This lich needs more money

Chapter 97 Side effects of freedom of belief

[Apoptotic Rose: Do you want to buy a mine? Alchemy City is now a war zone, can't we just grab it? If you give me money to buy it, who will negotiate a deal with you? 】

Amber Xiu sighed, as expected he couldn't treat others as fools.

In the Dead Poets Society, Headless Brother may be slightly less intelligent, but after all, he is a knight who focuses on strength.

Other spellcasters must have some intelligence, so they are not so easy to fool.

Amberxiu couldn't say that he was making an excuse to cheat money, so he changed the subject and said: [Speaking of the issue of the spirit of the contract, those elves came near my house and forced the lords to sign a contract to voluntarily relocate. This contract should have something in it. There is a special effect, but the information on my side is too small, so I can't ask anything. 】

[Apoptotic Rose: Sign a contract? Can you know the specific content? 】

Amberxiu told Apoptotic Rose about the terms of the contract he had learned from Porcupine Knight. The Queen of the Undead seemed to have thought of something, leaving only "Wait for my news" and then did not reply.

Although it was a pity that he couldn't get the money from the scam, Amberxiu was still prepared to put the reproduction of mercury zombies as his top priority.

The elves are coming fiercely, and the desert dwarf is pinned to the ground by Ryan and hammered. It seems unreliable at first glance. It is estimated that Amber Xiu will have to fight alone in the end.

Mercury Zombies are the most suitable high-level arms. They are the most cost-effective in terms of combat effectiveness and training cost.

Spreading out the map, there are three mines near Amberxiu's territory, but each mine belongs to a big lord.

Unlike "country folk" like the Porcupine Knight, who rose to power through bravery, these three great lords were all great nobles with centuries of heritage, and were probably related to the members of the Alchemist Council. Although big nobles are prone to dandyism and perversion, they also have huge advantages, that is, they have accumulated a lot of wealth and their territories are well managed.

Each of these three great lords has more than a thousand soldiers under their command, and they are not just militiamen who have been trained for a few days, but real soldiers. They may not be equipped with armor, but they are still much stronger than ordinary militiamen.

Not only that, the territory is complete with various watchtowers and city walls, and maybe one or two hidden magic cannons.

Ordinary people would never dare to provoke such a big lord, and they would have to be on guard against the other party's plans.

Now that the melee has just begun, these people are probably accumulating their strength and waiting. When they take action, they will sweep through the nearby area with lightning speed and eat all they can in one go.

But now, Amberxiu is eyeing their minerals first.

"Which one should I start with?"

Amber Xiu carefully recalled the situation of these lords and found that he had no impression. I usually like to stay in the castle and do experiments, and I don’t have much interaction with these neighbors.

I just remember that the family emblems of the three of them are a bit special, one is a three-headed dog of hell, one is a thunderstorm, and the other is more interesting, it is a humanoid wrapped in thorns.

It would be interesting if these three family crests were related to faith.

Needless to say, the three-headed dog of Hell must be a believer of a certain Archduke of Hell. Thunderstorm generally represents Thanos, the Lord of Storms. The last humanoid figure wrapped in thorns is probably not a believer of Lovita, the Maiden of Pain.

If you want to say that these three believers have anything in common, I'm afraid there is only one thing - they are all crazy critics.

Needless to say, there are no good people in hell. Evil is their natural label. Those who believe in the Lord of Hell must regularly sacrifice their blood and souls.

Thanos, the Lord of Storms, is a crazy and powerful god who likes destruction, war, and destruction. Therefore, Thanos belongs to a niche belief, but anyone who is willing to practice the teachings of this god is a war madman who likes to destroy everything. Not just life, but also the creation of civilization.

Destroying everything with the appearance of a storm is the teachings of Thanos.

What’s interesting to say is that Thanos is a very generous god. Perhaps because there are so few followers, Thanos is not stingy about sharing divine power. This leads to the fact that there are always many Storm Priests under Thanos’ command.

He is also quite generous to other gods. For example, the Lich God Vesharon was once Thanos' younger brother. It can even be said that he became a god only after receiving Thanos' generous sharing.

But the crazy oppression of this crazy Lord God made Veshalun unbearable. In his words, he "didn't want to be worn out like the boots of an infantryman." In the end, Velsharon had to run away and seek refuge with Azuth, the patron saint of mages.

I don’t know what the Lich God has been through before he says “I don’t want to be worn out”.

But it can also be seen from this story that the Storm Lord is truly crazy, and even the Lich cannot bear it.

The last Queen of Pain, Lovita, is also a heavyweight. Let's put it this way, Lovita is the goddess of all sadists, bullies and torturers. She loves all torture and pain. If you can accept this pain and feel enjoyment, then you will receive the blessing of this goddess.

If you indulge in pleasure and refuse pain, then Lovita will personally let you experience what pain is.

"The Alchemy City is indeed very free. These three types of crazy people can become great nobles."

Amber Xiu just felt a little emotional, and suddenly remembered that he was a lich. In the eyes of ordinary people, lichs are more terrifying than these three families. They just have some special beliefs, but they are still human after all, while lichs are completely evil.

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem so outrageous.

Alchemy City is still very awesome, it can allow these crazy people to gather together and live in peace for many years. But now that the Alchemy City is destroyed and the suppression is completely lost, the side effects of these freedoms of belief will explode.

Amber Xiu studied the map for a long time and decided to find trouble with the Storm family first.

The reason is simple, it's the closest.

The other two families are a bit far away from Amber Xiu's territory. Not only are they separated by the territories of several small lords, but the roads are also very difficult to navigate. Even if a teleportation array can be established, distance is still a problem.

Anyway, all three are crazy, so choose the one that’s close to you.

