This lich needs more money

Chapter 215 Everything goes well

Catherine looked at the wooden wine glass in Amber's hand and said doubtfully: "The stakes are still the same?"

Amberxiu said casually: "Of course, as long as you can take the cup out of the city, I will do whatever you say."

Catherine looked at Amber Xiu several times, grabbed the wine glass, and quickly left the bar.

But not long after, Catherine returned to the bar dejectedly and said angrily: "You plotted against me. I was stopped again when I left the city. They said there must be something wrong with me leaving so quickly. As a result, the bar was smashed by them during the inspection. Broken!"

Amberxiu smiled and said: "It's not me plotting against you, but destiny. After experiencing these two times, you should understand that things that seem simple can be impossible at all. You may still be thinking now, As long as you persist and rush out of the city, you will win. But it's useless, no one can change the fate that has been set, not even the gods."

Amberxiu used his destiny-weaving ability to weave two failed fates for Catherine. So no matter how hard Catherine tried, she couldn't win.

However, only this kind of small bet can weave the fate at will. It is impossible for Amber Xiu to weave a fate for the Lion Empire that will perish tomorrow. Doing so will 100% cause the spell to fail, and then suffer the backlash of fate.

This ability can be understood as extending a paddle into the river of destiny and using the paddle to control part of the direction of the river. It's okay to create a few small eddies, but trying to block the flow of the entire river with an oar will only cause the oar to break. Unless Amber Xiu himself is the dam blocking the river, trying to change the fate of those behemoths will definitely end in being shattered into pieces.

Although Catherine still did not fully understand these, she believed Amber Xiu's words and did not dwell on the topic related to Naomi. Instead, she said with emotion: "If it is like what you said, then the prophecy mage will be too miserable. It’s like being a slave to fate.”

Amber Xiu:......

"If you say anything else, I will weave a bald future for you!" Amberxiu said angrily.

Catherine covered her head and didn't dare to speak anymore. It was too scary to be bald and so on.

After a while, Catherine asked again: "What now, we just wait here for Harvey?"

Amberxiu nodded. Harvey came to this city with Amberxiu's phylactery and appeared in this tavern. Calculating the time, Harvey would appear in two days at most.

But before that, some preparations need to be made.

"Catherine, let's go pick up a commission later." Amberxiu said.

Catherine asked: "Accepting a commission? What commission?"

"Anything, as long as it's exploration-type, underground ruins, monster caves, or anything else. Wait until you take off your mask and ask the bartender to recommend one to you."

"Ah, aren't we waiting for your students here?" Catherine asked strangely.

"Don't ask so many questions. You will know when the time comes." Amberxiu said.

Catherine could only obey and walked to the bar to chat with the orc bartender. Catherine, who took off her mask, not only received the best commission recommended by the bartender, but also received a lifetime free promise from the bar. Catherine showed off to Amber Xiu with free sea buckthorn fruit wine, but she only got a blank look from Amber Xiu.

This little girl still doesn’t know what free bill means?

The reason why the bar gives beauties free of charge is to let the beauties help attract men who have excess male hormones and are in urgent need of release.

But seeing how happy Catherine was, Amberxiu didn't bother to expose it and started studying the commission.

Someone in Manna City issued a commission to investigate a magic cave outside the city. Because the situation is tense now, no one knows when Ryan will reach Manna City, so the price of these commissions for exploration outside the city has doubled.

Catherine's beauty lived up to the trust, and it was clear at first glance that this commission was a pure profit.

It is said that there may be underground sand lizards haunting this cave. Adventurers need to go to investigate and find definite evidence of the existence or non-existence of underground sand lizards. The reward is thirty gold coins.

The underground sand lizard is a kind of monster in the underdark area. Adult sand lizards can reach the legendary level, but their numbers are rare. This kind of monster rarely appears on the surface, so this commission only requires investigation, and the reward of thirty gold coins is already very good.

Amber Xiu didn't even need to go to the cave to check. He could confirm by throwing a die of destiny that there were no underground sand lizards there at all. It was probably caused by similar traces caused by the presence of other monsters.

But Ambrose is not here for reward, he is here to prepare Harvey for his "death".

In the prophecy that Harvey saw, he would go to a dark place to explore with a team of adventurers, and then encounter an ambush by a monster. Harvey himself died in the raid.

But because Harvey himself couldn't see many details clearly, his description to Ambrose was quite vague.

What Ambrose has to do is to fabricate this false prophecy for Harvey and control everything in the prophecy. You can have adventures, you can have teams, you can have warcraft, but you can't have death.

The easiest way is undoubtedly to find a commission yourself, and then arrange a script for Harvey to get him out of the shadow of death.

This commission to find the underground sand lizard is very suitable and the best stage.

No wonder he brought Catherine with him. Thank God, everything was an arrangement of fate.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Amberxiu took Catherine out of Manna City and came to the Warcraft Cave. Amberxiu checked it for a moment and quickly came to a conclusion.

