This lich needs more money

Chapter 104 He will bring pain to the world

Among the three territories with mineral veins that Amberxiu studied before, one of them was the Skinned Duke who believed in Lovita, the goddess of pain.

The Skinned Duke, this title is considered unparalleled among the nearby lords.

This Duke did not claim to be himself, he was indeed an ancient family that had been passed down for hundreds of years, but they had lived in a small principality before. This country has a small population, but the entire country worships the Goddess of Pain.

This is a goddess full of ambition and aggression, which shows what kind of atmosphere this country will be like.

Later, the country was destroyed by Ryan.

The Skinned Duke came to the Alchemy City with their property and a few family members, bought a territory, and still called himself the Duke.

The City of Alchemy has no objection to this, because they believe in knowledge above all else, and the title of nobility is not as important to them as the signature of a paper, and the nobility does not have many privileges.

In the city of alchemy, you will only see nobles bowing and kneeling to scholars. What are the etiquette and rules between nobles? It doesn't matter, you can play it by yourself, anyway, the laws of Alchemy City will not involve these.

So the Skinned Duke sounds nice, but in fact it only works in your own territory.

However, this generation of Skinned Dukes can be regarded as hardworking and courageous. They worked hard to adapt to the atmosphere of the Alchemy City and established a fairly complete alchemy industry within the family. The Peeling Family produces the kind of alchemical potions that pursue extreme pain and extreme pleasure. The sales volume is not very good, but there is still a market among certain special groups of people.

It’s just that the Alchemy City was gone, and it suddenly entered a state of war.

The day the Skinned Duke knew that the Alchemy City had disappeared, he knelt in front of the statue of Lauvita and whipped himself hundreds of times, as if he had skinned himself. He knelt down bloody in front of the statue and prayed.

This painful torture allowed him to see Lovita's smile. The injuries on her body recovered quickly, and she looked several years younger.

The Skinned Duke understood that this was a sign from the gods, telling him that the time had come for the Skinned family to rise.

Therefore, the Skinners were different from other big lords in that they took the initiative from the beginning.

The bloody slave army, led by the daughter of the Skinned Duke, soon achieved brilliant results. The year-round state of peace means that the territories outside the Alchemy City have no sense of crisis.

After all, in such a big alchemy city, the demon puppets inside are enough to sweep through everything.

Why do you raise so many soldiers? How much money?

Small bandits can be solved by hiring a few adventurers. For large crises, such as the previous Warcraft War, the Alchemy City will naturally take action to settle everything.

No one expected that one day, suddenly, this powerful kingdom would collapse. All the lords, big and small, were at a loss. Only when they calmed down did they start thinking about how to protect themselves.

At this time, the Skinners came with their bloody slave army.

Slaves controlled by divine magic are extremely powerful and fearless of death. The more serious the injury, the crazier they become.

Wherever these bloody beasts go, no one can resist them.

The pain caused by these beasts also became a sacrifice to Lauvita, and then the pain-chasing god gave the Skinner family more gifts, and even allowed a paladin to appear in their family.

This may be a bit inaccurate, but the Paladin is not the exclusive domain of the Lord of the Morning.

The so-called evil people also have their saviors, and devout believers who believe in evil are also another kind of saints in the eyes of their peers.

Theoretically, any god can bless believers and create their own paladin. Even someone who does not believe in any god and just firmly follows a certain oath can become a paladin.

But under normal circumstances, the followers of gods from this evil camp have a special name - evil warriors, also known as unclean paladin.

The title is not important, but the evil warrior is as powerful as the holy warrior, and can also use "Holy Slash", but the effect of this "Holy Slash" will be different depending on the god he believes in.

Bella Trix, the daughter of the Skinned Duke, was lucky enough to become an evil warrior.

It seemed more like destiny, like the Skinners were destined to rise.

But this feeling of smooth sailing did not last long. In just a few days, the Peipei family suffered heavy losses.

The Duke's daughter, who went out to plunder with a bloody slave army, suddenly returned home with wounds all over her body. She fell into a coma before she could say a word.

The evil warrior who had just been blessed was seriously injured. If she had not been sent to the statue in time and sacrificed with a large number of slaves, she might not have survived.

After recovering, Bella Trix also told the Skinned Archduke what she had experienced, making this bloody and cruel lord feel terrified.

His daughter was promoted to an evil warrior and brought hundreds of bloody slave legions with her, but in the end she couldn't even catch a single spell from the other party.

