This lich needs more money

Chapter 105 The Holy Killing of Evil

Amber Xiu swaggered into the skinned family's territory after using the advanced invisibility technique.

Although this family has a long history, they are not yet capable of cracking advanced invisibility spells.

In this way, Amberxiu passed through the layers of guards and came directly to the mine as if he were in a deserted place.

Blast furnaces emitted black smoke, and the ore was selected and then melted and cast into various metal ingots on the spot.

The mine of the Peipi family is a very special composite mineral vein. In addition to iron and copper ores mixed together, there are also many miscellaneous other metals. It seems that someone has forcibly blended several mineral veins together. No matter how you look at it, It doesn't look like it's naturally formed.

This kind of vein is very troublesome to mine. Different metals are smelted in different ways, and they have to be selected first, and then cast and separated in furnaces with different temperatures.

The more metals you mix, the more troublesome it is to separate them.

Amberxiu grabbed a piece of mixed ore and said to himself: "No wonder the peeler has to work hard to build an alchemy laboratory. You can't make any money from this mine alone, and you may even lose money."

But it doesn't matter to mercury zombies, no matter how many kinds of metals are mixed in, they can still be swallowed.

Amberxiu released the two mercury zombies together. The little guys who had just split were in a state of hunger.

Amberxiu didn't need to remind him, he immediately pounced on the ore piled up in the hills and started eating.

The ability of the mercury zombies to devour metal is extremely strong. It is like pouring water on salt grains, and the ore hills are visibly dented.

Such movement naturally quickly attracted the attention of the mine workers. They had never seen such creatures as mercury zombies. After all the iron picks and shovels in their hands were swallowed, they decisively called the guards.

However, it was useless when the guards came. The spears in their hands were instantly devoured when they poked them into the mercury figurines, leaving only the wooden handles.

The two little guys were so hungry that they didn't bother to fight back. They just spread their bodies and ate without any resistance at all.

This reaction of lying down gave the guards a wrong feeling. They thought that the two pools of mercury would not resist.

The metal was useless, so they cleverly tried to use wood to remove the mercury to prevent it from continuing to corrode the ore.

More than a dozen wooden sticks were used to poke the mercury figurines into the bucket.

This made the mercury zombies angry. A bunch of sharp blades grew out of their weak bodies, and they slashed at the guards.

On the spot, there were five guards with missing heads and many with broken legs and hands.

The fight begins and ends quickly.

Ordinary people have no way to deal with mercury zombies. Even well-trained soldiers are just here to die.

Blood and life were seen, and the incident quickly escalated. The person in charge of the mine arrived immediately, and he seemed to be an alchemist.

This man did have some knowledge, and he immediately recognized the two balls of metal-eating mercury.

"Living mercury?! How is that possible?"

As we all know, living mercury solution is a failed product of the Alchemy City, and this is the first time this alchemist has seen it move.

At this moment, he had a crazy idea. If he could catch these two living mercury and study them carefully, he would be the next legend.

So he immediately ordered the soldiers not to act rashly, and then took out a bunch of bottles and cans and prepared them on the spot.

Amber Xiu took a few glances and guessed what the alchemist was thinking.

What he prepared was a special sleep potion that was effective on most living things.

It was a good idea, but he underestimated the wisdom of the quicksilver zombies.

The alchemist had just prepared the sleep potion. Before he could throw it at the mercury figurine, a piece of ore suddenly flew over and smashed the bottle in his hand.

A faint white smoke dispersed, and with a plop, the alchemist fell asleep, even though his forehead was broken, there was no reaction.

This stone was thrown by one of the mercury zombies. After the sneak attack was successful, the two little guys made strange noises. Only Amber Xiu could tell that they were laughing.

Ambrose was surprised. This performance was much smarter than before.

In fact, many details can be seen in the simple act of throwing stones.

When he first arranged to deal with the paladin, the little guy would simply imitate the opponent's movements, but was completely suppressed by Allen's sword skills. It wasn't until Amber Xiu reminded him that the Mercury Zombie remembered that he didn't need to maintain his human form and defeated Allen.

But this time Amber Xiu didn't warn him at all. The little guy knew that the things in the alchemist's hands were dangerous, and chose to take the initiative, and the response method was very targeted. This little guy already knows that the glass bottle can be smashed and knows how to use the potion inside to deal with the alchemist.

This growth in IQ makes Amberxiu very satisfied.

As the alchemist fell asleep, the soldiers carried him away in a panic, and then nervously surrounded the two mercury zombies. But facing this kind of monster, they didn't know what to do for a while.

Until someone loudly suggested: "Set fire and burn these two monsters to death!"

"The response was pretty quick."

Amberxiu praised in his heart, and then released all the elemental undead in a corner where no one could see. There are five elemental undead puppets with glass shards and sand as their bodies respectively.

"Go, little guys, let me see your fighting power."

These elemental undead have been born for several days, and their IQs have obviously become much higher.

The fine sand spreads out and moves forward little by little on the ground. You can't see it clearly if you don't look carefully.

These sand undead have understood their own physical characteristics and are able to analyze the external environment at the same time, so that they can act in a manner that is close to stealth.

The glass undead on the other side knew very well that they would become conspicuous under the sun, so they had no intention of moving slowly. Instead, they directly formed a group and rolled towards the target.