This is not an underground sand lizard, just a nest of sandworms.

Sandworms and sand lizards sound similar, but are actually completely different things.

The underground sand lizard that can hunt on its own is at least fifteen meters long. Its mouth can be opened to swallow the strongest orc in one bite. Its teeth are highly venomous, and its scales are so hard that even a paladin needs several Holy Slashes to break through.

This thing is also good at sneaking into the ground to launch attacks. Most adventurers can't even see the opponent clearly before being swallowed.

Sandworms are very weak desert creatures that are almost harmless to humans, but they are also good at burrowing in the ground, so the traces left by a large nest of sandworms crawling underground are very similar to sand lizards.

Amberxiu could just catch a few sandworms and go back to deliver the goods, but naturally he wouldn't do that.

Amberxiu opened his private space and took out a lot of white bones.

Catherine frowned because these bones were full of putrid smell.

"Is this...the bone of the Underground Loth Beast?" Catherine asked.

"Yes, my friend gave it to me. I used these bones to assemble several skeleton tanks and taught those paladins a profound lesson. But now, I want to combine them into something else."

Amberxiu moved very quickly, pieced together the bones according to his wishes, and soon turned into a lizard-like skeleton.

The Underlos beast was originally a herbivore, so Amberxiu took some human canine teeth and embedded them in them to create a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

Immediately afterwards, Amber Xiu pinched another fictitious soul and stuffed it into the bones.

The skeleton of this "sand lizard" started moving like this. Although it looked awkward, it was quite powerful.

Amberxiu then used Laila's real illusion on the "sand lizard", covering him with a layer of fake sand lizard skin, which looked no different from the real sand lizard.

Catherine was also amazed. If she hadn't seen with her own eyes how Amber Xiu had faked it, she would have thought it was a real underground sand lizard.

But this thing looks ferocious, but it's actually just a larger, low-level undead. It would probably fall apart if you hit it with a hammer a few times.

Amberxiu looked up and down, refining the details, and then said with satisfaction: "If it's just a lie, it should be almost the same. Get into the ground and have a sleep first, little one, now is not the time for you to appear."

Amber Xiu gave an order, and the undead sand lizard clumsily opened up the yellow sand on the ground and buried its body in it.

This speed cannot be compared with the real sand lizard, but as long as it is hidden in the sand, it is not easy to find.

When everything was ready, Amberxiu took Catherine back to the bar, and then submitted the "evidence" of the underground sand lizard.

The evidence is also very simple. A broken underground sand lizard scale is nothing more than Amber Xiu's collection.

The scales of this kind of monster are an unpopular alchemy material, and Amber has a small amount of them in stock.

The orc bartender couldn't tell the year of the scales, but after submitting it, Amberxiu was quickly rewarded with thirty gold coins. The original commission to investigate the cave was changed to a subjugation of the underground sand lizard, and the price was also raised to one Thousand gold coins.

It's a pity that no one is willing to pick up the adventurers in the tavern.

If it is an adult underground sand lizard, it is a legendary rank. Who can do it with only one thousand gold coins?

But it is impossible for the client to pay according to the legend. What if it is not a legend?

Anyway, if the task hangs for a long time, there will always be someone willing to take it.

Everything went as Amberxiu imagined, so smoothly that he couldn't believe it.

After waiting in the city for two days, Harvey appeared in the tavern in Manna City just as Amber Xiu had planned.

It's just that Harvey looked much more embarrassed than Amberxiu imagined. His head was wrapped in yellow and black gauze, and his right hand was also hung with a bandage, as if he had been beaten severely.

And Harvey is not just him, there is also a dark-skinned...

Catherine saw the girl helping Harvey into the tavern, frowned and said, "This is a mixture of elf and orc!"

The black-skinned girl in front of her has the long ears of an elf and the fangs of an orc. Her facial features are softer than that of an orc, but rougher than that of an elf. She is obviously a mixture of the two races.

However, the elves generally do not combine with foreign races. Occasionally they do, and they mostly combine with humans, and most of them are handsome boys and beautiful girls.

There is often only one possibility for a hybrid between orcs and elves. A poor elf was kidnapped by an orc, and then... only in this way could a hybrid child of the two races appear.

In other words, the appearance of this girl represents the tragic fate of an elf.

Catherine clenched her fists. As the Elf Queen, she felt extremely heartbroken just by imagining it.

Amber Xiu comforted him and said, "Don't be sad, maybe it's a drow that's mixed up."

Catherine glared at Amberxiu. Although she felt that Amberxiu's words were very immoral, the thought really made her relax a lot. She really didn't know whether to call him vicious or gentle.

Amberxiu didn't have so many other thoughts. Harvey had already appeared, and he was just waiting for the moment he realized something to complete his redemption.

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