This lich needs more money

Chapter 208 Use that trick again

Amberxiu asked himself that he was well-informed, but he had never seen this scene before.

Pieces of land of different sizes are suspended everywhere, including mountains, lakes, volcanoes, caves, and even broken cities.

The directions of these suspended land parcels are all different, many are upside down, and some are slowly rotating. But the creatures living on these plots seem to have no feeling, just like ordinary people standing on the surface of the planet cannot feel the rotation of the planet.

And these separated plots are not completely separated. Occasionally, you can see two plots that are relatively close to each other, and the creatures inside start to shoot at each other from a distance. Most of them just throw various items directly, and I don't know whether they are fighting or engaging in cross-platform transactions.

Could such a weird world be the kingdom of Nel Skjak, the god of mischief?

Catherine was also surprised. There was no record of such a magical world in the ancient books of the elves.

Amber revised and prepared to fly towards another land mass, but found that after flying several hundred meters high, there was a strange force involved, making it impossible for him to fly upward again.

The same was true for Catherine. The two of them worked together to cast spells but could not break through this invisible barrier.

Amber Xiu pondered and said: "It seems that every plot of land is a small world."

"What now?" Catherine asked anxiously.

If they can't leave here, even if Naomi wakes up and allows them to return to the normal time, they will probably only stay in this space instead of returning to the underground ruins.

Catherine didn't want to live here with those disgusting slaadi for the rest of her life.

Amberxiu was not in a hurry. It was the fate of the goddess of fate that he could come back this time. I believe that this person would not spend so much time just to trap him here and talk about life with the slaad.

There must be a way out, it just depends on how you look for it.

Amberxiu was very calm, so he quickly found a direction.

Amberxiu said to Catherine: "The spatial fusion of the two worlds just now was probably not an accident, but maybe man-made. If someone can really control these broken spaces to connect to our world, then we can use this method to go back."

Catherine felt that what Amberxiu said made sense, but she was still too panicked and was not a qualified adventurer.

"But, are there really people in this swamp?" Catherine asked.

"Of course they are not humans. Where the slaad is, no other intelligent creature can survive. Don't think those toads are brainless. Only red slaads have lower IQs. Slaads of other colors are not more intelligent than ordinary people. How close. If we are unlucky and encounter a black one... we may not even be able to run away."

Slaadi have a very special evolution and reproduction ecology.

The most basic red slaadi eggs grow from different hosts and will grow into blue slaadi and green slaadi. The blue-skinned ones are powerful warriors and have a pair of claws that are stronger and sharper than ordinary weapons. The green slaad is hatched from the corpse of a spellcaster and is a qualified spellcaster.

Then the Blue Slaadi can also spread the Chaos Virus through its hook claws, turning other living creatures directly into Slaadi. Depending on their individual characteristics, they can also turn into Red Slaadi or Green Slaadi.

It sounds complicated, but the above three are just miscellaneous soldiers in the slaadi.

What is truly amazing is the evolution of green slaadi. This kind of slaad hatched from spellcasters is extremely intelligent. When one day they understand a certain secret method, they will evolve into gray slaadi. . When they reach this color, they are already at the threshold of legend, and if they are lucky, they may even be directly promoted to legend.

But this is not the end of the slaad's evolution, just an intermediate stage.

On top of the gray slaadi are the dead slaadi, the white slaadi, and the black slaadi.

The black slaad is the slaad lord, and there is one word that can sum up its power - god-like power.

What is quasi-divine power? Any lord on any level of hell has quasi-divine power, which is the level that can become the enemy of the true god.

That's why Amber Xiu said that if they meet Sla Black Toad, the two of them combined are no match.

But it shouldn't be so unlucky. No slaad lord would be exiled to this broken world.

Amberxiu took Catherine back to the swamp, and was surrounded by a large group of slaadi. Most of them were red, with the occasional blue warrior-type slaad. Among the dozen or so slaadi, there was only one green slaad staring at the two of them, constantly beating its throat and making cooing sounds.

Amberxiu raised his hands and said to the green slaadi: "Don't get me wrong, we just passed by accidentally. Can you talk to your lord?"

The green-skinned slaadi was smart enough for him to understand what Amber Xiu meant, but this slaad had no intention of negotiating. Instead, he waved his staff and condensed a fireball the size of a human head.

Amberxiu stretched out his hand helplessly, and a red magical light flashed, accurately hitting the slaadi and interrupting his spell.

Counter-spell, this is the most common anti-magic method, but it can only bully the weak. In the hands of spellcasters of the same level, counter-spell has almost no effect.

When Legend bullies a green-skinned slaadi, it's truly crushing.

