This lich needs more money

Chapter 1 Your manuscript does not meet the requirements

The eerie old castle, dimly lit by candles.

Amberxiu opened the envelope with his skull-like fingers. The vermilion paint was broken into pieces, making a crisp sound, and the magic seal on the envelope was broken together with it.

Unfolding the parchment paper inside, the blue will-o'-the-wisp in Amber Xiu's eyes jumped a few times.

"Dear Master Amber Xiu, after reviewing the paper "Research on the Transformation of Undead Creatures into Non-Humanoid Forms" that you submitted, the editor of our "Legendary Curse" publishing house decided that the paper is not suitable for publication in "Legendary Curse". "Published in the monthly magazine, it is recommended to choose a magic academic journal with lower review requirements for submission."

Amberxiu's fingertips burst out with a blue flame, burning the rejection letter into ashes, and then said unwillingly: "My paper has detailed data and novel ideas, how can it not meet the standards! Isn't it? Discriminate against lichs and undead magic?!"

"Legendary Spells" is the world's highest level magic monthly jointly organized by the nine kingdoms and thirteen legendary mages. Spellcasters of any race and nationality can publish their own magic theories in it.

Since its inception, "Legendary Spells" has made significant contributions to the development of magic in the world. More than twenty basic theories of legendary magic have appeared in this monthly magazine.

All spellcasters are proud to have their papers published in "Legendary Curse". Even the court mages of the nine kingdoms have to use the number of published papers as a criterion. If they have less than three papers, they will not even be eligible for interviews.

As a well-known scholar who has successfully submitted many manuscripts, Amberxiu has had his manuscripts rejected three times in a row in the past two years.

Amberxiu thought the reason was simple. He had just been reincarnated into a lich not long ago. The new editor-in-chief of "Legendary Curse" is a staunch light priest who is extremely discriminatory against undead creatures.

"There are so many ways to live forever, so what's wrong with reincarnating a lich?"

Amberxiu waved his hand dissatisfiedly and swept the ashes on the table to the ground. A strange-looking skeleton crawled over and quickly swept away the ashes.

The shape of this skeleton is quite curious. Only the upper body is in the shape of normal human bones, and the lower body is made of eight spider-like bone legs. It crawls very fast, but the arms seem to be fixed and the joints can only make limited movements. It looks stiff, but clean The movements are extremely precise and swift.

It has a low body and can climb walls and get under tables. It is obvious that this is a "special" skeleton specially designed for cleaning.

This is Amber Xiu's "transformation of undead creatures into non-humanoid forms". Professional alien skeletons are always more useful than clumsy humanoids that are toddlers.

However, this kind of transformation is not cheap. The cost of the preliminary experiments alone emptied his wallet. Now Amber Xiu regrets reincarnating as a lich.

However, the Youth Potion is too expensive. Recently, Silvermoon High Court has banned the export of two of its main ingredients. The price of the Youth Potion is even more outrageous.

Legendary magicians don’t have enough money to spare, and the legendary favor that Amberxiu received when he was promoted to legend is the “mimetic soul.” He can create something similar to a soul through some simple materials. It looks similar, but there is not much difference in use. .

With this talent, it would be a pity not to become a lich.

Therefore, when the price of the youth potion increased to 500,000 gold coins a bottle, Amberxiu decisively chose to reincarnate into the lich.

Damn the Silver Moon High Garden of the Elf Goddess. This group of elves are relying on their longevity to play lifespan monopoly. Amber Xiu swore that when he got rich, he would short the youth potion and make these bean sprouts bankrupt.

But now the problem comes back to the matter of rejected manuscripts. As an otaku legend who doesn’t go out much, most of An Boxiu’s income comes from the royalties of "Legendary Curse". After his manuscripts were rejected continuously, he began to be short of money. .

Although the lich does not need to eat or drink, experimenting with undead magic costs money, maintaining this castle costs money, and even the maintenance of the phylactery costs money!

Amber Xiu needs to find a way to get some money, otherwise he will be so poor that he will have no money to replace the mage's robe with holes in it.

