This lich needs more money

Chapter 98 They are all friends of life and death

But when Amberxiu claimed to have brought information about the Kingdom of Gold, the expression of the elf who was staring at Amberxiu changed. Even if he stands far away, Amberxiu's soul can "see" the changes in his expression as long as he can sense him.

The Letterman family member in front of Ambrose also showed a surprised expression.

"The Kingdom of Gold? A message from the Dwarf King? This is no joke."

"Go ahead and report it. If you are joking, you will know soon. Of course, you can also expel me now, but before the war comes and before you sign a contract with the elves, aren't you ready to listen? What’s the price from the Dwarf King?”

Amber Xiu showed a confident smile without any flaws.

The expressions of the undead are just the expressions they want to show you, and no one else would be able to tell the real ones from the fake ones.

The Letterman family member thought for a moment, and then said to Umbersheu: "I understand, this distinguished guest, please come with me."

The elf that Amberxiu was staring at quickly disappeared into the distance, probably reporting to their leader.

Amberxiu followed the nobleman into the carriage and passed through the satellite town outside the main city.

In the carriage, the young nobleman who was responsible for leading the way was inquiring about the news, wanting to know the origin of Amber Xiu and information about the so-called dwarf king. Ambrose just greeted him politely and said nothing except his name.

While dealing with the other party's prying, Amberxiu took out the Code of the Undead and sent a message to Heki Stone.

[Ultraman Tiga: Senior, can you contact the desert dwarf royal family now? 】

The senior vampire seemed to be very free and sent a reply immediately.

[Don’t like humans: I’ve talked to them before, but the reply wasn’t that fast. What’s wrong? Did they catch a new elf? 】

[Ultraman Tiga: I didn’t catch him, but I met the new Elf Twilight Guard. They were targeting a friend of mine, Viscount Letterman. Silvermoon Highgarden has put a lot of pressure on my friend, and I am discussing with Viscount Lightman to see if we can use the power of the desert dwarves. There is no need for you to send troops to help immediately. Just a verbal promise can give him a little confidence to continue dealing with the elves. 】

[Don’t like humans: Oh, brother, you have so many friends. Okay, I will contact the royal family now. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: Please, this Viscount Lightman has been a friend of mine for many years, and he has a relationship with which I can entrust the phylactery. Viscount Lightman is a large lord with a population of tens of thousands. If he surrenders to the elves, it may not be a good thing for the Kingdom of Gold. I hope the dwarves can pay attention to it. 】

[Don’t like humans: Don’t worry, I will convey it accurately. 】

Amberxiu wrote magical words that others could not see on the Code of the Dead. The young nobleman of the Letterman family asked curiously: "Ultraman Master, what are you writing?"

Amberxiu said seriously: "I am reporting to the Dwarf King. The Dwarf King attaches great importance to my mission, so he asked me to report to him anytime and anywhere. Alas, it is a pity that the task is heavy, otherwise I really want to go back and enjoy it early Date honey wine specially provided by the royal family.”

"Report at any time? The Dwarf King values ​​us so much?" The little noble felt incredible after hearing this.

"Correction, the Dwarf King values ​​me. It was I who suggested to him to communicate with the lords of the Alchemy City in advance. I think you also understand that with the disappearance of the group of alchemists, this land will usher in new ones sooner or later. King. The elves of Silver Moon Highgarden have their eyes on this land, but everyone knows how xenophobic the elves are. On the contrary, the Kingdom of Gold is the most inclusive country. It is no different from the previous policies of the Alchemy City. I believe you Being able to make the right choices.”

Amber Xiu's words frightened the little nobleman into a daze.

The carriage quickly passed through the town and entered Viscount Letterman's main city through the tall city gate. As soon as he entered, Amberxiu saw the tall Thanos statue in the center of the city.

As expected, it was a crazy criticism that believed in Thanos, so Amberxiu was relieved. The Lightman family should not be so easy to agree to sign a contract with the elves.

