This lich needs more money

Chapter 216 Harvey’s deceived life

William Harvey's life can be condensed into one word of tragedy.

Harvey has been an abandoned baby since he was born. Although he was picked up and raised by others, it was not out of kindness and they used him as a livestock. There were more than a dozen abandoned babies who grew up with Harvey, but he was the only one who survived.

Harvey didn't fight back with his own abilities, but because the old beast drank himself to death.

Harvey was locked in a cage. He took off all his clothes to make a rope, hooked the key from the old beast's body, and survived. Unfortunately, he was still a little slow, so no other children survived.

It seems that from here on, Harvey embarks on a rocky road, and his survival is mainly due to luck, not because he is smarter than others.

After escaping from the prison of human traffickers, what follows is a long wandering.

Harvey didn't even know how he survived. He relied on begging, stealing and other methods to tenaciously grow up to the age of twelve, and then quietly hid in a monastery and pretended that he wanted to believe in gods.

Harvey thought he was going to meet a good man. The priest was really kind to him. He not only fed and clothed him, but also taught him how to read.

Harvey was very studious and studied word by word very seriously, until he started to have nightmares about the devil with two baboon heads.

Harvey knew he had been tricked again.

The monastery was a fake, and the teachings Harvey saw were actually Demogorgon's hymns.

If you recall carefully, this monastery is also full of weirdness, with believers who can only enter and exit, warehouses with weird smells, and crows that are always hovering over the monastery.

Harvey was always a hindsight to other people's deceptions. But it was not too late. Harvey deceived the priest by pretending not to know and escaped from the monastery.

However, Harvey didn't know that the devil was inseparable from him.

While wandering in the wild, he occasionally thought about the writing he had learned and wrote his name in the dirt.

Harvey didn't know that what the priest taught him was not the writing that was common in mainland China, but the writing that belonged to the devil.

A group of bloodthirsty gnolls were attracted by this name full of evil magic and almost ate him to the bone.

At the most critical moment, evil energy condensed in Harvey's palm, blasting the closest Jackal to pieces.

At that time, Harvey was sixteen years old, and he cast his first spell, a magic blast filled with evil aura. Only a warlock blessed by the evil Lord could cast a magic blast.

After so many years of adventure, Harvey knew what it meant to be a warlock, so he knew he was doomed. He didn't know that he had just recited a few evil prayers praising Demogorgon, but how could he be targeted by this demon?

Human beings targeted by demons will end up very miserable, let alone this demon prince.

That night, Harvey once again dreamed of Demogorgon.

But perhaps because he had experienced too many fatal crises, Harvey could still remain calm when he dreamed of Demogorgon again, and wanted to talk to the demon prince to see if he could let him go.

But all he got in exchange was the ruthless ridicule of the demon prince, and the double ridicule from two heads.

Next, Harvey had to work as a warlock for a while.

Although he was not happy, Harvey had to admit that becoming a magician was the easiest time in his life.

Strength can bring wealth, and wealth can solve most problems. When Harvey was working as a warlock, he was well fed, clothed, and able to learn the language again, which allowed Harvey to learn a lot of knowledge.

Harvey once thought that this seemed good, much better than the previous life of being like a wild dog.

But Harvey's heart is always unwilling to give in. Will he eventually become a piece of rotten meat falling into hell? It would be better to die at birth, at least it would save you so much torture.

Few people can maintain this unwillingness under the influence of Demogorgon.

Of course, there are very few people who can say a few prayers and get Demogorgon to take a second look.

Harvey was a special man, so once he made up his mind to get rid of Demogorgon, he threw himself into it.

Giving up the power of the warlock and letting people use amnesia to cleanse all their memories of Demogorgon was Harvey's plan.

It's just that it's hard to find a mage who can cast the forgetfulness spell. I don't know how long it took to meet a kind-hearted old mage who said he was willing to help him.

Then Harvey was tricked again.

This old mage who looks very talkative is actually a necromancer. Necromancers are not all bad people, but the proportion of good people among them is really pitiful.

Harvey is a magician who is favored by Demogorgon. What a good material it is. It is easy to make a high-level undead.

The necromancer also took a fancy to this and wanted to trick Harvey into using him as material.

Harvey has a high talent for casting spells, much better than Amber's, but he is far behind Amber's ability to understand people's hearts.

He just got lucky.

While the necromancer was preparing the ceremony, Harvey picked up a book and read it. It was an introductory introduction to necromancy. Then, Harvey discovered something was wrong. The ritual prepared by this old man had nothing to do with the art of forgetfulness.

The necromancer never expected that someone would be able to spot his disguised high-level undead transformation ritual by just looking at the introductory guide to necromancy. Harvey just lacks systematic education, so he knows a little about many things, but as long as he is given basic knowledge, Harvey can always see the essence of magic at a glance, and then draw inferences.

Harvey knew that he had been deceived again, and was about to run away, but found that the mage tower had been sealed long ago, and there was no way to escape unless he could kill the necromancer.

Give him a magic blast while he's not paying attention?

I'm afraid this won't work. Harvey knows very well that he is no match for this necromancer.

