Bai Xiaobai's kick not only knocked Lu Tianhao to the ground, but also woke up Lu Wanqing who was originally asleep.

Lu Wanqing opened her hazy eyes and looked at Lu Tianhao who was also lying on the ground, her eyes full of curiosity.

This was the beginning of everything, the first time they met.

In an instant, it seemed that a door opened in Lu Tianhao's mind, and countless memories came flooding in.

That day, Lu Tianhao remembered that he tried his best to explain that he did not mean to break in, but was just curious about the people here.

Although Bai Xiaobai still had deep doubts about Lu Tianhao's motives, Lu Wanqing believed Lu Tianhao's words and entertained Lu Tianhao.

Lu Tianhao knew that Lu Wanqing was one of four sisters. In addition to Lu Wanqing and Bai Xiaobai, there was also a pair of twin sisters, Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling.

After they met, because the wooden house built by Lu Tianhao was not far from the terrace built by Lu Wanqing and her four sisters, Lu Tianhao often came to the terrace built by Lu Wanqing.

Until one day it rained heavily, and since there was nowhere to hide on the terrace, the four of them came to Lu Tianhao's wooden house to avoid the rain.

Lu Tianhao suggested that why not move the wooden house directly to the terrace.

The four of them readily agreed.

From then on, the five of them lived a shameless life together.

This would usually be the end of a novel, but for life, this is just the beginning of firewood, rice, oil, salt, ginger, vinegar and tea.

At first, Lu Tianhao, Lu Wanqing, Bai Xiaobai, Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling did not expect that just moving the wooden house back to the terrace would create the steps of their future destiny.

The days passed one by one, as if time had never passed by them.

After an unknown period of time, the five of them found that the brilliant colors in the sky were becoming less and less, and the stars were disappearing rapidly.

However, this only disappointed the sisters Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling, who felt that there was no fun, but did not attract their attention.

Until one day the sun disappeared, which aroused the five people's vigilance.

The space around them became smaller and smaller, as if everything was swallowed up, and the black that seemed to be able to annihilate everything was overwhelming and compressed towards the terrace and the wooden house.

They felt as if they were wrapped in a black ball.

Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling were hiding in Lu Tianhao's arms, Bai Xiaobai and Lu Tianhao were facing away, and Lu Wanqing was holding Lu Tianhao's hand.

The black wall was getting closer and closer, and Lu Tianhao could only try to use his own strength to resist the continued compression of the wall to prevent being crushed into a meat pie by the black wall.

It has to be said that this was a naive and stupid decision.

When Lu Tianhao stretched out his right hand to decide to stop the continued collapse of the black wall, Lu Wanqing on the other side also stretched out her left hand, imitating Lu Tianhao's appearance, trying to stop the compression of the sphere.

However, it was such a naive idea that actually stopped the endless black from continuing to compress.

It seemed that everything was over, and the five of them could only live in a spherical object of only four square meters.

At this moment, a huge roar came from outside the black sphere, and in the blink of an eye, the black sphere began to expand again, and the black boundary continued to move away from the end of the vision.

Not long after, one star after another appeared in the sky again.

Lu Tianhao decided to take Lu Wanqing, Bai Xiaobai, Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling to start traveling.

At this time, Lu Tianhao did not realize that all mathematical laws seemed to be non-existent for the five people.

They could walk freely between heaven and earth without paying attention to the law of gravity, and wander between the universe without paying attention to the law of survival.

After walking between the planets for an unknown period of time, they encountered the first life form, which had simple language and writing. Lu Tianhao and Lu Wanqing decided to take the five people to settle down temporarily.

In this way, they witnessed the emergence and demise of a civilization.

This civilization did not last long, only three million years in total.

From learning to write to establishing organizational structures, and then to being destroyed by a huge tsunami, they built a sufficiently gorgeous civilization, but they never got out of the Stone Age.

After this disaster, the planet returned to peace.

However, Lu Tianhao and his companions did not gain nothing. Lu Tianhao and Lu Wanqing learned the most important thing for a living being - reproduction.

Soon after, there were two more burdens, and these were the two little princesses who would control their fate and reincarnation in the future.

From then on, the seven of them embarked on a journey.

I don't know how many reincarnations they have experienced like this.

One civilization after another was destroyed by natural disasters or man-made disasters, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, strong earthquakes, meteorite impacts, world-destroying wars, disorderly development, etc.Etc., will lead to the destruction of civilization.

So knowing that there is a point, Lu Tianhao made a decision to establish a cosmic empire. The purpose of the empire is to establish a system under which all civilizations can operate, and guide civilizations to transition and avoid self-destruction.

In this way, Lu Tianhao, Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling sisters created the first artificial life form, the Dark Lotus. Her function is to limit all artificial life forms created later, and name them space-time orderers.

Soon there were the second and third life forms.

In order not to lose the diversity of civilization, their task is not to directly guide the evolution of civilization, but to enter the minds of the natives for side guidance.

However, this also caused a huge trouble. The judgment of the host's personal ability and character. And what the host will become after gaining extraordinary abilities has become a thorny problem.

It's just that Lu Tianhao, Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling didn't think of this problem at the beginning.

Soon, the thorny trouble came. A war broke out between several cosmic civilizations, completely destroying a universe. However, these cosmic civilizations all grew wildly after receiving the support of the Space-Time Orderer, and their rulers were all dictators.

This attracted the attention of Lu Tianhao, Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling.

The kind-hearted Mu Xuanzhen was a little extreme in her behavior. She thought that the Space-Time Orderer was a failed item and should be destroyed.

Mu Yueling thought that the Space-Time Orderer did have some problems, but it was also quite fun. She was not satisfied with Bai Xiaobai's tough management system at all. If she could mess up Bai Xiaobai, she would be very happy!

In this way, the two had a dispute. During the fight, a pillar of the Steps of Destiny was broken, and the two were smashed under the pillar.

In this way, the souls of Mu Xuanzhen and Mu Yueling entered the little princess's Temple of Destiny.

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