This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 534: The power of Kai Uchiha (2)

The latest website: "It's kind of interesting."

Looking at Susanoo's continuous explosions and the lightning flashes on him, Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself.

He never underestimated the other party, nor did he mean to let go of water.

The attack of these five people really made him feel a little pressure. If he didn't have enough confidence, I'm afraid this would really happen.

After all, it's not Madara Uchiha. His current situation is really similar to Madara Uchiha's future against the Five Shadows.

But how exaggerated was Madara Uchiha back then?

Eternal Eye is no longer his limit, he can use Samsara Eye, and he still has Mu Dun to use!

Of course, this is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that he was in a state of reincarnation at that time.

Unlimited chakra, the undead body can let him pretend to be at will, and he doesn't worry that he won't have a chance to find the place after the car rolls over.

But Uchiha Kai is not in such a state. To be honest, he does not want to be in such a state in his life.

"Although I was a little caught off guard, and was beaten a little bit inelegantly, it's still a bit of a surprise."

Uchiha Ki shook his wrist, and his eyes became gloomy.

The leader of the Baijing clan, he knew that he was good at controlling birds, but he didn't know much about it.

Now it seems that the bird he controls should be injected with his own chakra.

These chakras can be regarded as time bombs. They will suddenly appear at a time when you are not paying attention and then give you a fatal blow.

In addition, the birds they control also seem to have differences in chakra properties.

Just like now, the thunder that he is satisfied with in this area is what an eagle controlled by this guy did.

"Intelligence collection capabilities, as well as vehicle functions, sneak attack functions, and chakras with various attributes are really comprehensive."

Uchiha Qi quickly summed up the results of the previous battle.

"And the Yuyi family, that knife can't see anything, but there are some records of them in the family. What they use is actually the ability of chakra fusion."

Chakra fusion has never been an easy thing.

The fusion of two different familiar chakras is inherently very difficult.

But their family is different, they can continuously integrate all the different chakra attributes with the development of bloodline!

An ordinary member of the feather-clothed clan is born with only one chakra attribute.

But once they activate their own bloodline, they automatically get a chakra attribute, and they can easily fuse the previous attributes.

This is a unique ability, the fusion of chakra and the acquisition of different attributes of chakra are not difficult for them at all.

Legend has it that with the continuous development of their bloodlines, they can even fuse all chakras!

What does it mean to blend all chakras?

The fusion of the two attributes can be called the bloodline limit, and the fusion of the three attributes can be called the bloodstain elimination.

The fusion of all attributes is already a **** snarl!

Uchiha Qi has heard of it? Their family is likely to be Otsutsuki Yui? That is, other blood continuations of the Six Path Immortals.

At that time, he didn't think too much? After transmigrating and looking at their information, this is not an attitude of indifference.

But now that I have really met them, Uchiha Kai feels the complexity here? I am afraid it is a bit beyond imagination.

But no matter what they are? You can't stop them, can you?

What's more, Kai Uchiha feels that this guy seems to have three attributes of chakra.

But I don't know why the power he burst out doesn't seem to be as strong as Ohnogi who was eliminated with blood.

"Forget it, it is said that the current situation of the Yuyi clan is not optimistic? Basically, it is difficult to meet the Yuyi clan who have opened the bloodline limit."

Uchiha Qi made a seal with one hand, and the chakra on his body began to spread wildly.

"Since you have encountered it? Then naturally don't miss it. I am also doing similar experiments!"

"Nice job, everyone." Ghost Lantern Yinyue said with a smile, "This kid is really arrogant."

"It's really arrogant." Yu Yi Zhengya's face was perhaps solemn: "But? Don't be too happy, this guy is fine."

"It's really okay." The dried persimmon corpse flounder also stood up, and his feet seemed to have no effect on his battle: "He is still alive, and the chakra giant protected him."

"As expected of Uchiha, he can withstand such an attack." Shirai Naoki sighed slightly, but soon his face became serious: "By the way, did you notice his eyes?"

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye." Ghost Lantern Yinyue said flatly: "I noticed it long ago, it's a terrifying power."