If this lich comes to their door, they won't be able to stop it.

After being worried for a long time, the Skinned Duke could only continue to slap himself, hoping to get enlightenment from the gods. Sometimes, I have to say that the god Lovita is very easy to talk to. You don’t need anything precious to sacrifice to her. As long as you can endure the pain and torture yourself severely, you can naturally obtain her gift.

It doesn't matter if you are injured, pain is the source of strength. As long as you can't die, you will torture yourself to death.

Unlike a majestic and upright god like the Lord of the Dawn, you must not only follow his teachings, do good, uphold justice, and sacrifice yourself for others, but you must also give up many selfish desires, and you must continue to learn and improve from literature and art, etc., only in this way can you be successful. Possibly becoming a paladin.

In comparison, belief in the goddess Lovita is extremely cost-effective.

After the Skinned Duke whipped himself and broke his limbs, he really got Lovita's metaphor again.

But this oracle made the Skinned Duke dumbfounded. He couldn't even believe his ears and eyes.

For this goddess means: "Follow him, he will bring pain to the world."

The Skinned Duke was afraid that he had heard wrongly, so he quickly brought his recovered daughter Bella to the statue, hoping that the evil warrior favored by the gods would help him confirm it.

The end result is still the same, the goddess's metaphor is that following this lich can bring more pain to the world.

Of course, this is not a mandatory oracle, but more of a prophecy.

God has already told you what the future will be like, believe it or not. If the Skinned Duke does not believe in evil and insists on fighting this lich, Lovita will be happy to see it happen. No matter it is her own believer or others, no one in this world will suffer.

The skinned Duke, covered in blood, stood in front of the statue and said to his daughter: "Bella, what do you think?"

Bella Trix had taken off her thorn heavy armor at this time and was only wearing a pure white dress. She was supposed to be a beautiful noble lady, but her exposed skin was covered with dense scars, so that Her true appearance is completely unclear.

Bella Trix also frowned deeply when she heard her father's inquiry.

She had just vowed to make the lich repay the pain a hundred times, but she hadn't even started to take revenge yet, and she was about to surrender to him?

This is the tangle that only happens to believers in the evil camp. If they were the paladins of the Lion Empire, when they heard the Lord of the Dawn telling them to surrender to a lich, they started packing their luggage and preparing to move that day.

Bella Trix considered herself a devout believer, otherwise she would not have turned herself into such a ghostly state.

But believing in the true meaning of pain does not mean that she does not have greater ambitions. The goddess's oracle does not seem to be so clear. Is there still room for choice?

"Father, we may not need to make a decision now. Since the goddess said that he will bring pain to the world, then we will wait for a while. Now is the period of melee, and he may not come to us right away. We will not seek revenge for the time being. , expand our territory according to the original plan. When he really knocks on the door and we can't resist, it will be too late to surrender to him. "

Bella Trix's suggestion was not simply a show-off. The goddess's metaphor was vague, saying that the lich could bring pain to the world, but who knew what the pain was. What if the lich inflicted pain by sacrificing himself?

The Skinned Duke also felt that this approach was safer. At worst, he would have to wait until the lich came knocking on his door before surrendering. There was no rule against surrendering in Lovita's teachings. On the contrary, Lovita strongly agrees with bullying, and surrendering to the strong and becoming a stepping stone for the strong is a very doctrinal behavior.

"Okay, let's stick to the previous plan for the time being. How is your recovery going?" The Skinned Duke asked his daughter.

Bella Trix clenched her fists and said, "It's almost done. I can go out again."

Lavita's blessing gave Bella Trix a very powerful recovery ability. Coupled with the effects of alchemical potions and healing spells, her injuries have been healed and she can exert her power as an evil warrior again at any time.

The Skinned Duke quickly said: "Okay, then don't delay. Every day now, the territory of this land will undergo drastic changes. We must expand as soon as possible and capture more slaves."

The Skinners have the power to control people's hearts and can transform people into crazy bloody slaves in a short time, so snowballing is the most correct way. Continuously plundering and conquering is the most efficient way for them.

Bella Trix nodded and was about to put on the thorn armor when she saw a servant hurried over to report.

"Your Excellency, the mining area has been invaded, and the soldiers responsible for guarding the mine have been defeated."

Bella Trix showed a ferocious smile and said in a cruel tone: "Great, I just need someone to vent my anger. No matter who it is, I will peel off his skin and offer it to the goddess of pain. .”

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