Wang Hao galloped on his horse.

Like a red lightning!

Gao Lan had successfully attracted the attention of the Yellow Turbans.

A large wave of bandits was sweeping towards him!

The opportunity for a sneak attack was fleeting!

Wang Hao had to strike decisively and deal a fatal blow to the Yellow Turbans' command system!

Otherwise, once the other side had a chance to catch their breath, they would surely launch a crazy counterattack with their army.

With only two hundred soldiers under Wang Hao's command, it was estimated that they were not enough to fill the gaps in the Yellow Turbans' teeth.


He tried his best to gallop on his horse.

The more critical the moment, the more it could prove the significance of war horses to military generals.

Chiyang was indeed the descendant of the Yanqi horse from the Western Regions!

It spread its four hooves and rushed forward with all its might.

It seemed like just a blink of an eye!

It appeared less than three hundred steps away from the Yellow Turbans' banner.

Such a distance was just a stone's throw for the warhorse!

But the Yellow Turbans were by no means clay figurines!

At this time!

They had already noticed the soldiers and horses attacking from the rear.

At that moment!

There was a clatter!

More than a hundred elite soldiers, holding weapons and shouting, rushed towards Wang Hao like a pack of wolves.

After all, they were the guards of the Yellow Turban commander.

From weapons and equipment to combat quality, they were not comparable to ordinary Yellow Turbans.

Wang Hao did not dare to underestimate the enemy. He immediately picked up the Black Iron Cold Spear and used the Overlord Gale Stab. The three or four Yellow Turban elite soldiers who attacked along the way were killed by Wang Hao before they could react!


Experience +3000;

Advanced Overlord Spear Skill (6873/10000)


Experience +3000;

Advanced Overlord Spear Skill (6883/10000)......

Wang Hao fought all the way, like a dragon playing in the water.

Although these Yellow Turbans were elite, they were no match for him!

Facing obstacles, Wang Hao did not slow down, he raised his gun and walked on the corpses, extremely brave!

A full three hundred steps away!

In an instant!

He was pulled closer to less than a hundred steps!

Zhao Feng behind him was simply stunned, his eyes were as big as a cow egg, and his mouth suddenly opened into an O shape, as if he had never seen such a brave and fierce general!

In addition!

Wang Hao's moves were extremely decisive, and his moves were killing moves, never dragging his feet. Every time a gun was stabbed, someone would die. It was extremely terrifying!

Zhao Feng realized then!

He was deceived by the other party's handsome appearance.

He thought Wang Hao was a pale-faced scholar. Although he was the main general of this army, he was at best a Confucian general. Unexpectedly, he was a real killing madman!

If it was just Wang Hao, it would be fine. But it happened......

This team, from top to bottom, is all like this!

Unruly and fiery!

Before the war starts, they are just like ordinary people; but once the war starts!

Every one of them is a little devil from hell.

A little devil who specializes in taking people's lives!

"Brothers, follow me!"

"Kill the Yellow Turbans and don’t let any one go!"


Zhang Nan walked briskly, holding his sword and roaring.

Zhao Feng remembered it clearly!

Before the expedition, it was this guy who angrily confronted him!

Now it seems.

Sure enough!

Each of them is as ferocious as a beast!

Zhao Feng suddenly understood.

With such soldiers and horses to help, who cares about the Tunqiying!

He galloped on his horse, following Wang Hao's footsteps, rushing towards the Yellow Turban commander, and attacked fiercely.

But the Yellow Turban commander was not a dead man, he would not stand there waiting for you to kill him.

Wang Hao's every shot was deadly, very brave!

The Yellow Turban commander was not blind, and seeing that he could not resist, he turned his horse and ran away.

He was not running away!

Instead, he was mobilizing troops to surround Wang Hao's team.

But Wang Hao would never give him a chance!

""You bastard, where are you going?"

Wang Hao shouted, and chased after him with his gun.

He fiercely clamped Chiyang!~~~

Chi Yang raised his head and neighed, and his speed soared again.

The gap of more than ten steps between the two sides was narrowed in an instant! At the same time, Wang Hao hurriedly pulled the reins, and Chi Yang, who was sitting down, seemed to sense his master's fighting intention. He suddenly raised his front hooves and jumped into the air, carrying Wang Hao and flying a distance.


A shadow appeared above the Yellow Turban commander's head.

He looked up and saw a cold light flashing in front of him. Those eyes were full of horror!


The Yellow Turban leader cried out in shock, as if he were filled with lead, unable to move:"My orders!......"It's over!"

When the shadow passed over his head!

When Wang Hao landed gracefully!


Bright red blood gushed out and splashed all over the place.


Experience +8000;

Advanced Overlord Spear Skill (6943/10000)

Zhao Feng was stunned and secretly praised:

"What a brave general indeed!"

Chen Lan, who was fighting on the city wall, was even more surprised! He took the general's head in the midst of thousands of troops!

This is the true style of a great general!

He really couldn't believe that a small team of only two hundred people could have such a strong fighting power!

Zhang Nan, who was running all the way, was even more excited.

Puff! Puff!

He casually chopped down two yellow turbans and immediately screamed at the top of his voice:

"The main general of the Yellow Turbans is dead, and you won’t be killed if you surrender!"

"The main general of the Yellow Turbans is dead, and you won’t be killed if you surrender!"


The Yellow Turbans who were attacking the city looked back and saw their general lying dead on the spot. Their inner defenses collapsed immediately. They almost subconsciously dropped their weapons and raised their hands!

The mood of defeat spread like a plague!

One person surrendered, and a group of people followed suit.

In an instant!

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Seven or eight thousand Yellow Turban bandits were really defeated by two hundred people!

Zhao Feng took a deep breath, looked at the defeated Yellow Turbans, and shouted excitedly:


"I actually won!"


I wanted to take a break today and not update!

Unfortunately, the readers are so awesome that I have to work overtime!

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