This lich needs more money

Chapter 25 The hag in the sewer

The strong breath of life opened up a small world in this dirty and corrupt sewer, allowing Naomi to breathe.

Just from a casual glance, Amber Xiu knew that there were at least three buffs attached to this statue.

Life recovery, immunity to toxins, freedom of movement... all are blessings on a large scale, which makes Amber Xiu very envious.

This is an artifact, an artifact that can exert powerful effects even if it is held by a mortal. If you put this thing on sale, the starting price would be at least one million gold coins.

However, the Druid's artifact requires regular sacrificial rituals to maintain the power of the artifact from dissipating. If taken by others, it may become ineffective in three to five months.

But no matter how powerful this artifact is, Amber Xiu is not blessed to enjoy this benefit.

Because to the undead, Silvanus's divine power is more terrifying than the poisonous gas in this sewer.

The environment in the sewer just makes Amberxiu uncomfortable, but the green natural barrier in front of him will corrode his undead body like sulfuric acid.

After all, the undead are a race that completely violates the natural order, and are considered the mortal enemies of Silvanus.

"The statue of Silvanus can purify the toxins in the sewers, and it should also have the power to break illusions. Is this what you rely on to save your people?" Amber Xiu asked.

Naomi took a few deep breaths and calmed down before replying: "Yes, I have entered the sewer more than once, but when I found the place where the people were in danger, they had already disappeared. Although there was a statue of Silvanus protected by your power, but I need you to help me find them."

This druid girl really doesn't have any bad intentions, and Amber Xiu is not going to break the contract to avoid being caught by the Alchemy City and confiscating her home.

"Then move on now and go to the location where your people are in danger." Amberxiu said.

No matter what kind of illusion it is, it will always leave some traces. If you can know what it is that created the illusion, it will be much easier to find the person.

Naomi walked in front holding the statue of Silvanus. With the blessing of the statue, the harsh environment of the sewer had almost no impact on her. In order to speed up, Naomi directly used the wild form to transform into a vigorous black panther, biting the statue and running wildly in the sewer. Amberxiu had to use flying to keep up with Naomi's speed.

Not long after, the two came to a slightly empty flat land. It seemed to be some kind of buffer area, with a large flat rocky ground. However, it was still surrounded by dirty ditches, and the stench was stronger than the previous entrance.

It's just that this place is very clean. Not to mention the Druid's body, there aren't even many cockroaches.

"I've been here several times, but there's nothing left here." Naomi said to Ambrose.

But before Amberxiu could check, a large number of scarlet light spots suddenly appeared around him.

Before Naomi could see clearly what these things were, the scarlet light spots quickly rushed towards her. The green light emanating from her body stood out in the sewer like a torch in the dark.

Naomi couldn't react. She didn't encounter any danger when she came to the sewer twice before. The power of the statue of Silvanus could drive away all the monsters in the sewer. How could any monster dare to rush towards her this time?

Naomi's reaction was a beat slow, but Amberxiu's reaction was not.

Two ice rays flew out from his palms, leaving large traces of frost in front of Naomi. The monsters that rushed the fastest were hit by the ice rays and were quickly frozen into ice sculptures.

Only then did Naomi see clearly what kind of monster was charging towards her. It turned out to be a group of huge rats. Each one was about the same size as a wolf. The fur on its body was covered with various ringworm spots and cysts. Just looking at it made her eyes feel numb. to be infected with deadly germs.

The ice rays on Amber Xiu's hand kept sweeping across as if for free, until all these diseased rats were frozen into ice cubes, and the crisis was finally over for the time being.

Naomi was shocked by Amber Xiu's power. Although Ice Ray is the simplest ice spell, is it possible for ordinary mages to use this basic spell like a repeating crossbow?

Naomi couldn't help but move closer to Amber Xiu, but Amber Xiu had to take two steps back to stay outside the natural barrier.

Amberxiu quickly warned: "Be careful, do you want to sacrifice me to Silvanus?"

Naomi was a little embarrassed. It was a bit outrageous for a druid to subconsciously approach an undead to seek shelter when she was in danger.

Naomi could only change the subject and said: "What the hell are these? I have never encountered them before."

Amberxiu walked up to the big rats that had turned into ice sculptures, and suddenly there was a scalpel in his hand, and he started to disembowel these diseased rats. The bloody and cruel look made Naomi couldn't help but look away. .

Amber Xiu didn't feel any discomfort at all. This level of bloodshed was just childish.

Fur, muscles, blood vessels, nerves, internal organs, bones... various bits and pieces were peeled off by Amber Xiu. The body structure was almost studied. Amber Xiu even took out the soul of a mutated mouse to examine it.

It didn't take long for Amber Xiu to come to a conclusion: "I probably know what your people encountered."

Naomi quickly asked: "Do you know? What kind of monster is it?"

Amberxiu pointed to the bloody mouse corpse and said: "This kind of mouse has been transformed by magic. This method is probably done by the hag."


Naomi looked confused.

"You haven't even heard of hags? Don't you druids scare children by saying 'if they don't obey, they will be caught by hags'?" asked Amber Xiu.

Naomi gritted her teeth and said, "We druids wouldn't do such a thing. To scare children with scary stories is something you undead would do, right?"

"Stupid or not, the undead have no children." Amberxiu said.


This inexperienced druid girl was completely speechless. She had a slight liking for Amber Xiu just now and felt that this undead was powerful and reliable. Now she immediately recited the teachings of Silvanus silently - there is really no good thing in the undead! .

"Okay, let's get down to business." Amberxiu explained: "Ghosts were originally monsters in the Fairy Wilderness, but they came to the material plane a long time ago. Horrible legends of hags occasionally appear in the Nine Kingdoms. They are a group of evil and ugly people. The old women have cruel personalities, and most of them are arrogant. Their favorite thing is to use various methods to harm human beings.

"Using magic to transform creatures as servants is a common method used by hags. These rats have been transformed by the hag's magic, and are highly poisonous and highly aggressive. But they are not very powerful monsters. Ordinary people can grow stronger You can kill a few of them if you dare, but if you don't bring an antidote, you will soon be poisoned and die. This thing can still spread the virus even after it dies."

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