This lich needs more money

Chapter 209 A plan to die without proof

Amberxiu didn't expect that he would have this image in Catherine's mind.

Ariel was really just an accident. He never thought of tricking her in the first place. He just wanted to trick her away. Who would have thought that Ariel would stick to her like nougat?

As for the paladin, it was a complete accident. Who would have thought that the Silver Moon Knight would ask a lich to help him train? Isn't this a coincidence?

But Amber Xiu couldn't explain it. This elf girl already had a stereotype about him. Human prejudice is a mountain that even the legendary lich cannot move.

"Oh, if only you could have such a strong imagination."

Amberxiu complained, then transformed into the green-skinned slaad from before, and then covered Catherine with illusion, turning her invisible.

The two of them walked boldly back into the depths of the swamp.

Sure enough, the green-skinned slaadi had a higher status, and no one blocked his entry this time.

The so-called depths of the swamp are actually a water fort built with wood. Although slaads are amphibians, they don't always stay in the water. A small palace was built on the swamp, and the slaad lord lived in it.

According to the memory of this green slaad named "Shidubi", this slaadi lord usually stays in the highest room in the water village. The gray slaad is already the middle level of the slaad species. If you want to continue to evolve, there are two directions.

The first is to continue to develop advanced skills in spellcasting, and one day be able to evolve into a slaad that controls necromancy.

The second method is simpler. Find the corpse of a Slaad Death Toad, eat it, and directly evolve and upgrade.

However, it is probably impossible to find the corpse of the dead slaad in this swamp, so the slaad lord named Kakachang likes to retreat and study spells. He will only come out to summon the space gate when the slaad needs to reproduce. , allowing the slaadi to enter another dimension for hunting.

There was a problem with the last space connection ceremony.

The swamp was connected to the desolate ruins with nothing. The slaadi ran around in it several times, but couldn't find any living grass, let alone find prey.

And Amber Xiu and Catherine killed all those slaads. I believe that the slaad lord already knows the news, and I think the second space connection ceremony will be held soon.

When Amberxiu came to the water village, the number of green Slaads around him began to increase. When he saw Amberxiu, he made a cooing sound to say hello. He thought they were familiar.

Amber Xiu did not dare to respond casually.

Although Shidubi's memory contains information about each of his companions, in Amber Xiu's opinion, these slaads all look the same. Even if they look at each other in their memories, they can't tell who is who.

How to say hello, I can only pretend to be in a bad mood and walk by with my head down, not daring to talk to any green slaadi.

Moving forward, we soon arrived at the deepest part of the water village.

Amber Xiu then saw the Slaad Gray Toad Lord Kakachang who was standing on the railing and looking into the distance.

Seeing Amberxiu appear, Kakachang sighed and let out a coo. Amberxiu quietly threw out a thought detection and read the other party's thoughts.

Thought detection is a spell that reads the mind. It has the same effect on any race, but it is easy to be detected by the other party and then reveal the identity. It's just that Amber Xiu is not afraid of failing in his spell casting, because there is the Dice of Destiny that can help him modify the probability.

Under the influence of thought detection, Lord Kakachang's thoughts were known to Amber Xiu.

The cooing sound just now was still sighing.

"Shidubi, this time the hunting went wrong again. Our group of slaads are living on thin ice. Do you think we can really return to our hometown?"

Amberxiu didn't know the slaad's language, so he couldn't express such a complicated meaning with a few simple cooing sounds. He could only make a low and short "cooing".

I just learned this, and it means: "I don't know."

Yes, no, I don't know. These are the three slaad words that Amberxiu learned from Shidubi's memory. Because they are simple, they are easy to learn, but it won't work if he is asked to say anything else.

Fortunately, Lord Kakachang didn't really seek Amber Xiu's opinion, he was just expressing his feelings.

So, he quickly said to Amber Xiu: "Have the intruder been found?"

An accident occurred in the spatial connection. The intruders killed those slaads, and then the spatial connection was closed. Kakachang also knew about this. This Shidubi was one of the green-skinned slaadi sent out to hunt down the intruders, so Kakachang asked this question.

Amberxiu could only "goo" again, expressing his ignorance.

Kakachang said unhappily: "You don't know anything. What are you doing here? Don't you have anything to report to me?"

This series of cooing sounds were so sharp that it hurt the eardrums, and Kakachang was really excited.

Amber Xiu also expected this situation, so he took out an arrow and handed it to Kakachang.

This was Catherine's arrow. The specially made magic-breaking arrow made Kakachang's eyes bulge.