The sound of broken glass balls rolling across the ground attracted the attention of several soldiers, but before they could figure out what it was, five glass balls had already rolled in front of them.

As soon as they got closer, the glass shards scattered, wrapped around their calves, and began to spin wildly.

These soldiers were not qualified to wear full-body heavy armor. They only had simple boots and cotton pants on their legs. The sharp glass fragments quickly tore the cotton pants open, and then cut large wounds on their calves.

The screams sounded, seemingly causing a lot of damage, but Amberxiu was a little dissatisfied.

These elemental undead don't know what a vital point is yet, so they just choose the closest part to attack. In fact, they are just skin wounds.

But don't rush, hunting is the best learning opportunity, let these little guys practice slowly.

Amber Xiu was dissatisfied with the fighting power of these elemental undead, but the soldiers of the Skinned Duke did not think so. A large ball of broken glass was cutting your calf like a slug, and the bloody appearance was so scary.

However, the wounds were not fatal, causing these injured soldiers to scream wildly and spread fear to others.

On the other side, the mercury zombies who were devouring the ore found that their younger brother was fighting, so they temporarily stopped eating and came over with their silver-white sword blades, killing these soldiers until their blood flowed like rivers.

Not every soldier has been brainwashed by bloody spells. Most of them failed to completely overcome their fear. They encountered such incomprehensible monsters one after another. They didn't even have the courage to resist and began to flee.

The chaotic footsteps caused the fine sand on the ground to fly. When almost all the people were gone, the few sand undead foolishly gathered into a group and lurked for a long time in solitude.

Amber Xiu just watched from the sidelines and didn't give these little guys any hints. There were some things they needed to understand on their own.

After killing the remaining soldiers, the mercury zombies began to devour the ores again.

After being divided into two, their appetites also doubled. Mountains of ore were eaten away, leaving only a pile of slag. However, these two mercury zombies still had no intention of being full. Recovery from the weakened state of division.

Amber Xiu felt a toothache after seeing it. He originally wanted to produce mercury figurines on a large scale, but now it seems that they can only be used as a small number of elite soldiers, otherwise they really can't afford them.

After almost eating up all the ore placed in the open air, Amberxiu was ready to move to the underground veins to continue stocking.

But at this time, there was the sound of intensive running in the distance, and large amounts of smoke and dust were raised.

Amberxiu took a look, and a familiar army appeared.

It looks like a crazy slave running on all fours, a female knight riding a war horse and wearing heavy armor of thorns.

Amber Xiu was confused. The last time he used the power of the Golden Throne, a thunder wave blew everyone away and all the life breath disappeared. What happened to this female knight?

Did the female knight survive last time, or is there another female knight in this territory?

If it's the former, then this female knight should be blessed by Lavita, the goddess of pain.

"The Blesser of the Goddess of Pain... is a good opponent."

Amberxiu was thoughtful, and the bloody legion had already rushed into the mine.

Those bloody slaves who were controlled by spells and fearless of death have begun to look for targets, but they have never seen these strange creatures brought by Amber Xiu. Even if they can see two balls of mercury squirming on the ore, they are not sure whether they are enemies. .

Until the mercury zombies changed form under Amber Xiu's order, and two silvery-white vague human figures rushed towards the army.

Although they have never seen such a strange enemy, this bloody legion still did not flinch at all and also charged towards the two mercury humanoids.

The bloody wave easily submerged the two silver-white human figures, as if the blood completely dyed the two silver-white groups red.

However, after the first round of impact, the two silver-white masses reappeared, killing seven in and seven out in the sea of ​​blood.

In the final analysis, these slaves controlled by spells are not very powerful. Only one of them is not afraid of death, and his injuries can be recovered by devouring flesh and blood.

But this time, they encountered two balls of mercury.

The mercury zombies created by Amber Xiu don't know what it means to be afraid. These bloody slaves are just crazy mortals after all. No matter how crazy they are, what harm can they do to two balls of mercury with ordinary weapons and bites?

So after the first round of impact, the two mercury zombies started killing each other.

Bloody slaves are not afraid of pain, right? Cut off the head and pierce the heart. If you are not afraid of pain, you will not survive.

The long and short sharp blades condensed, and the two mercury zombies became a meat grinder, killing as many mortals as they came.

This bloody legion seemed to have an absolute advantage in numbers, but after leaving behind twenty or thirty corpses, the commander also realized that something was wrong. If it continued like this, it would just be a pointless consumption.

"Trash, get out of the way!"

The female knight drew out a long whip covered with spikes and swung it left and right among the slaves, drawing out large splashes of blood.

The slaves who were not afraid of pain let out bursts of screams under the whipping of the spiked whip. The power attached to it made them miserable, as if all the pain they had suffered before burst out at the same time.

After causing all this pain, the female knight's body was covered in thick blood, and the long whip in her hand was so red that her original appearance could not be clearly seen.

I saw the female knight riding her horse through the crowd and rushing to one of the mercury figurines. The blood-colored whip suddenly straightened and turned into a four-meter-long bloody sword, slashing towards the mercury figurine.

Pain·Holy Killing!

With the help of the power of the Goddess of Pain, Lovita, he slashed out with one sword, like thousands of sharp blades approaching.

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