"Damn, this guy...." Suddenly, Feng Mo Yangping, who had been keeping the seal, changed his face: "His power is increasing, my enchantment needs..."

Before the words were finished, an incomparable force instantly came from below the big lake.

The turbulent waves are accompanied by huge waves, which will devour the five of them in an instant!

However, the speed of the five of them is also very fast, and they have completely avoided before these waves crashed down.

In the turbulent lake, the dark luster was reflected, and with the terrifying chakra eruption, the fourth stage Susa stood up from it.

Uchiha Qi looked at everyone coldly, without any obvious injuries on his body.

"Your performance is worthy of praise, but..." Uchiha Qi said coldly, and Susanoo put his right hand on the ninja sword on his waist: "Now I'm the main attack!"

The dark chakra ninja knife was pulled out in an instant, accompanied by the thick chakra and the scorching fire of Amaterasu, a huge gap appeared on the lake in an instant.

In an instant, the man-made lake turned into two waterfalls, and the waterfalls continued to spread towards the five people.

"Tu Dun·Tuliu City Wall!"

"Earth Escape Hardening Technique!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, Fengmo Yangping and Yui Zhengya quickly formed a seal with both hands.

The next moment, they almost completed their ninjutsu in tandem.

Fengmo Yangping used a super-large range of defensive earth escape, while Yui Zhengya helped this technique become more rigid.

At the moment when all this was completed, the blade wielded by Uchiha Qi also fell.

The violent vibration caused the gravel to continuously fall to the waterfall below.

The huge earth wall covered with sclerosis was also devastated at this moment.

Fortunately, the earth wall did not collapse directly, and he resisted Uchiha Kai's knife.

This terrifying scene made the five of them not even react.

What kind of terrifying power is this in order to cause such destructive power?

And this kid, this Susanoo, this 100-meter-tall Susanoo, isn't he really joking?

For a moment, or rather now, in their minds, they connected Kai Uchiha with that mysterious Uchiha.

It's just that they can't be completely convinced, because it's really terrifying!

"It's so strong?" Ghost lamp Yinyue frowned: "It seems that the village is blocked, and our eyes are blinded, or, this kid..."

"It should be deliberately hidden." Yu Yi Zhengya's face was uncertain: "I have a bad idea now, will this guy be..."

"Whether it is or not, we also have no choice." The dried persimmon corpse flounder ninja has completely bloomed with blue chakra: "Damn it, it seems that all the people who died last time were Yuan Shi people, especially that Qing. say...would this also be a deal?"

The words of the dried persimmon corpse flounder suddenly stopped others from talking, because they were really thinking about this issue.

A few years ago, the mysterious Uchiha attacked Kirigakushi.

The first group of troops sent by Shuiying were Yuan Shi people, and everyone still remembers the result.

Not to mention the numerous casualties, the white-eyed user turned into ashes.

Although Sui Ying also participated in the battle himself, he was even controlled by illusion.

After the Kaguya rebellion, the most seriously injured were still the ninjas of the Yuan division!

Combining these things, it seems that there is no exaggeration to say that there is a transaction.

Where did the Kaguya clan get so many weapons and supplies?

Why would those families flee in the direction of Konoha?

Isn't it, the people with Konoha actually visited them in advance!

Otherwise, all of this will not be explained.

Unless the people with Konoha visited Kaguya and provided the material, they had ambitions.

Only when people with Konoha visited those **** clans did they realize that something was wrong and finally chose to flee to Konoha.

Of course, there may also be a pair of invisible hands operating here.

For example, Shuiying was involved from the very beginning.

Don't look at how miserable he was by the illusion, but now that I think about it, is there really an illusion that can easily control a shadow?

There is a high probability, but it's just acting!

He noticed Konoha's actions and gave it convenience, so that Kaguya's affairs were never exposed.

From the beginning, he planned to use Kaguya's most turbulent **** to deliberately make them stage a coup.

In order to clear up what he thinks is the unsettling factor in the fog.

If they can't be cleaned up, let them get out of the fog, and at the same time send troops to catch up.

