will not be of great help to military forces at sea.

And [Luban Warship] is a booster, allowing him to reach out to the vast and rich sea, to explore the ocean earlier than other players, and to collect the resources of the ocean.

Since ancient times, the importance of the ocean is self-evident. It is understandable that occupying the sovereignty of the ocean can have more voice in the international arena.

Because of the geographical distribution, seven-tenths of the earth is water, and the rest is land, so military power at sea is very important. The United States of America in the old days was so beautiful because of its maritime hegemony.

The mythical world is derived from the earth, so it is basically the same.

The era of great navigation in history is the most glorious beginning of the development of maritime military power, which has a great effect on the development of future generations.

Without a strong sea power, a country simply cannot become a superpower. Moreover, the resources on the sea are also very rich, and various mineral vein resources are also rich, which is a place that must be contested.

A maritime power is the dream of many people in China, but due to many historical reasons, it has never been able to develop. After years of hard exploration and patient concessions in modern times, the power of the sea has gradually developed and formed.

In the game, Lin Mu knows the positioning of the maritime military force and has a detailed development plan. In order to fight for the hegemony of the sea in the later stage, although it has just started, the training of the naval force is very demanding.

Although many players also know that maritime military power is very important, but due to many reasons, it cannot be formed, and there are many conditions that hinder their development of maritime power.

In the previous life, many players also built villages by the sea, hoping to have primitive accumulation, but it is not cost-effective to verify through historical experience.

To develop into an organized water army, warships are first required, which requires technical personnel such as shipbuilders. At the same time, various related buildings also need to be formed, such as docks, ports, etc.;

Secondly, building a village by the sea also requires strong defense. This is not a safe place. There are often powerful sea beasts harassing and attacking the city. Moreover, in addition to the harassment in the sea, there are also man-made disasters, such as pirates, water thieves, and lake thieves. …All kinds of money and resources spent are a huge burden. The capital prepared in the early stage may not be able to sustain it. If you just keep investing and can’t make a profit, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Furthermore, the naval army is a technical arm. In addition to training weapons such as swords, guns and swords, it is also necessary to be familiar with water, and at the same time to master unfamiliar operating techniques such as ship-borne crossbows on warships. All of these require relevant technical accumulation. This involves We have reached the background of the R\u0026D department, but how can the early players have such background.

All in all, it is unwise to develop the navy without the foundation in the early stage. Lin Mu did not develop the navy for the time being. He needs to establish a territory on land. When the army takes shape, the various resources slowly collected are enough. At the same time, recruit A powerful general leads the water army, and then it can develop rapidly.

Lin Mu thought of the super general who was so glamorous and invincible in the world in his previous life, and his heart was agitated.

With his own background, although it is possible to develop a navy now, it is more cost-effective to develop land forces. The warships produced by the shipyards in their own territory are very low-level, unable to deal with large-scale battles, and can only slightly resist threats on the water.

Moreover, the research and development department in its own territory has not yet been perfected, its role has not been highlighted, and the relevant technical personnel have not scaled up. After all relevant resources and talents are in place, their role will grow exponentially.

When the naval army develops, the huge profits from maritime trade, countless geniuses and treasures on the sea, various rare resources, and countless island territories of various sizes... can be developed by myself. Although I cannot monopolize it, I can be a pioneer. Occupy the resource territory to the greatest extent, and wait for other players to develop, and he will be a giant in the sea. At that time, the right to speak in the sea will be his own. These are like a huge cake bait to lure Lin Mu.

Lin Mu is also looking forward to the arrival of such a glorious period of development.

If other players know that there are such warships in Lin Mu's territory, it will be shocking!

But to Lin Mu's regret, there were no sailors!

This is the biggest big problem right now. It is also one of the gaps that hinder the development of the navy.

The cultivation of sailors is not casual, and sailor camps are also required, as well as geographical advantages and talents. It's a pity that the basic building of the territory does not have this, and it is classified as a special territory building, which shows its importance.

The current Lin Mu is holding a magical weapon, but it is a pity that no general can use it to play its due function, and it is buried in the warehouse to eat ashes.

In "Mythical World", there are many classifications of ships, but as far as Lin Mu knows, there are fishing boats, transport ships, and then there are one-masted yellow-class warships such as Pin-class, two-masted Xuan-class warships, and four-masted ground-class warships. Warships, I have never seen others.

And Lin Mu's [Luban Battleship] is a two-masted Xuan-class warship, which is considered the best among two-masted warships.

In his previous life, Lin Mu's territory was all inland, and he didn't develop his naval power. Most of his knowledge was found on the battle net.

There are many types of one-masted yellow warships, such as one-masted sailing ships and building ships.

Lin Mu knows that there are several kinds of four-masted earth-level warships, such as the hero Sun Jian's [Tiger Battleship], the Mi family's [Qinglong Battleship], and the country's representative Yanhuang forces [Mysterious Battleship]... These are all developed in the later stage. Yes, there should be none now, Lin Mu's Xuan Tier warships are all ahead of countless others.

When Lin Mu saw the attributes of the dock, he also thought a lot in his mind, so he thought about it and continued to read.

Now there is only one expert-level shipyard in the territory, and the shipbuilders can meet the operation of the entire shipyard, and they are all operating at full capacity. And for the construction of the Xuan-class battleship, Lin Mu gave an order to build it with all his strength. Although it is useless, it is still necessary to reserve it first.

After Lin Mu looked at the properties, he checked the warehouse:

Warehouse: 8 Luban warships, 200 advanced transport ships, and 500 intermediate transport ships.

There are already 8 Luban battleships inside, which still has the effect of doubling the attribute of the god-level territory. Otherwise, in terms of ordinary territories, it would take more than 20 days to complete one ship.

The other 200 high-level transport ships and 500 mid-level transport ships have not been put into operation. That is because all the fishermen in the territory already have ships and have reached the full state. These are extra.

Boats are produced in the dock every day, and the number of fishermen is gradually increasing, but they all use elementary transport boats, and fishing boats are built as needed, so there is no need to worry about running out of boats due to their efficiency.

Lin Mu looked very comfortable.


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