The green-skinned slaad's spell was interrupted and he almost lost his breath. The other slaads were also idle and rushed towards Amberxiu and Catherine from all directions.

Amber Xiu was well prepared, and he popped out a pair of magic-breaking blades, and used them to attack the slaad group.

Catherine also learned wisely. This disgusting thing couldn't fight with them in close combat. She directly used flying skills to fly into the air and shoot out light arrows like rain in the sky.

An elf queen bends her bow and shoots arrows with all her strength, and the damage effect will not be much worse than that of a mage.

Amber Xiu's magic-breaking blade only killed three slaadi, and the remaining soldiers were all nailed to the ground by Catherine.

Only ten seconds after the battle began, only the green slaad was left alive.

Amberxiu walked up to the chubby green-skinned toad, cut off his staff with a knife, then put the tip of the knife against his throat and said, "Can we talk now?"

The green-skinned slaad let out a cooing sound of fear, and then said in an ugly voice: "What do you want from our lord?"

Amberxiu smiled and said: "This is not what you should know. Either lead us the way, or I will kill you now. It's your choice."

The green-skinned slaad said disdainfully: "You are just a piece of rotten iron, let me talk to your master!"

Amber Xiu:......

With a pop, the magic-breaking blade pierced the green-skinned toad's throat and cut off half of his head.

Amberxiu reached out and grabbed his overflowing soul, skillfully peeled off the cocoon, and began to check the memory of this slaad.

If only this slaadi was smarter and understood who was talking to him, he wouldn't have died so simply. Amberxiu didn't want to make a deal with such a fool, it would only be a waste of time.

There are not many memories read from the soul. Although this slaad has the IQ of a normal person, this swamp is too desolate, so the slaad's daily life is to eat, drink, litter, reproduce, and then He also ate, drank, and defecated.

There was nothing constructive and no special development.

But Umbershoe found the answer he wanted. The slaadi lord of the swamp was a greyskin, not the more powerful death toad, white toad, and black toad.

According to the memory read, this gray slaad doesn't have any particularly powerful abilities. Even if it is a legend, Amberxiu estimates that he can still suppress the opponent.

Moreover, the slaad is indeed able to control the spatial connection. Although it is unstable, the slaad will open this connection every time it needs to reproduce and find new hosts by invading other worlds.

If you find the target, you're welcome.

Ambrose put on Lyra's real illusion for himself and Catherine, turning into two slaads, one red and one blue, heading towards the depths of the swamp.

Lyra's true illusion can perfectly imitate the appearance of a slaad, making it easier for the slaad to attack when walking through the swamp.

However, Amber Xiu underestimated these slaadi.

It's not that the illusion is imperfect, but that there are very strict class restrictions within the slaadi. When the two of them wanted to get closer to the depths of the swamp, a group of slaadi immediately ran out and screamed strangely, trying to expel them. .

These slaadi seem to still retain the way of life of beasts. Only high-status slaadi can approach the core, while others can only stay on the periphery.

"What now? Can I turn into a green-skinned slaad?" Catherine asked.

Amberxiu shook his head and said, "No, we have only seen a green slaadi."

"What do you mean by that? Can't you just fine-tune your illusion?" Catherine said.

Amberxiu explained: "You still regard the slaadi as a mentally retarded beast. Think about it, if these slaads were Lane people, it would be no problem for me to look like a moonsilver knight, but just adjust the silver What would it be like to have Moon Knight’s facial features put on you and let the Lions see it?”

"This..." Catherine seemed to realize the problem.

Umbershoe continued: "Every bump on a slaad's body is their characteristic. To us, these toads all look the same, but in the eyes of a slaad, every slaadi is unique. If you make any slight adjustments, they will only see through it."

"What should we do now? Go in directly?" Catherine said anxiously.

Amber Xiu said: "No, I can use illusion to make you invisible. I will turn into a green slaad and walk in, and you can just follow me."


"Then why not go in invisible from the beginning?" Catherine asked.

Amberxiu explained: "Because I want to practice the slaad's movements. Are you planning to go in directly, capture the slaadi lord and force him to open the space channel? What if he doesn't agree? Can you Kill him? Soul memory reading is not 100% reliable. What if his soul ascends to the slaadi's kingdom of heaven? Slaad, there should be a kingdom of gods, it seems... Anyway, I am planning to steal Learn his method of controlling spatial connections instead of just going up and taking action directly."

Catherine reacted immediately and said excitedly: "Are you going to use that trick again?!"

Amberxiu asked strangely: "Which trick are you talking about?"

Catherine said: "It's just transformation cheating. Every time you transform into another race, you either kidnap a princess or defraud tens of millions. This time, do you want to kidnap a slaad princess to work for you?" !”

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