The troop dispatched was obviously not one of his own. Hesitating Konoha had already intervened, so Konoha would naturally come to pick him up.

So Mizukage directly handed the information to Konoha and asked Konoha to dispatch their most powerful ninja.

With the help of Konoha's hand, I can clean up these guys who are not my own!

Thinking of this, the five patriarchs were all in a cold sweat.

What a ruthless scheming, no wonder to block Wuyin, it turns out that everything is to clean up dissidents!

That mysterious Uchiha, I'm afraid it was made up at all, right?

Konoha's Nine-Tails incident is simply fake, it's purely Konoha's own unfavorable actions.

In order to divert the contradictions in the village, at the same time, Uchiha Kai also made such a thing in Kirigakushi.

So you borrowed this pretext and turned yourself into a bitter master?

In Yunyin's war, Konoha was temporarily unable to dispatch the most powerful people, so he was fighting like that.

In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I made up a mysterious Uchiha again to end the war, right?

Makes sense, that's it!

These five people directly qualified the matter almost immediately.

Even if there are still some flaws in it, such as how old is Uchiha Kai a few years ago?

But what about this?

The current Uchiha Kaito is already so strong, so it seems that his performance a few years ago is not too much!

What a vicious Mizuying, what a vicious Konoha, they actually joined forces to create such a big conspiracy!

"It's really vicious, you guys!" Ghost Lantern Yinyue gritted her teeth and looked at Kai Uchiha, then cursed loudly!

"As expected of Konoha, as expected of Kai Uchiha, as expected of Hokage! A bunch of despicable and shameless villains!" Shirai Naoki also scolded.

Not only the two of them, but the others stared at Kai Uchiha with resentful eyes.

This makes Uchiha Kai a little baffling. He is really good at analyzing people's hearts, but he doesn't know what these people are crazy about now.

What is vicious?

What is a group of despicable and shameless villains?

They seem to have done nothing, what the **** is going on with them?

However, it was too late to speak, and Ghost Lantern Yinyue spoke at once.

"Everyone, don't hide your secrets, use all your strength!" Ghost Lantern Yinyue shouted gloomily: "Kill this guy, I want to see, Konoha and Mizuying's plan, will continue?"

As his voice fell, his chakras emerged crazily, and huge chakras rose into the sky.

The lake under his feet became his main battlefield, and the violent water escaped under the guidance of his Chakra, and a violent reaction occurred in an instant.

Thick, greasy, this weird feeling made Kai Uchiha frown.

Although Ghost Lantern Yinyue is not the Ghost Lantern Huan Yue who is inseparable from the second generation of Tuying, but it is a family after all, I am afraid there are a lot of ideas between them, right?

"Water Escape, Oil Conversion!" Ghost Lantern Yinyue roared, his chakra had completely invaded into the lake.

"Since that's the case..." The dried persimmon corpse flounder glanced at the ghost lamp Yinyue, and then quickly made a seal: "I'll cooperate with you, water escape, big burst of water!"

The lake beneath my feet seemed to come alive at this moment.

Even the water source that had fallen into the canyon that was opened by Uchiha Kai was filled up at this moment and spread up.

The huge water source formed an ellipsoid-shaped water prison, which not only imprisoned them, but also trapped Uchiha Kai!

Uchiha Qi immediately noticed that the water conditions were not right.

Maybe they shouldn't be called water, it would be better to call them oil!

"Kill him! Secret Art Eagle Crack!"

"Fuuma Ninja · Oi · Mandala Binding!"

"Ninja, Profound Truth, Triple Fusion, Flame Dungeons!"

The five team leaders worked together, and these five techniques together not only completely sealed Uchiha Kai, but the water turned into oil obviously to prepare for the explosion.

And those ninjutsu on the periphery are not simple one by one.

Whether it was the eagle with golden luster in the sky, or the seal that appeared next to him again, it was obviously many times stronger than before.

It is still the fire dragon that combines the three chakras and condenses.

All of this makes Uchiha Qi know that if he is hit by these four profound meanings at the same time, Susanoo at this stage will definitely be destroyed in an instant!