"How to make money?"

Amberxiu couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Ordinary magicians could find nobles as magic consultants and receive a hefty salary. But when you reach the legendary level, you need to apply for a job at the royal court. Most nobles cannot afford a legendary mage, and the same goes for legendary lichs.

But there are only two people in the Nine Kingdoms who are willing to accept lichs, and they are far away from Amber Xiu. As a new lich and a senior legendary mage, Amber Xiu fully understands that the gap between legends is sometimes wider than the gap between mortals and legends.

His attainments in undead magic are really average, so he may not be successful in applying for the job. If he fails, the cost of opening the mainland portal will be lost. Damn Silvermoon Highgarden! The cost of the portal in mainland China was inflated by these bean sprout elves!

Moreover, if you are far away from your hometown, you will not only have to face the problem of losing travel expenses, but you may even have to pay for it if you are not careful. No matter how legendary the water is, it is also a legend. No one will refuse to enslave a legendary lich.

Amberxiu also thought about whether he could sell his "artificial soul" for money, but his colleagues all said that a human slave only costs dozens of copper coins, and it is a real soul. Why should he pay three times the price to buy this from you? Fake?

These words left Amber Xiu speechless, and he felt more and more that the legendary favor of his "forged soul" was a useless skill.

"I need to ask about how lichs make money."

Amberxiu waved his finger, and a thick magic book flew out from next to the desk. The cover is inlaid with a delicate skull relief. This is the Code of the Undead sent by the Dead Poets Society after Amber Xiu reincarnated as a lich. It records many basic knowledge of lichs, including the most important "One Hundred Ways of Reincarnating as a Lich." Taboo".

Reminders such as not to habitually open the curtains immediately after waking up, not to habitually use daylight magic as a candle, and not to keep a dog are indeed of great help to Amber Xiu.

But Ambrose was not looking up this common sense now. He turned the page to the end, condensed magical energy on his fingertips and wrote this sentence: "Friends, may the fire of your souls burn forever. I have been a little lacking recently. I have money, please tell me how the lich makes money?"

The magic words are condensed and not scattered, swaying on the page like light waves.

After a while, a new line of text appeared.

[Apoptotic Rose: Isn’t the royalties very high? You should save money after reincarnating into a lich, and the undead experiment is the cheapest. 】

The person signed by Apoptotic Rose is a senior lich and the backbone of the Mourning Poets Society.

The Dead Poets Society is very mysterious. Every newly reincarnated lich will receive the Code of the Undead from the mysterious president. Amber Xiu still doesn’t know who the president is, and at that time he didn’t realize who was sending the undead to him. The codex was placed next to his body.

The process of the reincarnation ceremony is when the Lich is most vulnerable. If the president had even the slightest evil intention towards him, Amber Xiu would have become his puppet.

There are not many members in the Dead Poets Society, and they usually rely on this Code of the Dead to communicate, and everyone calls each other by code names.

Amber Xiu's nickname in the Mourning Poets Society is Ultraman Tiga.

[Ultraman Tiga: "Forget it, the new editor-in-chief of "Legendary Curse" has rejected my manuscript three times. This racist bastard has pushed me to the edge of bankruptcy. Ms. Rose, how do you usually make money? Introduction Let’s find a way.]

[Apoptotic Rose: Oh, I heard that their new editor-in-chief is a priest of light. Now they are openly discriminating against the undead. What an excessive human being. I usually dig some benefits from the drow in the Underdark. They are the best gold mines, whether it is the spiders they raise, their collections, or their corpses. 】

Amberxiu replied helplessly: "Ms. Rose, although the kingdom I live in is a mixed race and there are fights sometimes, the Alchemist Council will not allow me to capture other races on a large scale to use as experimental materials."

The Apoptotic Rose has yet to give out new suggestions, but another member of the Dead Poets Society appears on the page.

[The Crown of the Headless Horseman: Brother Diga, I am in urgent need of a bottle of living mercury solution. If you can help me get a bottle from the Alchemy City, I can charge it at a high price. 】

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