The carriage entered the rough-looking castle, and Amberxiu was arranged to wait in an empty room.

On the other side, the little nobleman who led the way had already run to Viscount Lightman's room and carefully reported to him everything he knew.

Viscount Letterman looked to be in his forties or fifties, tall and muscular, with patterns resembling thunder and storms tattooed on his smooth head. He was wearing silver-white chainmail, and a big beard covered everything below his nose. .

He seemed to have an angry expression forever. Even if he didn't frown, the needle lines between his eyebrows were still very obvious.

This is the most typical Storm Priest look, always angry and always ready to destroy everything.

Viscount Lightman said to the people in front of him: "Is it really possible that he is the envoy of the Dwarf King?"

The tribesman replied: "It looks like it. I don't see any trace of lying on his face."

"Silver Moon Highgarden, the Kingdom of Gold, do they really regard this land as a land without one? Huh, how arrogant."

Viscount Letterman hammered the table in front of him hard, and the thick marble tabletop was directly smashed into pieces. Thunder had already condensed in his body, and tiny electric sparks kept flashing in his beard.

His people did not dare to speak and could only lower their heads in humility.

Viscount Lightman took a few deep breaths, retracted the leaked lightning, and then ordered: "Let me go see the envoy of the Dwarf King."

In another room, Amber Hew was checking Huggie Stone's reply.

[Don’t like humans: I found the Hand of the King. He is the cousin of the Dwarf King. He manages almost all the administrative, military and diplomacy of the Kingdom of Gold. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: Okay, please wait a moment, Hand of the King, because the elf is lobbying my friend Viscount Lightman again, hoping that he will sign a contract. I don't know the terms of the contract very well yet, but I guess it won't be much different from the previous one. Senior, let me be more direct. What conditions can the Kingdom of Gold provide so that I can persuade Viscount Lightman to reject the contract from Silvermoon Highgarden? 】

[Dislikes humans: He said that Viscount Lightman could be allowed to retain his original fiefdom, as long as he nominally surrendered to the Kingdom of Gold. The policies of the Kingdom of Gold and the City of Alchemy are not much different, and people of different races and beliefs can live freely. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: This is too insincere. This territory belongs to my friends. If you desert dwarves want to occupy it, you must at least send troops to attack. You know, my friend believes in Thanos, the Lord of Storms. Whoever wants to occupy his land will have to pay the price with blood. 】

There was silence from the Code of the Undead for a while before new news came.

[So what exactly does Viscount Letterman need? 】

Amber Xiu smiled slightly and began to write quickly.

[First of all, a lot of gold is needed. There is actually no shortage of basic supplies in the Alchemy City. Food and daily necessities are sufficient. However, due to an economic crisis, the prices here have become very chaotic. Whether it is Viscount Lightman or other lords, they all need a lot of supplies. Gold coins to balance prices in the war zone. I know that the economic backbone of the Kingdom of Gold is archaeological excavations, so the economic crisis caused by Silvermoon Highgarden will have little impact on you. You are certainly not short of gold. 】

[Secondly, the Twilight Guards sent by the elves are all experts in assassination. Many lords signed contracts under the threat of force. Even if they want to resist, they need to have the capital to save their lives. I believe that the Kingdom of Gold can use some of its power to protect these lords. 】

[Last point, in addition to ensuring that the original territories of these lords remain unchanged, I believe you also need some "vacated" territory. The Kingdom of Gold needs this land entirely for strategic transfer, so you will definitely immigrate, which will naturally require a lot of land. I can help you confirm which lords have completely surrendered to the elves, and the territories of these lords can be targeted for immigration. But if you want to conquer these territories, you will definitely need to rely on the strength of local people. You might as well use employment to achieve early cooperation...]

Amberxiu kept writing with his fingers, and soon listed many vague but comprehensive terms.