As long as you are rubbed once, it is a certain death situation.

With a faint sigh, the kaleidoscope in Uchiha Kai's eyes began to spin rapidly.

He raised his head and looked at the dignified five people, and suddenly he showed a smile.

"I have to say, although I don't know what the **** you are crazy about, you are really capable.

Because, I'm starting to get excited..."


Uchiha Qi is indeed feeling a little excited now. Strictly speaking, the cooperation of these five people in physical skills is really not very good.

It may be because he has the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, which completely restrains the performance of these people.

Aside from the insight of the Eternal Kaleidoscope, there is a very important reason.

That is, Uchiha Kai has Susanoo, this terrifying existence that can completely ignore general physical attacks.

But for ninjas, taijutsu is only a small part of what makes up their battle.

Ninjutsu, illusion and even secret techniques are all they have to learn to use.

Taijutsu can't cooperate with each other, then cooperate with ninjutsu, cooperate with secret art!

If it wasn't for Kai Uchiha's ability to write a wheel, I'm afraid they would never be stingy with the illusions they used.

Their ninjutsu coordination is very good, powerful but also full of tacit understanding.

Especially the secret techniques they are using now, which makes Uchiha Kaito feel a deadly threat.

Although Uchiha Qi likes to hide himself, it does not mean that he will hide himself to death!

As his voice fell, his pupils suddenly widened, and the complicated patterns in his eyes were clearly visible.

This weird and complex pattern began to spin wildly, and a destructive, and at the same time extremely dark, chakra came out of him.

Susanoo, who had already reached the fourth stage, has grown in size again at this moment.

The dark Chakra quickly showed the samurai armor on it, and the dark energy ninja had a scabbard hanging around his waist.

Especially on its face, there is a very clear, like a Rakshasa in the temple, a hideous and terrifying Wutiangou mask that makes people feel terrified at first glance!

Uchiha Kei's figure floated in the trough on Susanoo's forehead, and he stared at the five people in front of him with his arms around his chest.

The next moment, a violent explosion broke out in this huge water prison.

The entire water dungeon has been completely replaced with oil, and the technique of the dried persimmon corpse has helped the oil containing the terrifying chakra to condense more.

In addition to the techniques of the other three, this huge water prison was completely detonated!

It seems that the five casters can't resist this outbreak, and all they can do is to help the persimmon corpse stabilize the water prison.

Otherwise, let the outbreak spread, and I am afraid that I will suffer disaster too.

It's just that their hearts are completely uncertain now.

Because they just saw a scene that they will never forget, the dark 100-meter giant, like a nightmare, deeply in their minds!

"That was..." Shirai Naoki's voice seemed to tremble a little. He helped the persimmon corpse to stabilize the ninjutsu and asked, "Can this kind of thing really be done by humans?"

"This kid, can't you do it..." Ghost Lantern Yinyue's tone was also a little frightened: "It seems that he is the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Yunyin."

"As expected, there are so many things mixed in here."

Feng Mo Yangping's mouth had already shed some blood, and just now his seal was shattered by Uchiha Qi's use of Susanoo, which made him also suffer backlash.

"Don't be careless, that guy..."

Yu Yi Zhengya sighed slightly, but before he finished speaking, the face of the dried persimmon corpse flounder beside him changed!

"Damn, this guy is still alive!" The dried persimmon corpse flounder shouted.

It's a pity that they didn't have time to do anything, and the water polo in front of them burst open, revealing the dark giant hidden inside.

Unscathed, really unscathed!

With such a violent explosion, was there no way to injure the monster in front of him?

The five of them opened their mouths, and in the end they could only let out a faint sigh.

It wasn't that they didn't want to run before, but they knew they couldn't run at all!

Such a violent explosion, once it spreads, will definitely not be able to escape the scope according to their speed.

It is perfectly safe to say that if they do not stay to stabilize this ninjutsu, then they will surely die.

However, they never dreamed that Uchiha Kai, who was at the center of the explosion, was unscathed!

Is this really human?