Being smart is smart, it takes time to accumulate magic power, and it also takes time to practice spellcasting. Compared with Harvey, this old man is really far behind.

In order not to attract the old man's attention, Harvey could only continue to pretend to read. But this time, as if destined, he got an introductory guide to the prophecy mage, written by the King of Elden.

He has been wandering for many years and has never seen a prophecy mage. It should be said that he has never heard of it. Harvey was mesmerized by this look. The power of fate is mysterious and powerful, and the descriptions in the book are mysterious but profound.

Harvey didn't know how long he had been reading, but when he closed the book, he grasped the power of fate.

A die of destiny appeared in his palm, and then Harvey threw the die of destiny onto the necromancer.

The power of fate was invisible, and it didn't even move the old man's hair. But the next second, the necromancer accidentally stepped on a puddle of greasy things. It was human fat that had not been completely cleaned, because the dirt blended into the ground and was completely invisible.

The Necromancer was unsteady and bumped into the medicine cabinet next to him.

There was a series of glass snaps, and potions for various purposes were smashed, causing him to smoke and wail in pain.

This is not fatal in the first place, and the Necromancer always has some means to save his life. But Harvey appeared in time and slit his throat with a knife.

The necromancer thought Harvey was here to help him up, but he didn't expect that this kid was here to stab him. Silent spellcasting is a very high-end spellcasting skill. This poor necromancer has not yet mastered it. The magic items on his body need to be activated with mantras. Harvey's knife has already cut his way out.

After sealing his throat with one knife, he stabbed his heart, his liver, and his eyes directly to his brain.

The necromancer was killed in this way. As soon as the soul emerged, Harvey grabbed another bottle of potion and poured it over, and even the soul was completely annihilated.

A die of destiny allowed Harvey to kill the powerful necromancer and successfully escape from the mage tower.

I don’t know if surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings. Ever since Harvey left the Mage Tower, Demogorgon seemed to have disappeared from his life.

You no longer have to dream about the two-headed baboon, nor do you accidentally explode something with magic energy.

Those evil energies were completely eliminated from his body, and Harvey changed from a warlock to a prophecy mage. Although he could only be regarded as a new apprentice, his life also changed completely.

Harvey once again began traveling across the continent when he was only eighteen years old.

But this time, he learned to be smart and used divination first when encountering uncertain things. I finally experienced what it means to go smoothly. Most of the time, I don’t need to detect lies. I can tell whether what others say is true or false by just relying on intuition.

This made Harvey feel like he was at the pinnacle of his life. When he was at his most prosperous, he came to the Alchemy City, a place known as the supreme place of knowledge, and wanted to learn more knowledge.

Then, he met the "King of Elden" in the Alchemy City.

Harvey sighed. His life had always been full of ups and downs, and he was almost used to it.

He had been arrested so many times in his life that Harvey lived peacefully in Amberxiu's castle, and then confirmed the identity of the other party from Amberxiu's collection of books.

Regardless of whether it was unintentional or not, Amber Xiu's Beginner's Guide to Prophecy Mage truly changed Harvey's life.

Harvey's feelings towards Amberxiu were complicated. Perhaps because he was once a magician, he was not too discriminatory towards the lich, but was rather grateful.

Harvey once thought about expressing his gratitude to Ambrose, but this teacher was too, too much... The only adjective Harvey could think of was "greedy".

After traveling for so many years and visiting so many places, Harvey has seen a lot, but he has never seen a lich who likes money so much.

Ambrose's desire for money was so strong that Harvey didn't know how to communicate with him. Maybe nothing he said was more useful than the gold coins in his pocket. Unless Harvey could give the teacher a few million gold coins, maybe in this way he could feel the gratitude in his heart.

When Amberxiu took out his phylactery, Harvey was moved for a while, thinking that this might be the mutual attraction between the prophecy mages. However, after leaving the castle and entering the desert, Harvey gradually came to his senses.

The phylactery in his hand must be fake.

Given Amber's character, he shouldn't have given him a Life Box.

I, a young man who had been lacking love since childhood, received the teacher's attention. I was so touched by the patronage at the time that I didn't feel there was any problem at all. I didn't realize it until I left for several days.

Amberxiu's level as a prophecy mage far surpassed that of Harvey's, which blinded his intuition. If he had to figure it out on his own, Harvey would only be able to figure it out in a few days.

But even though he figured it out, Harvey still worked hard to keep the phylactery safe. What if he guessed wrong, what if Amberxiu gave him the real thing to keep?

Even if it was only a small possibility, Harvey didn't want to screw it up.

Because Ambrose was his first teacher, even if he used him, he never deceived him. Ambrose always told Harvey clearly what he was going to do. This kind of confession, which cannot even be called kind, is a rare sunshine in life for Harvey, who has been deceived all the time.

Therefore, one's childhood cannot be too miserable, otherwise one will be easily abducted.

Harvey is like this, Naomi is the same.

Taking Amber Xiu's phylactery with him, Harvey trekked to the desert, hoping to avoid the coming chaos in the Alchemy City.

Unexpectedly, the Alchemy City disappeared, and all the people who came from the Alchemy City became the focus of attention.

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