I don’t know what kind of heated discussion the other party had. Before the attendant knocked on the door and asked Amberxiu to meet with Viscount Letterman, Huggie Stone finally sent a new message: [The King’s Hand agreed in principle. Your suggestion, but the specific details still need to be discussed. 】

Amberxiu moved his fingers and replied: [Of course, I will express the sincerity of the Dwarf King to my life-and-death friend, Viscount Lightman. 】

After closing the Code of the Undead, Amberxiu walked out of the small reception room with satisfaction.

After following the servants for a few rounds, Amberxiu came to the high tower of the castle and met his "friend who could entrust the phylactery to him" Viscount Lightman.

Viscount Lightman kept a serious expression and said straight to the point when they met: "Ultraman Master, you said you brought a message from the Dwarf King?"

"Yes, but Viscount Letterman, aren't you going to buy me a drink first and then talk slowly?"

Viscount Letterman said impatiently: "My time is precious and cannot be wasted on such useless politeness."

Amberxiu said to him calmly: "I know you are in a hurry, but impulsiveness cannot solve the problem, not to mention it is a major matter related to the survival of your territory. Viscount Lightman, tell me first, you signed a contract with those elves Yet?"

Viscount Lightman frowned and lied: "What elf, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"The first thing needed for negotiation is sincerity, Viscount Lightman. I know that Silvermoon Highgarden has sent their Twilight Guards to contact everyone. Every lord is their target, and unfortunately, some people have been deceived by these elves and signed. Contract. If you have already signed the contract, then what we are going to talk about is another kind of deal."

Viscount Letterman stared at Amberxiu carefully and found that he couldn't tell anything from his expression. He could only nod and admit: "The elves have indeed made their conditions, but I haven't agreed yet."

Amberxiu said happily: "Very good, the task entrusted to me by the Dwarf King seems to be possible. Since you are so straightforward, Viscount Lightman, I will not beat around the bush. This land must have a new The king, the dwarf king of the Kingdom of Gold is the best choice. He is a friend I can trust with my life. He promised me that as long as you surrender to the rule of the Kingdom of Gold, everything will remain as usual and there will be no changes in your territory. If there is any change, we will not drive you from your home like the elves.”

Viscount Lightman frowned and said, "That's all? You don't give me anything, and you want me to surrender with just one sentence?"

Amberxiu smiled and said: "Lord Viscount, you may not have seen the situation clearly. There are only two buyers now. One wants your territory and the other does not. Which one has the best price? I believe that with your wisdom, you can See clearly."

"Your suggestion makes no sense. Agreeing to the Kingdom of Gold is tantamount to falling out with Silvermoon Highgarden. My territory will soon fall into war. It is tantamount to me using my own flesh and blood to help the Dwarf King weaken his enemies. And you actually said No benefit at all?!" Viscount Letterman sneered and said, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

Amberxiu praised: "Lord Viscount, I admire your wisdom, and your reason is very convincing. Well, I can assure you that the Golden Kingdom will give you real military assistance. However, You should also understand that the Lion Empire and the Kingdom of Gold are at war now, and it is not so easy to mobilize troops. And here in Alchemy City, you are not the only one we need to cooperate with."

"What do you mean? There are still three levels of cooperation?!" Viscount Letterman said angrily.

"Of course, nobles all have the same level difference as princes, princes and sons, so how can the partners of cooperation have no levels. However, the Dwarf King is sincerely cooperating with you. He just needs Viscount Lightman to give him a reason to give him priority in assisting you. "

Amberxiu said in a cajoling tone: "For example, take out some gold and some minerals as the cost of hiring. As long as we have this material, the Dwarf King will give priority to assisting you. That is reasonable and reasonable, and no one else can find fault. You say Right? I swear as the Dwarf King's life-and-death friend, this supply must be within your acceptable range."

Sorry, I'm still dizzy and stuffy, so I only have 6,000 words left today.

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