Amberxiu was going to inquire about some information first, to see how many troops this big family had, whether they had any powerful professions, etc.

Passing by Isabel's laboratory, Amber Xiu took another look inside. The little girl's work efficiency was pretty good. Although she was only assembling the undead production line step by step, she mastered it quickly and there was no big mess.

The only problem was that the little girl rushed over to her as soon as she saw him, shouting at her teacher, then picked up a small book, flipped through the pages crazily, and asked dozens of questions in one go.

Amberxiu could only answer her questions one by one. After talking for a long time, he found that he was delayed even before leaving the house.

But the little girl's question happened to be related to the mission. Amberxiu couldn't even think about ignoring it, as it would delay his own efforts to make money.

After finally finishing the answer, Isabel took a deep breath and summoned up the courage to ask Amberxiu: "Teacher, thank you for your guidance all the time. I have one last question to ask you."

"The last one? This is a bit arrogant." Amberxiu said.

Alchemy is such a profound knowledge, and this girl will have many opportunities to ask questions in the future.

"No, no, that's not what I meant..." Isabel was a little flustered. She quickly took a few deep breaths and then said to Amber Xiu: "Teacher, this question may be a bit presumptuous. What I want to ask is, is becoming an undead a kind of thing?" How does it feel, does it hurt?”

Amberxiu looked at Isabel strangely, why did this little girl suddenly ask this question.

"What, you have figured it out and are ready to throw away those meaningless worldly desires and reincarnate into the undead?"

If this is the case, Amber Xiu can help her solve it, but it will have to wait until the undead production line is completed.

"No, I just..." Isabel's face turned pale and she whispered: "I just realized that I have no choice at all. Working here, wouldn't the final result be to become an undead and be enslaved forever?"

Amberxiu shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry about this. The real undead transformation ritual is very expensive. If you don't want to, no one will waste the cost and forcefully transform you into an undead."

It is not cheap to retain the original consciousness and transform the undead. Amberxiu spent most of his fortune to transform the lich. Undead that evolve toward high levels like Erha require continuous investment in costs. High-level undead with self-awareness have always been expensive.

The most valuable thing about Isabel is the alchemy she masters. There is no point in turning directly into an ordinary skeleton. Retaining self-awareness and transformation requires a high cost. Amber Xiu is prepared to use this as a benefit.

If Isabel didn't want it, he wouldn't foolishly pay for any transformation ritual.

But to Isabel's ears, it had a different meaning.

"Teacher, what do you mean, this is all a matter of money?"

"Of course, the undead have no worldly desires. The only thing they need to negotiate with you is interests. Your role in this castle is to generate interests. As long as the interests are big enough, anything can be negotiated. Remember this, and then Do your job well.”

Amberxiu gave a final word of advice, and then hurriedly left the castle.

After finding the direction, Amber Xiu used the flying technique to fly towards the target.

This family that believes in the Lord of Storms is called Lightman. It existed before Amber came to settle in the Alchemy City. It has a main city and three satellite towns, with a population of an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 people.

This kind of population can produce thousands of full-time soldiers. It would be a bit too militaristic to replace it in other places, because food production has always been a big problem. But it doesn't seem to matter if it's near the Alchemy City, because it's easy to buy enchanted seeds here.

If you order in large quantities on a regular basis, you will definitely get a higher harvest than farming in other places.

If you have a certain number of alchemists in your family, you can change the enchanted seeds that degenerate after one cultivation into those that will degenerate after being sown four or five times in a row.

When Ambrose entered the Letterman family's territory, he found that the place was a bit loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Although strangers were not prohibited from entering the territory, as soon as he walked into the satellite town outside, Amberxiu felt four or five eyes falling on him, staring at him as a stranger. The Letterman family must have smelled the coming storm, as there were more people patrolling the streets than working.

"They are indeed well-trained. It will probably be troublesome to attack directly. Can you just go to the mining area and set up a teleportation array to steal the ore directly?"

Letterman's territory is too large, with towers and other fortifications everywhere, and he doesn't know how long it will take to attack by force. Moreover, the undead troops also cost money. After they are defeated, I don’t know how long it will take to dig mines to balance the losses.

Amberxiu was thinking about cheaper ways, but soon someone wearing aristocratic clothing came over and said politely: "Hello, strange mage, are you here to taste our specialty thunder fruit brew?" ?Our lord is very hospitable. When meeting a guest like you, he must treat you to a drink."

This was said politely, but the guards around this nobleman had already surrounded Amber Xiu, ready to fight at any time.

Amberxiu originally wanted to talk to the Lord Lightman first to see if they could talk about cooperation, such as buying ore at a low price to avoid an unnecessary war.

But he suddenly felt something was wrong. When the guards surrounded him, an uncomfortable sight fell on him.

After a little sensing, Amberxiu discovered the source of his sight, which was an elf wearing Twilight Guard leather armor.

Sure enough, these elves will not only target small lords like Porcupine Knight. Their elite teams have already entered various territories. Seeing that there are no Lightman soldiers guarding this Twilight Guard, could it be that they have reached an agreement?

Seeing Amber Xiu's silence, the noble took half a step back and continued: "Mage, what are you thinking about? Should you drink a glass of thunder fruit wine that we salute, or go somewhere else with us? Let’s talk?”

Amberxiu showed a smile and said to this member of the Letterman family: "Of course I want to sit down and have a drink with Lord Letterman. I brought a message from the Dwarf King of the Kingdom of Gold. I must meet Lord Letterman face to face." discuss."

After I come back from the hospital, I quickly code a chapter and then go to bed. If you feel better in the evening, you will do three updates today. If there is no effect, you will have to do one update in the evening.

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