This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 535: Your end is doomed

In the forest, Hyuga Aya was speeding towards the location of Uchiha Kai.

The battle just now made her realize that this was definitely not something like a natural earthquake.

That is definitely Uchiha Qi's shot, because only he has such strength and ability.

And the people he went to chase were all those patriarchs. Would the guys who can be dispatched to this mission be simple people?

If nothing else, Terumi Mei, who was just dealt with by Hyuga Aya, is not a simple character.

Suddenly, Hyuga Aya frowned, because she noticed a familiar chakra rushing in this direction.

She has studied the fairy mode for so long, although the actual combat effect is really not very good.

But unexpectedly, her body seems to have been upgraded and transformed by the fairy chakra.

Even if she didn't use the Immortal Chakra, her perception ability was still wildly improved.

Coupled with her white eyes, there are probably few people who can compare with her in terms of detection ability.

But this time she didn't open her eyes, because she knew who the other party was.

And the other party seemed to have noticed her, and ran over to her position deliberately.

Hyuga Aya thought for a while and then slowed down, but sure enough, after a few minutes, one person caught up.

As Hyuga Aya thought, this guy is Imai Kenta.

Obviously, this guy, like himself, also believed that Uchiha Qi did it after realizing the previous situation.

"Are you here too?"

Imai Kenta glanced at Hyuga Aya, and then accelerated directly: "But it's normal, after all, your relationship..."

"Can you stop talking nonsense?"

Hyuga Aya glared at Imai Kenta, then said directly, "How's the situation on your side?"

"It's alright, I met a person from the dried persimmon family, who is good, but I got it."

Imai Ken too spread his hands: "It seems to be called a dry persimmon ghost shark, I really don't understand why you keep your hands with them."

"Maybe there are other intentions, we don't know anyway."

Hyuga Aya shook her head: "I met Terumi Mei here."

"Terumi Mei?"

Imai Ken was too stunned for a moment, and then his face became a little weird.

He participated in that mission back then, and even hid in the grass beside him and watched it for a long time.

Uchiha Kei almost killed that woman back then, and at the same time he almost killed Hyuga Aya.

But in the end, this matter was over, but they remembered Terumi Mei.

Encountered again this time, the ghost knows what kind of mentality Hyuga Aya has to deal with.

Could it be that the woman was killed by this lunatic?

"I didn't kill her." Hyuga Aya glanced at Imai Kenta's face, and immediately knew what he was thinking: "This woman is very troublesome, double blood, really want to kill..."

"Although it may not cause any trouble for Kai, there must be someone who will come out and criticize, right?" Imai Kenta directly interrupted the woman's words: "It seems that you are very rational, for love?"


Hyuga Aya shook her head, then opened her white eyes, and suddenly everything within two or three kilometers appeared in her eyes.

"How's it going?"

Imai Kenta saw these white eyes, and after thinking about it, he could speak directly: "What's the situation over there?"

"We're in the past."

Hyuga Aya shook her head: "The battle is over."


Facing the desperate attack of the only four remaining team leaders, Kai Uchiha's face was very calm.

Because he knows that under the complete body Susanoo, they can't do any harm to themselves!

In fact, strictly speaking, only after the Susanoo has reached the complete body, it is called the "true Susanoo"!

The Susanoo complete body can only be opened by those who use the kaleidoscope Shaker's pupil power to the extreme, and who have huge chakras themselves.

It is true that at the low level of Susanoo, there is really no need for the caster to have too many chakras.

Because in the spiritual space, as the patron saint of Susanoo, it only needs to release its chakra through the guidance of the kaleidoscope.

Of course, this may be the way Uchiha Kai himself has, and he doesn't know how others are.

But when Susanoo reaches its peak, it requires the caster to use chakra himself.

These chakras are not used for anything, except for the necessary compensation and solidification of Susanoo's whole body.

There is also an extremely important role, that is, it is used to protect itself!