"What kind of weapon is this? It gives me a chilling feeling. It seems to have a great restraint effect on spells. Is this found from the intruder?"

Amberxiu shook his head quickly, and then sighed pretendingly.

Kakachang understood, patted Amber Xiu on the shoulder and said: "I understand, it was found from the corpse of your descendant. Forget it, you don't want to talk, I understand, it seems that this intruder is really troublesome . Shidubi, be prepared, and you must find the intruder before the next ceremony begins!"

Amber Xiu quickly said: "Yes."

Kakachang didn't feel anything was wrong, waved his hand to let Amberxiu leave, and got into the lord's room again.

Amberxiu hesitated for a moment, and instead of chasing after him and continuing to coo with Kakachang, he turned around and left the water village.

Catherine followed until there was no one around, and then she said to Amber in surprise: "Are you really not the God of Deception? How can you use cooing to chat with the slaadi? What do you guys talk about?" What?"

Catherine was really surprised. How could Amberxiu learn a completely different new language in just ten minutes?

This is unreasonable. Gu Gu Gu Gu all sounds the same. How on earth can it express complex meanings? Amber Xiu actually had a decent chat with that slaadi lord, and he was like being patted on the shoulder, which was obviously a good conversation.

Amberxiu did not answer this subjective question, but said to Catherine: "If you want to use their space connection ceremony to leave here, I have two plans to discuss with you."

"What plan?" Catherine asked curiously. Suddenly there were two plans, which were too powerful.

Amberxiu suggested: "The slaadi lord just told me that the next space connection ceremony will only be carried out if the intruder is captured. But they don't know that there are two intruders yet, so why don't you sacrifice and be killed?" They caught me and waited for me to secretly learn their rituals.”

Catherine said angrily: "No way, I choose the second option."

Those slaadi looked so disgusting, even if they were pretending, Catherine didn't want to be caught by these toads, which would give her nightmares for a whole year.

"The second option is that you play the role of a slaad, and I'll catch it for them. Are you confident that you can play it?" Amberxiu asked.

Laila's true illusion can be cast in groups, and it doesn't necessarily require Amberxiu to pretend to be a slaad. Amberxiu could have pretended to be caught. After all, he was a lich and had many ways to escape.

It's just that Catherine doesn't have the ability to deceive Lord Slaadi. If she relies on her, the success rate of the plan will be very low.

Sure enough, Catherine herself had no confidence in herself and could only whisper: "Can't you use illusions to make it look fake and get caught by them?"

Amber Xiu could only explain: "It's not that it's impossible, but the probability of failure is very high. I was able to fool others in Emerald Dream Forest before, because I was a guest and no one would do anything to me. Illusions are just illusions after all. , once these slaadi attack, it will be easy to tell that something is wrong."

Illusion is illusion after all. If Laila was so powerful, she wouldn't have been deprived of her priesthood, and her body would have been picked up by druids to create a magic barrier.

"Are these really the only two ways?" Catherine asked pitifully.

"The third way is to go directly in, capture this slaadi lord, and hope to force him to perform the ritual, but don't expect me to read his soul. This guy will most likely ascend to the slaad kingdom directly after he dies. "

In fact, the biggest problem is that Amberxiu doesn't understand the slaad's language. If he is given a teacher to teach him carefully for ten days and a half, Amberxiu is guaranteed to be able to fool these slaadi until their skins fall off. Sell ​​it to him.

Language barrier is the biggest obstacle for scammers.

Catherine thought for a long time, gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, then sacrifice me, but you promise not to let these toads... Oh, forget it, you can arrange it however you want. I believe you will not harm me. , I’m going to work for you until I collapse and cry, right?”

Catherine still remembered the reason Amberxiu used when he tricked her into getting into the dragon's belly to put a seal. Catherine will have no safety issues until she reaches that painful future.

Amber Hearing what Catherine said, he smiled with satisfaction.

But he quickly said to Catherine: "Haha, I just want to see if you have this awareness. In fact, you are not required to sacrifice."

Catherine looked at Amberxiu in confusion and asked: "Besides you and me, do you want to use Naomi as a prisoner? Then I can't agree!"

Amberxiu said: "What are you thinking about? How can a ranger sacrifice his beast companion? Am I that kind of person?"

Catherine looked at Ambrose with disbelief, as if he was such a person.

Amberxiu had no choice but to open his private space and brought out a pieced-together puppet. He said to Catherine: "We killed all the witnesses. They don't know what the intruder looks like. They use this thing to fool them." That's enough for them. When we lure the slaad to the edge of this swamp and throw the puppet outside, won't this mean there's no proof?"

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