This lich needs more money

Chapter 26 I, the legend, make money!

In this continent where the nine kingdoms are at odds with each other every day, many intelligent beings actually have different stances on each other, rather than any strict distinction between good and evil.

For example, the Lion Empire is extremely hostile to the undead, but it does not mean that undead people like Amber Xiu are really heinous. Nor can it be said from Amber Xiu's perspective that the Lion Empire is an inhumane cult organization.

This is a matter of stance and cannot be measured simply by good or evil.

But the hag is different. This is a naturally evil creature, and it has been the most cruel and vicious existence from the day it was born.

Hags look like ugly, twisted old women on the outside, but they are just as ugly on the inside as they look on the outside.

The extremes and distortions of this creature can be seen from the way they reproduce.

The hags are unable to produce offspring of their own, so they steal babies from the cradle or even the mother's womb, and then consume the poor baby. A week later, the hag will give birth to a human form

baby girl and maintains a human appearance. Until its thirteenth birthday, it will transform into a hag exactly like its mother.

Under normal circumstances, the hag will give her offspring to the couple who lost their child, and the children will grow in the form of a normal child until they reach ten years old.

More than ten years are enough for them to become a real family.

When the hag's soul matures, the child will suddenly change its personality and become cruel and vicious, catching the adoptive parents off guard. But no matter what methods these parents use, they are unable to awaken their children's conscience. They are often killed by the children they raised after experiencing countless betrayals and injuries.

And when they are dying, they will see their children turn into ugly hags, knowing that they have been feeding a monster for more than ten years, and this monster only grew up after devouring their biological children.

This cruel torture leaves mortal souls riddled with holes, and the hag delights in the rage and despair of humans.

This is the nature of hags, they exist to cause pain to other beings.

After adulthood, hags will quickly master a large amount of evil magic, and then they will start to become arrogant. Some hags even think that the gods are nothing more than that, and sooner or later they can trample the gods under their feet.

And this kind of extreme arrogance makes hags like to play with humans. This is one of their ways to prove that they are "also gods". Under normal circumstances, hags will play trading games with humans, such as poisoning a person first, and then appearing when he is desperate and telling him that he can survive as long as he sacrifices his favorite family member.

Such deception is used to get humans to sacrifice their loved ones. When the truth is revealed, the hag will happily watch the expressions of collapse and despair on humans.

For this, they are even willing to pay some price.

It can be said that hags are the kind of inherently evil creatures, even more outrageous than hell devils.

Amberxiu carefully gave Naomi some information about monsters like hags. Naomi's mouth opened wide and she couldn't close it for a long time.

"Sir, Silvanus, there is such an evil monster in this world? Eat a child, and then forge a monster and give it to the child's parents to raise... It's too evil!"

Naomi felt horrified just by hearing Amber Xiu's description. Her people actually encountered such a terrifying monster.

Amberxiu continued: "Most hags are good at illusions. Large-scale illusions are not difficult for hags. Not only do hags have powerful spellcasting abilities, but their claws are enough to tear steel, and hags will never be alone. One person, what they are best at is confusing humans into becoming their own puppets.

"Even if an entire army is fully prepared, they will probably suffer heavy casualties when facing hags. What's even more frightening is that most hags are good at escaping. If you can't kill her at once, she will take revenge again and again until she kills you. Kill!

"I heard a rumor that three hags united to create a terrifying plague in the elven capital, causing cities to turn into dead areas with more than a thousand deaths. If it hadn't been for the legendary powerhouse of the high elves to take action, the three hags would have been expelled. A hag, I’m afraid the casualties will be even greater.”

Amber Xiu's words made Naomi turn pale. This sounded like a very scary monster, so wouldn't her people be very dangerous?

"Ultraman Master, what should we do now?" Naomi said in a panic.

"It's difficult. The hag is really not that easy to deal with. Only those with a legendary rank can be 100% sure of being able to deal with it. If you spend money to hire a professional team of adventurers, it will take at least tens of thousands of gold coins before someone is willing to accept the commission. But. This is already the price a few years ago, and prices in Alchemy City have soared recently, and may even double.”

Naomi became even more anxious after being told by Amber Xiu. How could she get tens of thousands of gold coins to hire adventurers? Could it be that her people were really hopeless?

"But..." Amber Xiu suddenly changed the subject.

Naomi quickly asked: "But what?"

Amberxiu said: "But I happen to know an expert in dealing with hags. With my reputation, he can guarantee to deal with this hag at most 10,000 gold coins."

"Really?" Naomi asked doubtfully. She vaguely felt something was wrong. Why did these words sound so like a scam.

Amberxiu patted his chest and said: "Of course, if you don't believe it, I can swear in the name of the God of the Dead. The expert I know can definitely solve the hag, and it only costs 10,000 gold coins. If he can't do it, even if it's Let the hag run away without taking any money."

Naomi said helplessly: "But I don't have so much money. I don't have anything valuable on me."

Amberxiu said with a smile: "That's easy to say. Aren't you going to save your tribe mates? Ten thousand gold coins must be enough for all the things they have on them. The natural magic equipment made by druids is widely used in the nine kingdoms." It’s very marketable. You can serve it first and pay later.”

Naomi always felt that something was wrong, but at the moment she seemed to have no other choice.

If it can only save the clan members, the 10,000 gold coins must be worth it. If the clan members gather together, it will definitely be enough.

If he fails to rescue the person, what does he have to lose?

After thinking about it, Naomi immediately agreed.

"Then let's go find the expert you mentioned now? Where is he?" Naomi urged anxiously.

Amber Xiu smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, he is already here."

After saying these words, Amber Xiu's body began to emit layers of light.

The effect of the transformation spell was lifted, and the original black-haired boy quickly turned into a white skeleton. Wearing a black robe, with soul fire burning in his eyes, he stood in the air without touching his feet, holding a long magic wand in his hand.

With such a look, Amberxiu didn't need to introduce himself, Naomi exclaimed: "Lich? Are you a lich?!"

There are many kinds of undead. Naomi initially guessed that Amberxiu was a vampire or something, but she didn't expect that it turned out to be a lich.

Among the undead, the Lich is probably the most powerful spell caster. No wonder his spells are so powerful.

"Wait, the expert you are talking about is you?"

Naomi suddenly felt like she had been cheated.

"Yes, I am very experienced in dealing with hags, don't worry." Amber Xiu said with great confidence.

But after he regained his lich posture, his words became a vibration of magic power. It sounded like a dark wind blowing through the mass graves, and it sounded extraordinarily penetrating.

Naomi still felt something was wrong and continued to question: "But you just said that only legends can deal with hags alone."

Amberxiu hit the staff with a gentle wave of his hand, and the mutated rat corpses on the ground exploded one after another. Countless bones in the blurred flesh and blood clicked together and turned into dozens of strangely shaped skeletons.

Amberxiu stood in front of the skeleton army and said to Naomi: "Let me introduce myself again, I am Ultraman Tiga, the legendary lich!"

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