At this moment, they couldn't help but think of what Naoki Shirai said, can this kind of thing really be done by humans?

Uchiha Qi looked at the five of them indifferently, there was no nonsense at all, and the next moment he pulled his sword out of the scabbard!

At this moment-

The sky is falling! subsidence!

The terrifying sword qi was reckless, and the power was like destroying the world, and the earth rumbled in an instant.

The five clan chiefs bowed their heads almost at the same time, and in the huge smoke, they saw a bottomless canyon appearing on the ground.

In the distance, the two mountain peaks broke apart almost at the same time less than a second after Uchiha used the knife!

The incision at the fracture was smooth, and it fell to the ground with a loud noise, and even caused a large earthquake.

This kind of destruction, scattered in various places in the country of the vortex, whether it is Konoha or the ninja of Kiriyin, can clearly feel it.

They have no other thoughts in their minds other than 'what's going on', 'what happened' and so on.

On the contrary, Imai Kenta, who was escorting the dried persimmon ghost shark, and Hyuga Aya, who had sealed Terumi Mei, noticed something.

Such destruction is likely to be man-made, and the person who caused it must be Kai Uchiha!

" this Uchiha's strength?"

Seeing the power of Susanoo's sword, at this moment, they seemed to understand.

Why can this guy defeat Yawei and easily kill Yunyin's 8,000-strong army?

Because this guy is a **** living in the world, no one can resist his strength!

Why does this monster appear in this world?


what is this?

The five clan chiefs roared in anger, but they couldn't shout.

Facing this dark **** of death like Shura, they couldn't even resist!

"Is this guy still human?"

The five patriarchs thought of this sentence in their hearts, but after their extremely brief eye contact, they all finally looked at Uchiha Kai with a firm look.

Escape is probably not possible for the time being.

Obviously this guy has no intention of letting them go.

If that's the case, then it's better to work hard!

Maybe they can find interesting opportunities in it!

After all, there are five of them. Once Uchiha Kai's attention is caught by one, then others will have a chance.

"Everyone, we don't have many opportunities." Ghost Lantern Huanyue's voice was very low: "Let's work harder, otherwise, we will all die!"

"Desperately." Yu Yi Zhengya took a deep breath: "Desperately, there may be a chance to escape. If you don't try your best, we will die here together!"

The other three did not speak, and they clearly agreed with this statement.

No one wants to be the first to run, five people run separately, and then a few can run away.

But the first one to take the lead will inevitably attract the attention of Uchiha Kai.

No one wants to face such an outcome.

Therefore, it is better for everyone to attack together, and then resign to the fate to see which direction Uchiha Kai is dealing with, and then they are making a decision.

"Actually, you don't have to struggle at all." At this moment, Uchiha Kai's soft voice echoed in their ears again.

Only this time, the voice echoed in the sky, as if the gods were simply telling a bland thing.


The eternal kaleidoscope of Uchiha Kai's eyes revolved, and the huge Susanoo suddenly shot out again.

Obviously unpleasant, but it makes people feel an irresistible feeling, as if facing divine punishment.

"Your futility will only disappoint me!"

Under the long knife, the sky and the earth were darkened, and the earth was forcibly split.

This knife came too suddenly and was too domineering, beyond everyone's expectations.

Ghost Lantern Yinyue's pupils suddenly widened, and a sense of powerlessness poured out in the face of the straight sword.

He had forgotten when was the last time he felt this way.

Probably during the Second Ninja World War, when my young self faced a large number of local ninjas on the battlefield?

I don't remember, it seems that I haven't felt this way since I became the patriarch.

By now, it is almost forgotten.

But at this moment, he clearly recalled this feeling, this feeling... it was fear!

Of course, it is impossible to capture without hand, Ghost Lantern Yinyue immediately condensed the chakra frantically.

He tried to resist, and he was not willing to wait to die.

But because the Chakra gathered too quickly, the blood all over his body spurted out suddenly, like a blood mist.

Not only him, but the other four also skyrocketed in chakra.

It is definitely not their style to sit still and wait for death. If you don't work hard, you will die!

