Primary riding skills (1000/1000)

Primary bow riding combat skills (210/1000)

Primary spear riding combat skills (1000/1000)

How embarrassing!

Primary riding skills and spear riding combat skills are all maxed out.


His archery cavalry only has 210 proficiency points.

It is really too difficult to continue to transfer to an advanced ranger.

Wang Hao has a feeling!

When he upgraded the spear cavalry to the maximum level, the archery cavalry could not pass the primary level.

Firstly, there are few opportunities for horseback archery, and the experience provided is naturally small; secondly, Wang Hao is currently a military commander. If one arrow misses on the battlefield, it is fine, but if two or three arrows all miss, it will be too embarrassing. Wang Hao is also a man of honor!

Especially such things that damage his military prestige, he will never do it!

Therefore, he can only practice horseback archery at the target in private, in the training ground, and barely increase his proficiency.

The only regret is that even if you hit the target when practicing horseback archery, you will only have 1 proficiency point; but if you don’t hit it, you won’t even have 1 proficiency point!

Although there are currently 210 proficiency points for archery cavalry, in fact, 200 of them are all passively increased proficiency because the primary archery skills are at the maximum level.

In other words!

Wang Hao only hit the target 30 times!

(PS: 20 of them were when he changed his job to strengthen his troop type, when his archery skill was increased from 80 to 100.)

This is enough to prove that archery is really difficult!

It seems!

I have to focus on making up for my shortcomings!

Because, after this battle, his lance cavalry skills have reached the conditions for promotion to advanced troop types.

In other words, his archery skill is the lowest level among all his professional skills, no doubt about it!


Congratulations on changing to heavy cavalry!

In an instant, a mysterious power surged into his body.

Compared with elite troop types, the power enhancement brought by changing his job to an advanced troop type is really insignificant.

At this time, Wang Hao hardly felt much change!

Advanced Riding (0/3000)

Elementary Archery Skill (210/1000)

Advanced Lance Skill (500/3000)

Damn it!

A 210-level archery skill is really eye-catching!

Wang Hao made up his mind that he must improve his bow and cavalry combat proficiency in a short period of time! At this moment, a slight earthquake sounded.


This is the sound of thousands of horses galloping.

Wang Hao turned his head and looked.

Sure enough! The cavalry battalion sent by

Lu Zhi has arrived!

Unfortunately, they are one step late after all.

At this moment!

Wang Hao is already cleaning up the battlefield.

This battle has nothing to do with the Northern Army Cavalry Battalion.


The warhorse galloped to the front of the city and slowly stopped.

The cavalry captain Xu Min looked at the vast expanse of Yellow Turbans who raised their hands in surrender and froze in place.

He was stunned!

How could two hundred miscellaneous soldiers resolve the battle so quickly?

And after a rough glance, it seemed that the losses of these miscellaneous soldiers were not great, and the strength of the soldiers was at least over 180.

In other words, they defeated a Yellow Turban with a strength of at least 8,000 at the cost of almost zero casualties!

Damn it!

How did they do it?

Xu Min asked himself, if it were him, could he do it under the same conditions?

The answer is obviously no!

Not to mention under the same conditions, even with the current level of the cavalry camp, it would be impossible to have such a record by randomly pulling out two hundred people, or even four hundred or eight hundred people!


Wang Hao did it!

And Xu Min saw it with his own eyes!

He had always looked down on this guy, a mud-legged peasant from a rural militia, but he actually did something that even he couldn't do!

Suddenly, Xu Min felt mixed emotions, not knowing whether to congratulate him or turn around and leave.

"Damn it! We came so quickly, but they had already finished the battle?"

"Didn't Lu Zhonglang say that they had only been gone for a day? Why were they so fast? Could they have flown here?"

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Even the Changshui Battalion and the Infantry Battalion do not have such a strong combat power!"

"Seven or eight thousand soldiers! Even if they were seven or eight thousand pigs, they would have to be killed for a while. How could they surrender?"

"Damn the miscellaneous department, I really underestimated them!"


For a while, the soldiers of the Tunqi Battalion were talking about it.

They thought they could get some ready-made military merits.

But unexpectedly, they came up empty-handed and got nothing!

The huge psychological gap made it difficult for them to accept such a result!

Everyone in the Tunqi Battalion was jealous!

It was not because they had made any merits, but because they felt that they were not as good as a soldier!


With an angry snort, Xu Min simply waved his hand:"Brothers, go back to Handan!"

The next second, a voice sounded behind him:




The cheers of the soldiers were like a sharp sword piercing Xu Min's heart.

What a shame!

He was actually mocked by a bunch of soldiers?

"Captain, should we......"

"What else? If you have the ability, go kill the enemy on the battlefield, don't start an internal conflict here!"



Today's goal: 55,000 flowers.

If I set a higher goal, I probably won't need to update more.

I think I'll save some drafts, and I don't want to stay up late to update more! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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