This lich needs more money

Chapter 2 The order is coming

"Living mercury solution?"

Amberxiu knocked on his head. He had heard of this alchemical potion. It seemed to be a defective product just produced by the Alchemy Society. It was a by-product of the new slime cultivation plan.

The Alchemist Council has been suffering from the lack of new creations in recent years, which makes the group of alchemists with high eyesight very anxious. After all, in their eyes, any magician, warlock, or god is inferior to the bottles in their hands. .

They are obsessed with the great fantasy that alchemy can create everything. Hundreds of years ago, they even wanted to create a real god through alchemy. But they forget that the God of Alchemy is real.

The gods could not accept this almost blasphemous behavior, so they gave these arrogant alchemists an unforgettable defeat.

The plan to refine the gods failed completely, and the God of Alchemy also punished all alchemists. No more alchemists can obtain inspiration through his divine power.

In the great alchemical city of Alchemia, no new magic potion formula appeared for two hundred years. It was not until seventy years ago that the current Speaker of the Council of Alchemists finally broke the seal of the gods and created a new potion formula, which allowed Alchemia to escape its gradual collapse.

The Speaker is also a legendary figure. He broke the curse of the gods and saved the Alchemy City. At the same time, he modified the rules of the Alchemy City and no longer restricted the entry of talents of any race and nationality. He also provided a large number of affordable magic potions as benefits. The city was flooded with talent in a short period of time, and it finally took decades to revive.

Amberxiu only came to the Alchemy City in the past few decades, and it was because of the tolerance of the Alchemy City that he dared to reincarnate as a lich here.

But as the legendary figure grew old and gradually receded into the background, the alchemist began a new round of seeking death. They began to become obsessed with creating new species that did not exist in the world. One of the directions was to create metal slimes.

But without the participation of the genius speaker, the experiment failed again and again. The created metal slime can only be described as a pile of slime corpses, so it was changed to a living mercury solution, which can only be used to melt and decompose metal.

In addition, other messy new species experiments have also failed one after another. Alchemy City has wasted a lot of resources, resulting in very tight finances. The economy is in a downturn, and the elves of Silvermoon Highgarden are quickly adding insult to injury. Large-scale price increases for potion raw materials have made the Alchemy City's financial problems worse.

The result was that a large number of potion-related industries went bankrupt, and even undead creatures like Amber Xiu were affected. Various investments suffered losses and fell into a complete financial crisis.

Damn high elves!

Amberxiu cursed again before replying on the Code of the Undead.

[Ultraman Tiga: Do you want this to be an experiment? I heard that this potion was a failure, and all the slimes that were turned into mercury lost their activity. 】

[The Crown of the Headless Horseman: I know, but this solution still retains the characteristic of slime eating everything. I have a special situation here. I need a living mercury solution to deal with some metal waste. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: Private money? 】

[The Headless Horseman’s Crown: What private money? Dear Goddess of the Undead, please don’t make up rumors out of thin air! 】

[Apoptotic Rose: It seems that it is really private money. What do you think you are doing with an undead getting married smoothly? And she married a bone dragon. 】

[The Crown of the Headless Horseman: You don’t understand the beauty of marriage. Stop talking nonsense. Brother Tiga, just tell me if you can get it. At the worst, I’ll pay for the transmission fee. 】

[Ultraman Tiga: I can try it, but it will probably be very expensive. Recently, the Alchemist Council has been trying every means to reduce costs and increase efficiency. This failed product has also been sold at a high price, and it seems that they want to recoup some of the cost. 】

[The Headless Horseman’s Crown: 20,000 gold coins per bottle, I can give you half of the deposit in advance. 】

A picture slowly appeared on the yellowed page. This is a precious magic material "dragon bone vine".

It is rumored that only legendary level bone dragons that have been sleeping for hundreds of years can grow this kind of vines on their bodies. It is an extraction agent that must be used in many high-level magic potions.

As the image became clearer and clearer, the dragon bone vine emerged from the page and became a real object. One of the special functions of the Code of the Undead is that some small objects can be transported through the Code of the Undead.

This headless knight guy really gives it as he says. No wonder he married a bone dragon. It seems like the dowry is quite a lot. Now that the high elves are constantly raising the price of magic potions, this dragon bone vine is worth at least twelve thousand gold coins. The deposit is too much. It seems that this old man has a lot of private money to hide.

"You damn high elves will tear down your Silvermoon Highgarden sooner or later!"

Amberxiu cursed, and then replied to the headless horseman: "I'll place an order right away. The goods will definitely arrive in five days at most."

Closing the Code of the Undead, Amberxiu immediately concentrated his magic power and created a magical crow.

This little spell shouldn't be too easy for a legendary spellcaster.

This crow has only one ability, which is to help Amberxiu deliver a letter with purchase information to the Alchemy City. In a few days, a caravan will deliver the living mercury potion to Amberxiu's castle.

The life of a magician is so convenient.

However, after writing the purchase letter, Amberxiu took out a pile of bone materials from the cabinet and prepared to continue his experiment.

"Hmph, you are discriminating against the undead, right? I will let you know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my thesis."

Amberxiu waved his hand, and the originally neat skeleton was dismantled by invisible forces and turned into pieces of bones.

These bones were suspended next to Amberxiu, who was lost in thought.

The reason why skeletons are clumsy is because the structure of human bones is too complex, and death causes great damage to the human soul.

Every necromancer has to go through this novice stage. The souls of the undead creatures created are of low quality, so they move clumsily. The skeleton created in this way is like a mentally retarded Gundam. It takes who knows how many years of practice to accurately control every joint.

Therefore, most wild undead creatures need a lot of time to exercise their control, and this is a very meaningless thing in Amber Xiu's opinion. The soul is like a computer. Its computing power is limited, and resources are wasted on balancing the body. Can its movements not be clumsy?

"Why does the skeleton have to turn into a human form? Why does it have to use its feet to walk? Wouldn't it be easier to turn it into four wheels?"

The structure of bipedal walking is inherently unreasonable. In order to allow intelligent life to use tools with two hands, it evolved the ability to walk upright, but this action is very difficult. Even a living human child needs about a year of growth before it can waddle. It takes four or five years to not necessarily guarantee that it will not fall when running.

But they are already undead, why should we still worry about two legs or eight legs?

If the original form is stable enough, there is no need to consider the issue of wrestling. The balance calculation power saved can be used in other actions, and naturally it can be done better. If other actions are limited to some simple and repeated splitting actions, it will be easier for the soul to operate.

Amberxiu opened several scrolls, which showed several new skeleton forms he had carefully designed. Originally, these designs had been published in "Legendary Curse" and discussed and studied with the majority of necromancers.

But now, Amberxiu can only create a new type of skeleton according to the original design.

There are already a lot of skeletons for housekeeping in the castle, but if he wants to impress his fellow undead, Amber Xiu needs to create a skeleton warrior that is cheaper but has higher combat effectiveness.

"Traditional skeleton warriors can only fight with cold weapons..."

Amberxiu began to carefully dissect the bones and piece them together into parts. Immediately afterwards, Amberxiu took out another glass jar and took out a translucent light ball from it.

This is the artificial soul. Not only can the soul be fabricated out of thin air, but it can also be modified. The computing power of this soul is so low that it is far from enough to control an entire skeleton body, but if it only controls one or two joints, it can be easily handled. It only needs a little modification...

Amberxiu was busy when a scream suddenly came from outside the castle. Amberxiu immediately put down the bones in his hands, and the soul fire in his eyes condensed together, like a human's pupils shrinking.

The magic trap he designed was triggered, and someone invaded his castle using abnormal means.

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