"Water Escape·Water-Iron Cannon Technique·Shooting!"

Ghost Lantern Huanyue used all his strength, and both his left and right hands were in a shooting posture.

All the chakras converged at once, and the air burst.

Countless sturdy chakra **** pulled out beams of light, brazenly meeting the jet-black ninja sword that was cut off from the top of the head.

However, before these **** of light even touched Susanoh's blade, they were already cut in two.

Not even a lot of light **** have not yet touched the blade, either they are directly wiped out, or there is a loud noise in the air, and they explode directly.

This violent explosion did not leave a trace on the pitch-black ninja sword, nor did it stop its movement even a single point!

The jet-black ninja sword, like divine punishment, still slashed down at an unhurried speed.

"Do not!"

Ghost Lantern Yinyue's heart is splitting, and she can't care about anything else, frantically squeezing all the chakras in her body.

And the other four also started to shoot, because they are all shrouded in Uchiha Kai's ninja sword now.

If they don't take action, I'm afraid they will all die in this place!

"Tudun · Ten Thousand Miles of Earth Flowing Wall!"

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

"Secret Technique, Thousand Eagle Strike!"

"Secret Art, Flame Escape, Dragon Hundred Flames!"

The joint attack of the five made this forest seem to be shrouded in a huge smoke of gunpowder.

The endless chakra spreads recklessly, even those who are farther away can feel it!

Under the pressure of death, he has forgotten the consumption of chakra and is fighting with his life.

And their attack did make Uchiha Kai's ninja sword pause for a while, which gave them a little hope. .

But the next moment, their faces instantly turned dead gray.

Under the blessing of Uchiha Kai's terrifying pupil power and will, the knife still slashed.


With a loud bang, the smoke and dust shot straight into the sky, and a winding canyon quickly appeared, spreading to the distance at an exaggerated speed until there was no end in sight.

The attacks of the five patriarchs all turned into ashes at this moment.

And the ghost lamp Yinyue, who was shrouded by the Uchiha Kai Ninja sword, completely turned into ashes at this moment!

The other four were quick-witted, and they all dispersed.

Probably because Uchiha Kai's main goal was still on the ghost lamp Yinyue, they were able to survive.

But the terrifying blade still affected them, and they all looked like **** men now, because the blade qi had spread madly in their bodies.

However, under the coverage of such a blade, their ability to survive is already a very strong performance.


Uchiha Kai's voice was still soft, but his eyes were so cold, he didn't hide the killing intent in his eyes, and looked at the remaining four with his arms around his chest.

The dried persimmon corpse flounder spat out a mouthful of blood, and he looked at the scene in shock.

He wanted to scream loudly, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't shout.

The winding and slender canyon seemed to be split in his heart, and an icy chill gushed out from the depths of his soul.

Is this kind of power really what humans can have?

Unfortunately, Uchiha Kai didn't give him any idea of ​​answering at all.

I saw that the giant over 100 meters raised the ninja knife in his hand again, and the next moment, hot black flames suddenly bloomed on the ninja knife.

This knife directly made everyone desperate, and they knew that Uchiha Kai would not let him go easily.

But such cruel and decisive behavior really made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

When have they ever been treated like this?

They are now completely fish on the cutting board, completely kneaded by others!

"go to hell!"

Under such extreme pressure, Fengmo Yangping was the first to let out a He quickly formed seals with both hands and roared: "I imprison him, use the strongest attack to break his turtle shell, we will kill him!"

While speaking, the Fuuma Ninja Mandala Binding was activated again. This technique is probably the only technique that can trap Uchiha Kai.

Dried persimmon flounder, Yui Masaya and Shirai Naoki nodded at the same time, and they also kept up with his rhythm in the thousandth of a second when Fengmo Yanghei started.

The brilliant and extremely terrifying technique erupted again, Uchiha Qi looked at them quietly, and sighed again when he watched their futile efforts.

He could see that these people were already fighting by consuming their vitality.

It is rude to say that after this battle, they may not live long.


Instead of letting them die painfully later, why not deal with them now?


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