Ling Guoguo punched through a stone door again and entered a steel plank road. Under the plank road was a stinking sewer.

Ling Guoguo was full of joy, looking at the destroyed door as if she was looking at a work of art she had completed with her own hands.

However, Ada Wang and Claire both widened their eyes and looked at Ling Guoguo as if she were a monster. Along the way, Ling Guoguo tore up everything she saw, even the fat house happy water in the vending machine. She was full of experience.

What made Ada Wang even more confused was why Ling Guoguo knew so much about the underground secret passage? Could it be that Ling Guoguo was also an employee of Umbrella?

Ada Wang felt that he had collected enough information, but not as much as the girl in front of him.

Just thinking about it, he walked and passed an intersection and saw a woman squatting on the ground checking the body that had been disemboweled, mumbling something in her mouth.

Ada Wang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he recognized the person in front of him, and immediately walked up to him: "Dr. Yani, I hope you hand over the G virus."

Yani looked up at Ada Wang, as if she knew Ada Wang, her eyes trembled, and she shook her hands and threw something out. A raging fire ignited on the body, blocking the way of the two people. She gritted her teeth and said: "Impossible, you will never get it!"

After that, she raised the gun in her hand and was about to shoot at Ada Wang.

Lu Tianhao concentrated on watching the bullets shot out of Yani's pistol.

In Lu Tianhao's eyes, the bullets were as slow as a frame-by-frame stop-motion animation. He watched the bullets shooting towards Ada Wang, and Lu Tianhao pulled Ada to the back of the corridor, allowing Ada Wang to successfully avoid the bullets.

Due to the force of inertia, Lu Tianhao directly pulled Ada Wang into his arms, but soon let go and just said lightly: "Be careful."

Although Lu Tianhao had never played "Resident Evil" seriously, he knew that no one would like Ada Wang. The fragility and pity she showed were all for the purpose of treating others as tools.

Lu Tianhao was no longer a boy who had no brains when he saw beauty. A simple good-looking skin could no longer attract his interest. Perhaps this was the difference between youth and maturity.

Ada Wang looked at Lu Tianhao and didn't care about her. Instead, he turned his head and continued to ask the person who was very familiar with the underground secret passage: "What should we do next? Chase it?"

"Well, the underground laboratory of Umbrella is ahead." Ling Guoguo nodded and walked forward first.

The five people got on a light rail. Ling Guoguo, Claire, and Shui Qingyu all stood in front of the driver's desk curiously looking at the scenery outside the window.

Ling Guoguo was surprised that she could actually enter the world of the game, while Claire was surprised that she had lived for so long without discovering such a magical building underground.

Shui Qingyu was wary of the corpses lying on the ground.

Only Lu Tianhao, who was sitting in the train, felt that this trip was meaningless.

The train arrived at the terminal without any danger. When he walked out of the train, he saw this huge underground facility. There was a bottomless pit between the terminal and the laboratory in the distance, and a narrow bridge was required to cross in the middle.

"As long as we run over there, the game will be over." Ling Guoguo was the first to run onto the bridge.

Shui Qingyu couldn't believe that it was so easy to follow Lu Tianhao and Ling Guoguo. It was like cheating.

Lu Tianhao had no choice but to follow Ling Guoguo onto the suspension bridge.

But when they reached the middle, the entire suspension bridge suddenly collapsed, and the five people fell down together.

Lu Tianhao was about to open the space door to take the five people away, but he found that his eyes were pale.

Then it was as if he had entered a dream. His head was a little groggy, but he was not completely unconscious. There seemed to be something in front of him, but he could not see it clearly, but he could not see it completely.

After a moment, everything around him became clear.

Lu Tianhao only saw a woman lying on a piece of white ground, naked, as if she was in a daze, and the whole person was motionless, just like a European oil painting during the Renaissance, showing the softness of her body.

This smooth body made Lu Tian and Wu Wu familiar: "Wanqing?"

Lu Tianhao called softly, but Lu Wanqing on the ground did not move at all, as if she did not hear Lu Tianhao's words at all.

Lu Tianhao called again: "Wanqing!"

At this time, Lu Tianhao found that he could not speak at all, as if he was in a controlled shell.

"Is this a dream?" ThisThis was Lu Tianhao's first reaction.

However, Lu Tianhao denied this thought in just a moment.

Because when Lu Tianhao was thinking about other things, the dream disappeared at that moment, and there was darkness around him.

"No! This is a memory!" Lu Tianhao immediately reflected: "This is deep in my memory! Or someone compiled a memory fragment similar to a memory for me."

After thinking about this, everything in front of him lit up again, and Lu Wanqing's figure appeared in front of him again.

The woman surrounded by countless spherical objects showed a gratified smile on her face, muttering in her mouth: "I didn't expect my father to react so quickly. He realized so quickly that this was the memory I woven for him, but this is true. It was told to me by the Mother God herself."

Lu Tianhao felt the movement of his body, and soon his consciousness merged with the consciousness in the memory, and he knew what he was thinking in the memory.

Lu Tianhao tilted his head and looked at the woman in front of him. He was like a monkey who had just come down from a tree millions of years ago. Everything he saw was new and interesting, especially the object in front of him that looked very similar to him but was a little surprised. He didn't know how to address the other person now.

However, the other person didn't look at him either, but just lay quietly on the ground, as if she was asleep.

Lu Tianhao was having a fierce battle in his mind. Should he go up and disturb the other person? Or should he leave?

Soon, curiosity overcame reason. Lu Tianhao slowly approached the other person, like a child who wanted to light firecrackers, and completely spread his body. He stretched out one hand to Lu Wanqing, who was lying on the ground, staring at the other person, but the whole person was ready to escape at any time.

Just when Lu Tianhao's hand was about to touch Lu Wanqing's shoulder, Lu Tianhao felt a sudden impact on his shoulder, and he fell to the ground. Lu Tianhao looked back and saw that it was Bai Xiaobai!

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