So huge, it can be said that the quality has reached the ultimate chakra.

In this way, the body of the caster is covered without any protection, and the damage caused to the caster is completely conceivable.

Of course, ordinary Susanoo does not do much damage to the caster.

But Uchiha Kai's body began to fuse Bai Jue's cells very early.

Although it is not comparable to Imai Kenta, it is not comparable to Hyuga Aya's current state.

But confronting and neutralizing Susanoo's damage is completely unquestionable.

Moreover, Bai Jue's cells also gave him a great benefit, that is, his chakras were greatly enriched in number.

Combined with the benefits brought by the evolution of the Eternal Eye, he is now not worried about what damage the complete body Susanoo will cause to his body.

This means that he can use the power of the complete body Susanoo unscrupulously, before his pupil technique is consumed to a certain extent!

A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the next moment Susanoh's huge body showed incredible strength.

Wind Demon Ninja Mandala Binding, this technique Uchiha Kai has faced two or three times, and he has almost understood the essence of this secret technique.

In fact, the effect of this sealing secret technique is similar to that of 'Sand Waterfall Burial' and Oh Yegi's method of compressing Sasuke by using the dust escape.

After trapping people, it began to frantically compress the people trapped in the enchantment, and the people trapped inside would be crushed into tiny pieces!

This sealing technique is indeed very strong, but it is a pity that its caster met Kai Uchiha.

"If it was Oh Yemu's dust escape, maybe I would still be worried, but this technique..."

The secret technique, the blood following the limit, is really not worth mentioning in the face of bloodstain elimination.

Unless it is like a wheel-shaped eye, a white eye, etc., it acts on the body and has a specific embodiment of the blood-line boundary.

Otherwise, the kind of blood that is mixed with Chakra is just like that!

As Susanoo's huge body began to move, the charged multicolored cone-shaped barrier that enveloped it instantly cracked.

In just a moment, the seal shattered into countless pieces on one side like glass.

Feng Mo Yang Ping knelt on the ground with blank eyes, the blood in his whole body seemed to be evaporating, and the whole person knew that he would not be able to survive.

Without the slightest hesitation, Uchiha Qi controlled Susanoo and stepped on it directly!

With such strength, it is completely conceivable to imagine the fate of the patriarch of the Fuyin Village Fengmo clan.

In just a few breaths, two of the five patriarchs have been killed.

The only three people left immediately dispersed, but the hugeness caused by that kick made them unable to stand still.


Shirai Naohui scolded angrily, seeing this scene, he knew that it would be difficult for him to escape, but he still planned to give it a try.

Survival is a human instinct, but before that, he still needs to do one thing.

After he figured out all this, he quickly sealed the seal: "Secret Art, Golden Vulture Bite!"

As his chakra vibrated, a psychic mark appeared on the ground, and then a large golden eagle appeared in front of everyone with white smoke.

This large golden eagle is Shirai Naoki's last means of pressing the bottom of the box.

This eagle has also been secretly fed by him for many years, not only using chakra feeding, but also feeding all kinds of psychic creatures with chakra attributes and his own meat together.

Powerful and tyrannical, it was his last trump card.

In fact, for him, he really would rather not use this eagle all his life.

Because once used, this eagle will inevitably die, which can imagine the impact on Naoki Shirai's strength.

With the help of this eagle's chakra through some special secret techniques, it is enough to support all the previous battles of Shirai Naoki.

But this time it won't work, he knows that he might not survive either, and there is something he must do.

Uchiha Kei watched this guy's movements silently, just when he just wanted to adjust Susanohu to attack him.

Suddenly, a huge chakra appeared on his side again. He turned his head and saw that Yu Yi Zhengya had jumped to his waist at some point.

In his hand, there was a ninja sword that was purely made up of three types of chakra, and around the sword, there was a faint reflection of cherry blossoms.

