Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 88 Ocean Outlook, Luban Battleship!

Lin Mu also shared with Feng Zhong some thoughts on combining modern and ancient communication methods. Although it was not recognized by the rules of heaven and earth, it was inspiring for the aborigines to develop a ciphertext intelligence system with attribute bonuses.

"Okay, my lord's thinking is deep but not lacking in breadth. When we have professionals in our territory, I believe these will be of some help!" After hearing Lin Mu's thinking, Feng Zhong admired it very much.

"Well, there are currently no talents in this field in the territory, and the chances of refreshing such talents in refugee camps and refugee camps are lower than refreshing master-level talents!" Lin Mu sighed slightly.

"Talents in this area are the pillars of the country. I believe that those who have inheritance are basically in the Dragon Court! With the ability of these people, it is not a problem to get a position in the Dragon Court military system." Feng Zhong nodded.

"En!" Lin Mu felt a little jealous when he thought of the special talents in the aboriginal army.

"But my lord, maybe the remaining two villages and towns will have talents in this field, haha..." Feng Zhong seemed to know something, and after laughing, he turned and left: "My lord, my subordinates will call Three generals come to accompany you to the opposite side of the Yinglong River, wait a moment!"

"Okay, I have to seize the time to take over the remaining two towns and complete this long-awaited series of lord missions!"

Feng Zhong went to order the general.

After most of the day, Lin Mu explained some things and took three generals out of Zhenlong Village, heading south.

The generals led by Lin Mu are Huang-rank general Liu Feng, high-rank general He Yuan, and high-rank general Wang Sheng. Liu Feng was originally the regiment commander of the Qinglong Army, and later surrendered to himself. Lin Mu looked at his loyalty. , reaching 86 points, it seems that he was surprised by Feng Zhong's momentum and the background of Zhenlong Village, and he did not regret his behavior of abandoning the dark and turning to the bright.

In addition, He Yuan and Wang Sheng are both Liu Feng's former subordinates and generals. They were very brave when Lin Mu attacked Qinglongzhai. Lin Mu was deeply impressed by them, and he loves talents , and personally recruited the two of them, their loyalty was higher than Liu Feng's 86 points, reaching 89 points!

Under Feng Zhong's training, He Yuan and Wang Sheng have already been promoted to high-level generals with the addition of god-level territory attributes and CD. Their aptitudes as high as the ninth rank are indeed not covered.

But it's a pity that, like Xiaohu, the talents of the three of them have not been activated, and their strength is only average. However, with them in charge, Lin Mu should have no problem going to the other side of the river to conquer a large cottage.

After parting with Feng Zhong, Dian Jiang set off immediately. He didn't even respond to Chang Yin asking him for something. Instead of entering the meeting hall in the center of Zhenlong Village, he went directly south. The last two large cottages are no longer a problem. Solve them as soon as possible, and the game will start It's been more than half a year, and I really shouldn't be living in the small valley.

The thousand-meter-wide Yinglong River flows like a never-ending stream. Its countless tributaries nourish countless creatures in the valley. Connected to the vast sea, endless life!

In Lin Mu's territory, there is a dock by the Yinglong River, and it is an expert-level dock, which is supervised by a descendant of Lu Ban.

The dock built by the river occupies more than hundreds of acres of land and extends to the Yinglong River. It is developing vigorously.

The dock is more than ten feet high, the foundation is made of solid stone, and the overall construction is made of second-grade red pine wood, which is as red as the setting sun. This makes docks have some special functions.

These were established by talented people in the territory, and it was the first time for Lin Mu to come here.

Lin Mu has been busy with the military affairs of the territory, and has been practicing leveling. Chang Yin is in charge of all the production affairs of the territory. Lin Mu has never been in this dock, so he is an incompetent lord. In his previous life, the threshold here is not I know if I will be trampled by myself.

A small half of the huge dock is entrenched on the river, and countless ships shuttle around it, which is extremely prosperous.

After Qingfeng Town and Qinglong Town's population surged, the number of fishermen also increased a lot, but compared to Yinglong River, which has abundant fish production, it's like a drop in the bucket!

Countless fishing boats of junior high school and senior level shuttled around, constantly working together to catch fresh fish, and then transport them to the shore, where there are dedicated leaders to transport them, then process, salt, dry, etc., and finally become food!

The noisy Yinglong River has begun to take shape like those large and lively piers in the previous life.

Lin Mu kept observing along the way, and when he saw some fishermen, he did not hesitate to smile and greet them, and warmly greeted and encouraged them. Even some fishermen needed help, and the four Lin Mu stepped forward to help, not afraid of mess and fish smell, and Lin Mu also won the praise of many leaders.

The smiles on the faces of the people are the greatest support for the lord! Lin Mu enjoyed such gazes and praises very much!

In Lin Mu's previous life, he was in a war-torn era, and many villagers had panicked expressions on their faces, constantly bemoaning the impermanence of life, the ruthlessness of heaven, displacement, no fixed place, leaving their homes, etc., even in some villages swept by war, Those villagers are all insensitive, with no hope in their eyes, as if sinking into an abyss, lifeless! These scenes are like yesterday's flowers, Lin Muruo can still remember them vividly! In this life, my territory will definitely not be like that, for sure!

Along a rammed dirt road, we walked slowly to the dock. Some smooth stone slabs have been laid on the road near the dock, which is easier to walk than the dirt road.

This kind of road situation is also the same in other places in the territory. The roads far away from the buildings are just rammed dirt roads. The roads close to the buildings are paved with stone slabs as much as possible. It is due to insufficient raw stone materials that it is impossible to pave all the roads with stone slabs. That would be a huge burden on the territory, and it is not feasible for the time being! These are the layout and construction ordered by Lin Mu to Chang Yin.

Although when it rains, the compacted dirt road will be difficult to walk, but it will not be muddy, at least it is better than the previous natural dirt roads.


When they came to the dock, the craftsmen who built the ship warmly welcomed Lin Mu, the lord, and even rushed to find the chief shipbuilder, wanting to meet Lin Mu, but Lin Mu was not pretentious, and waved his hands to let everyone continue to work hard , I also said a little bit of encouragement to cheer up the hearts of the people.

Afterwards, Lin Mu went directly to the building stone sign to check its attributes:

Name: Luban Dock

Tier: Expert

Features: Special Territory Buildings

Attributes: 1. A Xuan-level [Luban Warship] can be produced every 10 days. It needs to be supervised by Lu Hao. It needs 10 senior shipbuilders and 20 intermediate shipbuilders to assist (the territory attribute has been added);

2. It can produce 10 advanced transport ships (fishing boats) per day, requiring 2 senior shipbuilders and 5 intermediate shipbuilders (the territory attribute has been added);

3. It can produce 30 intermediate transport ships (fishing boats) per day, requiring 10 intermediate shipbuilders and 10 junior shipbuilders (territorial attributes have been added);

4. 100 primary transport ships (fishing boats) can be produced every day, and 30 primary shipbuilders are required (territorial attributes have been added);

Introduction: A special dock built under the supervision of Lu Hao, a descendant of Lu Ban, which can manufacture transport ships or fishing boats of the Xuan class [Lu Ban Warship] and below high-level.

Sure enough, when Lin Mu saw Lu Hao's appearance before, he already knew that there was a special dock. In addition to those conventional transport ships and fishing boats, there was finally a warship, and it was a special black-class warship, with a length of 100 meters. , 30 meters wide, with a speed of 100 km/h, can accommodate 500 soldiers to fight, extremely powerful and domineering.

The shock that this kind of boat brought to Lin Mu at the beginning can be said to be shocking, not much better than the special product of the army bag.


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