Yui Zhengya's posture is very graceful, but the knife in his hand and the chakra presented by the knife made Uchiha Kai feel amazed.

"Secret Art, Muhua Sakuya Ji Slash!"

Sakuya Ki, this name is unfamiliar to Uchiha Kei, but I also know that in ancient myths and legends, she represents the **** of fragility and beauty of life, and she also has a legend, that is the **** of cherry blossoms!

This kind of name is very similar to the name of the figurative moves after the Uchiha family opened the kaleidoscope, and they are all named after the gods.

Just based on this, you can know how powerful this move is.

The dried persimmon corpse flounder hesitated a little, and when he saw the two of them shot at the same time, there was an inexplicable flash in his eyes.

However, his reaction was also extremely fast, his hands were imprinted, and the huge chakra boiled in his body in an instant.

In fact, at this point, their bodies have reached the limit, and even they are almost all burning their lives to fight.

However, the characteristics of the dried persimmon family make their chakra so huge that it is unbelievable, and the dried persimmon corpse obviously inherits this perfectly.

It's just that after this guy finished casting a super huge water escape, he immediately planned to get out and run!

As of now, there is basically no hope.

If he was stared at by Uchiha Kai, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to run away easily.

But at this moment, Uchiha Kai's eyes were obviously fixed on the other two, which gave him a perfect opportunity.

But just as he was about to leave, he was surprised to find that someone was actually faster than him!

"Secret Art Golden Eagle Chakra Mode!"

Naoki Shirai completed his last secret technique at this moment, and he directly integrated the golden eagle that he had summoned into his body.

The next moment his body changed dramatically, feathers appeared all over his body, and even his hands became a pair of wings.

His eyes were incomparably indifferent like golden eagles, but the next moment this guy actually rose up into the air and flew into the distance without taking his head back.

"act recklessly!"

Uchiha Qi naturally noticed this scene and could not help frowning.

Although the Muhua Sakuya Ji Zhan behind him did make him feel a little troublesome, if the enemy ran in front of his eyes, it would be even more troublesome.

Thinking of this, the eternal kaleidoscope in his eyes revolved.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and Susanoo swept out the huge ninja sword in both hands.

With glorious divine power, the water escape in front of him and the cherry blossom blade by his side were instantly turned to ashes.

But what made him look a little sideways was that the feather-robed Masahiro Muhua Sakuya Ji Zhan was indeed a technique named after a god.

When his Susanoo's ninja sword touched this technique, he was actually hit with a gap!

Eyes turned slightly just a moment to recover.

In the shocked eyes of the two patriarchs Kanaki and Yui, Susanoo once again slashed out with a piercing sword energy, chasing after the fleeing Shirai Naoki.

The sound of a series of explosions sounded, the earth was divided again, and the huge smoke rose into the sky, and a hill in the distance suddenly turned into two pieces.

Naoki Shirai who was in midair turned into ashes in an instant and disappeared without a trace!

Under this kind of power, Kai Uchiha didn't even bother to take another look.

"Just the two of you left."

He looked at the miserable two people in front of him indifferently, and his voice was still the same as the beginning.

"Fight or run, indecision is disgusting. Of course, only cowards run away, so if you can't win, don't do it, okay?"

"Do you want us to stand and die?"

Yu Yi Zhengya clutched her chest and basically had no ability to fight back.

The fight with Uchiha Qi just now really made his already bad state even worse.

"As you say, no one in this world can resist you, so is everyone waiting to be killed by you?"

The dried persimmon flounder looked at Uchiha Kai with indifference, and he basically lost his ability to fight just now, and he knew that he really couldn't hold it.

"Is there no one in the world who can resist me?"

Uchiha Qi controlled Susanoo to move forward: "Sorry, you are wrong, this world is huge, and it is bigger than you can imagine. Although there are not many people stronger than me, there are definitely not many people, just conceited. will perish."

"Actually, I already said that...

Your end is already doomed..."


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